POLL: Political Rhetoric and the Role of Government

Does the role, scope, cost and size of government exist along a continuum?

  • 1. Yes. Most economies are mixed and the question is where along the continuum they exist.

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • 2. No. A country is either capitalist or Socialist/Marxist/Communist, etc.

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the question.

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Lots of talk and controversy about communism and socialism nowadays. In an attempt to clarify definitions and positions, here is a very clear and simple question that will help us understand what others think about the role of government:

Does the role, scope, cost and size of government exist along a continuum?

Simple as that. Please vote and comment.

Lots of talk and controversy about communism and socialism nowadays. In an attempt to clarify definitions and positions, here is a very clear and simple question that will help us understand what others think about the role of government:

Does the role, scope, cost and size of government exist along a continuum?

Simple as that. Please vote and comment.

A better question would be to what extent should government be allowed to infringe on the private lives of it's citizens?

Those who believe that government should be empowered to redistribute wealth and determine social norms are often euphemistically called socialists or communists when in fact they should be called weak, immature and irresponsible.

Government shouldn't decide how to spend and shape our lives, people in each locality should maintain that power. Most politicians have never held a meaningful job and yet we somehow believe that they are gifted to guide our every endeavor.

There is a country that has passed power to the people of each locality. Do you know which one?

Nope, not simple at all.

As I've pointed out, most of the White People who've been brought up to a lather by Fox News and Hate Radio about "socialism" are just fine with socialism that benefits them.

We spend a total of 2.5 TRILLION a year on Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment insurance, Small business loans, veterans' benefits. Things that largely benefit middle class white people, and keep them from becoming poor white people. So as I lovingly call it WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE.

When you talk to a MAGA type, when they talk about "Socialism", they are upset about Medicaid, Food Stamps, Section 8. Things that benefit "poor people". Of course, these also benefit white people. Food Stamps help support agriculture in this country, while most section 8 payments eventually end up in the pockets of landlords who don't want to spend the money to make their properties attractive.
Nope, not simple at all.

As I've pointed out, most of the White People who've been brought up to a lather by Fox News and Hate Radio about "socialism" are just fine with socialism that benefits them.

We spend a total of 2.5 TRILLION a year on Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment insurance, Small business loans, veterans' benefits. Things that largely benefit middle class white people, and keep them from becoming poor white people. So as I lovingly call it WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE.

When you talk to a MAGA type, when they talk about "Socialism", they are upset about Medicaid, Food Stamps, Section 8. Things that benefit "poor people". Of course, these also benefit white people. Food Stamps help support agriculture in this country, while most section 8 payments eventually end up in the pockets of landlords who don't want to spend the money to make their properties attractive.
Dang, so all those "white people" didn't have to pay into Social Security, Medicare and unemployment?
Dang, so all those "white people" didn't have to pay into Social Security, Medicare and unemployment?

People of all races got Social Security and Medicare. If you really think about it, the lowest earners in the country are Democrats and they are the most likely to more quickly exceed their contributions to both programs in retirement. There are more white people in the country so it stands to reason there would be more white people on SS and Medicare, but there is absolutely no discrimination by race when it comes to these programs and it does not DISPROPORTIONALLY help one race over another.

JoeB is a quilt ridden, white guy who is void of logic.
Lots of talk and controversy about communism and socialism nowadays. In an attempt to clarify definitions and positions, here is a very clear and simple question that will help us understand what others think about the role of government:

Does the role, scope, cost and size of government exist along a continuum?

Simple as that. Please vote and comment.

"Former President Donald Trump has a vendetta against Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey and is trying to woo a Republican into opposing her run for re-election, all because the former president blames Ivey for the cancellation of one of his scheduled rallies in her state this summer."

Adding Authoritarianism to the OP is an example of Trumpism and Trumpism is a far right form of government which is NOT Socialism nor Communism; it is fascism.
Dang, so all those "white people" didn't have to pay into Social Security, Medicare and unemployment?

Not nearly as much as they will get out of it, no.

Let's take unemployment. You actually don't pay anything into unemployment, your employer does. But what he pays is 6.5% of the first 7K you make... or about 455 a year. You'll use that up being on unemployment for a week.

Same with Social Security... Sure, you pay into it and so does your employer, but if you retire at 65 you'll get back everything you paid in by age 72.

People of all races got Social Security and Medicare. If you really think about it, the lowest earners in the country are Democrats and they are the most likely to more quickly exceed their contributions to both programs in retirement. There are more white people in the country so it stands to reason there would be more white people on SS and Medicare, but there is absolutely no discrimination by race when it comes to these programs and it does not DISPROPORTIONALLY help one race over another.

There's disproportionately more white people on ALL forms of welfare, you kind of miss the point of the term White People Welfare. It's not welfare white people get, it's welfare white people approve of.

Of course, the poor dumb white trash in the trailer park who collects welfare while wearing his MAGA hat and flying his Confederate Flag doesn't get it... and never will.

Most conservatives wouldn't want to live in the world they want to make, but they are horrified by the thought of the other guy getting something.
Lots of talk and controversy about communism and socialism nowadays. In an attempt to clarify definitions and positions, here is a very clear and simple question that will help us understand what others think about the role of government:

Does the role, scope, cost and size of government exist along a continuum?

Simple as that. Please vote and comment.

70% of economic growth is due to consumer spending. The rest is due to business spending.

The Government creates nothing, it is purely a parasite that very poorly and inefficiently redistributes money after wasting a large percentage of the money it takes.

Government has a role, but what it does it generally does poorly. As long as you understand that it will answer your question. The more Government (i.e. Socialism) the more waste and the less economic growth. It is axiomatic.

Understand Mac & Cheese? :D
70% of economic growth is due to consumer spending. The rest is due to business spending.

The Government creates nothing, it is purely a parasite that very poorly and inefficiently redistributes money after wasting a large percentage of the money it takes.

Government has a role, but what it does it generally does poorly. As long as you understand that it will answer your question. The more Government (i.e. Socialism) the more waste and the less economic growth. It is axiomatic.

But that's the point, isn't it? The reason why this last recession was relatively mild is because government spent a lot of money keeping people from losing their houses and being able to keep food on the table. In short, it was socialism, and you guys were mostly fine with it... until Biden took over and then you want to yank those unemployment bennies because people aren't keen on rushing back to jobs that don't pay well enough and risk their lives doing them.
But that's the point, isn't it? The reason why this last recession was relatively mild is because government spent a lot of money keeping people from losing their houses and being able to keep food on the table. In short, it was socialism, and you guys were mostly fine with it... until Biden took over and then you want to yank those unemployment bennies because people aren't keen on rushing back to jobs that don't pay well enough and risk their lives doing them.

So you're saying Government attempted to fix a problem it created? :lol:
The reason so many were out of work and suffering was because Government put them out of work by stupidly and ineffectively locking down the economy. It didn't "flatten the curve.". It didn't make anything better. It just put millions out of work and permanently closed thousands of small businesses. The Governments brilliant solution was to spend trillions of dollars of our money to fix a problem they created.

Thanks for making my point. :thup:
And I didn't even mention Government's role in creating the whole Covid problem to begin with.
Not nearly as much as they will get out of it, no.

Let's take unemployment. You actually don't pay anything into unemployment, your employer does. But what he pays is 6.5% of the first 7K you make... or about 455 a year. You'll use that up being on unemployment for a week.

Same with Social Security... Sure, you pay into it and so does your employer, but if you retire at 65 you'll get back everything you paid in by age 72.

There's disproportionately more white people on ALL forms of welfare, you kind of miss the point of the term White People Welfare. It's not welfare white people get, it's welfare white people approve of.

Of course, the poor dumb white trash in the trailer park who collects welfare while wearing his MAGA hat and flying his Confederate Flag doesn't get it... and never will.

Most conservatives wouldn't want to live in the world they want to make, but they are horrified by the thought of the other guy getting something.
So it's not quite the 2.5 TRILLION "We" spend.
Lots of talk and controversy about communism and socialism nowadays. In an attempt to clarify definitions and positions, here is a very clear and simple question that will help us understand what others think about the role of government:

Does the role, scope, cost and size of government exist along a continuum?

Simple as that. Please vote and comment.

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45

Simple as that.

So you're saying Government attempted to fix a problem it created? :lol:
The reason so many were out of work and suffering was because Government put them out of work by stupidly and ineffectively locking down the economy. It didn't "flatten the curve.". It didn't make anything better. It just put millions out of work and permanently closed thousands of small businesses. The Governments brilliant solution was to spend trillions of dollars of our money to fix a problem they created.

Government didn't create the last recession... Well, I guess Trump's incompetent response. Republicans argue government is bad and then proceed to prove it by running the government incompetently.

If we hadn't gone into lockdown, we'd have had millions of dead instead of hundreds of thousands. That really would have broken the economy.

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