Poll: "Ship of Fools" - Is Tucker Carlson right?

Does Tucker Carlson correctly diagnose Trump's win and how to fix the US?

  • Yes, Tucker basically nailed it!

    Votes: 19 82.6%
  • No, Tucker is WRONG, and my post explains why

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
$150 Billion spent on support of illegal immigrants in this country a year.

Sanctuary shitholes everywhere inviting them here.

$100 Million spent in the last 6
Months on healthcare for illegals apprehended at the border.

Billions of dollars spent fighting Fentanyl and Heroin Epidemic and Mexican Drug Cartels and Gangs like MS 13.

1-2 Million illegals projected to invade this country this year and try to get on public assistance immediately, and Border Patrol on the verge of being overrun!

Trump wants just a couple Billion to stop the bleeding, and The Left won’t give it to him or do Anything at all about Immigration, Drug trafficking, kidnappings and human trafficking.

Who is spending America in to Oblivion?

My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.
But is Trump actually making things better? He's spending us into oblivion and cutting taxes and the trade deficit with the Cheater China grows, and we have a trade war with non-cheating democratic-republics.

Despite his being a bellicose asshole, and most likely criminal, his foreign policy is what a lot of people have wanted since the end of the cold war and fall of communism.
Don’t forget kids, Obama Gabe Mexican Srug Cartels AK 47s to kill our border patrol agents with.
QUOTE="TNHarley, post: 21947374, member: 39965"]
Trump is a disaster and a great lesson to all who observe. The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals. The sooner this fucking idiot is removed from office either by ballot, impeachment or term limits, the better off this nation and the world will be.

I’m more apt to agree with your first point. Trump and his supporters are only about sticking it to people. Nothing else.
You would be hard pressed to get me to believe the way we have been doing things is better than this dipshit we have now.
You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos. And you like it.
Blows my fucking mind.

What did i say?

Not sure. You seem to believe that If we had had Trump in office instead of Lincoln, Roosevelt, FDR, Reagan, Clinton et. al. We ‘d somehow be better off. I’d ask you to demonstrate your reasoning but I’m sure you won’t in place of more profane snark.

Perhaps you will surprise me and tell us how the blob would have been better than those men.
Lincoln was a tyrant. How the fuck does your disingenuous ass blast trump for the constitution and throw out lincoln who shit on our constitution more than all other presidents combined? You are a dumbass
The people you listed were more "presidential" but that doesnt mean we would have been better off. And there is no possible way to compare it. Different times. Of course, you obviously bath in fallacy.
Our professional politicians, as you like to call them threw the middle east in chaos. Helped throw south america in chaos. Helped build up the mexican cartels with their fascist policies. Armed our enemies. Literally put drugs in our streets. Let our children starve while we raise our debt to line dictators pockets.
Try to THINK.

^^^^^^^^^^SPOT ON^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^[/QUOTE]
$150 Billion spent on support of illegal immigrants in this country a year.

Sanctuary shitholes everywhere inviting them here.

$100 Million spent in the last 6
Months on healthcare for illegals apprehended at the border.

Billions of dollars spent fighting Fentanyl and Heroin Epidemic and Mexican Drug Cartels and Gangs like MS 13.

1-2 Million illegals projected to invade this country this year and try to get on public assistance immediately, and Border Patrol on the verge of being overrun!

Trump wants just a couple Billion to stop the bleeding, and The Left won’t give it to him or do Anything at all about Immigration, Drug trafficking, kidnappings and human trafficking.

Who is spending America in to Oblivion?

My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.
But is Trump actually making things better? He's spending us into oblivion and cutting taxes and the trade deficit with the Cheater China grows, and we have a trade war with non-cheating democratic-republics.

Despite his being a bellicose asshole, and most likely criminal, his foreign policy is what a lot of people have wanted since the end of the cold war and fall of communism.

He should try to get it from Mexico.
This poll. 17-3

The other poll a week ago


The big news is how it shows conservatives sees the problem without posting and comments

The comments don't match. Proving the liberals are more noise than for real
If the MSM scares the weak minded voters to vote democrat in 2020, and Bernie or 1/1024 or Kamala or one of the other socialists wins, can you imagine how they would govern, especially if it was a blue wave election and started implementing their "Green New Deal"? I'm not seeing any of the policies below that they will not implement:

1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare, aka rationed healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones"
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, get K-Street Cash
7. Back in the Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move more factories and jobs overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Max food stamps instead of good paying jobs
13. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
14. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
15. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
16. No new pipelines
17. No offshore drilling
18. No privacy as tech giants like google and facebook work with dems to promote liberalism
19. Colleges only allow liberal speakers and professors who indoctrinate kids to be liberals or flunk out
20. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
21. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
22. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
23. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
24. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and paid for the phony Steele Dossier
25. Sell US secrets like Wen Ho Lee sold nuke secrets to China, and Obama/Hillary sold uranium to the Russians via the UraniumOne scam
26. Have the Black Panthers or antifa guard urban polling stations with clubs to keep conservative voters away, guarantee those 300,000 to 0 results
27. Do not allow conservative blacks on TV, keep those urban plantations 100% democrat.
28. Allow the aclu, and BLM to protect criminals and put blue lives in danger.
29. Hire #metoo bimbos to swear that they were sexually assaulted by the GOP candidates.
30. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
31. Democrats refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
32. Democrats want to give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but won't help US citizens living in tent cities
33. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sale of bullets, etc.
34. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
35. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
36. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
37. Trump has Navarro and Lightheiser managing economic & Trade Policy, to bring back good jobs the dems have no one
38. Promote or excuse the murder of newborns, i.e. "infantacide"
This poll. 17-3

The other poll a week ago


The big news is how it shows conservatives sees the problem without posting and comments

The comments don't match. Proving the liberals are more noise than for real
real? :auiqs.jpg: they wouldn't know a fact if it hit them in the face.
"if i had a higher IQ i'd have multiple personas" - Tucker

thanks for saying i have a high IQ, Tucker
"ignore voters for long enough and you get trump. yet the people at whom the message was aimed never received it. instead of pausing, america's ruling class withdrew into a defensive crouch"
Trump is a disaster and a great lesson to all who observe. The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals. The sooner this fucking idiot is removed from office either by ballot, impeachment or term limits, the better off this nation and the world will be.

I’m more apt to agree with your first point. Trump and his supporters are only about sticking it to people. Nothing else.
You would be hard pressed to get me to believe the way we have been doing things is better than this dipshit we have now.
You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos. And you like it.
Blows my fucking mind.

And you are ok with tRumPutin blatantly and publicly assfucking you? Then lying about and saying it wasn't him and it really isn't an assfucking.
Trump portrays his preponderantly white followers as caught between disdainful elites and dangerous minorities. Trump lambasted “the failed ruling class” that he claimed has betrayed working Americans with free-trade deals. He described college campuses as biased against conservatives, and he insisted that “Hollywood discriminates against our people.” And as he has done since his first day as a national candidate, Trump warned darkly of immigrants coming to steal Americans’ jobs or menace them with crime. Amid all these domestic threats coiled a serpentine network of international dangers, from trading competitors such as China targeting US industries to Central American nations encouraging migrant caravans so they could “give us some very bad people. People with big, long crime records.”
Trump is a disaster and a great lesson to all who observe. The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals. The sooner this fucking idiot is removed from office either by ballot, impeachment or term limits, the better off this nation and the world will be.

I’m more apt to agree with your first point. Trump and his supporters are only about sticking it to people. Nothing else.
You would be hard pressed to get me to believe the way we have been doing things is better than this dipshit we have now.
You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos. And you like it.
Blows my fucking mind.

And you are ok with tRumPutin blatantly and publicly assfucking you? Then lying about and saying it wasn't him and it really isn't an assfucking.
Im not ok with any of it. Im not the one that has disingenuous outrage.
Trump is a disaster and a great lesson to all who observe. The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals. The sooner this fucking idiot is removed from office either by ballot, impeachment or term limits, the better off this nation and the world will be.

I’m more apt to agree with your first point. Trump and his supporters are only about sticking it to people. Nothing else.
You would be hard pressed to get me to believe the way we have been doing things is better than this dipshit we have now.
You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos. And you like it.
Blows my fucking mind.

And you are ok with tRumPutin blatantly and publicly assfucking you? Then lying about and saying it wasn't him and it really isn't an assfucking.
Im not ok with any of it. Im not the one that has disingenuous outrage.

"You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos.”

That pearl of wisdom was after you said that Trump could have done a better job than our previous presidents…most of which I’m pretty sure the blob couldn’t pick out of a police line up.
Trump is a disaster and a great lesson to all who observe. The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals. The sooner this fucking idiot is removed from office either by ballot, impeachment or term limits, the better off this nation and the world will be.

I’m more apt to agree with your first point. Trump and his supporters are only about sticking it to people. Nothing else.
You would be hard pressed to get me to believe the way we have been doing things is better than this dipshit we have now.
You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos. And you like it.
Blows my fucking mind.

And you are ok with tRumPutin blatantly and publicly assfucking you? Then lying about and saying it wasn't him and it really isn't an assfucking.
Im not ok with any of it. Im not the one that has disingenuous outrage.

"You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos.”

That pearl of wisdom was after you said that Trump could have done a better job than our previous presidents…most of which I’m pretty sure the blob couldn’t pick out of a police line up.
AGAIN, i never said that. I said that those other dipshits are not better than trump.
Learn to forum bro. Or read, rather
Trump is a disaster and a great lesson to all who observe. The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals. The sooner this fucking idiot is removed from office either by ballot, impeachment or term limits, the better off this nation and the world will be.

I’m more apt to agree with your first point. Trump and his supporters are only about sticking it to people. Nothing else.
You would be hard pressed to get me to believe the way we have been doing things is better than this dipshit we have now.
You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos. And you like it.
Blows my fucking mind.

And you are ok with tRumPutin blatantly and publicly assfucking you? Then lying about and saying it wasn't him and it really isn't an assfucking.
Im not ok with any of it. Im not the one that has disingenuous outrage.

"You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos.”

That pearl of wisdom was after you said that Trump could have done a better job than our previous presidents…most of which I’m pretty sure the blob couldn’t pick out of a police line up.
AGAIN, i never said that. I said that those other dipshits are not better than trump.
Learn to forum bro. Or read, rather

Yeah…Trump would have been a great wartime President; This is the same guy who doesn’t believe his generals, his intel staff, or anything not broadcast on Fox news.

Learn to think bro.
You would be hard pressed to get me to believe the way we have been doing things is better than this dipshit we have now.
You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos. And you like it.
Blows my fucking mind.

And you are ok with tRumPutin blatantly and publicly assfucking you? Then lying about and saying it wasn't him and it really isn't an assfucking.
Im not ok with any of it. Im not the one that has disingenuous outrage.

"You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos.”

That pearl of wisdom was after you said that Trump could have done a better job than our previous presidents…most of which I’m pretty sure the blob couldn’t pick out of a police line up.
AGAIN, i never said that. I said that those other dipshits are not better than trump.
Learn to forum bro. Or read, rather

Yeah…Trump would have been a great wartime President; This is the same guy who doesn’t believe his generals, his intel staff, or anything not broadcast on Fox news.

Learn to think bro.
Omg. I understand trump sucks. But those other dipshits were just as bad.
Retarded sheep like you act like its something different. Like our political history doesnt exist.
Grow up. Get an identity.
And you are ok with tRumPutin blatantly and publicly assfucking you? Then lying about and saying it wasn't him and it really isn't an assfucking.
Im not ok with any of it. Im not the one that has disingenuous outrage.

"You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos.”

That pearl of wisdom was after you said that Trump could have done a better job than our previous presidents…most of which I’m pretty sure the blob couldn’t pick out of a police line up.
AGAIN, i never said that. I said that those other dipshits are not better than trump.
Learn to forum bro. Or read, rather

Yeah…Trump would have been a great wartime President; This is the same guy who doesn’t believe his generals, his intel staff, or anything not broadcast on Fox news.

Learn to think bro.
Omg. I understand trump sucks. But those other dipshits were just as bad.
Retarded sheep like you act like its something different. Like our political history doesnt exist.
Grow up. Get an identity.


The US is the greatest military, cultural, and economic superpower the universe has ever seen. All those guys who lead our nation were “dipshits”? I guess we just got lucky for 240+ years. Who knew?

Yeah—you’re stupid.
Im not ok with any of it. Im not the one that has disingenuous outrage.

"You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos.”

That pearl of wisdom was after you said that Trump could have done a better job than our previous presidents…most of which I’m pretty sure the blob couldn’t pick out of a police line up.
AGAIN, i never said that. I said that those other dipshits are not better than trump.
Learn to forum bro. Or read, rather

Yeah…Trump would have been a great wartime President; This is the same guy who doesn’t believe his generals, his intel staff, or anything not broadcast on Fox news.

Learn to think bro.
Omg. I understand trump sucks. But those other dipshits were just as bad.
Retarded sheep like you act like its something different. Like our political history doesnt exist.
Grow up. Get an identity.


The US is the greatest military, cultural, and economic superpower the universe has ever seen. All those guys who lead our nation were “dipshits”? I guess we just got lucky for 240+ years. Who knew?

Yeah—you’re stupid.
You can support their genocide, perpetual war, drug and arms dealing and corporatocracy if you want.
You are a statist so you probably look at the govt like a god and can do no wrong. Even if they murder infants for no fucking reason. Even if they lie to you daily. Bureaucrats stealing your freedom..
"You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos.”

That pearl of wisdom was after you said that Trump could have done a better job than our previous presidents…most of which I’m pretty sure the blob couldn’t pick out of a police line up.
AGAIN, i never said that. I said that those other dipshits are not better than trump.
Learn to forum bro. Or read, rather

Yeah…Trump would have been a great wartime President; This is the same guy who doesn’t believe his generals, his intel staff, or anything not broadcast on Fox news.

Learn to think bro.
Omg. I understand trump sucks. But those other dipshits were just as bad.
Retarded sheep like you act like its something different. Like our political history doesnt exist.
Grow up. Get an identity.


The US is the greatest military, cultural, and economic superpower the universe has ever seen. All those guys who lead our nation were “dipshits”? I guess we just got lucky for 240+ years. Who knew?

Yeah—you’re stupid.
You can support their genocide, perpetual war, drug and arms dealing and corporatocracy if you want.
You are a statist so you probably look at the govt like a god and can do no wrong. Even if they murder infants for no fucking reason. Even if they lie to you daily. Bureaucrats stealing your freedom..

Speaking of “disingenuous outrage”….LOL

Stealing your freedom!!!!!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

It sure is good you’re not a Trump supporter…you just rush to his defense with the wildest accusations every day.

Were the men and women who lead the nation perfect? No. Are they better than this blob? Yes. On their worst day.

Really, you should write comedy for a living. You have a talent for it.
AGAIN, i never said that. I said that those other dipshits are not better than trump.
Learn to forum bro. Or read, rather

Yeah…Trump would have been a great wartime President; This is the same guy who doesn’t believe his generals, his intel staff, or anything not broadcast on Fox news.

Learn to think bro.
Omg. I understand trump sucks. But those other dipshits were just as bad.
Retarded sheep like you act like its something different. Like our political history doesnt exist.
Grow up. Get an identity.


The US is the greatest military, cultural, and economic superpower the universe has ever seen. All those guys who lead our nation were “dipshits”? I guess we just got lucky for 240+ years. Who knew?

Yeah—you’re stupid.
You can support their genocide, perpetual war, drug and arms dealing and corporatocracy if you want.
You are a statist so you probably look at the govt like a god and can do no wrong. Even if they murder infants for no fucking reason. Even if they lie to you daily. Bureaucrats stealing your freedom..

Speaking of “disingenuous outrage”….LOL

Stealing your freedom!!!!!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

It sure is good you’re not a Trump supporter…you just rush to his defense with the wildest accusations every day.

Were the men and women who lead the nation perfect? No. Are they better than this blob? Yes. On their worst day.

Really, you should write comedy for a living. You have a talent for it.
I simply don't agree.
Some of the shit they did was absolutely fucking horrible.

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