Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
Dude? Tell me how you really feel big boy! Need some more clutching pearls? I think I can still get you that special deal from last week if you want. Just let me know!
I did, perhaps go back to school and learn to read. I heard they have on line programs.
If you are willing to do the time for the crime. If crimes are being committed, arrests should be made. Not complicated.

I am anti-Trump and very left wing, but I saw no crimes.
Breaking someone's else's window for no reason is destructive and a crime.
But if you break a window over something more important, like a fire or a political fraud, then it is not a crime, especially if it is actually your window.
Depends on how you view our "rights". I have a very unorthodox view of rights that most would not agree with. Also, I feel that if you willingly live in a society and decide to remain in said society, you have 3 choices. (1) abide by the society rules; (2) don't abide but be willing to accept the consequences, or (3) do something constructive to make changes you think need to be made.

Well and good, but you did not indicate any disagreement.
1) if you think an election has been defrauded, the rules of this society say you are then required to die if necessary, fighting to fix it. That was the sentiment of all the Founders, and is what all so called "patriots" claim when they go off to war and massacre innocents abroad. In the rules of this society, you don't have the option of doing noting if the democratic process has been defrauded. I personally do not think the election was defrauded, but there are so many things that are, like the Pentagon lying about WMD in Iraq, the illegal War on Drugs, etc., that it hardly matters. The system is so hopelessly corrupt, we likely should start over.
2) The consequences is you either win or die. Accepting government corruption is not an option. That just makes you complicit in the harm of others.
3) When government has the largest incarceration % in the world, lies about Iraqi WMD, does not even provide pubic health care, etc. it is time for torches and pitchforks most likely.
If I thought an election was defrauded and was passionately upset and outraged, I would take whatever legal steps were necessary to try to effect some change to make it right, it not immediately, in the future.

Being part of a society that you feel is corrupt is your decision. But, you must follow that society's rules or suffer the consequences if your caught or if you are held to them.
how did it change the constitution?
It didn't. It was an attack on the historic process once hailed by the free world as our greatest political achievement. Like I said:

"On that day, the process that was attacked, use to be the jewel in our crown. Our nonviolent transfer of power from one ruling party to the next. Where the Vice President presides over the ceremonial counting of the Electoral College votes for the next President in a joint session of Congress."
It's not a party lined topic 'in the real world'.
Hate to break it to you but you have no idea what the real world is. You are satisfied with what fascists and Communists say it is.
Just like the 9-11 attacks, patriotic Americans are appalled at the fascist tactics the Neo-GOP are now embracing. The repetition of the Biglie. Violent coercion by unruly mobs invading government buildings seeking to disrupt the Congress while it was carrying out it's Constitutional obligation.
ROFL! The Dims are the ones who engage in FASCIST tactics. They are trying to criminalize opposing the Demecrat party. They are defending censorship and organizing a STAZI brigade to police their fellow Americans. Biden wants Americans to all rat on anyone who criticizes his administration.

You are all born NAZIs.

Team Biden Wants You to Be an Informant
If you are willing to do the time for the crime. If crimes are being committed, arrests should be made. Not complicated.

I am anti-Trump and very left wing, but I saw no crimes.
Breaking someone's else's window for no reason is destructive and a crime.
But if you break a window over something more important, like a fire or a political fraud, then it is not a crime, especially if it is actually your window.
Depends on how you view our "rights". I have a very unorthodox view of rights that most would not agree with. Also, I feel that if you willingly live in a society and decide to remain in said society, you have 3 choices. (1) abide by the society rules; (2) don't abide but be willing to accept the consequences, or (3) do something constructive to make changes you think need to be made.

Well and good, but you did not indicate any disagreement.
1) if you think an election has been defrauded, the rules of this society say you are then required to die if necessary, fighting to fix it. That was the sentiment of all the Founders, and is what all so called "patriots" claim when they go off to war and massacre innocents abroad. In the rules of this society, you don't have the option of doing noting if the democratic process has been defrauded. I personally do not think the election was defrauded, but there are so many things that are, like the Pentagon lying about WMD in Iraq, the illegal War on Drugs, etc., that it hardly matters. The system is so hopelessly corrupt, we likely should start over.
2) The consequences is you either win or die. Accepting government corruption is not an option. That just makes you complicit in the harm of others.
3) When government has the largest incarceration % in the world, lies about Iraqi WMD, does not even provide pubic health care, etc. it is time for torches and pitchforks most likely.
If I thought an election was defrauded and was passionately upset and outraged, I would take whatever legal steps were necessary to try to effect some change to make it right, it not immediately, in the future.

Being part of a society that you feel is corrupt is your decision. But, you must follow that society's rules or suffer the consequences if your caught or if you are held to them.
Meaningless bullshit. All you said is that we have to behave like herd animals and proceed down the cute to the abattoir.
Nearly 25% of Republicans support the incident on Jan 6.

And judging from the responses, it would be even higher if the poll was stated differently.

Call it whatever you want, but Trunpsters own Jan 6.
Not sure what own means
Some were already down there and info is out that Babbit was murdered Before people from the rally got there.
Trump told them to go cheer some and not others. Light years away from an incendiary directive
They went and were let in, the Pelosi plants arrived, and the trouble really began
Nearly 25% of Republicans support the incident on Jan 6.

And judging from the responses, it would be even higher if the poll was stated differently.

Call it whatever you want, but Trunpsters own Jan 6.
Not sure what own means
Some were already down there and info is out that Babbit was murdered Before people from the rally got there.
Trump told them to go cheer some and not others. Light years away from an incendiary directive
They went and were let in, the Pelosi plants arrived, and the trouble really began

Own as in a significant chunk of your base supports that incident.

We all know how Babbitt was killed.
Nearly 25% of Republicans support the incident on Jan 6.

And judging from the responses, it would be even higher if the poll was stated differently.

Call it whatever you want, but Trunpsters own Jan 6.
Not sure what own means
Some were already down there and info is out that Babbit was murdered Before people from the rally got there.
Trump told them to go cheer some and not others. Light years away from an incendiary directive
They went and were let in, the Pelosi plants arrived, and the trouble really began
"info is out that Babbit [sic] was murdered Before people from the rally got there." :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Dude? Tell me how you really feel big boy! Need some more clutching pearls? I think I can still get you that special deal from last week if you want. Just let me know!
I did, perhaps go back to school and learn to read. I heard they have on line programs.
It's not a party lined topic 'in the real world'.
Hate to break it to you but you have no idea what the real world is. You are satisfied with what fascists and Communists say it is.
Just like the 9-11 attacks, patriotic Americans are appalled at the fascist tactics the Neo-GOP are now embracing. The repetition of the Biglie. Violent coercion by unruly mobs invading government buildings seeking to disrupt the Congress while it was carrying out it's Constitutional obligation.
ROFL! The Dims are the ones who engage in FASCIST tactics. They are trying to criminalize opposing the Demecrat party. They are defending censorship and organizing a STAZI brigade to police their fellow Americans. Biden wants Americans to all rat on anyone who criticizes his administration.

You are all born NAZIs.

Team Biden Wants You to Be an Informant

Yeah if you see someone like Timmy McVeigh who you have reason to believe might be planning violence, it might be a good idea to call your local LEO and drop a few hints. It's most likely nothing but you might stop another OKC bombing. Or is that ancient history now? Or has the Neo-GOP pinned that on the left too?
Dude? Tell me how you really feel big boy! Need some more clutching pearls? I think I can still get you that special deal from last week if you want. Just let me know!
I did, perhaps go back to school and learn to read. I heard they have on line programs.
It's not a party lined topic 'in the real world'.
Hate to break it to you but you have no idea what the real world is. You are satisfied with what fascists and Communists say it is.
Just like the 9-11 attacks, patriotic Americans are appalled at the fascist tactics the Neo-GOP are now embracing. The repetition of the Biglie. Violent coercion by unruly mobs invading government buildings seeking to disrupt the Congress while it was carrying out it's Constitutional obligation.
ROFL! The Dims are the ones who engage in FASCIST tactics. They are trying to criminalize opposing the Demecrat party. They are defending censorship and organizing a STAZI brigade to police their fellow Americans. Biden wants Americans to all rat on anyone who criticizes his administration.

You are all born NAZIs.

Team Biden Wants You to Be an Informant

Yeah if you see someone like Timmy McVeigh who you have reason to believe might be planning violence, it might be a good idea to call your local LEO and drop a few hints. It most likely is nothing but you might stop another OKC bombing. Or is that ancient history now? Or has the Neo-GOP pinned that on the left too?
I've certainly seem some try to say that McVeigh was a leftist.
Dude? Tell me how you really feel big boy! Need some more clutching pearls? I think I can still get you that special deal from last week if you want. Just let me know!
I did, perhaps go back to school and learn to read. I heard they have on line programs.
It's not a party lined topic 'in the real world'.
Hate to break it to you but you have no idea what the real world is. You are satisfied with what fascists and Communists say it is.
Just like the 9-11 attacks, patriotic Americans are appalled at the fascist tactics the Neo-GOP are now embracing. The repetition of the Biglie. Violent coercion by unruly mobs invading government buildings seeking to disrupt the Congress while it was carrying out it's Constitutional obligation.
ROFL! The Dims are the ones who engage in FASCIST tactics. They are trying to criminalize opposing the Demecrat party. They are defending censorship and organizing a STAZI brigade to police their fellow Americans. Biden wants Americans to all rat on anyone who criticizes his administration.

You are all born NAZIs.

Team Biden Wants You to Be an Informant

Yeah if you see someone like Timmy McVeigh who you have reason to believe might be planning violence, it might be a good idea to call your local LEO and drop a few hints. It's most likely nothing but you might stop another OKC bombing. Or is that ancient history now? Or has the Neo-GOP pinned that on the left too?
Biden wants you to report on your neighbor simply because he says the election was a swindle. Pretending that's some kind of threat to humanity only shows what a witless baboon you are.
Protests to see what might have gone awry

Might have! Might haves are not covered by the election laws in any state. Well at least so far they are not. Courts demand evidence, not hearsay, wild CS's, ultra violet light, creases, panda poop......whatever!
Dude? Tell me how you really feel big boy! Need some more clutching pearls? I think I can still get you that special deal from last week if you want. Just let me know!
I did, perhaps go back to school and learn to read. I heard they have on line programs.
It's not a party lined topic 'in the real world'.
Hate to break it to you but you have no idea what the real world is. You are satisfied with what fascists and Communists say it is.
Just like the 9-11 attacks, patriotic Americans are appalled at the fascist tactics the Neo-GOP are now embracing. The repetition of the Biglie. Violent coercion by unruly mobs invading government buildings seeking to disrupt the Congress while it was carrying out it's Constitutional obligation.
ROFL! The Dims are the ones who engage in FASCIST tactics. They are trying to criminalize opposing the Demecrat party. They are defending censorship and organizing a STAZI brigade to police their fellow Americans. Biden wants Americans to all rat on anyone who criticizes his administration.

You are all born NAZIs.

Team Biden Wants You to Be an Informant

Yeah if you see someone like Timmy McVeigh who you have reason to believe might be planning violence, it might be a good idea to call your local LEO and drop a few hints. It most likely is nothing but you might stop another OKC bombing. Or is that ancient history now? Or has the Neo-GOP pinned that on the left too?
I've certainly seem some try to say that McVeigh was a leftist.
I know, right.
Armed means with guns
So, prevent I'm coming at you with a baseball bat.

Am I unarmed?
View attachment 503691

Unarmed people according to kyzr.
The 1/6 protesters were unarmed, i.e. no guns.
Ashli Babbitt was unarmed when she was shot in the neck by a black guy wearing a mask.
They were armed. Bear spray, flag poles, knives and other hand held weapons. They also took tasers from the police and used them.

Stop lying.
Compare those "weapons" to guns. You are lying saying that they were armed.
As soon as the SWAT teams showed up with ARs the party was over. No contest. No insurrection.

What did I lie about?

Sure, the insurrectionists had only been ripping up and shitting (literally) in the Capital for hours and yeah, their courage came in crowd form and when finally challenged by a deadly force they left.

Why are you defending them?
I'm not defending the rioters. I'm defending the insurrection charge.
It was NOT an insurrection, which by definition requires the insurrectionists to be armed.
The lie I'm saying you made is saying that the rioters were "armed".
They did not all have guns. as would be needed to have a real insurrection.
They trespassed, they damaged US property, they got arrested, they were NOT charged with insurrection, QED.
History will record it as a failed insurrection. You must be able to see that writing on the wall.
What I saw were rioters, no one was charged with "insurrection".
So the dems continual whining about an insurrection are bullshit.
Yes...I understand that is how you feel. I'm stating facts. This will be recorded in history as a failed insurrection.
Maybe the Marxists who write and publish books will re-write history, but since not one of the rioters was charged with "insurrection" that is PROOF that it was NOT an insurrection. The "insurrection" is just a lie, just a democrat talking point. It's not a "feel" its a fact, no charges of insurrection, QED. Maybe we can charge the FBI with fomenting an "insurrection"?
Sure, you can get all ridiculous about it but I’m still just stating a fact.
kyzr has practically created his own dictionary to rewrite the definition of the words he uses in his own posts.
Kyzr always copies definitions right from the "google definition". What word(s) are you whining about?
However, you do know that most words have multiple definitions/meanings.
Libs were getting ground into dust with fact rebuttals in the No Controvery on Babbit thread so they started attacking family members . They understand fully this will cause locking of the thread.

Moderators, please be fully aware of this ploy.
Dude? Tell me how you really feel big boy! Need some more clutching pearls? I think I can still get you that special deal from last week if you want. Just let me know!
I did, perhaps go back to school and learn to read. I heard they have on line programs.
It's not a party lined topic 'in the real world'.
Hate to break it to you but you have no idea what the real world is. You are satisfied with what fascists and Communists say it is.
Just like the 9-11 attacks, patriotic Americans are appalled at the fascist tactics the Neo-GOP are now embracing. The repetition of the Biglie. Violent coercion by unruly mobs invading government buildings seeking to disrupt the Congress while it was carrying out it's Constitutional obligation.
ROFL! The Dims are the ones who engage in FASCIST tactics. They are trying to criminalize opposing the Demecrat party. They are defending censorship and organizing a STAZI brigade to police their fellow Americans. Biden wants Americans to all rat on anyone who criticizes his administration.

You are all born NAZIs.

Team Biden Wants You to Be an Informant

Yeah if you see someone like Timmy McVeigh who you have reason to believe might be planning violence, it might be a good idea to call your local LEO and drop a few hints. It's most likely nothing but you might stop another OKC bombing. Or is that ancient history now? Or has the Neo-GOP pinned that on the left too?
Biden wants you to report on your neighbor simply because he says the election was a swindle. Pretending that's some kind of threat to humanity only shows what a witless baboon you are.

Why do you think McVeigh was mad about an election when he blew up all those people?

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