POLL: The GOP and "Socialism"

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

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It's pretty funny how you think admitting you have a double standard means you think somehow that contradicts your having a double standard.

Pretty funny how you can have cause and effect explained to you and still not understand it.

It was faux cause and effect:

Joe: W created the recession, Obama was just President during the recession

Joe: It doesn't matter that as soon as W took office the country went into recession, it is on W.

There is no "cause and effect" there, Joe. Just more of your leftist lies.

The correct answer BTW is that W, Clinton and Obama were all responsible for recession economies because they all suck and they all had the same policies. Of course the economy struggles when tax and spend socialists like HW, Clinton, W and Obama are in office
Are you suggesting that "tax-and-spend" is worse than "not-tax-and-spend-anyway"?

I didn't suggest that, no. How did you possibly get that out of that post?

But yes, it's better to not tax and spend than tax and spend. You'd better since you'd better make the economy grow to absorb the spending.

But what I advocate is not taxing and not spending. You'd know that if you were a libertarian
Our conservative posters continue to start thread after thread pertaining to "socialism". And even though their exact definitions are fairly unclear, it's obvious they think that screaming SOCIALISM is, by itself, enough to win a debate.

As most of us can see, more and more people are becoming perfectly comfortable with the word - in part, no doubt, because the Right has completely over-used and diluted it.

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

About the same time that the left learn Nazi and Racist will not win the argument either...

Which is NEVER!!!
It's pretty funny how you think admitting you have a double standard means you think somehow that contradicts your having a double standard.

Pretty funny how you can have cause and effect explained to you and still not understand it.

It was faux cause and effect:

Joe: W created the recession, Obama was just President during the recession

Joe: It doesn't matter that as soon as W took office the country went into recession, it is on W.

There is no "cause and effect" there, Joe. Just more of your leftist lies.

The correct answer BTW is that W, Clinton and Obama were all responsible for recession economies because they all suck and they all had the same policies. Of course the economy struggles when tax and spend socialists like HW, Clinton, W and Obama are in office
Are you suggesting that "tax-and-spend" is worse than "not-tax-and-spend-anyway"?

I didn't suggest that, no. How did you possibly get that out of that post?

But yes, it's better to not tax and spend than tax and spend. You'd better since you'd better make the economy grow to absorb the spending.

But what I advocate is not taxing and not spending. You'd know that if you were a libertarian

Right. Real libertarians favor deficit spending. Forgot all about that one. My bad.
It was faux cause and effect:

Joe: W created the recession, Obama was just President during the recession

Joe: It doesn't matter that as soon as W took office the country went into recession, it is on W.

There is no "cause and effect" there, Joe. Just more of your leftist lies.

Sure there was. The 2001 recession was caused by Bush's failure to prevent 9/11, his failure to invest in job programs, instead giving huge tax breaks to the rich, and his failure to reign in his buddies at Enron who triggered the whole sell off. Bush's fault.

the 2008 recession was caused by Bush deregulating the banking industry and allowing very lax oversight of Wall Street. (It was like he learned not a damned thing from 2001 or his father's experience in 1990).

Cause and Effect. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

The correct answer BTW is that W, Clinton and Obama were all responsible for recession economies because they all suck and they all had the same policies.

yeah, because we all know putting Libertarian Anarchists in charge, the banks would be on their best behavior and wouldn't try to cheat anyone.
About the same time that the left learn Nazi and Racist will not win the argument either...

Which is NEVER!!!

Meh... seems to be doing a pretty good job.

Of course, it helps when you guys elect people who think these folks are okay.

About the same time that the left learn Nazi and Racist will not win the argument either...

Which is NEVER!!!

Meh... seems to be doing a pretty good job.

Of course, it helps when you guys elect people who think these folks are okay.


You know when I can spot ignorance is when someone claims they know how I voted.

In the end those like you believe everyone that did not vote for Obama during his two terms and those that did not vote for Clinton during her bid must be racist sexist bigots...

Now I do understand that unless someone straight ticket vote for your political party you will spew your typical nonsense about how someone is the enemy but what is the true enemy of this nation is the ignorant voter like you that I have seen on both sides.

So please tell me again how I voted for Trump when I voted for Johnson and no voting for Johnson is not the same as voting for Trump seeing even if you added Johnson votes and Stein votes to Clinton, well she would have lost the State of Texas still...
It was faux cause and effect:

Joe: W created the recession, Obama was just President during the recession

Joe: It doesn't matter that as soon as W took office the country went into recession, it is on W.

There is no "cause and effect" there, Joe. Just more of your leftist lies.

Sure there was. The 2001 recession was caused by Bush's failure to prevent 9/11, his failure to invest in job programs, instead giving huge tax breaks to the rich, and his failure to reign in his buddies at Enron who triggered the whole sell off. Bush's fault.

the 2008 recession was caused by Bush deregulating the banking industry and allowing very lax oversight of Wall Street. (It was like he learned not a damned thing from 2001 or his father's experience in 1990).

Cause and Effect. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

The correct answer BTW is that W, Clinton and Obama were all responsible for recession economies because they all suck and they all had the same policies.

yeah, because we all know putting Libertarian Anarchists in charge, the banks would be on their best behavior and wouldn't try to cheat anyone.

Bush was sworn in 2001, so the collapse in 2001 came from the bubble Clinton enjoyed.

So you better stop passing the buck there.

Also the 2008 crash you need to remember Pelosi and Reid were in charge of the House and Senate, so can you explain why they did not fix the issue in the year they had the House and Senate and force Bush to do something before the crash?

I know your political party is never at fault ever!

Oh, and the GOP failure to stop wasting money and two unpopular wars ( that Clinton supported first before being against ) got them elected out of office in the House and Senate in 2006, but tell everyone about how Democrats did a swell job in Bush last two years in office!
In the end those like you believe everyone that did not vote for Obama during his two terms and those that did not vote for Clinton during her bid must be racist sexist bigots...

yeah, pretty much. I really can't see any other good reason for voting for Trump..

Oh, and the GOP failure to stop wasting money and two unpopular wars ( that Clinton supported first before being against ) got them elected out of office in the House and Senate in 2006, but tell everyone about how Democrats did a swell job in Bush last two years in office!

Why would I do that? They did do a good job keeping Bush from escalating his wars any further, and forcing him to commit to a withdrawl, but that was about it.
It's pretty funny how you think admitting you have a double standard means you think somehow that contradicts your having a double standard.

Pretty funny how you can have cause and effect explained to you and still not understand it.

It was faux cause and effect:

Joe: W created the recession, Obama was just President during the recession

Joe: It doesn't matter that as soon as W took office the country went into recession, it is on W.

There is no "cause and effect" there, Joe. Just more of your leftist lies.

The correct answer BTW is that W, Clinton and Obama were all responsible for recession economies because they all suck and they all had the same policies. Of course the economy struggles when tax and spend socialists like HW, Clinton, W and Obama are in office
Are you suggesting that "tax-and-spend" is worse than "not-tax-and-spend-anyway"?

I didn't suggest that, no. How did you possibly get that out of that post?

But yes, it's better to not tax and spend than tax and spend. You'd better since you'd better make the economy grow to absorb the spending.

But what I advocate is not taxing and not spending. You'd know that if you were a libertarian

Right. Real libertarians favor deficit spending. Forgot all about that one. My bad.

That isn't what I said, ass wipe. I said we oppose government taxes and spending. Can't read a short post, huh? Let me guess. You went to government schools, didn't you?

And seriously, you're advocating high taxes and high spending. Which is why I keep telling you that you're not a libertarian.

You also know nothing about economics because high taxes and high spending is the worst scenario for deficits. You don't know that tax cuts grow the economy. Of course you don't
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It was faux cause and effect:

Joe: W created the recession, Obama was just President during the recession

Joe: It doesn't matter that as soon as W took office the country went into recession, it is on W.

There is no "cause and effect" there, Joe. Just more of your leftist lies.

Sure there was. The 2001 recession was caused by Bush's failure to prevent 9/11, his failure to invest in job programs, instead giving huge tax breaks to the rich, and his failure to reign in his buddies at Enron who triggered the whole sell off. Bush's fault.

the 2008 recession was caused by Bush deregulating the banking industry and allowing very lax oversight of Wall Street. (It was like he learned not a damned thing from 2001 or his father's experience in 1990).

Cause and Effect. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

The correct answer BTW is that W, Clinton and Obama were all responsible for recession economies because they all suck and they all had the same policies.

yeah, because we all know putting Libertarian Anarchists in charge, the banks would be on their best behavior and wouldn't try to cheat anyone.

Wow, 9/11 happened before March, 2011 when the recession started? And W didn't invest in jobs before he was President? That's amazing, Joe, how do you know all those things? Oh yeah, you're an idiot!

W just continued Clinton's policies and Obama just continued his policies. But only if you care about facts and stupid shit like that
That isn't what I said, ass wipe. I said we oppose government taxes and spending. Can't read a short post, huh? Let me guess. You went to government schools, didn't you?

You need taxes and spending to have civilization, buddy... sorry no one explained that at the Home School you went to.

Wow, 9/11 happened before March, 2011 when the recession started? And W didn't invest in jobs before he was President? That's amazing, Joe, how do you know all those things? Oh yeah, you're an idiot!

Probably wouldn't have blown up into a full fledged recession if 9/11 hadn't happened. But yeah, thanks for admitting the recession started under Bush's watch and not Clinton's. Clinton left Bush fine economy with peace and prosperity as far as the eye could see, and he fucked it up.

W just continued Clinton's policies and Obama just continued his policies. But only if you care about facts and stupid shit like that

No, W didn't continue Clinton's policies. He loosened regulations and gave huge tax breaks to the rich instead of paying down the debt. on top of that, he put a War on a Credit card.
But what I advocate is not taxing and not spending. You'd know that if you were a libertarian

Yes. That's your favorite insult. Doesn't mean much coming from you though.

You're consistently supporting politicians who devalue our currency and rob taxpayers of wealth with deficit spending.

And seriously, you're advocating high taxes and high spending. Which is why I keep telling you that you're not a libertarian.

No. I'm advocating fiscal responsibility. You must have been absent that day.
But what I advocate is not taxing and not spending. You'd know that if you were a libertarian

Yes. That's your favorite insult. Doesn't mean much coming from you though.

You're consistently supporting politicians who devalue our currency and rob taxpayers of wealth with deficit spending.

And seriously, you're advocating high taxes and high spending. Which is why I keep telling you that you're not a libertarian.

No. I'm advocating fiscal responsibility. You must have been absent that day.

Wtf? When did gary johnson do that?

And taxing and spending is the least fiscallly responsible choice, which is why you want it
But what I advocate is not taxing and not spending. You'd know that if you were a libertarian

Yes. That's your favorite insult. Doesn't mean much coming from you though.

You're consistently supporting politicians who devalue our currency and rob taxpayers of wealth with deficit spending.

And seriously, you're advocating high taxes and high spending. Which is why I keep telling you that you're not a libertarian.

No. I'm advocating fiscal responsibility. You must have been absent that day.

Wtf? When did gary johnson do that?

And taxing and spending is the least fiscallly responsible choice, which is why you want it

Nope. Spending money we don't have is more irresponsible. It also lets voters off the hook. They can vote for overreaching, overspending federal programs without paying for them. That's the reason the whole show keeps rolling along. If voters had to actually pay for the government they vote for, they might think twice. But with Trump just racking up debt, no one gives a shit about spending. Good call!
Our conservative posters continue to start thread after thread pertaining to "socialism". And even though their exact definitions are fairly unclear, it's obvious they think that screaming SOCIALISM is, by itself, enough to win a debate.

As most of us can see, more and more people are becoming perfectly comfortable with the word - in part, no doubt, because the Right has completely over-used and diluted it.

How long before the Right realizes the term "socialism" no longer scares people?

The primary purpose of the Korean and Vietnam wars was to create a core of working class Americans that hated and feared Communism. By associating socialism and communism, the same people became fanatically anti-socialist. For years anyone that supported socialism was hated in America.

It's been a long time since those wars and the younger generation doesn't buy into it anymore.
But what I advocate is not taxing and not spending. You'd know that if you were a libertarian

Yes. That's your favorite insult. Doesn't mean much coming from you though.

You're consistently supporting politicians who devalue our currency and rob taxpayers of wealth with deficit spending.

And seriously, you're advocating high taxes and high spending. Which is why I keep telling you that you're not a libertarian.

No. I'm advocating fiscal responsibility. You must have been absent that day.

Wtf? When did gary johnson do that?

And taxing and spending is the least fiscallly responsible choice, which is why you want it

Nope. Spending money we don't have is more irresponsible. It also lets voters off the hook. They can vote for overreaching, overspending federal programs without paying for them. That's the reason the whole show keeps rolling along. If voters had to actually pay for the government they vote for, they might think twice. But with Trump just racking up debt, no one gives a shit about spending. Good call!

The American people have been up to their necks in debt for the past 50 years. Get what you want now and worry about paying for it later.

Why would you expect them to have a government that's any different?
But what I advocate is not taxing and not spending. You'd know that if you were a libertarian

Yes. That's your favorite insult. Doesn't mean much coming from you though.

You're consistently supporting politicians who devalue our currency and rob taxpayers of wealth with deficit spending.

And seriously, you're advocating high taxes and high spending. Which is why I keep telling you that you're not a libertarian.

No. I'm advocating fiscal responsibility. You must have been absent that day.

Wtf? When did gary johnson do that?

And taxing and spending is the least fiscallly responsible choice, which is why you want it

Nope. Spending money we don't have is more irresponsible. It also lets voters off the hook. They can vote for overreaching, overspending federal programs without paying for them. That's the reason the whole show keeps rolling along. If voters had to actually pay for the government they vote for, they might think twice. But with Trump just racking up debt, no one gives a shit about spending. Good call!

The American people have been up to their necks in debt for the past 50 years. Get what you want now and worry about paying for it later.

Why would you expect them to have a government that's any different?

I don't. But Republicans like to pretend they are all about fiscal responsibility. They are not.
But what I advocate is not taxing and not spending. You'd know that if you were a libertarian

Yes. That's your favorite insult. Doesn't mean much coming from you though.

You're consistently supporting politicians who devalue our currency and rob taxpayers of wealth with deficit spending.

And seriously, you're advocating high taxes and high spending. Which is why I keep telling you that you're not a libertarian.

No. I'm advocating fiscal responsibility. You must have been absent that day.

Wtf? When did gary johnson do that?

And taxing and spending is the least fiscallly responsible choice, which is why you want it

Nope. Spending money we don't have is more irresponsible. It also lets voters off the hook. They can vote for overreaching, overspending federal programs without paying for them. That's the reason the whole show keeps rolling along. If voters had to actually pay for the government they vote for, they might think twice. But with Trump just racking up debt, no one gives a shit about spending. Good call!

1) What you don't grasp obviously is that tax cuts spur economic growth. They also reduce the level of effort people and companies go to to avoid taxes. That economic growth does two things. First, it generates more taxes, and that growth compounds. For the first year, tax cuts are a budget negative, which is why Democrats only focus on one year numbers. After that, they quickly balance out and tax receipts grow over time, as they did for JFK and Reagan who had the latest most pure tax cuts. W undercut his with complexity and tax increases, such as eliminating the cap on medicare and dramatically increasing it on social security.

2) Just curious what drove you to the conclusion that you know economics better than economists do. Is it your bloated ego?
But what I advocate is not taxing and not spending. You'd know that if you were a libertarian

Yes. That's your favorite insult. Doesn't mean much coming from you though.

You're consistently supporting politicians who devalue our currency and rob taxpayers of wealth with deficit spending.

And seriously, you're advocating high taxes and high spending. Which is why I keep telling you that you're not a libertarian.

No. I'm advocating fiscal responsibility. You must have been absent that day.

Wtf? When did gary johnson do that?

And taxing and spending is the least fiscallly responsible choice, which is why you want it

Nope. Spending money we don't have is more irresponsible. It also lets voters off the hook. They can vote for overreaching, overspending federal programs without paying for them. That's the reason the whole show keeps rolling along. If voters had to actually pay for the government they vote for, they might think twice. But with Trump just racking up debt, no one gives a shit about spending. Good call!

The American people have been up to their necks in debt for the past 50 years. Get what you want now and worry about paying for it later.

Why would you expect them to have a government that's any different?

Please, you just spent eight Obama years not giving a shit. And you still hyperventilate at the idea of slowing spending growth much less cutting it. You're just a gag
But what I advocate is not taxing and not spending. You'd know that if you were a libertarian

Yes. That's your favorite insult. Doesn't mean much coming from you though.

You're consistently supporting politicians who devalue our currency and rob taxpayers of wealth with deficit spending.

And seriously, you're advocating high taxes and high spending. Which is why I keep telling you that you're not a libertarian.

No. I'm advocating fiscal responsibility. You must have been absent that day.

Wtf? When did gary johnson do that?

And taxing and spending is the least fiscallly responsible choice, which is why you want it

Nope. Spending money we don't have is more irresponsible. It also lets voters off the hook. They can vote for overreaching, overspending federal programs without paying for them. That's the reason the whole show keeps rolling along. If voters had to actually pay for the government they vote for, they might think twice. But with Trump just racking up debt, no one gives a shit about spending. Good call!

The American people have been up to their necks in debt for the past 50 years. Get what you want now and worry about paying for it later.

Why would you expect them to have a government that's any different?

I don't. But Republicans like to pretend they are all about fiscal responsibility. They are not.

No, they're not, which is why I left the Republican party in 1990.

I know you have libertarian thoughts, I believe that. But you always chicken out and back socialism in the end. Like here where you're arguing for tax and spend fiscal policy, the worst of all possible worlds

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