Poll: Rush Limbaugh--Hannity--Savage--Levin. A question to their audiences?

For future Ratings & Profit--which President would work best for Rush Limbaugh?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 15 93.8%
  • Republican Nominee

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
A question to Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Mike Savage & Mark Levin, etc. audiences?

Over the years we have heard all about these "Obscene profit" breaks. So my question & poll is: How in the heck are the ring wing radio talk show hosts going to keep up with these OBSCENE profits if Hillary Clinton loses the election? Limbaugh has been blasting her for at least 20 years, non-stop. Who in the heck is he going to be able to talk about if there is a Republican President--& Hillary Clinton is out of the political scene?

Maybe this is why they are all PROMOTING a candidate in Donald Trump, that has absolutely no chance of winning the White House. After he's gone--they'll move to another far right wing candidate that has no chance either, then another, then another--all the way up until the nomination.

Their profits come from the Establishment & Rino groupies who they have to keep at a certain level of hysteria to keep those profits rolling in. A Republican in the oval office--spells a calmer atmosphere and it's going to get real booooring on their radio shows. Those radios are going to get turned off, meaning OBSCENE profits turn into Piddly profits.

This is what happens when you have political discourse associated with RATINGS & MONEY.

It works for Rush either way, when Dem's lose their heads explode and they freak out for years and Rush has a hey day with that material. The Al Gore loss was hilarious. If Dem's win well they are failure factories and prolific liars, plus the hypocrisy goes to 10. Its win/win for Rush he can't lose.
Liberal talk-radio station Air America files for bankruptcy, will go off the air

Air America, the liberal talk-radio network that helped boost the careers of Al Franken and Rachel Maddow, said Thursday that it was declaring bankruptcy and going off the air.

The company, founded in 2004 and based in New York, strove to provide left-leaning commentary and call-in programs as an alternative to such popular conservative radio talkers as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage.

It was troubled almost from the start. The company had difficulty lining up affiliates and attracting a sizable audience. It filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy-court protection just 30 months after its inception and was resold to an investor group in early 2007 for $4.25 million.

Poor things...........couldn't get sponsors and hardly anyone was listening to them.............

Oh wait a minute...............Right wing Radio gets good ratings and sponsors.................oops................And will continue to do so if the Hildabeast loses.
Just like what Obama has done for gun sales, slick willy made rush a multi-millionaire and the most listened to commutator in history...
Liberal talk-radio station Air America files for bankruptcy, will go off the air

Air America, the liberal talk-radio network that helped boost the careers of Al Franken and Rachel Maddow, said Thursday that it was declaring bankruptcy and going off the air.

The company, founded in 2004 and based in New York, strove to provide left-leaning commentary and call-in programs as an alternative to such popular conservative radio talkers as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage.

It was troubled almost from the start. The company had difficulty lining up affiliates and attracting a sizable audience. It filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy-court protection just 30 months after its inception and was resold to an investor group in early 2007 for $4.25 million.

Poor things...........couldn't get sponsors and hardly anyone was listening to them.............

Oh wait a minute...............Right wing Radio gets good ratings and sponsors.................oops................And will continue to do so if the Hildabeast loses.

Ahahaha...(takes deep breath)...AHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: I frequently listed to Air America broadcasts in the Portland, OR area they were hilarious. First they would try to talk like a Harvard educated prissy stuck up, then would gradually get angrier and angrier, louder and louder, finally reach a peak and there would be this huge Al Gore type 'sigh' then it would start all over again. lol
A question to Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Mike Savage & Mark Levin, etc. audiences?

Over the years we have heard all about these "Obscene profit" breaks. So my question & poll is: How in the heck are the ring wing radio talk show hosts going to keep up with these OBSCENE profits if Hillary Clinton loses the election? Limbaugh has been blasting her for at least 20 years, non-stop. Who in the heck is he going to be able to talk about if there is a Republican President--& Hillary Clinton is out of the political scene?

Maybe this is why they are all PROMOTING a candidate in Donald Trump, that has absolutely no chance of winning the White House. After he's gone--they'll move to another far right wing candidate that has no chance either, then another, then another--all the way up until the nomination.

Their profits come from the Establishment & Rino groupies who they have to keep at a certain level of hysteria to keep those profits rolling in. A Republican in the oval office--spells a calmer atmosphere and it's going to get real booooring on their radio shows. Those radios are going to get turned off, meaning OBSCENE profits turn into Piddly profits.

This is what happens when you have political discourse associated with RATINGS & MONEY.


Rush did just fine during the Bush administration. There are always plenty of liberal antics he can ridicule, and spineless RINO Republicans give him plenty of ammunition.
A question to Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Mike Savage & Mark Levin, etc. audiences?

Over the years we have heard all about these "Obscene profit" breaks. So my question & poll is: How in the heck are the ring wing radio talk show hosts going to keep up with these OBSCENE profits if Hillary Clinton loses the election? Limbaugh has been blasting her for at least 20 years, non-stop. Who in the heck is he going to be able to talk about if there is a Republican President--& Hillary Clinton is out of the political scene?

Maybe this is why they are all PROMOTING a candidate in Donald Trump, that has absolutely no chance of winning the White House. After he's gone--they'll move to another far right wing candidate that has no chance either, then another, then another--all the way up until the nomination.

Their profits come from the Establishment & Rino groupies who they have to keep at a certain level of hysteria to keep those profits rolling in. A Republican in the oval office--spells a calmer atmosphere and it's going to get real booooring on their radio shows. Those radios are going to get turned off, meaning OBSCENE profits turn into Piddly profits.

This is what happens when you have political discourse associated with RATINGS & MONEY.


BTW, Rush never claimed to be the face of the Republican Party. Libturds said that.

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Why are liberals at war with information? Rush Limbaugh is single handedly responsible for the modern concept of talk radio. There was a time that lefties pronounced his show DOA because a democrat was elected president or a republican was elected president. It's an absurd thought but liberals are motivated by emotions rather than logic. Liberals hoped Rush was DOA so they were amazed when it didn't turn out that way. There might be a couple of left wing shows on talk radio but they don't seem to last long unless they are privately financed by shadow lefties. It doesn't matter who is elected, Hannity, Rush, Savage and Levin are .....gasp.....capitalists who rely on the confiscatory costs of ads on their program. Do lefties have a better idea?
Why are liberals at war with information? Rush Limbaugh is single handedly responsible for the modern concept of talk radio. There was a time that lefties pronounced his show DOA because a democrat was elected president or a republican was elected president. It's an absurd thought but liberals are motivated by emotions rather than logic. Liberals hoped Rush was DOA so they were amazed when it didn't turn out that way. There might be a couple of left wing shows on talk radio but they don't seem to last long unless they are privately financed by shadow lefties. It doesn't matter who is elected, Hannity, Rush, Savage and Levin are .....gasp.....capitalists who rely on the confiscatory costs of ads on their program. Do lefties have a better idea?

Liberals also believe people really want to listen to an uninterrupted diet of the their sanctimony and bullshit. That's why their attempts to counter conservative talk radio and FOX have consistently failed.
It works for Rush either way, when Dem's lose their heads explode and they freak out for years and Rush has a hey day with that material. The Al Gore loss was hilarious. If Dem's win well they are failure factories and prolific liars, plus the hypocrisy goes to 10. Its win/win for Rush he can't lose.

The point I am trying to make, is Rush Limbaugh and the others actually promoting a Hillary Clinton win--by supporting candidates that cannot win the White House.

It's no secret that all of them have been throwing Trump rallies on their shows since he announced.

Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 51% with a 65% no like opinion of very large voting block in this country--LATINO'S. It's virtually impossible for him to win the White house with these numbers. Historically since Reagan, the GOP nominee has to capture at least 34.5% of this group to win. Yet they continue to promote him. Ask yourselves why is that.

I think it has a lot to do with future $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Hillary Clinton as POTUS would be an much more exciting, outrageous topic of conversation for the next 4 to 8 years--than any of the other 14 Republican nominees.

Big Surprise: Hispanic Voters Can’t Stand Donald Trump
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Liberal talk-radio station Air America files for bankruptcy, will go off the air

Air America, the liberal talk-radio network that helped boost the careers of Al Franken and Rachel Maddow, said Thursday that it was declaring bankruptcy and going off the air.

The company, founded in 2004 and based in New York, strove to provide left-leaning commentary and call-in programs as an alternative to such popular conservative radio talkers as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage.

It was troubled almost from the start. The company had difficulty lining up affiliates and attracting a sizable audience. It filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy-court protection just 30 months after its inception and was resold to an investor group in early 2007 for $4.25 million.

Poor things...........couldn't get sponsors and hardly anyone was listening to them.............

Oh wait a minute...............Right wing Radio gets good ratings and sponsors.................oops................And will continue to do so if the Hildabeast loses.

I am also laughing at how the left doesn't get that the "obscene profit breaks" are aimed at them. I think Rush knows that they hate seeing people make a lot of money, unless it's them or their supporters.

The left really isn't good at understanding how things work. They whined because there was too much conservative talk radio, as if the government created it and didn't dole out the air time equally. When they figured out that they were supposed to start their own, they must have assumed that it would be even bigger than the conservative stuff. What a shock it must have been when even fellow liberals failed to tune in to their rhetoric. Maddow's career should have been over after such a miserable run on Air America, but the left doesn't understand about how popular hosts boost ratings. They go by whether they agree with them politically. That is why Maddow and Katie Couric still have careers. And when the ratings suck, the left will be mystified yet again.

Aren't there liberal businesses out there to buy ad time on their shows? Do they understand that the private sector creates wealth? Liberals prefer to turn to government. If they can't be funded by tax payers, they want the competition stopped by government. All they have learned is that they suck at creating something as big as Limbaugh's show. They must be puzzled why some things work so well when they lost their asses.

So fucking clueless.
Anyway, Rush is laughing all the way to the bank, good for him, he deserves it.
It works for Rush either way, when Dem's lose their heads explode and they freak out for years and Rush has a hey day with that material. The Al Gore loss was hilarious. If Dem's win well they are failure factories and prolific liars, plus the hypocrisy goes to 10. Its win/win for Rush he can't lose.

The point I am trying to make, is Rush Limbaugh and the others actually promoting a Hillary Clinton win--by supporting candidates that cannot win the White House.

It's no secret that all of them have been throwing Trump rallies on their shows since he announced.

Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 51% with a 65% no like opinion of very large voting block in this country--LATINO'S. It's virtual impossible for him to win the White house with these numbers. Historically since Reagan, the GOP nominee has to capture at least 34.5% of this group to win. Yet they continue to promote him.

Big Surprise: Hispanic Voters Can’t Stand Donald Trump

the libturd tack record of choosing winning Republican candidates is somewhat less than stellar. They pushed both McCain and Romney as the candidates with the best chance to win. Republicans would have to be complete fools to take campaign advice from the likes of you.
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It works for Rush either way, when Dem's lose their heads explode and they freak out for years and Rush has a hey day with that material. The Al Gore loss was hilarious. If Dem's win well they are failure factories and prolific liars, plus the hypocrisy goes to 10. Its win/win for Rush he can't lose.

The point I am trying to make, is Rush Limbaugh and the others actually promoting a Hillary Clinton win--by supporting candidates that cannot win the White House.

It's no secret that all of them have been throwing Trump rallies on their shows since he announced.

Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 51% with a 65% no like opinion of very large voting block in this country--LATINO'S. It's virtually impossible for him to win the White house with these numbers. Historically since Reagan, the GOP nominee has to capture at least 34.5% of this group to win. Yet they continue to promote him. Ask yourselves why is that. I think it has something to do with future $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Hillary Clinton as POTUS would be an exciting, outrageous topic of conversation for the next 4 to 8 years--than any of the other 14 Republican nominees.

Big Surprise: Hispanic Voters Can’t Stand Donald Trump

You are obviously not a Rush listener, go research Operation Chaos. Rush doesn't endorse anyone, he talks about candidates on both sides and their positions, he plays a lot of tape highlighting their flip flops, lies, and hypocrisy. That's why both Dem and Rep establishments hate him. He exposes the bull shit they used to get away with when there was only the filtered and spun narrative spewed by the 3 big networks.
It works for Rush either way, when Dem's lose their heads explode and they freak out for years and Rush has a hey day with that material. The Al Gore loss was hilarious. If Dem's win well they are failure factories and prolific liars, plus the hypocrisy goes to 10. Its win/win for Rush he can't lose.

The point I am trying to make, is Rush Limbaugh and the others actually promoting a Hillary Clinton win--by supporting candidates that cannot win the White House.

It's no secret that all of them have been throwing Trump rallies on their shows since he announced.

Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 51% with a 65% no like opinion of very large voting block in this country--LATINO'S. It's virtual impossible for him to win the White house with these numbers. Historically since Reagan, the GOP nominee has to capture at least 34.5% of this group to win. Yet they continue to promote him.

Big Surprise: Hispanic Voters Can’t Stand Donald Trump

the libturd tack record of choosing winning Republican candidates is somewhat less than stellar. The pushed McCain and Romney as candidates with the best chance to win. Republicans would have to be complete fools to take campaign advice from the likes of you.

Both the Dem and Rep establishments want a candidate that is bought and paid for by their donors and special interests. Given half a choice a lot of the RINO's would prefer the Dem candidate over say a Carson or Trump or someone they can't control.
A question to Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Mike Savage & Mark Levin, etc. audiences?

Over the years we have heard all about these "Obscene profit" breaks. So my question & poll is: How in the heck are the ring wing radio talk show hosts going to keep up with these OBSCENE profits if Hillary Clinton loses the election? Limbaugh has been blasting her for at least 20 years, non-stop. Who in the heck is he going to be able to talk about if there is a Republican President--& Hillary Clinton is out of the political scene?

Maybe this is why they are all PROMOTING a candidate in Donald Trump, that has absolutely no chance of winning the White House. After he's gone--they'll move to another far right wing candidate that has no chance either, then another, then another--all the way up until the nomination.

Their profits come from the Establishment & Rino groupies who they have to keep at a certain level of hysteria to keep those profits rolling in. A Republican in the oval office--spells a calmer atmosphere and it's going to get real booooring on their radio shows. Those radios are going to get turned off, meaning OBSCENE profits turn into Piddly profits.

This is what happens when you have political discourse associated with RATINGS & MONEY.


You guys have said this before...remember..he was on the air making money during all three Bush presidencies...as he says....when the libs have power they are dangerous...when they are out of power they are hysterical....
A question to Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Mike Savage & Mark Levin, etc. audiences?

Over the years we have heard all about these "Obscene profit" breaks. So my question & poll is: How in the heck are the ring wing radio talk show hosts going to keep up with these OBSCENE profits if Hillary Clinton loses the election? Limbaugh has been blasting her for at least 20 years, non-stop. Who in the heck is he going to be able to talk about if there is a Republican President--& Hillary Clinton is out of the political scene?

Maybe this is why they are all PROMOTING a candidate in Donald Trump, that has absolutely no chance of winning the White House. After he's gone--they'll move to another far right wing candidate that has no chance either, then another, then another--all the way up until the nomination.

Their profits come from the Establishment & Rino groupies who they have to keep at a certain level of hysteria to keep those profits rolling in. A Republican in the oval office--spells a calmer atmosphere and it's going to get real booooring on their radio shows. Those radios are going to get turned off, meaning OBSCENE profits turn into Piddly profits.

This is what happens when you have political discourse associated with RATINGS & MONEY.


They aren't promoting Trump...they just aren't dismissing him the way the be
''Twas conservatives are...actually listen to their shows sometime....you would know what you are posting about then...
It works for Rush either way, when Dem's lose their heads explode and they freak out for years and Rush has a hey day with that material. The Al Gore loss was hilarious. If Dem's win well they are failure factories and prolific liars, plus the hypocrisy goes to 10. Its win/win for Rush he can't lose.

The point I am trying to make, is Rush Limbaugh and the others actually promoting a Hillary Clinton win--by supporting candidates that cannot win the White House.

It's no secret that all of them have been throwing Trump rallies on their shows since he announced.

Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 51% with a 65% no like opinion of very large voting block in this country--LATINO'S. It's virtual impossible for him to win the White house with these numbers. Historically since Reagan, the GOP nominee has to capture at least 34.5% of this group to win. Yet they continue to promote him.

Big Surprise: Hispanic Voters Can’t Stand Donald Trump

the libturd tack record of choosing winning Republican candidates is somewhat less than stellar. The pushed McCain and Romney as candidates with the best chance to win. Republicans would have to be complete fools to take campaign advice from the likes of you.

Both the Dem and Rep establishments want a candidate that is bought and paid for by their donors and special interests. Given half a choice a lot of the RINO's would prefer the Dem candidate over say a Carson or Trump or someone they can't control.

They will actively campaign against Trump, Carson or Cruz if any of them get the nomination. That's the kind of scumbags they are.
Rush doesn't endorse anyone,
Actually he does, but without actually saying he endorses them so when they lose, and they always lose, his waning influence is not obvious to his gullible DittoTards.
By "like and don't like" your MessiahRushie means "endorse and don't endorse."

January 4, 2008
RUSH: People need leadership. It's one of my mantras. They want leadership. And to a lot of these people, I am their leader. And they think that I am AWOL on leadership because I don't come out and endorse a candidate, and because I don't come out and go through the candidates' particulars and suggest this is good, this is bad. I have actually been doing that; if anybody listens regularly, they shouldn't really be having a tough time figuring out who I like and who I don't like.

CALLER: Totally.

RUSH: But nevertheless, maybe that kind of subtlety is not powerful enough to get through.

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