Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Did you have regular contact with both a mother and father in life & think it was important?

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a democrat) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a republican) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a republican) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (Other) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (Other) Yes. But not it was not important to me

  • (Other) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (Other) No. And no, it didn't bother me

Results are only viewable after voting.
Post 1,000 and we still have 90% of people thinking it's important they have both a mother and father. Too bad that never happens in gay marraige...
Really? Funny my friends that are lesbians have three children and have regular contact with their father, on a daily basis.
Post 1,000 and we still have 90% of people thinking it's important they have both a mother and father. Too bad that never happens in gay marraige...

Post 1000 and Silhouette is still lying.

Silhouette- do you support incestuous marriage?

Its okay- you can lie about that too....
Post 1,000 and we still have 90% of people thinking it's important they have both a mother and father. Too bad that never happens in gay marraige...

Post 1000 and Silhouette is still lying.

Silhouette- do you support incestuous marriage?

Its okay- you can lie about that too....
You have asked and I have answered that question. No I don't. But what relevance does what I support (or the majority supports) or doesn't when "marriage equality" is now the law of the land for ALL sexual orientations, not just your pet favorite?

Do you support polygamy marriage? And, more importantly, do you believe that it is legal right now, today? Why or why not? Please cite the 14th Amendment in your answer...
Post 1,000 and we still have 90% of people thinking it's important they have both a mother and father. Too bad that never happens in gay marraige...

Post 1001....and you're still trying to misrepresent a strawpoll that doesn't even mention marriage as being against same sex marriage.

You can't even help yourself at this point....can you?
Post 1,000 and we still have 90% of people thinking it's important they have both a mother and father. Too bad that never happens in gay marraige...

Post 1000 and Silhouette is still lying.

Silhouette- do you support incestuous marriage?

Its okay- you can lie about that too....
You have asked and I have answered that question. No I don't. But what relevance does what I support (or the majority supports) or doesn't when "marriage equality" is now the law of the land for ALL sexual orientations, not just your pet favorite?

polygamy isn't a 'sexual orientation'. incest isn't a 'sexual orientation'.

Try again.
polygamy isn't a 'sexual orientation'. incest isn't a 'sexual orientation'.

Try again.

The desire to have sex in a specific way with specific people is in fact a sexual orientation. Polygamists could no more restrain themselves from the desire for multiple partners and incest could no more restrain itself from sleeping with family members (remember their slogan "Incest is best") than a homosexual could from having sex with the same gender. They are all sexual habituations or "orientations" defined..

...So no dodge of the question allowed. Do you support polygamy marriage? And more importantly do you believe it is legal right now? If not, please cite the 14th Amendment to tell me why not..
polygamy isn't a 'sexual orientation'. incest isn't a 'sexual orientation'.

Try again.

The desire to have sex in a specific way with specific people is in fact a sexual orientation. Polygamists could no more restrain themselves from the desire for multiple partners and incest could no more restrain itself from sleeping with family members (remember their slogan "Incest is best") than a homosexual could from having sex with the same gender. They are all sexual habituations or "orientations" defined..

...So no dodge of the question allowed. Do you support polygamy marriage? And more importantly do you believe it is legal right now? If not, please cite the 14th Amendment to tell me why not..

And who says that incest is a sexual orientation? Or that polygamy is? There's you citing yourself.....and....who?

Worse for your pseudo-legal gibberish....show us where the basis of the right to marry in the Obergefell decision was sexual orientation.

You can't. There's nothing in Obergefell that mandates that same sex couples be gay. Or opposite sex couples be straight. Obergefell merely forbids the States from refusing to issue marriage certificates based on the genders of the couple that want to marry.

Good luck telling us polygamy is a gender.
And who says that incest is a sexual orientation?

How is it not?

What makes homosexuality different from incest, such that one is a “sexual orientation”, and the other is not?

The meaning of the word:

Sexual orientation:

n. a person's sexual identity in relation to the gender to which they are attracted; the fact of being heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.


And of course, the Obergefell ruling doesn't recognize the right to marry is based on the sexual orientation of those involved. Merely that States can't refuse to issue a marriage license to a couple because of their genders.

So Sil's entire line of argument is moot.
Post 1,000 and we still have 90% of people thinking it's important they have both a mother and father. Too bad that never happens in gay marraige...

Post 1000 and Silhouette is still lying.

Silhouette- do you support incestuous marriage?

Its okay- you can lie about that too....
You have asked and I have answered that question. No I don't. ..

I asked the question for a purpose.

You have said that marriage is a contract between a man and a woman and their children- why wouldn't an incestuous meet your invented 'marriage contract'?

An incestuous couple does not 'violate' any of the objections you have made to two persons of the same gender marrying.

Why do you object to incestuous marriage?
Post 1,000 and we still have 90% of people thinking it's important they have both a mother and father. Too bad that never happens in gay marraige...

Post 1000 and Silhouette is still lying.

Silhouette- do you support incestuous marriage?

Its okay- you can lie about that too....

Do you support polygamy marriage? And, more importantly, do you believe that it is legal right now, today? Why or why not? Please cite the 14th Amendment in your answer...

I don't either support- or object to polygamous marriage.

Polygamous marriage is illegal because it is against the law.
And who says that incest is a sexual orientation?

What makes homosexuality different from incest, such that one is a “sexual orientation”, and the other is not?

Homosexuality is an attraction to someone of the same gender.
Incest is sex between two closely related family members.

Among the differences the first is an inclination- the second is an actual act- that is illegal.
And who says that incest is a sexual orientation?

What makes homosexuality different from incest, such that one is a “sexual orientation”, and the other is not?

Homosexuality is an attraction to someone of the same gender.
Incest is sex between two closely related family members.

Among the differences the first is an inclination- the second is an actual act- that is illegal.

Incest is the attraction to blood relatives. Polygamy is the attraction to multiple partners.

Nice try Syriusly to make your sexual orientation/fetish "more important legally" than others...

And who says that incest is a sexual orientation?

What makes homosexuality different from incest, such that one is a “sexual orientation”, and the other is not?

Homosexuality is an attraction to someone of the same gender.
Incest is sex between two closely related family members.

Among the differences the first is an inclination- the second is an actual act- that is illegal.

Incest is the attraction to blood relatives. Polygamy is the attraction to multiple partners.

Nice try Syriusly to make your sexual orientation/fetish "more important legally" than others...


The basis of the Obergefell ruling wasn't sexual orientation. It was gender. Making your imaginary distinctions between incest and polygamy irrelevant.

There's a reason why your pseudo-legal gibberish never has a thing to do with any legal outcome: you simply don't know what you're talking about.
And who says that incest is a sexual orientation?

What makes homosexuality different from incest, such that one is a “sexual orientation”, and the other is not?

Homosexuality is an attraction to someone of the same gender.
Incest is sex between two closely related family members.

Among the differences the first is an inclination- the second is an actual act- that is illegal.

Incest is the attraction to blood relatives. Polygamy is the attraction to multiple partners.

Incest is sex between blood relatives
Polygamy is marriage with multiple partners.
Both are acts

Homosexuality and heterosexuality are sexual orientations- not actions.

That you cannot tell the difference between a man having sex with his daughter- and 21 year old man being attracted to other men- is both disgusting- and not surprising.
Incest is sex between blood relatives
Polygamy is marriage with multiple partners.
Both are acts

Homosexuality and heterosexuality are sexual orientations- not actions.

That you cannot tell the difference between a man having sex with his daughter- and 21 year old man being attracted to other men- is both disgusting- and not surprising.

You're being willfully dishonest, creating a distinction that doesn't exist.

All of these are deviant desires, on which one may be tempted to act.

A man may be sexually-attracted to his daughter.

A man may be sexually-attracted to another man.

Either man may or may not act on these attractions.

There is no meaningful difference between a man who has one deviant sexual attraction, and a man who has another, if both do not act on them.

There is no meaningful difference between a man who acts on one deviant sexual attraction, and a man who acts on another.

Ultimately, both are just variations on the same thing.
Incest is sex between blood relatives
Polygamy is marriage with multiple partners.
Both are acts

Homosexuality and heterosexuality are sexual orientations- not actions.

That you cannot tell the difference between a man having sex with his daughter- and 21 year old man being attracted to other men- is both disgusting- and not surprising.

You're being willfully dishonest, creating a distinction that doesn't exist.

All of these are deviant desires, on which one may be tempted to act.

A man may be sexually-attracted to his daughter.

A man may be sexually-attracted to another man.

Either man may or may not act on these attractions.

There is no meaningful difference between a man who has one deviant sexual attraction, and a man who has another, if both do not act on them.
Incest is sex between blood relatives
Polygamy is marriage with multiple partners.
Both are acts

Homosexuality and heterosexuality are sexual orientations- not actions.

That you cannot tell the difference between a man having sex with his daughter- and 21 year old man being attracted to other men- is both disgusting- and not surprising.

You're being willfully dishonest, creating a distinction that doesn't exist.
Incest is sex between blood relatives
Polygamy is marriage with multiple partners.
Both are acts

Homosexuality and heterosexuality are sexual orientations- not actions.

No- the one being willfully dishonest is of course you.

As I said-
Incest is sex between blood relatives
Polygamy is marriage with multiple partners.
Both are acts

Homosexuality and heterosexuality are sexual orientations- not actions.

Sexual attraction is different from sexual actions.
Incest is sex between blood relatives
Polygamy is marriage with multiple partners.
Both are acts

Homosexuality and heterosexuality are sexual orientations- not actions.

That you cannot tell the difference between a man having sex with his daughter- and 21 year old man being attracted to other men- is both disgusting- and not surprising.

Ultimately, both are just variations on the same thing.

Sex with a relative is illegal- and quite often abusive
Sex between two non-related adults is not illegal and usually not abusive.

All sex is in the broader sense variations on the same thing.

I personally think that sex between a 50 year old man and his 18 year old daughter to be considerably different than sex between a 50 year old man and an unrelated 18 year old man or woman.
Incest is sex between blood relatives
Polygamy is marriage with multiple partners.
Both are acts

Homosexuality and heterosexuality are sexual orientations- not actions.

No- the one being willfully dishonest is of course you.

As I said-
Incest is sex between blood relatives
Polygamy is marriage with multiple partners.
Both are acts

Homosexuality and heterosexuality are sexual orientations- not actions.

Sexual attraction is different from sexual actions.

The desire to engage in sexual behavior with someone of the same sex as yourself may be an “orientation”, but actually doing it is an action. Just like a father having sex with his daughter.

Again, you're being willfully dishonest, trying to argue that homosexuality is different than incest, by treating homosexuality as the desire, and incest as the action, in order to make an intentionally-invalid comparison.

A father who is sexually-attracted to his daughter, but doesn't act on it, is comparable to a man who is sexually-attracted to another man, and doesn't act on it.

A father who engages in sexual behavior with his daughter is comparable to a man who engages in sexual behavior with another man.

It is not valid to compare someone who has a desire to engage in deviant sexual behavior, but who does not act on that desire, with someone else who actually does engage in deviant sexual behavior.

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