POLL: The GOP and "Socialism"

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

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Didn't read your own link, did ja, Joe?

1) It doesn't say people aren't travelling here, it only argues that it's not rapidly growing

2) It does't prove that it isn't rapidly growing, it only says there's no hard data

People from socialist countries coming here for medical care is a good thing, they pay high and reduce the cost to Americans. Socialism just delivers crappy care for all. Well, except the political elites
You're a socialist, Joe. Just like the thread title. If you'd been a Republican all your life as you claim, then you'd know what Republicans think and you obviously don't. All you know is what Democrats told you to think that Republicans think.

Guy, I've heard it all before, and it's all the same nonsense. Whenever your side talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of someone with money to fuck you over.

You can tell who the GOP favors by who they hate. - Lawyers, Unions and Government.... anyone who wants to make the class struggle a fair fight.

My mistake pre-2008 was thinking that being white, college educated and male put me in the same class as the people who were engaging in all the bad behavior.

I let myself get deluded, until I got a really nasty wakeup call in 2008.

I left the party in 1990 when HW convinced me Reagan was an aberration and Republicans were no different than Democrats. But I left the Republicans for what they are. You left the Republicans (sic) because of Democrat talking points about what Republicans are. You prove you're a lifelong Democrat every day in every post.

Sure, guy, you know all about my life...
Because I clearly can't make money writing resumes,
and I have no idea about Doctor Who
and I couldn't have ever possibly been a Republican

Nope, nope, Kaz has his opinion and he's going to stick to it.

Then of course there's how before you claimed to have left the Republican party in 2000 because the SCOTUS stopped Gore from stealing the election and then you changed to that you left in 2008 because Romney was a Mormon

Which I never said. But you see, you really just insert these things I never say in the conversation because you can't really refute what I actually said.

I didn't leave the GOP because Bush stole the election. He DID steal the election, though. I just didn't care. And I'll give Bush his props, after 9/11 he rose to the occasion. Then he did Iraq and Katrina and 2008 and really fucked it all up.

My problem with Romney (oh, yeah, I really and truly hate Mormons with a passion) is how he is what happens when religious crazy takes the driver's seat.

In 2008, Republicans rejected Romney because he was a Mormon. In 2012, they embraced him because OH MY GOD THERE'S A (N-word) IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

How could i not walk away from the GOP?

You're proving again you always were a socialist who has no idea what Republicans think.

Republicans hate Obama because he's black!

Gotcha Joe, Bill, Hillary, Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Reid, Daschle, a bunch of n words too, right Joe? Liar.

And seriously. You think when we have single payer, you're going to get expensive medical care? Dream on

Which is why Ben Carsen led the GOP primary for a while, don't ya know.

And the treatment of Ben by the Left was like a good tar a feathering, yet the GOP are the racist ones.
You're a socialist, Joe. Just like the thread title. If you'd been a Republican all your life as you claim, then you'd know what Republicans think and you obviously don't. All you know is what Democrats told you to think that Republicans think.

Guy, I've heard it all before, and it's all the same nonsense. Whenever your side talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of someone with money to fuck you over.

You can tell who the GOP favors by who they hate. - Lawyers, Unions and Government.... anyone who wants to make the class struggle a fair fight.

My mistake pre-2008 was thinking that being white, college educated and male put me in the same class as the people who were engaging in all the bad behavior.

I let myself get deluded, until I got a really nasty wakeup call in 2008.

I left the party in 1990 when HW convinced me Reagan was an aberration and Republicans were no different than Democrats. But I left the Republicans for what they are. You left the Republicans (sic) because of Democrat talking points about what Republicans are. You prove you're a lifelong Democrat every day in every post.

Sure, guy, you know all about my life...
Because I clearly can't make money writing resumes,
and I have no idea about Doctor Who
and I couldn't have ever possibly been a Republican

Nope, nope, Kaz has his opinion and he's going to stick to it.

Then of course there's how before you claimed to have left the Republican party in 2000 because the SCOTUS stopped Gore from stealing the election and then you changed to that you left in 2008 because Romney was a Mormon

Which I never said. But you see, you really just insert these things I never say in the conversation because you can't really refute what I actually said.

I didn't leave the GOP because Bush stole the election. He DID steal the election, though. I just didn't care. And I'll give Bush his props, after 9/11 he rose to the occasion. Then he did Iraq and Katrina and 2008 and really fucked it all up.

My problem with Romney (oh, yeah, I really and truly hate Mormons with a passion) is how he is what happens when religious crazy takes the driver's seat.

In 2008, Republicans rejected Romney because he was a Mormon. In 2012, they embraced him because OH MY GOD THERE'S A (N-word) IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

How could i not walk away from the GOP?

You're proving again you always were a socialist who has no idea what Republicans think.

Republicans hate Obama because he's black!

Gotcha Joe, Bill, Hillary, Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Reid, Daschle, a bunch of n words too, right Joe? Liar.

And seriously. You think when we have single payer, you're going to get expensive medical care? Dream on

Which is why Ben Carsen led the GOP primary for a while, don't ya know.

And the treatment of Ben by the Left was like a good tar a feathering, yet the GOP are the racist ones.

Clarence Thomas and Condie Rice are also very popular in the GOP. Powell was until he started flip flopping on being a conservative. Black conservatives are doing great on Fox. So are black leftists. Obviously Joe's never been a Republican or he would know that
You're a socialist, Joe. Just like the thread title. If you'd been a Republican all your life as you claim, then you'd know what Republicans think and you obviously don't. All you know is what Democrats told you to think that Republicans think.

Guy, I've heard it all before, and it's all the same nonsense. Whenever your side talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of someone with money to fuck you over.

You can tell who the GOP favors by who they hate. - Lawyers, Unions and Government.... anyone who wants to make the class struggle a fair fight.

My mistake pre-2008 was thinking that being white, college educated and male put me in the same class as the people who were engaging in all the bad behavior.

I let myself get deluded, until I got a really nasty wakeup call in 2008.

I left the party in 1990 when HW convinced me Reagan was an aberration and Republicans were no different than Democrats. But I left the Republicans for what they are. You left the Republicans (sic) because of Democrat talking points about what Republicans are. You prove you're a lifelong Democrat every day in every post.

Sure, guy, you know all about my life...
Because I clearly can't make money writing resumes,
and I have no idea about Doctor Who
and I couldn't have ever possibly been a Republican

Nope, nope, Kaz has his opinion and he's going to stick to it.

Then of course there's how before you claimed to have left the Republican party in 2000 because the SCOTUS stopped Gore from stealing the election and then you changed to that you left in 2008 because Romney was a Mormon

Which I never said. But you see, you really just insert these things I never say in the conversation because you can't really refute what I actually said.

I didn't leave the GOP because Bush stole the election. He DID steal the election, though. I just didn't care. And I'll give Bush his props, after 9/11 he rose to the occasion. Then he did Iraq and Katrina and 2008 and really fucked it all up.

My problem with Romney (oh, yeah, I really and truly hate Mormons with a passion) is how he is what happens when religious crazy takes the driver's seat.

In 2008, Republicans rejected Romney because he was a Mormon. In 2012, they embraced him because OH MY GOD THERE'S A (N-word) IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

How could i not walk away from the GOP?

You're proving again you always were a socialist who has no idea what Republicans think.

Republicans hate Obama because he's black!

Gotcha Joe, Bill, Hillary, Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Reid, Daschle, a bunch of n words too, right Joe? Liar.

And seriously. You think when we have single payer, you're going to get expensive medical care? Dream on

Which is why Ben Carsen led the GOP primary for a while, don't ya know.

And the treatment of Ben by the Left was like a good tar a feathering, yet the GOP are the racist ones.

Clarence Thomas and Condie Rice are also very popular in the GOP. Powell was until he started flip flopping on being a conservative. Black conservatives are doing great on Fox. So are black leftists. Obviously Joe's never been a Republican or he would know that

This is how they treat Clearance Thomas today.

The Case for Impeaching Clarence Thomas

Just like Trump, he should be impeached as well.

It's not up to "most people". The powers and responsibilities of government are assigned via the Constitution. If we want to add healthcare, we have to amend the Constitution. That process requires much more than a simple majority vote, and for good reason.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

we don't need to amend the constitution to have universal health care. All we need to do is vote it in, or expand Medicare to cover everyone. Easy Peasy.

Well, no. That's not the way it's suppose to work, and if we try to force it, it's going to cause more problems than it solves.

Limitations on government power are the only thing that makes democracy viable. Seriously, no sane person would voluntarily submit to majority rule if the majority can force them to do any damned thing it pleases. THAT would be a suicide pact. If we dispense with these limitation, it will tear our country apart. It IS tearing our country apart.
It's not up to "most people". The powers and responsibilities of government are assigned via the Constitution. If we want to add healthcare, we have to amend the Constitution. That process requires much more than a simple majority vote, and for good reason.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

we don't need to amend the constitution to have universal health care. All we need to do is vote it in, or expand Medicare to cover everyone. Easy Peasy.

Well, no. That's not the way it's suppose to work, and if we try to force it, it's going to cause more problems than it solves.

Limitations on government power are the only thing that makes democracy viable. Seriously, no sane person would voluntarily submit to majority rule if the majority can force them to do any damned thing it pleases. THAT would be a suicide pact. If we dispense with these limitation, it will tear our country apart. It IS tearing our country apart.

Actually, history shows that authoritarian dictatorships can last centuries as where democratic republics do well to last a hundred years.

In fact, you might say that people gravitate towards authoritarian dictatorships and that it is a natural evolution of government.
The only way to make costs go down is for the government to take it all over or for both government and insurance to take a hike.

I don't, necessarily, think insurance needs to "take a hike". It doesn't really create a problem until we try to co-opt it as a social safety net - which has been our policy vector for fifty years. If we dropped the regulation supporting employer-provided "group" insurance, and stopped pretending it was there to solve social problems, market forces would find the right balance.

This, of course, assumes removing all the additional regulations foisted on insurance by ACA - most importantly guaranteed issue.
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Actually, history shows that authoritarian dictatorships can last centuries as where democratic republics do well to last a hundred years.

Well, I'm assuming a shared goal of avoiding authoritarian dictatorship. Maybe I'm being naive.
Actually, history shows that authoritarian dictatorships can last centuries as where democratic republics do well to last a hundred years.

Well, I'm assuming a shared goal of avoiding authoritarian dictatorship. Maybe I'm being naive.

The crazy thing is, we all crave freedom, yet we all demand a king.

It's like the Left as they rail against the top 1% of the wealthy in the country. What do they really want, do they want it to become the top 0.0000001%

Yep, they sure do. They want all power and wealth to remain with one person or small group of people.
It's not up to "most people". The powers and responsibilities of government are assigned via the Constitution. If we want to add healthcare, we have to amend the Constitution. That process requires much more than a simple majority vote, and for good reason.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

we don't need to amend the constitution to have universal health care. All we need to do is vote it in, or expand Medicare to cover everyone. Easy Peasy.

Well, no. That's not the way it's suppose to work, and if we try to force it, it's going to cause more problems than it solves.

Limitations on government power are the only thing that makes democracy viable. Seriously, no sane person would voluntarily submit to majority rule if the majority can force them to do any damned thing it pleases. THAT would be a suicide pact. If we dispense with these limitation, it will tear our country apart. It IS tearing our country apart.

Sadly though, it will work. Democrats will vote in single payer as soon as they have a majority. And like Obamacare, Republicans will never vote it out. They'll futz around and declare it gone even though it isn't
Actually, history shows that authoritarian dictatorships can last centuries as where democratic republics do well to last a hundred years.

Well, I'm assuming a shared goal of avoiding authoritarian dictatorship. Maybe I'm being naive.

Democrats clearly want to be ruled by government. They just believe they can control the beast they built. They're idiots
It's not up to "most people". The powers and responsibilities of government are assigned via the Constitution. If we want to add healthcare, we have to amend the Constitution. That process requires much more than a simple majority vote, and for good reason.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

we don't need to amend the constitution to have universal health care. All we need to do is vote it in, or expand Medicare to cover everyone. Easy Peasy.

Well, no. That's not the way it's suppose to work, and if we try to force it, it's going to cause more problems than it solves.

Limitations on government power are the only thing that makes democracy viable. Seriously, no sane person would voluntarily submit to majority rule if the majority can force them to do any damned thing it pleases. THAT would be a suicide pact. If we dispense with these limitation, it will tear our country apart. It IS tearing our country apart.

Actually, history shows that authoritarian dictatorships can last centuries as where democratic republics do well to last a hundred years.

In fact, you might say that people gravitate towards authoritarian dictatorships and that it is a natural evolution of government.

We're certainly a data point in support of that theory. You would think that in a country so rich and leisurely with so little racism or other problems of the rest of the world, we would be the happiest, most care free and tolerant place. And the reverse has happened. Every difference is amped up and exaggerated into a tsunami of hate and intolerance
Actually, history shows that authoritarian dictatorships can last centuries as where democratic republics do well to last a hundred years.

Well, I'm assuming a shared goal of avoiding authoritarian dictatorship. Maybe I'm being naive.

The crazy thing is, we all crave freedom, yet we all demand a king.

It's like the Left as they rail against the top 1% of the wealthy in the country. What do they really want, do they want it to become the top 0.0000001%

Yep, they sure do. They want all power and wealth to remain with one person or small group of people.

The thing that gets me about socialists is that they think that putting economic power under control of government, rather than property owners, will eliminate the problem of greed. But all it does is change the target. Under capitalism, people who want to maximize their economic power in society have to do it via the market. They have to convince other people to give them money voluntarily. Under socialism, economic power is achieved by political means. Greedy people won't be investing in the market, they'll be investing in political influence instead.
What conspiracy theory do you refer to? Are you referring to the VA scandal in Arizona where Veterans were put on secret death lists. If this story was a lie, why did Obama fire a high ranking official in the VA? Trouble is, he had nothing to do with it, but they needed to show they cared, right?

They were fired for not doing their jobs... which they should have been, but I don't waste time talking to loons. Go find Dale Smith, and you guys can talk about the Lizard People.

hree groups that should be hated. Not one of these three has done shit in the last 70 years to make America better, If anything they have been fighting against ,making the United States a better place.

Did you enjoy your weekend? We didn't have Weekends before Unions, buddy.

You're proving again you always were a socialist who has no idea what Republicans think.

Republicans hate Obama because he's black!

Oh, yeah, you guys absolutely lost your shit when the black guy got elected.

And seriously. You think when we have single payer, you're going to get expensive medical care? Dream on

Again, every other country has single payer, they do just fine. They even waste hundreds of thousands of pounds on British Meat Babies.
Which is why Ben Carsen led the GOP primary for a while, don't ya know.

He didn't get the nomination, did he?

I mean, every election cycle, the GOP drags out some Uncle Tom like Cain or Carson or Keyes to tell them all how shiftless the other negroes are... and then they nominate some rich white guy.

Now I'm back to ignoring you.

Clarence Thomas and Condie Rice are also very popular in the GOP. Powell was until he started flip flopping on being a conservative. Black conservatives are doing great on Fox. So are black leftists. Obviously Joe's never been a Republican or he would know that

Naw, man, that you can drag out a few Uncle Toms doesn't really impress me. Even when I was Republican, I found these folks a little off putting, like they were trying to hard to ingratiate themselves to white folks... it was kind of awkward

This is how they treat Clearance Thomas today.

The Case for Impeaching Clarence Thomas

Just like Trump, he should be impeached as well.


Never should have been named to the bench to start with. All that said, what was done with Anita Hill was disgraceful on the part of the Democrats.

Did you enjoy your weekend? We didn't have Weekends before Unions, buddy.
Really the Unions invented Saturdays and Sundays? I would never have guessed.
Now back to reality, Your capitalist friend Henery Ford of Ford Motor Company fame, advanced the idea of a 40 hour week in 1914, when it scaled back from a 48-hour workweek. Henry Ford believed that too many hours were bad for workers’ productivity.
Where Did the 40-Hour Workweek Come From?
Democrats clearly want to be ruled by government. They just believe they can control the beast they built. They're idiots

Naw, an idiot is a Libertarian who wants anarchy and then complains when he doesn't get Federal Matching Funds.

The thing that gets me about socialists is that they think that putting economic power under control of government, rather than property owners, will eliminate the problem of greed. But all it does is change the target. Under capitalism, people who want to maximize their economic power in society have to do it via the market. They have to convince other people to give them money voluntarily. Under socialism, economic power is achieved by political means. Greedy people won't be investing in the market, they'll be investing in political influence instead.

I'm sure they will... and we'll vote people out when they take bribes and send them to prison. Except we don't send them to Club Fed, we send them to big boy prison.

Problem solved.
The thing that gets me about socialists is that they think that putting economic power under control of government, rather than property owners, will eliminate the problem of greed. But all it does is change the target. Under capitalism, people who want to maximize their economic power in society have to do it via the market. They have to convince other people to give them money voluntarily. Under socialism, economic power is achieved by political means. Greedy people won't be investing in the market, they'll be investing in political influence instead.

I'm sure they will... and we'll vote people out when they take bribes and send them to prison. Except we don't send them to Club Fed, we send them to big boy prison.

Problem solved.

That's a fantasy worthy of a porn mag.
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It makes it so much easier to distinguish between the two major political parties when the crazy democrat left finally quits the smoke and mirrors and comes out of the socialist political closet. Live with it and embrace it while you can lefties because the democrat party ain't likely to be around much longer at this rate.

If you think the Democrats are socialist you're fucking nuts. The Democrats would be right wing in most European countries.

Our Conservative Party is several paces to the left of the American Democratic policy.

Bill Clinton made a huge right turn to get elected in Reagan’s American and Democrats are still more right wing than any European or Canadian policitcal party. No true liberal would ever renew the Patriot Act.

The only left wing policy Obama undertook was universal health care and even then he deleted the public option to appease Republicans.
Social security is not socialism. It is our own money we are forced to pay in, rather than invest and make more for ourselves.
How many of those old white conservatives use social security? We already have socialist programs, and they do what they're supposed to. We have to stop using the word socialism. People are too dumb to get over the stigma that has been attached to it by the propaganda machine. It's a buzzword that automatically shuts down the conversation. They hear it and their brains turn off.

Social Security is the ESSENCE of Democratic socialism. So is Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, earned income credits, and all of the other ways the government controls how the working poor get their money.

Earned income credits is the perfect socialist program. It takes money from the middle class to subsidize slave level wages for the largest, most profitable companies in America.

This incredibly stupid program is the epitome of public waste and government overreach. In addition to the cost of the benefits received, there are the costs of receiving and reviewing applications, determining the benefits and then sending funds to the recipients.

It would be faster, better and cheaper to simply raise the minimum wage have employers pay a reasonable living wage the way they did before earned income credits were instituted.

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