Poll: Rate the Worst Scandal

Which scandal involved the greatest Presidential culpability?

  • Watergate (Nixon)

    Votes: 9 16.4%
  • Iran-Contra (Reagan)

    Votes: 18 32.7%
  • Lewinski-Lying (Clinton)

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • Benghazi (Obama)

    Votes: 22 40.0%

  • Total voters
Reagan's Beirut blunder in 1983.

241 Americans needlessly killed, I think that was the number.

In what kind of screwed up world view is the Benghazi consulate assault which killed four American men a scandal while the Beirut bombing which resulted in the deaths of 241 Americans merely unavoidable casualties of war (or whatever it is that conservatives call it)?
Reagan's Beirut blunder in 1983.

241 Americans needlessly killed, I think that was the number.

And he pulled the rest out right away.

Republicans sent Americans off to Iraq for no reason we can make sense of. It seems they finally settled on "bringing freedom and democracy", but after voter suppression in this country just two weeks ago, we now know that was also a lie.
That he lied a grand jury because an adult woman sucked his dick? Really?

Grow up.

And the American people punished the GOP in the 1998 elections for the impeachment nonsense.

That he lied to a grand jury, a felony, obstructed justice, a felony, I know you commiecrats could care less about laws unless you can use them againt political enemies. The FACT that the President of the United States and an officer of the court can get away with 2 felonies shows we are a country of men and not laws. I don't give a rats ass what he lied about, the fact is he did. That's plenty of reason to put his slimey ass in jail.
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So far Benghazi isn't a scandal. At worst some mixed up and/or delayed information as told to the public.

The fact that so many wingnuts even consider it to be on a level with Watergate and Iran/Contra shows what a bunch of perverse partisan hacks they are.

The primary reason for most of the domestic and economic problems in this country is that we have to negotiate and compromise with these nut cases!
That he lied a grand jury because an adult woman sucked his dick? Really?

Grow up.

And the American people punished the GOP in the 1998 elections for the impeachment nonsense.

That he lied to a grand jury, a felony, obstructed justice, a felony, I know you commiecras could care less about laws unless you can use them againt political enemies. The FACT that the President of the United States and an officer of the court can get away with 2 felonies shows we are a country of men and not laws. I don't give a rats ass what he lied about, the fact is he did. That's plenty of reason to put his slimey ass in jail.

It wasn't a felony. It wasn't perjury.
Just for clarity, I have copied the Wikipedia summary of Iran-Contra:

The Iran–Contra affair (Persian: ایران-کنترا*, Spanish: caso Irán-contras), also referred to as Irangate, Contragate or the Iran-Contra scandal, was a political scandal in the United States that came to light in November 1986. During the Reagan administration, senior Reagan administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, the subject of an arms embargo.[1] Some U.S. officials also hoped that the arms sales would secure the release of hostages and allow U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress.

The scandal began as an operation to free seven American hostages being held by a group with Iranian ties connected to the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. It was planned that Israel would ship weapons to Iran, and then the U.S. would resupply Israel and receive the Israeli payment. The Iranian recipients promised to do everything in their power to achieve the release of the U.S. hostages. The plan deteriorated into an arms-for-hostages scheme, in which members of the executive branch sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of the American hostages.[2][3] Large modifications to the plan were devised by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North of the National Security Council in late 1985, in which a portion of the proceeds from the weapon sales was diverted to fund anti-Sandinista and anti-communist rebels, or Contras, in Nicaragua.[4][5]

Although (with hindsight)this effort was ill advised, it does not seem that it was undertaken for political purposes or personal gain. At most, it violated constitutional separation of powers by continuing to provide funding to the Nicaraguan Contras after they had been defunded by Congress. Did not a similar violation occur when Obama implemented a portion of the Dream Act without Congressional authorization?

Please explain why you think this is the greatest of all modern scandals.

We pretty much sold weapons to both sides of a war that cost half a million lives, inexcusable in any way.
The worst scandal was the United States power elites purposely getting ourselves involved in, and invading Indochina. Afterwards claiming we were provoked. We were the aggressors. It is a well known fact among the educated, we attacked, and slaughtered millions of innocents, and ruined hundreds of thousands of lives among our own people. None of our own elites were ever held to account.

The Papers revealed that the U.S. had deliberately expanded its war with bombing of Cambodia and Laos, coastal raids on North Vietnam, and Marine Corps attacks, none of which had been reported by media in the US.[11] The most damaging revelations in the papers revealed that four administrations, from Truman to Johnson, had misled the public regarding their intentions. For example, the John F. Kennedy administration had planned to overthrow South Vietnamese leader Ngo Dinh Diem before his death in a November 1963 coup. President Johnson had decided to expand the war while promising "we seek no wider war" during his 1964 presidential campaign,[5] including plans to bomb North Vietnam well before the 1964 Election. President Johnson had been outspoken against doing so during the election and claimed that his opponent Barry Goldwater was the one that wanted to bomb North Vietnam.[12]

In another example, a memo from the Defense Department under the Johnson Administration listed the reasons for American persistence:

70% - To avoid a humiliating U.S. defeat.
20% - To keep [South Vietnam] (and the adjacent) territory from Chinese hands.
10% - To permit the people [of South Vietnam] to enjoy a better, freer way of life.
ALSO - To emerge from the crisis without unacceptable taint from methods used.
NOT - To 'help a friend'[5][13]

Another controversy was that President Johnson sent combat troops to Vietnam by July 17, 1965, before pretending to consult his advisors on July 21–July 27, per the cable stating that "Deputy Secretary of Defense Cyrus Vance informs McNamara that President had approved 34 Battalion Plan and will try to push through reserve call-up."[14] In 1988, when that cable was declassified, it revealed "there was a continuing uncertainty as to [Johnson's] final decision, which would have to await Secretary McNamara's recommendation and the views of Congressional leaders, particularly the views of Senator [Richard] Russell."[15]

Nixon Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold later called the Papers an example of "massive overclassification" with "no trace of a threat to the national security". The Papers' publication had little or no effect on the ongoing war because they dealt with documents written years before publication.[5]

After the release of the Pentagon Papers, Goldwater said:

During the campaign, President Johnson kept reiterating that he would never send American boys to fight in Vietnam. As I say, he knew at the time that American boys were going to be sent. In fact, I knew about ten days before the Republican Convention. You see I was being called trigger-happy, warmonger, bomb happy, and all the time Johnson was saying, he would never send American boys, I knew damn well he would.[16]

Senator Birch Bayh, who thought the publishing of the Pentagon Papers was justified, said:

The existence of these documents, and the fact that they said one thing and the people were led to believe something else, is a reason we have a credibility gap today, the reason people don't believe the government. This is the same thing that's been going on over the last two-and-a-half years of this administration. There is a difference between what the President says and what the government actually does, and I have confidence that they are going to make the right decision, if they have all the facts.[16]


Why the Pentagon Papers matter now

While we go on waging unwinnable wars on false premises, the Pentagon papers tell us we must not wait 40 years for the truth

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Daniel Ellsberg
Daniel Ellsberg
guardian.co.uk, Monday 13 June 2011 12.02 EDT

In accounts of wars 40 years and half a world apart, we read of the same irresponsible, self-serving presidential and congressional objectives in prolonging and escalating an unwinnable conflict: namely, the need not to be charged with weakness by political rivals, or with losing a war that a few feckless or ambitious generals foolishly claim can be won. Putting the policy-making and the field realities together, we see the same prospect of endless, bloody stalemate – unless and until, under public pressure, Congress threatens to cut off the money (as in 1972-73), forcing the executive into a negotiated withdrawal.

To motivate voters and Congress to extricate us from these presidential wars, we need the Pentagon Papers of the Middle East wars right now. Not 40 years in the future. Not after even two or three more years of further commitment to stalemated and unjustifiable wars.
Otherwise, we haven't learned a goddamned thing . . . .
That he lied a grand jury because an adult woman sucked his dick? Really?

Grow up.

And the American people punished the GOP in the 1998 elections for the impeachment nonsense.

That he lied to a grand jury, a felony, obstructed justice, a felony, I know you commiecrats could care less about laws unless you can use them againt political enemies. The FACT that the President of the United States and an officer of the court can get away with 2 felonies shows we are a country of men and not laws. I don't give a rats ass what he lied about, the fact is he did. That's plenty of reason to put his slimey ass in jail.

what was he convicted of, genius?

and for the record, he didn't lie to a 'grand jury'. he lied during a deposition on a case which shouldn't have taken place til after he was out of office.

Which of the following scandals involved the greatest Presidential culpability?

Honestly, I don't think any of them were as big of a deal as they were made to be. Nixon would have finished his term had he not covered up the break in.

Obama is trying to cover up his not helping our men and spinning about it. Not much different.
Which of the following scandals involved the greatest Presidential culpability?

Honestly, I don't think any of them were as big of a deal as they were made to be. Nixon would have finished his term had he not covered up the break in.

I don't think so. The Nixon WH, under his direction, was running an ongoing criminal enterprise.
That he lied a grand jury because an adult woman sucked his dick? Really?

Grow up.

And the American people punished the GOP in the 1998 elections for the impeachment nonsense.

That he lied to a grand jury, a felony, obstructed justice, a felony, I know you commiecras could care less about laws unless you can use them againt political enemies. The FACT that the President of the United States and an officer of the court can get away with 2 felonies shows we are a country of men and not laws. I don't give a rats ass what he lied about, the fact is he did. That's plenty of reason to put his slimey ass in jail.

It wasn't a felony. It wasn't perjury.

Really! What do you call intentionally false testimony? He avoided jail only because of who he was.

Contempt of court citation

In April 1999, about two months after being acquitted by the Senate, Clinton was cited by Federal District Judge Susan Webber Wright for civil contempt of court for his "willful failure" to obey her repeated orders to testify truthfully in the Paula Jones sexual harassment lawsuit. For this citation, Clinton was assessed a $90,000 fine, and the matter was referred to the Arkansas Supreme Court to see if disciplinary action would be appropriate.[24]

Regarding Clinton's January 17, 1998, deposition where he was placed under oath, the judge wrote:

"Simply put, the president's deposition testimony regarding whether he had ever been alone with Ms. (Monica) Lewinsky was intentionally false, and his statements regarding whether he had ever engaged in sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky likewise were intentionally false...."[24]

In January 2001, on the day before leaving office, Clinton agreed to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license as part of an agreement with the independent counsel[clarification needed] to end the investigation. Based on this suspension, Clinton was automatically suspended from the United States Supreme Court bar, from which he then chose to resign.[25]

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That he lied a grand jury because an adult woman sucked his dick? Really?

Grow up.

And the American people punished the GOP in the 1998 elections for the impeachment nonsense.

Clinton lied to a Federal Judge and the lie was intended to deprive Paula Jones of her day in court. He was fined and lost his law license for doing that. He also lied to everyone on earth that would listen to him.
According to Reagan, he didn't know anything about what Admiral Poindexter and Ollie North were doing in the basement of the WH regarding Iran Contra. So, you would think that conservatives would have been outraged that North hijacked Reagan's presidency and put his administration at risk. But oddly enough, conservatives hailed North as a hero. If you believe Reagan's story (that he didn't know what was going on), then North comes about as close to treason as one can get without actually spying for the enemy and giving them information on your national defenses.

So, was North a hero? Was Reagan a clueless figurehead? Or was Reagan a complicit liar and Ollie was just carrying out his orders?

Reagan was opposed to the spread of Communism that was taking place in Nicaragua and the Democrat Senate apparently adored them. The Boland Amendments, there were a number of them, prohibited Reagan from using any tax-payer funds to fight the Sandinista Communists.

So, Reagan told Poindexter, North and a few others to find a way to get some non-taxpayer funds. They did, by selling arms to Iran, that were brokered by (gasp) Israel, and the profits were used to aid the Contras.

So, fuck all of you commie lovers. If not for Reagan, Central America would be part of the Soviet Union, and they would probably still be alive and well.
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That he lied a grand jury because an adult woman sucked his dick? Really?

Grow up.

And the American people punished the GOP in the 1998 elections for the impeachment nonsense.

That he lied to a grand jury, a felony, obstructed justice, a felony, I know you commiecrats could care less about laws unless you can use them againt political enemies. The FACT that the President of the United States and an officer of the court can get away with 2 felonies shows we are a country of men and not laws. I don't give a rats ass what he lied about, the fact is he did. That's plenty of reason to put his slimey ass in jail.

what was he convicted of, genius?

and for the record, he didn't lie to a 'grand jury'. he lied during a deposition on a case which shouldn't have taken place til after he was out of office.


Justice delayed is justice denied. Are you sure you are a lawyer?
According to Reagan, he didn't know anything about what Admiral Poindexter and Ollie North were doing in the basement of the WH regarding Iran Contra. So, you would think that conservatives would have been outraged that North hijacked Reagan's presidency and put his administration at risk. But oddly enough, conservatives hailed North as a hero. If you believe Reagan's story (that he didn't know what was going on), then North comes about as close to treason as one can get without actually spying for the enemy and giving them information on your national defenses.

So, was North a hero? Was Reagan a clueless figurehead? Or was Reagan a complicit liar and Ollie was just carrying out his orders?

Reagan was opposed to the spread of Communism that was taking place in Nicaragua and the Democrat Senate apparently adored them. The Boland Amendments, there were a number of them, prohibited Reagan from using any tax-payer funds to fight the Sandinista Communists.

So, Reagan told Poindexter, North and a few others to find a way to get some non-taxpayer funds. They did, by selling arms to Iran, that were brokered by (gasp) Israel, and the profits were used to aid the Contras.

So, fuck all of you commie lovers. If not for Reagan, Central America would be part of the Soviet Union, and they would still be alive and well.

So, you're saying that Reagan intentionally and knowingly broke the law AND lied to the American people, and you're okay with that?

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