POLL: Should We Halt Immigration From Some Muslim Nations?...

Would You support Halting Immigration From Some Muslim Nations

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Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.

A very naive view you have.....even the head of obama's FBI has said there is no way to properly vet most of the muslim immigrants....not even to mention their children and how easily the children are being radicalized.

Maybe we should just waterboard the applicants before we deny them any hearing at all. Just a sick trick. We should also renig on any we promised safety. Why just say no?

A little common sense would go a long way aka would you allow a rattlesnake to slither into your home?

If I had a house in the boonies of Eastern Washington I would keep Diamond Backs in cages around the perimeter with trap doors that opened into the premises and had one of those smart phone door bell thing-a-ma-jigs and saw somebody going through my shit on the security screens I would release the rattlesnakes into the house. Then I would turn on the lasers. Then the remote control .22 cal machine guns.

It would be a blood bath. Sweet!

There is definitely a time and a place for rattlesnakes!
Huggy: Off topic, but I saw a quote the other day and thought of you. It went.."I'd give my right arm to be ambidexterous" And your James Craig quote about a clean basement reminds me of every Mpm's admonition to wear clean underwear in case you get in an accident.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.

A very naive view you have.....even the head of obama's FBI has said there is no way to properly vet most of the muslim immigrants....not even to mention their children and how easily the children are being radicalized.

Maybe we should just waterboard the applicants before we deny them any hearing at all. Just a sick trick. We should also renig on any we promised safety. Why just say no?

Maybe we should stop meddling and starting so many wars around the world. If we did that, we wouldn't have to contemplate things like this. But i've come to realize that isn't gonna happen. Permanent War is what the Globalist Elites want. So we're gonna have to figure out something with our Immigration debacle. We have to come up with something to try and prevent our chickens from coming home to roost.

Let's face it, 9//11 is a small insignificant attack compared to what they're planning for us in the future. I feel we do need to consider halting immigration completely from some Terrorist-haven nations. I would start with Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. But others should be considered as well. At least slow our chickens from coming home to roost.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.

A very naive view you have.....even the head of obama's FBI has said there is no way to properly vet most of the muslim immigrants....not even to mention their children and how easily the children are being radicalized.

Maybe we should just waterboard the applicants before we deny them any hearing at all. Just a sick trick. We should also renig on any we promised safety. Why just say no?

Maybe we should stop meddling and starting so many wars around the world. If we did that, we wouldn't have to contemplate things like this. But i've come to realize that isn't gonna happen. Permanent War is what the Globalist Elites want. So we're gonna have to figure out something with our Immigration debacle. We have to come up with something to try and prevent our chickens from coming home to roost.

Let's face it, 9//11 is a small insignificant attack compared to what they're planning for us in the future. I feel we do need to consider halting immigration completely from some Terrorist-haven nations. I would start with Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. But others should be considered as well. At least slow our chickens from coming home to roost.
Paul, what a wonderful thought. But one of the things that 'returneth never' is time past. We're part of this world now, and there's no going back. Time off from aggression is so tempting, I actually remember those days before we became a superpower, when we were so innocent and un-cynical. But you know as well as I that we can't unring that bell. The big question seems to be, what are we willing to give up for security. As for taking it 'over there', can we continue to do that with a mere 1% of our population doing all the fighting and dying while the rest of us go on as usual, worrying more about our portfolios than our security and depending on the few who lay it on the line.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.

A very naive view you have.....even the head of obama's FBI has said there is no way to properly vet most of the muslim immigrants....not even to mention their children and how easily the children are being radicalized.

Maybe we should just waterboard the applicants before we deny them any hearing at all. Just a sick trick. We should also renig on any we promised safety. Why just say no?

Maybe we should stop meddling and starting so many wars around the world. If we did that, we wouldn't have to contemplate things like this. But i've come to realize that isn't gonna happen. Permanent War is what the Globalist Elites want. So we're gonna have to figure out something with our Immigration debacle. We have to come up with something to try and prevent our chickens from coming home to roost.

Let's face it, 9//11 is a small insignificant attack compared to what they're planning for us in the future. I feel we do need to consider halting immigration completely from some Terrorist-haven nations. I would start with Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. But others should be considered as well. At least slow our chickens from coming home to roost.
Paul, what a wonderful thought. But one of the things that 'returneth never' is time past. We're part of this world now, and there's no going back. Time off from aggression is so tempting, I actually remember those days before we became a superpower, when we were so innocent and un-cynical. But you know as well as I that we can't unring that bell. The big question seems to be, what are we willing to give up for security. As for taking it 'over there', can we continue to do that with a mere 1% of our population doing all the fighting and dying while the rest of us go on as usual, worrying more about our portfolios than our security and depending on the few who lay it on the line.

I hear ya, but i'm always perplexed when i see Americans so shocked over terrorist attacks in their country. I mean, why so shocked? Their Government is all around the world bombing & killing daily. Of course some chickens are gonna make it home to roost. Most Americans just can't fathom the fact their Government actually created bloody terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. It all started back when the U.S. and Saudi Arabia funded and armed folks like Bin Laden in Afghanistan. What later became known as the Taliban and Al Qaeda, were created to oust the Soviets from Afghanistan.

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia just repeated that process when they created ISIS, and other awful gangs in Syria. They're the chief financiers of radical Islamic groups in the world. They've used them to do their bidding for years. In Syria, ISIS and others were created to 'Regime Change' Assad. Americans just better understand that more chickens are gonna come home to roost. It's the price you pay for constant meddling and war. I would advise they seriously consider addressing this Immigration debacle. If not, they better just prepare for more carnage here at home.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.

A very naive view you have.....even the head of obama's FBI has said there is no way to properly vet most of the muslim immigrants....not even to mention their children and how easily the children are being radicalized.

Maybe we should just waterboard the applicants before we deny them any hearing at all. Just a sick trick. We should also renig on any we promised safety. Why just say no?

Maybe we should stop meddling and starting so many wars around the world. If we did that, we wouldn't have to contemplate things like this. But i've come to realize that isn't gonna happen. Permanent War is what the Globalist Elites want. So we're gonna have to figure out something with our Immigration debacle. We have to come up with something to try and prevent our chickens from coming home to roost.

Let's face it, 9//11 is a small insignificant attack compared to what they're planning for us in the future. I feel we do need to consider halting immigration completely from some Terrorist-haven nations. I would start with Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. But others should be considered as well. At least slow our chickens from coming home to roost.

It's hard to say "why" we are becoming the target for terrorists. And on the other hand it is simple to see why we are singled out among a handful of nations as responsible for retribution.

One problem is that many in our country are dishonest. They never accept that there are real consequences in invading another country, even if we had the world on our side AFTER 9/11. The problem is that we have been creating terrorists for a very long time in that part of the globe.

Our government has been meddling in the politics and elections and arms build ups of many countries in the Mid East for a very long time. Nobody EVER considers the blowback of these intrusions.

We used the excuse that we needed "listening posts" in our side of the "cold war". That and the lie that we were protecting OUR oil in the Mid East which was never the case.

We were dishonest in our dealings with both Iran and Iraq. We were dishonest in our dealings with Saudi Arabia. There almost certainly would have never been a "9/11" had we removed our "temporary" military bases in Saudi Arabia after our first meddling excursion into Iraq.

We have been constantly underestimating the long term effects on Arabs and Muslims while we were acting like the world's cop.

Now we have idiots blaming Obama for our troubles over there as if the carnage we inflicted on those people over the last several decades had nothing to do with it.

NOW we will be electing a president this November who will most certainly dial up the meddling and give the Muslims and Arabs even more reasons to hate us.

THEN there is the constant and never ending support of the Jews in the region. Whether you or I feel the installation of a Jewish state right in the middle of those volatile Kingdoms, dictatorships and Muslim run countries would EVER be stable and trustworthy allies is beyond me. We have found the cost of interfering in the politics over there has been "unacceptably" expensive.

Both of our political parties have been to blame for the return of those "chickens".

War is great for industry. Companies like G E and Boeing do fabulously when we flex our muscles intruding somewhere a long way from our shores. Nobody EVER discusses the after effects of these "wars" supposedly being sold as protecting "our freedoms". I find THAT excuse especially offensive.

You get those Bible Belt congressmen and senators wrapped in the U S Flag DEMANDING we protect our freedoms "over there" and now who do you see stepping up admitting they were wrong. NOBODY...Nada!

If Americans were not now paying the price and LOSING our freedoms to the terrorists WE CREATED the whole thing would be comical.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.

A very naive view you have.....even the head of obama's FBI has said there is no way to properly vet most of the muslim immigrants....not even to mention their children and how easily the children are being radicalized.

Maybe we should just waterboard the applicants before we deny them any hearing at all. Just a sick trick. We should also renig on any we promised safety. Why just say no?

Maybe we should stop meddling and starting so many wars around the world. If we did that, we wouldn't have to contemplate things like this. But i've come to realize that isn't gonna happen. Permanent War is what the Globalist Elites want. So we're gonna have to figure out something with our Immigration debacle. We have to come up with something to try and prevent our chickens from coming home to roost.

Let's face it, 9//11 is a small insignificant attack compared to what they're planning for us in the future. I feel we do need to consider halting immigration completely from some Terrorist-haven nations. I would start with Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. But others should be considered as well. At least slow our chickens from coming home to roost.

It's hard to say "why" we are becoming the target for terrorists. And on the other hand it is simple to see why we are singled out among a handful of nations as responsible for retribution.

One problem is that many in our country are dishonest. They never accept that there are real consequences in invading another country, even if we had the world on our side AFTER 9/11. The problem is that we have been creating terrorists for a very long time in that part of the globe.

Our government has been meddling in the politics and elections and arms build ups of many countries in the Mid East for a very long time. Nobody EVER considers the blowback of these intrusions.

We used the excuse that we needed "listening posts" in our side of the "cold war". That and the lie that we were protecting OUR oil in the Mid East which was never the case.

We were dishonest in our dealings with both Iran and Iraq. We were dishonest in our dealings with Saudi Arabia. There almost certainly would have never been a "9/11" had we removed our "temporary" military bases in Saudi Arabia after our first meddling excursion into Iraq.

We have been constantly underestimating the long term effects on Arabs and Muslims while we were acting like the world's cop.

Now we have idiots blaming Obama for our troubles over there as if the carnage we inflicted on those people over the last several decades had nothing to do with it.

NOW we will be electing a president this November who will most certainly dial up the meddling and give the Muslims and Arabs even more reasons to hate us.

THEN there is the constant and never ending support of the Jews in the region. Whether you or I feel the installation of a Jewish state right in the middle of those volatile Kingdoms, dictatorships and Muslim run countries would EVER be stable and trustworthy allies is beyond me. We have found the cost of interfering in the politics over there has been "unacceptably" expensive.

Both of our political parties have been to blame for the return of those "chickens".

War is great for industry. Companies like G E and Boeing do fabulously when we flex our muscles intruding somewhere a long way from our shores. Nobody EVER discusses the after effects of these "wars" supposedly being sold as protecting "our freedoms". I find THAT excuse especially offensive.

You get those Bible Belt congressmen and senators wrapped in the U S Flag DEMANDING we protect our freedoms "over there" and now who do you see stepping up admitting they were wrong. NOBODY...Nada!

If Americans were not now paying the price and LOSING our freedoms to the terrorists WE CREATED the whole thing would be comical.

Wise observations. Yeah, i don't understand why most Americans are so shocked when the chickens come home to roost. They should actually fully expect it. Their Government has been the creator and chief financier of radical Islamic groups for years. It all started back in Afghanistan when they funded, armed, and trained very bad folks like Osama Bin Laden to oust the Soviets. And it's continued right up to the creation of ISIS in Syria to kill Assad.

But i'm resigned to accepting the fact that the Global Elite's Permanent War is an unstoppable reality. So now i'm just trying to figure out ways to slow the the chickens from coming home to roost. One way to do it, is to at least temporarily halt immigration from known Terrorist-haven countries. I mean, it's just plain shocking our Government is currently allowing thousands in from countries like Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. If that policy continues, we are doomed to some very bloody times ahead. So we know the aggressive meddling foreign policy isn't gonna change, but we better make some changes here at home.
We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.

A very naive view you have.....even the head of obama's FBI has said there is no way to properly vet most of the muslim immigrants....not even to mention their children and how easily the children are being radicalized.

Maybe we should just waterboard the applicants before we deny them any hearing at all. Just a sick trick. We should also renig on any we promised safety. Why just say no?

Maybe we should stop meddling and starting so many wars around the world. If we did that, we wouldn't have to contemplate things like this. But i've come to realize that isn't gonna happen. Permanent War is what the Globalist Elites want. So we're gonna have to figure out something with our Immigration debacle. We have to come up with something to try and prevent our chickens from coming home to roost.

Let's face it, 9//11 is a small insignificant attack compared to what they're planning for us in the future. I feel we do need to consider halting immigration completely from some Terrorist-haven nations. I would start with Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. But others should be considered as well. At least slow our chickens from coming home to roost.

It's hard to say "why" we are becoming the target for terrorists. And on the other hand it is simple to see why we are singled out among a handful of nations as responsible for retribution.

One problem is that many in our country are dishonest. They never accept that there are real consequences in invading another country, even if we had the world on our side AFTER 9/11. The problem is that we have been creating terrorists for a very long time in that part of the globe.

Our government has been meddling in the politics and elections and arms build ups of many countries in the Mid East for a very long time. Nobody EVER considers the blowback of these intrusions.

We used the excuse that we needed "listening posts" in our side of the "cold war". That and the lie that we were protecting OUR oil in the Mid East which was never the case.

We were dishonest in our dealings with both Iran and Iraq. We were dishonest in our dealings with Saudi Arabia. There almost certainly would have never been a "9/11" had we removed our "temporary" military bases in Saudi Arabia after our first meddling excursion into Iraq.

We have been constantly underestimating the long term effects on Arabs and Muslims while we were acting like the world's cop.

Now we have idiots blaming Obama for our troubles over there as if the carnage we inflicted on those people over the last several decades had nothing to do with it.

NOW we will be electing a president this November who will most certainly dial up the meddling and give the Muslims and Arabs even more reasons to hate us.

THEN there is the constant and never ending support of the Jews in the region. Whether you or I feel the installation of a Jewish state right in the middle of those volatile Kingdoms, dictatorships and Muslim run countries would EVER be stable and trustworthy allies is beyond me. We have found the cost of interfering in the politics over there has been "unacceptably" expensive.

Both of our political parties have been to blame for the return of those "chickens".

War is great for industry. Companies like G E and Boeing do fabulously when we flex our muscles intruding somewhere a long way from our shores. Nobody EVER discusses the after effects of these "wars" supposedly being sold as protecting "our freedoms". I find THAT excuse especially offensive.

You get those Bible Belt congressmen and senators wrapped in the U S Flag DEMANDING we protect our freedoms "over there" and now who do you see stepping up admitting they were wrong. NOBODY...Nada!

If Americans were not now paying the price and LOSING our freedoms to the terrorists WE CREATED the whole thing would be comical.

Wise observations. Yeah, i don't understand why most Americans are so shocked when the chickens come home to roost. They should actually fully expect it. Their Government has been the creator and chief financier of radical Islamic groups for years. It all started back in Afghanistan when they funded, armed, and trained very bad folks like Osama Bin Laden to oust the Soviets. And it's continued right up to the creation of ISIS in Syria to kill Assad.

But i'm resigned to accepting the fact that the Global Elite's Permanent War is an unstoppable reality. So now i'm just trying to figure out ways to slow the the chickens from coming home to roost. One way to do it, is to at least temporarily halt immigration from known Terrorist-haven countries. I mean, it's just plain shocking our Government is currently allowing thousands in from countries like Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. If that policy continues, we are doomed to some very bloody times ahead. So we know the aggressive meddling foreign policy isn't gonna change, but we better make some changes here at home.

I agree.
I'm all for stopping all payments to other countries, bribing them to be our friends. Especially when they aren't.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

We should definitely take a harder look at Muslims in general. Are we asking the right questions when we interview the prospective immigrants? I don't think so.
That is the first thing you have said that isn't batshit crazy.
Remember folks, as your Government goes on involving you in every conflict in the world, it's also taking in Thousands & Thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-haven nations like Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. So unless our bizarre bloody Foreign Policy changes, the chickens are gonna come home to roost in a big way.
Shoulda been done in 2001, and even the suspicion of radicalism should get existing mooselimbs expelled.
If you cannot verify "anyone" why would you let them in.

And the idea of a Wall/Fence/Boundary is to be able to VERIFY who comes in.

One way to ID illegals is to CUT OFF all benefits if you can't prove you are legal: School, Job, Food Stamps, Utilities, Drivers License. And hospitals - you treat everyone and then call INS. You would not have to deport anyone. They would deport themselves.
Shoulda been done in 2001, and even the suspicion of radicalism should get existing mooselimbs expelled.

Sounds kinda radical, maybe we should expel you before you get really wasted and shoot up some mosque or somethin'...
Sounds kinda radical, maybe we should expel you before you get really wasted and shoot up some mosque or somethin'...

You may as well attempt to expel me parasite, but rest assured on one reality very clearly.

I will watch through a scope as muhamed al jabbar al achmed al sharif grinds a dull blade across your neck until your empty head is finally severed before I send the round down range that sends him to his virgins.

Libturd parasites like you are programmed to "think" islime is your ally, but it's just too fuckin bad you and a bunch more faggots weren't in that Orlando bar.

Sounds kinda radical, maybe we should expel you before you get really wasted and shoot up some mosque or somethin'...

You may as well attempt to expel me parasite, but rest assured on one reality very clearly.

I will watch through a scope as muhamed al jabbar al achmed al sharif grinds a dull blade across your neck until your empty head is finally severed before I send the round down range that sends him to his virgins.

Libturd parasites like you are programmed to "think" islime is your ally, but it's just too fuckin bad you and a bunch more faggots weren't in that Orlando bar.

Thank you for re-enforcing my case with even more crazy gibberish.
Ya know the Orlando shooter was born here right?
His wife wasn't.
It obviously didn't take much persuading by her to turn him into a fucking muslim terrorist.
Got any muslim neighbors asshole? Do you plan on inviting them to your families next Christmas party?
I think you ought to. Show some 'inclusiveness'. Give some of Lynch's
LOVE to them.
You're a fucking idiot!
The shooter was NOT AN IMMIGRANT.

Who gives a damn!

He was Muslim and Muslim Law forbids homosexuality.And why the hell did he make two trips to Saudi Arabia?
The hilarious fact is their are more muslims bum-fucking each other behind the market stalls than grapes being sold in front of the market stalls.
The odds of a young muslim man EVER getting anywhere near a pussy, with the exception of his little sisters, is fucking nil.
That's why there's so much bum-fucking going on.
Well, it's pretty clear the People want this issue addressed. This current Administration is allowing several thousands in from Terrorist-havens like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, and so on. Something's very wrong. It's time to take on reality.

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