POLL: Should We Halt Immigration From Some Muslim Nations?...

Would You support Halting Immigration From Some Muslim Nations

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I think at the very least, we should halt all Immigration from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. However, we have to consider other nations as well. But we should definitely start with those nations.
Nope. Let the market decide. If free suppliers choose not to employ them, and if free citizens choose not to integrate them at the social and institutional level, than the desire to come here will naturally dry up.

Sorry, not a compelling enough upside argument. I prefer a temporary halt from some of these Terrorist-havens.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.

Yeah, i'm not really with Trump on halting all Muslim Immigration. But he does make some valid points. I'm more for focusing on nations that are clearly Terrorist-havens. I would start with Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. A complete temporary halt.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.

Yeah, i'm not really with Trump on halting all Muslim Immigration. But he does make some valid points. I'm more for focusing on nations that are clearly Terrorist-havens. I would start with Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. A complete temporary halt.

Why do you think we need more muslims?.....why not more Europeans...you know people like us with similar values, culture etc.

What you do not understand is that there is no way to insure any muslim immigrant does not have jihadist sympathies and the greatest danger posed by muslim immigration is not the original immigrant but his children...as has been shown they are very susceptible to being radiclized and most of the muslim terroristic activity in America has been done by the children of muslim immigrants. Deal wid dat chump.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.

A very naive view you have.....even the head of obama's FBI has said there is no way to properly vet most of the muslim immigrants....not even to mention their children and how easily the children are being radicalized.
Nope. Let the market decide. If free suppliers choose not to employ them, and if free citizens choose not to integrate them at the social and institutional level, than the desire to come here will naturally dry up.

Sorry, not a compelling enough upside argument. I prefer a temporary halt from some of these Terrorist-havens.

Well, temporary would at least be a start in the right direction.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.

Yeah, i'm not really with Trump on halting all Muslim Immigration. But he does make some valid points. I'm more for focusing on nations that are clearly Terrorist-havens. I would start with Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. A complete temporary halt.

Why do you think we need more muslims?.....why not more Europeans...you know people like us with similar values, culture etc.

What you do not understand is that there is no way to insure any muslim immigrant does not have jihadist sympathies and the greatest danger posed by muslim immigration is not the original immigrant but his children...as has been shown they are very susceptible to being radiclized and most of the muslim terroristic activity in America has been done by the children of muslim immigrants. Deal wid dat chump.

Forget about the jihadists for a moment, even though they are a problem.

In this area the average IQ is 80 and the people become bunch of criminal welfare moochers when imported, as proven by the European statistics. I can't think of any benefits that flow from their importation... Aside adding more votes to the big government plantation, that is.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.

Yeah, i'm not really with Trump on halting all Muslim Immigration. But he does make some valid points. I'm more for focusing on nations that are clearly Terrorist-havens. I would start with Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. A complete temporary halt.

Why do you think we need more muslims?.....why not more Europeans...you know people like us with similar values, culture etc.

What you do not understand is that there is no way to insure any muslim immigrant does not have jihadist sympathies and the greatest danger posed by muslim immigration is not the original immigrant but his children...as has been shown they are very susceptible to being radiclized and most of the muslim terroristic activity in America has been done by the children of muslim immigrants. Deal wid dat chump.

I hear ya, but i think halting Muslim Immigration from some countries is a reasonable compromise. I don't think you could ever get support for a complete Muslim Immigration ban. So let's focus on halting it for nations we know are Terrorist-havens. I think that could get support from most.
I think at the very least, we should halt all Immigration from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. However, we have to consider other nations as well. But we should definitely start with those nations.

I have a better idea..........strike down the current radical immigration policy which was adopted in 1965 --- instituted by LBJ and bring back the immigration policy we had before 1965....wherein we did not base immigration on national status but on what a person could contribute to America....aka educated immigrants, immigrants with needed skills, immigrants with similar cultural beliefs and practices, similar backgrounds etc.

In other words immigration should not be based on helping immigrants but on helping America...is dat ova your head...I bet it is.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.

Yeah, i'm not really with Trump on halting all Muslim Immigration. But he does make some valid points. I'm more for focusing on nations that are clearly Terrorist-havens. I would start with Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. A complete temporary halt.

Why do you think we need more muslims?.....why not more Europeans...you know people like us with similar values, culture etc.

What you do not understand is that there is no way to insure any muslim immigrant does not have jihadist sympathies and the greatest danger posed by muslim immigration is not the original immigrant but his children...as has been shown they are very susceptible to being radiclized and most of the muslim terroristic activity in America has been done by the children of muslim immigrants. Deal wid dat chump.

I hear ya, but i think halting Muslim Immigration from some countries is a reasonable compromise. I don't think you could ever get support for a complete Muslim Immigration ban. So let's focus on halting it for nations we know are Terrorist-havens. I think that could get support from most.

Yes....we must be pragmatic and that is one of the things The Donald is very good at compromise, making deals etc. that is what a good leader can do...get people to cooperate and woik together...a true sign of leadership and obviously one that obama did not have amongst other things he did not have and will never have aka.....intelligence.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

How about Muslims who come from Europe?
Nope. Let the market decide. If free suppliers choose not to employ them, and if free citizens choose not to integrate them at the social and institutional level, than the desire to come here will naturally dry up.

Can anyone say Naive? Free citizens is sort of a oxymoron these days and becoming more of one as time passes.....integration in America has never been a matter of choice...but one of force and oppression by the courts and misguided politicians.
We should halt immigration from nations that foster and allow and even encourage terrorism and hatred for the U.S. . If they happen to be Muslem that's tough shit.
I think at the very least, we should halt all Immigration from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. However, we have to consider other nations as well. But we should definitely start with those nations.

I have a better idea..........strike down the current radical immigration policy which was adopted in 1965 --- instituted by LBJ and bring back the immigration policy we had before 1965....wherein we did not base immigration on national status but on what a person could contribute to America....aka educated immigrants, immigrants with needed skills, immigrants with similar cultural beliefs and practices, similar backgrounds etc.

In other words immigration should not be based on helping immigrants but on helping America...is dat ova your head...I bet it is.

Have to agree. Some countries around the world have adopted that common sense Immigration approach. If they can prove they can contribute, and not rely on Government Entitlements, they can be considered.

I mean we're $20 Trillion in Debt for God's sake. Why on earth are they allowing more Immigrants in who are relying on Government Entitlements to survive? That problem is already massively out of control in this country. So i have to agree with you. It's about contributing to our country. It's not about a 'Refugee' thing.
What is the point of doing this poll considering we really can't halt any immigration whatsoever into this country. That would include legal as well as illegal.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

How about Muslims who come from Europe?

Possibly. Depends on the nation.
Perhaps this is a good time to simply halt ALL immigration for a decade or two... we're full-up and don't need any more, anyway.

We imposed immigration restrictions from 1920-24 to 1965 or so. Certainly didn't hurt us; it allowed a large middle class to grow, millions of immigrants to assimilate and see their children prosper, unlike today. It's just mindlessly stupid to keep letting people in, especially illlegal aliens and 7th century murder cultists.

Great post...just common sense......which has become rather uncommon in a dumbed down America.....this Nation of Fools educated in public schools and saturated with political correctness must be woken up...none of this is rocket science...just good common sense aka keep out the bad guys and let in the good guys....the problem: most of these p.c. morons cannot tell the difference between the two....at least in the movies we knew the good guys wore the white hats. hehheh oh life was much simpler back then.
Perhaps this is a good time to simply halt ALL immigration for a decade or two... we're full-up and don't need any more, anyway.

We are definitely letting in too many people legally and illegally..........we need to go back to the old immigration policy that existed before 1965 when the great majority of our immigrants were Europeans ya know people pretty much like us with similar culture, religion and goals.

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