POLL: The GOP and "Socialism"

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

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JoeB131, why does it take something to happen to them/their families to understand that their Republican ideas are wrong?

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Well, since I voted Republican for years before that one job screwed me over... I really don't have any place to talk.

In fact, had I landed another job before they screwed me, I'd probably still be voting Republican today.

I honestly wish I could say Iraq or Katrina turned me against Bush and the GOP. But I was on boards like this one defending Bush to the hilt.. until his incompetence started messing with my life.

My goals have been 1) Make sure that no one's incompetence can mess up my life and 2) Try to be a better person overall.
If an insurance company denies your claim for services that are covered under a policy that you bought and paid for then you can file a civil suit. But we both know that didn't happen, don't we? You bought the cheapest crap policy then wanted money for something you didn't pay for for free.

Um, no, actually what I did was opt for the best insurance that my company at that time offered, and I had to fight tooth and nail with them to get treatment my doctor said I needed. And when there recession hit in 2008 and permanently cured me of Libertarian/Republican nonsense, all us folks with medical issues were the first to get the axe, for some reason.

But you'll claim I was stealing paper clips, because you fired a guy once for that.

So again, if they denied a claim for a service you paid for, why didn't you sue?

And you still don't know what group rates are ...

And your claims are lies. The life expectancy just isn't true. With the infant mortality rate is a lie because the US counts mortality different than most countries which don't count a lot of the deaths we do as infant mortality. More fake news from the liar

These assessment come from the CIA... not "fake news". but you do go on.

Our system of health care sucks. Everyone else in the world has figured this out.[/QUOTE]

Yet the rest of the world comes here for health care ...
JoeB131, why does it take something to happen to them/their families to understand that their Republican ideas are wrong?

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Well, since I voted Republican for years before that one job screwed me over... I really don't have any place to talk.

In fact, had I landed another job before they screwed me, I'd probably still be voting Republican today.

I honestly wish I could say Iraq or Katrina turned me against Bush and the GOP. But I was on boards like this one defending Bush to the hilt.. until his incompetence started messing with my life.

My goals have been 1) Make sure that no one's incompetence can mess up my life and 2) Try to be a better person overall.

It's bizarre how one leftist after another who never voted Republican in your life thinks that somehow you have more credibility if you left the Republican party rather than you never were one. If you read the responses to your posts, it's not working. Give it up
Is Venezuela the only example of socialism? Can you think of any others?
North Korea and Cuba
Great, close enough. The Dems are after the democratic socialism of Canada, Germany, Australia, etc.

I'm glad you can see that distinction.

I answered the question you asked. Yes, you're claiming the Democrats want mob rule, not party rule. Actually though, Democrats are declaring the Republicans a hate group not protected by the Constitution, you are after party rule as well. So Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea are better examples. You listed countries with lots of parties
Our conservative posters continue to start thread after thread pertaining to "socialism". And even though their exact definitions are fairly unclear, it's obvious they think that screaming SOCIALISM is, by itself, enough to win a debate.

As most of us can see, more and more people are becoming perfectly comfortable with the word - in part, no doubt, because the Right has completely over-used and diluted it.

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

A great deal of the confusion comes from people like Bernie Sanders and Crazy Eyes. They call themselves socialists but don't advocate the government taking over industry, which is one of the defining terms of socialism.

Instead, they just sit back and declare that everything should be free. So do they mean turning the US into Europe, which is not socialist, or Venezuala, which is socialist?

Who knows? All we know is, they must be lying.
Our conservative posters continue to start thread after thread pertaining to "socialism". And even though their exact definitions are fairly unclear, it's obvious they think that screaming SOCIALISM is, by itself, enough to win a debate.

As most of us can see, more and more people are becoming perfectly comfortable with the word - in part, no doubt, because the Right has completely over-used and diluted it.

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

A great deal of the confusion comes from people like Bernie Sanders and Crazy Eyes. They call themselves socialists but don't advocate the government taking over industry, which is one of the defining terms of socialism.

Instead, they just sit back and declare that everything should be free. So do they mean turning the US into Europe, which is not socialist, or Venezuala, which is socialist?

Who knows? All we know is, they must be lying.

There is no difference between government controlling industry and assuming direct ownership. If the car you have the title to is parked in your neighbor's driveway, your neighbor has the keys, and your neighbor determines who can drive the car where, who's car is it really?

Socialism is central economic planning. Only government can centrally plan an economy because only government can compel people with the force of guns to act against their own interest. Who's name is written on a piece of paper is irrelevant to ownership and control
So again, if they denied a claim for a service you paid for, why didn't you sue?

And you still don't know what group rates are ...

Oh, they eventually paid it, after I had to fight them tooth and nail for about a year... that wasn't the point.

And frankly, dummy, I don't care what 'group rates' are. I don't care what schemes big insurance cooks up to take our money and never give it back. I want them GONE!

Single Payer, like everyone else does it.

Yet the rest of the world comes here for health care ...

Um, no, they don't. Medical Tourism is a myth.

Study debunks medical tourism myth | FierceHealthcare

It's bizarre how one leftist after another who never voted Republican in your life thinks that somehow you have more credibility if you left the Republican party rather than you never were one. If you read the responses to your posts, it's not working. Give it up

what's bizarre is that you think that if someone thinks a certain way now, they must have thought that way all their lives.

So let's review. First election was 1980. Voted for Reagan both times and Bush in 1988 because at the time, I was in the military,a nd those guys were GREAT for the military.

By 1992, I was disenchanted with the military after the War for Oil, and frankly, kind of disgusted with Poppy Bush. But still voted for him because Perot was nuts and Clinton was a total sleaze.

In 1996, voted for Dole, even though the guy was clueless. He retired from the Senate in a vain attempt to get attention, and then expounded on all the things he did to make government bigger in his farewell speech. Did this guy understand what party he was running for?

2000, voted for Bush, and really had no problem with SCOTUS deciding the election. Then we found out, hey, the people actually got it right. This guy shouldn't be president, and he made a mess of everything.

Get it?

Two recessions, two wars, major city lost to a disaster, this guy could fuck up a wet dream. "But at least he didn't cheat on his wife'.

Now, here's the ironic thing. I still voted for McCain in 2008. I feel that McCain is a man of integrity and had the experience. Obama didn't, and more to the point, I really didn't like the way he threw his granny under the bus with the Reverend Wright thing.

But today's GOP would pick Trump over McCain in a heartbeat. That's what's wrong with today's GOP.

The thing that changed me was

1) The realization the GOP in a Macro sense, has the interest of the rich over the interest of working people. Since I'm not enough of a dick to ever be rich, not really in my interest.

2) The bigger realization of how much influence the Religious Crazies have. In a post-Obama conference, you had the "new leading lights" of the GOP. Bobby Jindal who claimed he performed an exorcism in college. Mitt Romney, who believes he's wearing magic underwear and will rule a planet in the afterlife, Sarah Palin, who hangs around with Witch Hunters and Mike Huckabee who thinks the Rapture is a thing and doesn't believe in Evolution.

Yup... a whole boatload of religious crazy.

SO that's where I got off the crazy train.
Our conservative posters continue to start thread after thread pertaining to "socialism". And even though their exact definitions are fairly unclear, it's obvious they think that screaming SOCIALISM is, by itself, enough to win a debate.

As most of us can see, more and more people are becoming perfectly comfortable with the word - in part, no doubt, because the Right has completely over-used and diluted it.

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

A great deal of the confusion comes from people like Bernie Sanders and Crazy Eyes. They call themselves socialists but don't advocate the government taking over industry, which is one of the defining terms of socialism.

Instead, they just sit back and declare that everything should be free. So do they mean turning the US into Europe, which is not socialist, or Venezuala, which is socialist?

Who knows? All we know is, they must be lying.
Thanks for the calm response.

I think this is just another example of where our political discourse is right now. No one dares give an inch on anything, so they just go 100% in on all rhetoric without getting specific or nuanced.

For example, Sanders has really disappointed me with this "Medicare for All" bullshit. That's not what he wants. The overall Medicare program includes a critical free market component in Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans. He wants pure Single Payer.

Much of the Left (and yes, there are exceptions) wants the democratic socialism of Canada, Germany, Australia, et al. Yet the Right absolutely refuses to make a distinction between that and the REAL socialism of Venezuela. So again, the conversation here just isn't honest.
So again, if they denied a claim for a service you paid for, why didn't you sue?

And you still don't know what group rates are ...

Oh, they eventually paid it, after I had to fight them tooth and nail for about a year... that wasn't the point.

And frankly, dummy, I don't care what 'group rates' are. I don't care what schemes big insurance cooks up to take our money and never give it back. I want them GONE!

Single Payer, like everyone else does it.

Yet the rest of the world comes here for health care ...

Um, no, they don't. Medical Tourism is a myth.

Study debunks medical tourism myth | FierceHealthcare

It's bizarre how one leftist after another who never voted Republican in your life thinks that somehow you have more credibility if you left the Republican party rather than you never were one. If you read the responses to your posts, it's not working. Give it up

what's bizarre is that you think that if someone thinks a certain way now, they must have thought that way all their lives.

So let's review. First election was 1980. Voted for Reagan both times and Bush in 1988 because at the time, I was in the military,a nd those guys were GREAT for the military.

By 1992, I was disenchanted with the military after the War for Oil, and frankly, kind of disgusted with Poppy Bush. But still voted for him because Perot was nuts and Clinton was a total sleaze.

In 1996, voted for Dole, even though the guy was clueless. He retired from the Senate in a vain attempt to get attention, and then expounded on all the things he did to make government bigger in his farewell speech. Did this guy understand what party he was running for?

2000, voted for Bush, and really had no problem with SCOTUS deciding the election. Then we found out, hey, the people actually got it right. This guy shouldn't be president, and he made a mess of everything.

Get it?

Two recessions, two wars, major city lost to a disaster, this guy could fuck up a wet dream. "But at least he didn't cheat on his wife'.

Now, here's the ironic thing. I still voted for McCain in 2008. I feel that McCain is a man of integrity and had the experience. Obama didn't, and more to the point, I really didn't like the way he threw his granny under the bus with the Reverend Wright thing.

But today's GOP would pick Trump over McCain in a heartbeat. That's what's wrong with today's GOP.

The thing that changed me was

1) The realization the GOP in a Macro sense, has the interest of the rich over the interest of working people. Since I'm not enough of a dick to ever be rich, not really in my interest.

2) The bigger realization of how much influence the Religious Crazies have. In a post-Obama conference, you had the "new leading lights" of the GOP. Bobby Jindal who claimed he performed an exorcism in college. Mitt Romney, who believes he's wearing magic underwear and will rule a planet in the afterlife, Sarah Palin, who hangs around with Witch Hunters and Mike Huckabee who thinks the Rapture is a thing and doesn't believe in Evolution.

Yup... a whole boatload of religious crazy.

SO that's where I got off the crazy train.

You're a socialist, Joe. Just like the thread title. If you'd been a Republican all your life as you claim, then you'd know what Republicans think and you obviously don't. All you know is what Democrats told you to think that Republicans think.

I left the party in 1990 when HW convinced me Reagan was an aberration and Republicans were no different than Democrats. But I left the Republicans for what they are. You left the Republicans (sic) because of Democrat talking points about what Republicans are. You prove you're a lifelong Democrat every day in every post.

Then of course there's how before you claimed to have left the Republican party in 2000 because the SCOTUS stopped Gore from stealing the election and then you changed to that you left in 2008 because Romney was a Mormon
Our conservative posters continue to start thread after thread pertaining to "socialism". And even though their exact definitions are fairly unclear, it's obvious they think that screaming SOCIALISM is, by itself, enough to win a debate.

As most of us can see, more and more people are becoming perfectly comfortable with the word - in part, no doubt, because the Right has completely over-used and diluted it.

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

A great deal of the confusion comes from people like Bernie Sanders and Crazy Eyes. They call themselves socialists but don't advocate the government taking over industry, which is one of the defining terms of socialism.

Instead, they just sit back and declare that everything should be free. So do they mean turning the US into Europe, which is not socialist, or Venezuala, which is socialist?

Who knows? All we know is, they must be lying.

There is no difference between government controlling industry and assuming direct ownership. If the car you have the title to is parked in your neighbor's driveway, your neighbor has the keys, and your neighbor determines who can drive the car where, who's car is it really?

Socialism is central economic planning. Only government can centrally plan an economy because only government can compel people with the force of guns to act against their own interest. Who's name is written on a piece of paper is irrelevant to ownership and control

That is where you are wrong. There is a big difference between Nancy Pelosi running Chase bank and letting those that created that business continue to run it.

The US already has central economic planning with such entities as the Fed. And after the Credit Crisis we see that government never really did let go entities like Fannie and Freddie. No, the government still pulls the strings behind the curtain, much like how banks were told what they will or will not do in terms of taking government help and assistance.

It is akin to the former USSR model and Nazi model. Hitler said, "Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people?" He understood that he was in no position to run industry, much like you would not go see a lawyer for a medical problem. His only aim was to control industry for his own purposes, which he did. However, Stalin was not that bright. Stalin had just purged all of his generals to run the military show himself, which almost destroyed him. Well, it should have. He just got lucky, and comparing the two economies the Nazi economy was superior to the USSR.

All demagogues like Bernie want to do is increase the power and scope of government to see what they can get away with in a more Hitlerian way, all the while waving the false flag of socialism.

Come to think of it, the Nazi party called themselves socialists as well, even though they did not take over industry by name as well.

Our conservative posters continue to start thread after thread pertaining to "socialism". And even though their exact definitions are fairly unclear, it's obvious they think that screaming SOCIALISM is, by itself, enough to win a debate.

As most of us can see, more and more people are becoming perfectly comfortable with the word - in part, no doubt, because the Right has completely over-used and diluted it.

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

A great deal of the confusion comes from people like Bernie Sanders and Crazy Eyes. They call themselves socialists but don't advocate the government taking over industry, which is one of the defining terms of socialism.

Instead, they just sit back and declare that everything should be free. So do they mean turning the US into Europe, which is not socialist, or Venezuala, which is socialist?

Who knows? All we know is, they must be lying.

There is no difference between government controlling industry and assuming direct ownership. If the car you have the title to is parked in your neighbor's driveway, your neighbor has the keys, and your neighbor determines who can drive the car where, who's car is it really?

Socialism is central economic planning. Only government can centrally plan an economy because only government can compel people with the force of guns to act against their own interest. Who's name is written on a piece of paper is irrelevant to ownership and control

That is where you are wrong. There is a big difference between Nancy Pelosi running Chase bank and letting those that created that business continue to run it.

The US already has central economic planning with such entities as the Fed. And after the Credit Crisis we see that government never really did let go entities like Fannie and Freddie. No, the government still pulls the strings behind the curtain, much like how banks were told what they will or will not do in terms of taking government help and assistance.

It is akin to the former USSR model and Nazi model. Hitler said, "Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people?" He understood that he was in no position to run industry, much like you would not go see a lawyer for a medical problem. His only aim was to control industry for his own purposes, which he did. However, Stalin was not that bright. Stalin had just purged all of his generals to run the military show himself, which almost destroyed him. Well, it should have. He just got lucky, and comparing the two economies the Nazi economy was superior to the USSR.

All demagogues like Bernie want to do is increase the power and scope of government to see what they can get away with in a more Hitlerian way, all the while waving the false flag of socialism.

Come to think of it, the Nazi party called themselves socialists as well, even though they did not take over industry by name as well.


Of course the fed is a socialist institution. I never said it wasn't. Nor did I say we don't have other components of socialism in this country. You said I'm wrong, then didn't contradict anything I said
For example, Sanders has really disappointed me with this "Medicare for All" bullshit. That's not what he wants. The overall Medicare program includes a critical free market component in Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans. He wants pure Single Payer.

Stormy Mac, the Insurance companies aren't the solution THEY ARE THE PROBLEM!!!
For example, Sanders has really disappointed me with this "Medicare for All" bullshit. That's not what he wants. The overall Medicare program includes a critical free market component in Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans. He wants pure Single Payer.

Stormy Mac, the Insurance companies aren't the solution THEY ARE THE PROBLEM!!!

Insurance companies have driven up the cost of such things as health care, because they will pay for the higher costs.

Government also does this.

It's like going to a mechanic and asking, "How much will it cost to fix?" Then they retort, "How much you got?"

The only way to make costs go down is for the government to take it all over or for both government and insurance to take a hike. The reason being is, if the government take over and is paying, the mechanic will be happy with whatever they pay because the owner of the car has no money to give them and there is no competing insurance companies to pay them more. We saw this with the VA in Arizona. Veterans who were on government health care became too sick and expensive to care for, so they were put on secret death lists.

Incidentally, Obmacare just made things worse, which is why people like Kucinich would not sign it at first. However, he mysteriously changed his mind after a secret meeting with Barak.

The sad thing is, these same lying bastards will now try to force feed us a single payer system.
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You're a socialist, Joe. Just like the thread title. If you'd been a Republican all your life as you claim, then you'd know what Republicans think and you obviously don't. All you know is what Democrats told you to think that Republicans think.

Guy, I've heard it all before, and it's all the same nonsense. Whenever your side talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of someone with money to fuck you over.

You can tell who the GOP favors by who they hate. - Lawyers, Unions and Government.... anyone who wants to make the class struggle a fair fight.

My mistake pre-2008 was thinking that being white, college educated and male put me in the same class as the people who were engaging in all the bad behavior.

I let myself get deluded, until I got a really nasty wakeup call in 2008.

I left the party in 1990 when HW convinced me Reagan was an aberration and Republicans were no different than Democrats. But I left the Republicans for what they are. You left the Republicans (sic) because of Democrat talking points about what Republicans are. You prove you're a lifelong Democrat every day in every post.

Sure, guy, you know all about my life...
Because I clearly can't make money writing resumes,
and I have no idea about Doctor Who
and I couldn't have ever possibly been a Republican

Nope, nope, Kaz has his opinion and he's going to stick to it.

Then of course there's how before you claimed to have left the Republican party in 2000 because the SCOTUS stopped Gore from stealing the election and then you changed to that you left in 2008 because Romney was a Mormon

Which I never said. But you see, you really just insert these things I never say in the conversation because you can't really refute what I actually said.

I didn't leave the GOP because Bush stole the election. He DID steal the election, though. I just didn't care. And I'll give Bush his props, after 9/11 he rose to the occasion. Then he did Iraq and Katrina and 2008 and really fucked it all up.

My problem with Romney (oh, yeah, I really and truly hate Mormons with a passion) is how he is what happens when religious crazy takes the driver's seat.

In 2008, Republicans rejected Romney because he was a Mormon. In 2012, they embraced him because OH MY GOD THERE'S A (N-word) IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

How could i not walk away from the GOP?
The only way to make costs go down is for the government to take it all over or for both government and insurance to take a hike. The reason being is, if the government take over and is paying, the mechanic will be happy with whatever they pay because the owner of the car has no money to give them and there is no competing insurance companies to pay them more. We saw this with the VA in Arizona. Veterans who were on government health care became too sick and expensive to care for, so they were put on secret death lists.

I think when you repeat stupid conspiracy theories to make your point, you really have no credibility.

There are a lot of drivers on costs, but the main one is that we are all living longer. Nobody thought we'd be dealing with 46 million people over the age of 65. But that's our new reality.
You're a socialist, Joe. Just like the thread title. If you'd been a Republican all your life as you claim, then you'd know what Republicans think and you obviously don't. All you know is what Democrats told you to think that Republicans think.

Guy, I've heard it all before, and it's all the same nonsense. Whenever your side talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of someone with money to fuck you over.

You can tell who the GOP favors by who they hate. - Lawyers, Unions and Government.... anyone who wants to make the class struggle a fair fight.

My mistake pre-2008 was thinking that being white, college educated and male put me in the same class as the people who were engaging in all the bad behavior.

I let myself get deluded, until I got a really nasty wakeup call in 2008.

I left the party in 1990 when HW convinced me Reagan was an aberration and Republicans were no different than Democrats. But I left the Republicans for what they are. You left the Republicans (sic) because of Democrat talking points about what Republicans are. You prove you're a lifelong Democrat every day in every post.

Sure, guy, you know all about my life...
Because I clearly can't make money writing resumes,
and I have no idea about Doctor Who
and I couldn't have ever possibly been a Republican

Nope, nope, Kaz has his opinion and he's going to stick to it.

Then of course there's how before you claimed to have left the Republican party in 2000 because the SCOTUS stopped Gore from stealing the election and then you changed to that you left in 2008 because Romney was a Mormon

Which I never said. But you see, you really just insert these things I never say in the conversation because you can't really refute what I actually said.

I didn't leave the GOP because Bush stole the election. He DID steal the election, though. I just didn't care. And I'll give Bush his props, after 9/11 he rose to the occasion. Then he did Iraq and Katrina and 2008 and really fucked it all up.

My problem with Romney (oh, yeah, I really and truly hate Mormons with a passion) is how he is what happens when religious crazy takes the driver's seat.

In 2008, Republicans rejected Romney because he was a Mormon. In 2012, they embraced him because OH MY GOD THERE'S A (N-word) IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

How could i not walk away from the GOP?

You can tell who the GOP favors by who they hate. - Lawyers, Unions and Government.... anyone who wants to make the class struggle a fair fight.

So the GOP favors those they hate, lawyers? Government? Ok, maybe unions, but did you know that the GOP makes up those in government and are lawyers? Hmm? And had you ever considered that our problems in government have been created by these same lawyers? Hmm?

I know, corporations are to blame, right? Well tell me, who created corporations and made the laws to give them special privileges over the rest of us? Was it not these same government lawyers? Hmm? In fact, corporations are nothing more than mini governments that are pawns for centralized control over the economy.

As for unions, many have turned and voted Trump. Now why do you suppose that is? Was it not because they felt screwed by the economic polices of both parties? Hmm?

Try using your brain at least once a week, then as you get used to it try doing it a few more times a week until you are able to think for yourself again instead of babbling DNC talking points.
The only way to make costs go down is for the government to take it all over or for both government and insurance to take a hike. The reason being is, if the government take over and is paying, the mechanic will be happy with whatever they pay because the owner of the car has no money to give them and there is no competing insurance companies to pay them more. We saw this with the VA in Arizona. Veterans who were on government health care became too sick and expensive to care for, so they were put on secret death lists.

I think when you repeat stupid conspiracy theories to make your point, you really have no credibility.

There are a lot of drivers on costs, but the main one is that we are all living longer. Nobody thought we'd be dealing with 46 million people over the age of 65. But that's our new reality.

What conspiracy theory do you refer to? Are you referring to the VA scandal in Arizona where Veterans were put on secret death lists. If this story was a lie, why did Obama fire a high ranking official in the VA? Trouble is, he had nothing to do with it, but they needed to show they cared, right?

Or are you talking about my conspiracy theory that supply and demand is what the economy is based upon? Really? If someone will pay, then people will charge it. It's just that simple.

What I find odd is you objection that government run health care would drive down costs. I thought we could at least both agree with this. I also thought where we differ is, you will claim we can get just as good of coverage paying less, much like we were told with Obamacare and that now we see as a big lie.

Thanks for playing.
You're a socialist, Joe. Just like the thread title. If you'd been a Republican all your life as you claim, then you'd know what Republicans think and you obviously don't. All you know is what Democrats told you to think that Republicans think.

Guy, I've heard it all before, and it's all the same nonsense. Whenever your side talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of someone with money to fuck you over.

You can tell who the GOP favors by who they hate. - Lawyers, Unions and Government.... anyone who wants to make the class struggle a fair fight.

My mistake pre-2008 was thinking that being white, college educated and male put me in the same class as the people who were engaging in all the bad behavior.

I let myself get deluded, until I got a really nasty wakeup call in 2008.

I left the party in 1990 when HW convinced me Reagan was an aberration and Republicans were no different than Democrats. But I left the Republicans for what they are. You left the Republicans (sic) because of Democrat talking points about what Republicans are. You prove you're a lifelong Democrat every day in every post.

Sure, guy, you know all about my life...
Because I clearly can't make money writing resumes,
and I have no idea about Doctor Who
and I couldn't have ever possibly been a Republican

Nope, nope, Kaz has his opinion and he's going to stick to it.

Then of course there's how before you claimed to have left the Republican party in 2000 because the SCOTUS stopped Gore from stealing the election and then you changed to that you left in 2008 because Romney was a Mormon

Which I never said. But you see, you really just insert these things I never say in the conversation because you can't really refute what I actually said.

I didn't leave the GOP because Bush stole the election. He DID steal the election, though. I just didn't care. And I'll give Bush his props, after 9/11 he rose to the occasion. Then he did Iraq and Katrina and 2008 and really fucked it all up.

My problem with Romney (oh, yeah, I really and truly hate Mormons with a passion) is how he is what happens when religious crazy takes the driver's seat.

In 2008, Republicans rejected Romney because he was a Mormon. In 2012, they embraced him because OH MY GOD THERE'S A (N-word) IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

How could i not walk away from the GOP?

You're proving again you always were a socialist who has no idea what Republicans think.

Republicans hate Obama because he's black!

Gotcha Joe, Bill, Hillary, Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Reid, Daschle, a bunch of n words too, right Joe? Liar.

And seriously. You think when we have single payer, you're going to get expensive medical care? Dream on
You can tell who the GOP favors by who they hate. - Lawyers, Unions and Government.
Three groups that should be hated. Not one of these three has done shit in the last 70 years to make America better, If anything they have been fighting against ,making the United States a better place.

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