POLL: The GOP and "Socialism"

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

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Partly both I would guess.

The problem for me here is that I am using language that is associated with Marxism.

Marx has a lot of critics and I assume for one to be critical they would have an understanding of the language he used and an idea of his philosophy. I don't automatically assume his critics are ignorant.

I probably need to rethink that assumption.

What is capital and if it is not private what would it be?

If socialists don't need capital, why did Hillary take $145 million in bribe money?
Hillary is neo-liberal, not Marxist.

What policies does she have that aren't Marxist? Don't give sweeping statements
She is owned by wall street. She supports the neo-liberal free trade agenda. She destroyed Libya for the capitalists. She is a representative of the ruling class for fucks sake. Get out of here with your bullshit.

HRC Paid Speeches - WikiLeaks

I said no sweeping statements and you gave nothing else. Not one of those things is a non-Marxist actual action that she ever made.

Try again. What has Hillary specifically proposed, supported or done that isn't Marxist?
I don't care, you're entitled to your opinion. Marx was a huge fan of capital, he even wrote a book or two on it.
You think Republicans suck because you believe every talking point that Democrats tell you to believe, even though if you had actually been a Republican all your life as you claim, you'd know those aren't the actual Republican positions.

Uh, no, guy, what I realized is the things that working class Republicans get all worked up about, the wealthy sugar daddies who run your party don't care about.

It's why the rich ALWAYS get their tax cuts, but abortion never gets banned and you can't even get ObamaCare overturned.

And they've been pulling this shit on you since Tricky Dick.

You don't know what my positions are either even though I keep telling you. I'm not an anarchist, dildo.

Naw, man, you are like most Libertarian Retards, you like civilization, you just don't want to do the hard work to maintain it. Or at least you like the part that protects your interests. It's when it starts looking out for the other guy you get upset.

You want socialism, and you have this bizarre idea that somehow claiming to be an ex-Republican gives you more credibility. It doesn't. BTW, it wouldn't, even if you weren't so lame a fake ex-Republican. No one cares about socialist Republican views either

No, man, I want pragmatism. If a government program works better than the private solution, I'm all for it. If a private solution works better, I'm all for that.

For instance, I'd have no problem with more school choice, if it was properly done, and wasn't just a corporate welfare program for Betsy DeVos's friends.
If socialists don't need capital, why did Hillary take $145 million in bribe money?
Hillary is neo-liberal, not Marxist.

What policies does she have that aren't Marxist? Don't give sweeping statements
She is owned by wall street. She supports the neo-liberal free trade agenda. She destroyed Libya for the capitalists. She is a representative of the ruling class for fucks sake. Get out of here with your bullshit.

HRC Paid Speeches - WikiLeaks

I said no sweeping statements and you gave nothing else. Not one of those things is a non-Marxist actual action that she ever made.

Try again. What has Hillary specifically proposed, supported or done that isn't Marxist?
I don't care, you're entitled to your opinion. Marx was a huge fan of capital, he even wrote a book or two on it.

Exactly, you can't come up with any specific examples of anything Hillary actually supports that isn't Marxist. [/game][/set][/match]
You think Republicans suck because you believe every talking point that Democrats tell you to believe, even though if you had actually been a Republican all your life as you claim, you'd know those aren't the actual Republican positions.

Uh, no, guy, what I realized is the things that working class Republicans get all worked up about, the wealthy sugar daddies who run your party don't care about.

It's why the rich ALWAYS get their tax cuts, but abortion never gets banned and you can't even get ObamaCare overturned.

And they've been pulling this shit on you since Tricky Dick.

You don't know what my positions are either even though I keep telling you. I'm not an anarchist, dildo.

Naw, man, you are like most Libertarian Retards, you like civilization, you just don't want to do the hard work to maintain it. Or at least you like the part that protects your interests. It's when it starts looking out for the other guy you get upset.

You want socialism, and you have this bizarre idea that somehow claiming to be an ex-Republican gives you more credibility. It doesn't. BTW, it wouldn't, even if you weren't so lame a fake ex-Republican. No one cares about socialist Republican views either

No, man, I want pragmatism. If a government program works better than the private solution, I'm all for it. If a private solution works better, I'm all for that.

For instance, I'd have no problem with more school choice, if it was properly done, and wasn't just a corporate welfare program for Betsy DeVos's friends.

You're a socialist who wants government to run our lives because you're pragmatic. Now that's classic. I suppose in your case, they can do a better job. Remember how you bought the cheapest crap insurance policy that didn't cover anything then you expected Cadillac coverage? Thinking isn't your forte.

Then you go on to say you know I'm not an anarchist, you think I'm an anarchist. Again, thinking ... not your forte ... I'm not an anarchist, dumb ass.

And no, you have no idea what Republicans think even though you claim you were a solid Republican most of your life. You believe that Democrat talking point lies that tell you what to think Republicans think. You never voted for a Republican in your life, get real
Exactly, you can't come up with any specific examples of anything Hillary actually supports that isn't Marxist.

If you define Marxist as 'anything I disagree with", um, yeah, I guess not.

Hillary was a typical Wall Street Democrat. The markets would have done very well with her in charge.

Yet you can't think of a single non-Marxist wall street proposal by Hillary who isn't a Marxist
Hillary is neo-liberal, not Marxist.

What policies does she have that aren't Marxist? Don't give sweeping statements
She is owned by wall street. She supports the neo-liberal free trade agenda. She destroyed Libya for the capitalists. She is a representative of the ruling class for fucks sake. Get out of here with your bullshit.

HRC Paid Speeches - WikiLeaks

I said no sweeping statements and you gave nothing else. Not one of those things is a non-Marxist actual action that she ever made.

Try again. What has Hillary specifically proposed, supported or done that isn't Marxist?
I don't care, you're entitled to your opinion. Marx was a huge fan of capital, he even wrote a book or two on it.

Exactly, you can't come up with any specific examples of anything Hillary actually supports that isn't Marxist. [/game][/set][/match]
It's easy to declare victory when you define your own narrative, congratulations mindwars.
What policies does she have that aren't Marxist? Don't give sweeping statements
She is owned by wall street. She supports the neo-liberal free trade agenda. She destroyed Libya for the capitalists. She is a representative of the ruling class for fucks sake. Get out of here with your bullshit.

HRC Paid Speeches - WikiLeaks

I said no sweeping statements and you gave nothing else. Not one of those things is a non-Marxist actual action that she ever made.

Try again. What has Hillary specifically proposed, supported or done that isn't Marxist?
I don't care, you're entitled to your opinion. Marx was a huge fan of capital, he even wrote a book or two on it.

Exactly, you can't come up with any specific examples of anything Hillary actually supports that isn't Marxist. [/game][/set][/match]
It's easy to declare victory when you define your own narrative, congratulations mindwars.

Yes, "give me an example" of your claim Hillary isn't Marxist. That's just random and arbitrary, gotcha.

Name any specific proposal that Hillary has made that calls for less Federal power rather than more
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She is owned by wall street. She supports the neo-liberal free trade agenda. She destroyed Libya for the capitalists. She is a representative of the ruling class for fucks sake. Get out of here with your bullshit.

HRC Paid Speeches - WikiLeaks

I said no sweeping statements and you gave nothing else. Not one of those things is a non-Marxist actual action that she ever made.

Try again. What has Hillary specifically proposed, supported or done that isn't Marxist?
I don't care, you're entitled to your opinion. Marx was a huge fan of capital, he even wrote a book or two on it.

Exactly, you can't come up with any specific examples of anything Hillary actually supports that isn't Marxist. [/game][/set][/match]
It's easy to declare victory when you define your own narrative, congratulations mindwars.

Yes, "give me an example" of your claim Hillary isn't Marxist. That's just random and arbitrary, gotcha
Marx's revolutionary social idea was to abolish capital, not transform it from private to public and giving it up to the State.

Everything about Clinton is anti Marxist.
I said no sweeping statements and you gave nothing else. Not one of those things is a non-Marxist actual action that she ever made.

Try again. What has Hillary specifically proposed, supported or done that isn't Marxist?
I don't care, you're entitled to your opinion. Marx was a huge fan of capital, he even wrote a book or two on it.

Exactly, you can't come up with any specific examples of anything Hillary actually supports that isn't Marxist. [/game][/set][/match]
It's easy to declare victory when you define your own narrative, congratulations mindwars.

Yes, "give me an example" of your claim Hillary isn't Marxist. That's just random and arbitrary, gotcha
Marx's revolutionary social idea was to abolish capital, not transform it from private to public and giving it up to the State.

Everything about Clinton is anti Marxist.

"Everything about Clinton is anti Marxist," and yet you can't think of a single specific thing she's proposed that isn't Marxist ...
I don't care, you're entitled to your opinion. Marx was a huge fan of capital, he even wrote a book or two on it.

Exactly, you can't come up with any specific examples of anything Hillary actually supports that isn't Marxist. [/game][/set][/match]
It's easy to declare victory when you define your own narrative, congratulations mindwars.

Yes, "give me an example" of your claim Hillary isn't Marxist. That's just random and arbitrary, gotcha
Marx's revolutionary social idea was to abolish capital, not transform it from private to public and giving it up to the State.

Everything about Clinton is anti Marxist.

"Everything about Clinton is anti Marxist," and yet you can't think of a single specific thing she's proposed that isn't Marxist ...
Here, see if you can wrap your brain around this.

This is not Marxist.

Raise the minimum wage and strengthen overtime rules.
Labor and workers' rights - The Office of Hillary Rodham Clinton
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Exactly, you can't come up with any specific examples of anything Hillary actually supports that isn't Marxist. [/game][/set][/match]
It's easy to declare victory when you define your own narrative, congratulations mindwars.

Yes, "give me an example" of your claim Hillary isn't Marxist. That's just random and arbitrary, gotcha
Marx's revolutionary social idea was to abolish capital, not transform it from private to public and giving it up to the State.

Everything about Clinton is anti Marxist.

"Everything about Clinton is anti Marxist," and yet you can't think of a single specific thing she's proposed that isn't Marxist ...
Here, see if you can wrap your brain around this.

This is not Marxist.

Raise the minimum wage and strengthen overtime rules.
Labor and workers' rights - The Office of Hillary Rodham Clinton
She's not marxist because she wants more government power over pay??? You made me laugh ...
It's easy to declare victory when you define your own narrative, congratulations mindwars.

Yes, "give me an example" of your claim Hillary isn't Marxist. That's just random and arbitrary, gotcha
Marx's revolutionary social idea was to abolish capital, not transform it from private to public and giving it up to the State.

Everything about Clinton is anti Marxist.

"Everything about Clinton is anti Marxist," and yet you can't think of a single specific thing she's proposed that isn't Marxist ...
Here, see if you can wrap your brain around this.

This is not Marxist.

Raise the minimum wage and strengthen overtime rules.
Labor and workers' rights - The Office of Hillary Rodham Clinton
She's not marxist because she wants more government power over pay??? You made me laugh ...
You have no clue what Marx wrote. But I already knew that.
Yes, "give me an example" of your claim Hillary isn't Marxist. That's just random and arbitrary, gotcha
Marx's revolutionary social idea was to abolish capital, not transform it from private to public and giving it up to the State.

Everything about Clinton is anti Marxist.

"Everything about Clinton is anti Marxist," and yet you can't think of a single specific thing she's proposed that isn't Marxist ...
Here, see if you can wrap your brain around this.

This is not Marxist.

Raise the minimum wage and strengthen overtime rules.
Labor and workers' rights - The Office of Hillary Rodham Clinton
She's not marxist because she wants more government power over pay??? You made me laugh ...
You have no clue what Marx wrote. But I already knew that.

Sure, Sport. Hillary's not a Marxist because she wants too much government
Marx's revolutionary social idea was to abolish capital, not transform it from private to public and giving it up to the State.

Everything about Clinton is anti Marxist.

"Everything about Clinton is anti Marxist," and yet you can't think of a single specific thing she's proposed that isn't Marxist ...
Here, see if you can wrap your brain around this.

This is not Marxist.

Raise the minimum wage and strengthen overtime rules.
Labor and workers' rights - The Office of Hillary Rodham Clinton
She's not marxist because she wants more government power over pay??? You made me laugh ...
You have no clue what Marx wrote. But I already knew that.

Sure, Sport. Hillary's not a Marxist because she wants too much government
Marx doesn't advocate for state control over wages. He seeks to abolish wages entirely.
Hillary is not Marxist.

Here, this will give you an idea as to how wrong you are. Marx is speaking to the German Workers Party, the party you should probably be conflating Hillary with instead of Marx.

"Since one has not the courage — and wisely so, for the circumstances demand caution — to demand the democratic republic, as the French workers' programs under Louis Philippe and under Louis Napoleon did, one should not have resorted, either, to the subterfuge, neither "honest" [1]nor decent, of demanding things which have meaning only in a democratic republic from a state which is nothing but a police-guarded military despotism, embellished with parliamentary forms, alloyed with a feudal admixture, already influenced by the bourgeoisie, and bureaucratically carpentered, and then to assure this state into the bargain that one imagines one will be able to force such things upon it "by legal means"."
Critique of the Gotha Programme-- IV
You're a socialist who wants government to run our lives because you're pragmatic. Now that's classic. I suppose in your case, they can do a better job. Remember how you bought the cheapest crap insurance policy that didn't cover anything then you expected Cadillac coverage? Thinking isn't your forte.

Um, no, I bought the best insurance the company offered at that time, and STILL they tried to cheat me... that was the point. And when they couldn't legally do that, they encouraged my employer to get rid of me and anyone else who had medical issues.

Then you go on to say you know I'm not an anarchist, you think I'm an anarchist. Again, thinking ... not your forte ... I'm not an anarchist, dumb ass.

No, you're a tool of the Koch Brothers who thinks he has original ideas. The Koch's don't want anarchy, they want government that doesn't protect workers and consumers. And they get useful idiots like you to go along with it by whelping on on about "Freedom" and "Liberty".

And no, you have no idea what Republicans think even though you claim you were a solid Republican most of your life.

Again, I know exactly what Republicans think... sadly, they've become a cult where the religious, gun and libertarian crazies have taken over, the people we used to laugh at 30 years ago.
And no, you have no idea what Republicans think even though you claim you were a solid Republican most of your life.

Again, I know exactly what Republicans think... sadly, they've become a cult where the religious, gun and libertarian crazies have taken over, the people we used to laugh at 30 years ago.

It's classic how you keep saying I'm wrong then proving me right that you believe what Democrats tell you to think Republicans think and you don't have a clue what Republicans actually think.

Though it's even funnier that you're right that Republicans do suck, and you don't have a clue as to how they actually suck. Then again, how would you since most of the ways they suck are because of how much Republicans are like Democrats.

No actual lifelong Republican would believe the stupid crap the Democrats tell you to think Republicans think even if a light bulb went on like it did for you and you became a socialist
Though it's even funnier that you're right that Republicans do suck, and you don't have a clue as to how they actually suck. Then again, how would you since most of the ways they suck are because of how much Republicans are like Democrats.

No, guy, that's just a Libertarian Retard talk.

Here's the thing. Back in 1980, when Harold Brown and one of the KOch brothers ran as Libertards, Republicans LAUGHED at them? No government? No Military. That's just fucking crazy talk, man.

But 30 years of Koch Brother Sugar Daddy shit, and you dummies have completely falling for it.
Though it's even funnier that you're right that Republicans do suck, and you don't have a clue as to how they actually suck. Then again, how would you since most of the ways they suck are because of how much Republicans are like Democrats.

No, guy, that's just a Libertarian Retard talk.

Here's the thing. Back in 1980, when Harold Brown and one of the KOch brothers ran as Libertards, Republicans LAUGHED at them? No government? No Military. That's just fucking crazy talk, man.

But 30 years of Koch Brother Sugar Daddy shit, and you dummies have completely falling for it.

You mean Harry Browne who ran in 1996 and 2000. Who is Harold Brown?

Here's the Libertarian Party position in 1980 on the military: "We recognize the necessity for maintaining a sufficient military force to defend the United States against aggression."

Oops, Joe's lying again.

You know nothing about what Republicans think. And you just proved it again. That and that you don't know what Libertarians think either
You mean Harry Browne who ran in 1996 and 2000. Who is Harold Brown?

Here's the Libertarian Party position in 1980 on the military: "We recognize the necessity for maintaining a sufficient military force to defend the United States against aggression."

Again, being selective... They also wanted to withdraw from NATO and cut military spending... they were a joke then, they are a joke now.

That and that you don't know what Libertarians think either

Libertarians don't think. They're fucking morons who enjoy civilization and don't want to do the heavy lifting to maintain it.

We've been over this.

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