POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name?

POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name?

  • No

  • Yes

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Maybe they should pull an IHOP/IHOB trick. They should announce they are going to change their name in Feb 2021 On April 1, 2020 April Fools.....!!!!!
Do you speak for all Native Americans? If I find something offensive that you do, or display, should you be forced to change it just because I find it offensive?
I speak only for myself.
If something is offensive it should be changed because it is the right thing to do, not because you are forced to change it.
POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name? Yes or No?

I say NO. The name Redskins is not racist and has been the team name since 1933, 87 years now. It is a tiny minority of people that are using the current climate to manipulate the situation to bring about a name change. No one ever had a problem with the name until 1968 during a time when liberals across the country were revolting against anything and everything. Since then its been a minority of people that have considered the name racist and demanded a name change. We can't a allow tiny vocal minorities to control what we think and how we live. The organization and team have always honored Native Americans which is why the name, colors, and mascot were chosen.

This poll and topic is connected to the larger questions about what is considered "racist", who gets to decide, what are Americans allowed to honor about their history and past with statues and names of places. It might make sense in certain cases to change names or remove statues depending on who they are and what they represent in the context of American history and the present time. But to remove and destroy everything that anyone finds the least bit offensive for the most outlandish of reasons would be a terrible mistake.

Please just vote once. I made a mistake that allowed for multiple voting, but I can't edit it out.

I voted nay. Largely because I graduated many years ago from a high school named after a Native American tribe and played wide receiver for a team also named after an aspect of Native American life. On top of that, I am noticeably part Native American and the name of my high school offended me zero percent then and now. Back then, circa the late 80's, cultural appropriation and social justice flavored political correctness weren't things anyone I knew ever mentioned or thought about out loud. We lived and we died and we got on with the business of the day. Nowadays, due in no small part to all of this social justice postmodernist thought, nearly all normal business nationwide has been poisoned or put on hold or cancelled.
The term redskin in this context references a dye from the bloodroot plant that native American warriors put on their skin as a sign of valor and bravery. It has nothing to do with race or skin color.

but if you're a Dim never let the facts get in your way.

Bullshit. Why are you always lying.
I voted yes for similar reason I've felt the Cleveland Indians should change theirs. I've been a fan of the Tribe since the late 1950's and didn't think anything about the name and Chief Wahoo until I moved to Arizona at age of 27. Ever since I have sensed a disconnect between the city and its team's nickname. The settlers of Cleveland drove the native people out. So it isn't the case of trying to honor a local heritage, like say the Minnesota Vikings.
Apparently you’ve never been outside Sun City. If you had you would have noticed every vehicle on the reservations have Redskins, Chiefs, Braves or Indians stickers on them.
The term redskin in this context references a dye from the bloodroot plant that native American warriors put on their skin as a sign of valor and bravery. It has nothing to do with race or skin color.

but if you're a Dim never let the facts get in your way.

Bullshit. Why are you always lying.

You could look it up. But then if you did you'd have confirmation you're an idiot. :auiqs.jpg:
They should change their owner first.
But yes, the tide has turned against the Redskin name

It does not honor Native American heritage
The term has a long history as a slur
Maybe they should pull an IHOP/IHOB trick. They should announce they are going to change their name in Feb 2021 On April 1, 2020 April Fools.....!!!!!
Let'st ry April 2021 instead of 2020
What about the city name, "Washington". Hasn't he been cancelled? Will the city change it's name?

This rabbit hole runs deep...

I was not even thinking about that. But obviously, given the climate, there is some tiny minority out there that would demand that as well. With this logic, nothing will be safe. You'll have the names of all kinds of places being changed every year and only lasting as long until one tiny minority group claims that is offensive for some outlandish reason.

What about the state named Washington.

Interesting that there has been no pressure on that.
They should change their owner first.
But yes, the tide has turned against the Redskin name

It does not honor Native American heritage
The term has a long history as a slur

The term was created by Native Americans and is used by Native Americans to this day for the name of sports teams and other things. Why would so many Native American High Schools use the name if it was a racial slur?
POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name? Yes or No?

I say NO. The name Redskins is not racist and has been the team name since 1933, 87 years now. It is a tiny minority of people that are using the current climate to manipulate the situation to bring about a name change. No one ever had a problem with the name until 1968 during a time when liberals across the country were revolting against anything and everything. Since then its been a minority of people that have considered the name racist and demanded a name change. We can't a allow tiny vocal minorities to control what we think and how we live. The organization and team have always honored Native Americans which is why the name, colors, and mascot were chosen.

This poll and topic is connected to the larger questions about what is considered "racist", who gets to decide, what are Americans allowed to honor about their history and past with statues and names of places. It might make sense in certain cases to change names or remove statues depending on who they are and what they represent in the context of American history and the present time. But to remove and destroy everything that anyone finds the least bit offensive for the most outlandish of reasons would be a terrible mistake.

Please just vote once. I made a mistake that allowed for multiple voting, but I can't edit it out.

The Washington Redskins name has been racist and offensive for 87 years. It's time to end it.
POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name? Yes or No?

I say NO. The name Redskins is not racist and has been the team name since 1933, 87 years now. It is a tiny minority of people that are using the current climate to manipulate the situation to bring about a name change. No one ever had a problem with the name until 1968 during a time when liberals across the country were revolting against anything and everything. Since then its been a minority of people that have considered the name racist and demanded a name change. We can't a allow tiny vocal minorities to control what we think and how we live. The organization and team have always honored Native Americans which is why the name, colors, and mascot were chosen.

This poll and topic is connected to the larger questions about what is considered "racist", who gets to decide, what are Americans allowed to honor about their history and past with statues and names of places. It might make sense in certain cases to change names or remove statues depending on who they are and what they represent in the context of American history and the present time. But to remove and destroy everything that anyone finds the least bit offensive for the most outlandish of reasons would be a terrible mistake.

Please just vote once. I made a mistake that allowed for multiple voting, but I can't edit it out.
Holy crap.
First time I have agreed with you.
Who cares?

The NFL lost me when Kaperdick went nuclear stupid.

If people had not worried about Kapernick sitting on a bench during the national anthem, not of the issues and things that followed, including all the kneeling would have happened. Now there trying to take away the national anthem of the country.
POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name? Yes or No?

I say NO. The name Redskins is not racist and has been the team name since 1933, 87 years now. It is a tiny minority of people that are using the current climate to manipulate the situation to bring about a name change. No one ever had a problem with the name until 1968 during a time when liberals across the country were revolting against anything and everything. Since then its been a minority of people that have considered the name racist and demanded a name change. We can't a allow tiny vocal minorities to control what we think and how we live. The organization and team have always honored Native Americans which is why the name, colors, and mascot were chosen.

This poll and topic is connected to the larger questions about what is considered "racist", who gets to decide, what are Americans allowed to honor about their history and past with statues and names of places. It might make sense in certain cases to change names or remove statues depending on who they are and what they represent in the context of American history and the present time. But to remove and destroy everything that anyone finds the least bit offensive for the most outlandish of reasons would be a terrible mistake.

Please just vote once. I made a mistake that allowed for multiple voting, but I can't edit it out.

The Washington Redskins name has been racist and offensive for 87 years. It's time to end it.

If that's the case, why did not one protest the name until 1968?

If its racist and offensive, why do dozens of Native American High Schools across the country use the name?

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