Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
I condemn all act of violence and riots by all groups both right and left. Not all members of antifa or BLM are violent protesters
Sure they are! Just like white supremest right? They are all violent right? You again watching your out! Nope, not good enough

What? That must be fake news. Ya'll told me all the riots were going to stop once Commander Joe was in charge. Or did you mean the anarchist in Portland are still anarchist? Shocked I'm sure.
Sorry dimbulb, that was you incompetent morons saying that. Portland is ALL yours side’s violence and crime. Own it. Or just keep trying to deflect and project. Still no condemnation of BLM rioters. No shock there.
I don't live anywhere near Portland. I condemn and have condemned the anarchists violence for decades. Now continue to piss up the flagpole.
Anarchists, but not leftists. Telling that you still refuse to condemn your side’s criminals. The flagpole thing must be a leftist thing. Seems to fit with their others perversions.
Still pissing up that pole I see. Anarchist, Antifa, Prayer boys, Proud Boys Bungholeboys Lefties, Righties or anyone else who instigates violence deserves the full punishment of the law for their crimes.

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.

Notice what word I still didn't use?

You buried it, but FINALLY you even condemned your own leftists committing violence. Wow, that was hard

Finally my ass. Americans condemn the violence from both sides of the extremes like even this poll shows. You fucks tried to lie about what I said. So let me reiterate. Fuck you.

You can't be a liberal and do illiberal things like instigating political violence, or defacing public or private property.
You caveated it!! That’s an out and not sincere
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
you people burn down entire cities

"Hyperbole of the Day"

I don't think an entire City has been burn down since Sherman's March to the Sea!

But do go on with your apocalyptic fantasy.

Fair enough. I will modify to “you people burn cities”.
Never burned a city ever. Haven't done what trump insurrectionist thugs did either, defecate in the Capitol building and try to kill Capitol police, Congresspeople, and the VP.
Wow so that's what a city being burned looks like. Just wow! Minneapolis sure looks small!

here’s our Nation’s Capital. How many fires from riots in cities throughout the Country would you like to see? The point is, the Left starts fires in cities when they are angry.

What? That must be fake news. Ya'll told me all the riots were going to stop once Commander Joe was in charge. Or did you mean the anarchist in Portland are still anarchist? Shocked I'm sure.
Sorry dimbulb, that was you incompetent morons saying that. Portland is ALL yours side’s violence and crime. Own it. Or just keep trying to deflect and project. Still no condemnation of BLM rioters. No shock there.
I don't live anywhere near Portland. I condemn and have condemned the anarchists violence for decades. Now continue to piss up the flagpole.
Anarchists, but not leftists. Telling that you still refuse to condemn your side’s criminals. The flagpole thing must be a leftist thing. Seems to fit with their others perversions.
Still pissing up that pole I see. Anarchist, Antifa, Prayer boys, Proud Boys Bungholeboys Lefties, Righties or anyone else who instigates violence deserves the full punishment of the law for their crimes.

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.

Notice what word I still didn't use?

You buried it, but FINALLY you even condemned your own leftists committing violence. Wow, that was hard

Finally my ass. Americans condemn the violence from both sides of the extremes like even this poll shows. You fucks tried to lie about what I said. So let me reiterate. Fuck you.

You can't be a liberal and do illiberal things like instigating political violence, or defacing public or private property.
and yet many claiming that title actually do JUST that.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
The point is, the Left starts fires in cities when they are angry.\

So we've gone from Burning down cities to 'well they start fires'.

Burning cities are the result of starting fires in cities.

Here's some real burning of a city.

The point is, the Left starts fires in cities when they are angry.\

So we've gone from Burning down cities to 'well they start fires'.
you just claimed they did no such thing.

I said it was an illiberal thing to do.

What? That must be fake news. Ya'll told me all the riots were going to stop once Commander Joe was in charge. Or did you mean the anarchist in Portland are still anarchist? Shocked I'm sure.
Sorry dimbulb, that was you incompetent morons saying that. Portland is ALL yours side’s violence and crime. Own it. Or just keep trying to deflect and project. Still no condemnation of BLM rioters. No shock there.
I don't live anywhere near Portland. I condemn and have condemned the anarchists violence for decades. Now continue to piss up the flagpole.
Anarchists, but not leftists. Telling that you still refuse to condemn your side’s criminals. The flagpole thing must be a leftist thing. Seems to fit with their others perversions.
Still pissing up that pole I see. Anarchist, Antifa, Prayer boys, Proud Boys Bungholeboys Lefties, Righties or anyone else who instigates violence deserves the full punishment of the law for their crimes.

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.

Notice what word I still didn't use?

You buried it, but FINALLY you even condemned your own leftists committing violence. Wow, that was hard

Finally my ass. Americans condemn the violence from both sides of the extremes like even this poll shows. You fucks tried to lie about what I said. So let me reiterate. Fuck you.

You can't be a liberal and do illiberal things like instigating political violence, or defacing public or private property.
and yet many claiming that title actually do JUST that.
So what? People lie. Trumpybear claimed to be a conservative too.
The point is, the Left starts fires in cities when they are angry.\

So we've gone from Burning down cities to 'well they start fires'.
you just claimed they did no such thing.

I said it was an illiberal thing to do.

What? That must be fake news. Ya'll told me all the riots were going to stop once Commander Joe was in charge. Or did you mean the anarchist in Portland are still anarchist? Shocked I'm sure.
Sorry dimbulb, that was you incompetent morons saying that. Portland is ALL yours side’s violence and crime. Own it. Or just keep trying to deflect and project. Still no condemnation of BLM rioters. No shock there.
I don't live anywhere near Portland. I condemn and have condemned the anarchists violence for decades. Now continue to piss up the flagpole.
Anarchists, but not leftists. Telling that you still refuse to condemn your side’s criminals. The flagpole thing must be a leftist thing. Seems to fit with their others perversions.
Still pissing up that pole I see. Anarchist, Antifa, Prayer boys, Proud Boys Bungholeboys Lefties, Righties or anyone else who instigates violence deserves the full punishment of the law for their crimes.

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.

Notice what word I still didn't use?

You buried it, but FINALLY you even condemned your own leftists committing violence. Wow, that was hard

Finally my ass. Americans condemn the violence from both sides of the extremes like even this poll shows. You fucks tried to lie about what I said. So let me reiterate. Fuck you.

You can't be a liberal and do illiberal things like instigating political violence, or defacing public or private property.
and yet many claiming that title actually do JUST that.
So what? People lie. Trumpybear claimed to be a conservative too.
I dont recall him claiming any such thing
The point is, the Left starts fires in cities when they are angry.\

So we've gone from Burning down cities to 'well they start fires'.
you just claimed they did no such thing.

I said it was an illiberal thing to do.

What? That must be fake news. Ya'll told me all the riots were going to stop once Commander Joe was in charge. Or did you mean the anarchist in Portland are still anarchist? Shocked I'm sure.
Sorry dimbulb, that was you incompetent morons saying that. Portland is ALL yours side’s violence and crime. Own it. Or just keep trying to deflect and project. Still no condemnation of BLM rioters. No shock there.
I don't live anywhere near Portland. I condemn and have condemned the anarchists violence for decades. Now continue to piss up the flagpole.
Anarchists, but not leftists. Telling that you still refuse to condemn your side’s criminals. The flagpole thing must be a leftist thing. Seems to fit with their others perversions.
Still pissing up that pole I see. Anarchist, Antifa, Prayer boys, Proud Boys Bungholeboys Lefties, Righties or anyone else who instigates violence deserves the full punishment of the law for their crimes.

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.

Notice what word I still didn't use?

You buried it, but FINALLY you even condemned your own leftists committing violence. Wow, that was hard

Finally my ass. Americans condemn the violence from both sides of the extremes like even this poll shows. You fucks tried to lie about what I said. So let me reiterate. Fuck you.

You can't be a liberal and do illiberal things like instigating political violence, or defacing public or private property.
and yet many claiming that title actually do JUST that.
So what? People lie. Trumpybear claimed to be a conservative too.
I dont recall him claiming any such thing

He was a con man joining the Republicans. Not only did he claim to be conservative, but he also redefined conservatism as well as redefined the GOP. Kudos to his ability as a Con Man.

"Invoking conservative icon Ronald Reagan, Trump recalled that the late president “was [once] a Democrat, and really a Democrat with a liberal leaning, or a liberal bent and became a Republican and a pretty conservative Repub—I wouldn’t say the most by any stretch, but a pretty conservative Republican.”

“When you get down to it, I am a conservative person. I am by nature a somewhat conservative person,” he added.

I’m an Ultra-Conservative Authoritarian and I literally couldn’t support the events at the US Capitol Building any more if I tried. It is one of the greatest American political moments in my lifetime.
It was literally one the STUPIDEST things Trump ever did... hold a massive rally steps from the capitol on THAT DAY. He should have KNOWN, or someone around him, that the corrupts democrats and their human debris within the deep state would EXPLOIT IT.
Democrats had nothing to do with it. This is all on you kids.

Yes, Democrats supported the violence, looting and plunder in cities across America all last summer, not going into the Capital on January 6. True dat
Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot. You know it.
I do not support riots. Never seen you condemn those involved in city riots from the Floyd violence.

The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters ...

The guy is a total dick

What a couple of moroonies

"Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot."

Do you think I'm saying you support the riots?

But this is what makes up the Neo-GOP. Go on. Make America Proud.

Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot. You know it.

Yes, that sounds exactly like what you said. You lectured us as if we don't know the difference. You're the moron.

Note you still won't just condemn all the leftists who committed violence all last summer. All you said is you don't condone it, not the same thing
That's all you can do is make up lies. Rioters were condemned by me and many others on here and across the country. But then again if I recall, the same thing was said about the rioters during the Obama administration.

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.
Then you morons are pretty damn incompetent seeing as you’re still rioting and trying to kill people every night in Portland. Oh, but you’re okay with that.

What? That must be fake news. Ya'll told me all the riots were going to stop once Commander Joe was in charge. Or did you mean the anarchist in Portland are still anarchist? Shocked I'm sure.
Sorry dimbulb, that was you incompetent morons saying that. Portland is ALL yours side’s violence and crime. Own it. Or just keep trying to deflect and project. Still no condemnation of BLM rioters. No shock there.
I don't live anywhere near Portland. I condemn and have condemned the anarchists violence for decades. Now continue to piss up the flagpole.
Anarchists, but not leftists. Telling that you still refuse to condemn your side’s criminals. The flagpole thing must be a leftist thing. Seems to fit with their others perversions.
Still pissing up that pole I see. Anarchist, Antifa, Prayer boys, Proud Boys Bungholeboys Lefties, Righties or anyone else who instigates violence deserves the full punishment of the law for their crimes.

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.

Notice what word I still didn't use?
Yes, we noticed you left leftist and BLM out of your CONDITIONAL condemnation. Meaning you’re incompetent. Why are you obsessed with men pissing up poles? Must be a leftist thing.
I’m an Ultra-Conservative Authoritarian and I literally couldn’t support the events at the US Capitol Building any more if I tried. It is one of the greatest American political moments in my lifetime.
It was literally one the STUPIDEST things Trump ever did... hold a massive rally steps from the capitol on THAT DAY. He should have KNOWN, or someone around him, that the corrupts democrats and their human debris within the deep state would EXPLOIT IT.
Democrats had nothing to do with it. This is all on you kids.

Yes, Democrats supported the violence, looting and plunder in cities across America all last summer, not going into the Capital on January 6. True dat
Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot. You know it.
I do not support riots. Never seen you condemn those involved in city riots from the Floyd violence.

The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters ...

The guy is a total dick

What a couple of moroonies

"Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot."

Do you think I'm saying you support the riots?

But this is what makes up the Neo-GOP. Go on. Make America Proud.

Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot. You know it.

Yes, that sounds exactly like what you said. You lectured us as if we don't know the difference. You're the moron.

Note you still won't just condemn all the leftists who committed violence all last summer. All you said is you don't condone it, not the same thing
That's all you can do is make up lies. Rioters were condemned by me and many others on here and across the country. But then again if I recall, the same thing was said about the rioters during the Obama administration.

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.
Then you morons are pretty damn incompetent seeing as you’re still rioting and trying to kill people every night in Portland. Oh, but you’re okay with that.
Every night? You'll have to prove that one, hun.
No I won’t. It’s been well documented you ignorant cow. Keep your blinders on.
Jan 6th was Xi and Nancy's Reichstag Fire. To our uneducated Progressive brothers and sistas, the Reichstag Fire was a false flag that brought Hitler to power same way the Stolen election put Xi's puppets in the American White House

"Hitler had been appointed Chancellor of Germany only four weeks previously, on 30 January 1933, when he was invited by President von Hindenburg to lead a coalition government. Hitler's government had urged von Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag and to call elections for 5 March."

On the evening of 27 February 1933—six days before the parliamentary election—fire broke out in the Reichstag chambers.
Reichstag Fire Decree - Wikipedia

"The Reichstag Fire Decree (German: Reichstagsbrandverordnung) is the common name of the Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State (German: Verordnung des Reichspräsidenten zum Schutz von Volk und Staat) issued by German President Paul von Hindenburg on the advice of Chancellor Adolf Hitler on 28 February 1933 in immediate response to the Reichstag fire. The decree nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens. With Nazis in powerful positions in the German government, the decree was used as the legal basis for the imprisonment of anyone considered to be opponents of the Nazis, and to suppress publications not considered "friendly" to the Nazi cause. The decree is considered by historians as one of the key steps in the establishment of a one-party Nazi state in Germany."

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to support democrats

See...your fellow blob supporters think it wasn't Trump supporters who stormed the capitol.

So your poll is useless unless you change it to condemning their fellow Trump supporters....which they never, ever will. When you're weak minded...you have to have a herd mentality because you're too dumb to exist on your own for long.
1. How do you know that the posters being referenced aren't just messing with you? T
There is no way of knowing if they really believe what they post. Trump is the most prolific liar to ever enter the public space. That his supporters would also lie their ass off is a very small jump in logic. Feel free to man up and call them out if you want. We all know you don't have the stones to do it.
2. My poll proves that at least 80% of GOP voters condemn the violence at the capital caused by Trump supporters. Until it can be proven that any other groups were involved. The rioters were herded to the capital by people with bullhorns.
Either you're being willfully aloof or you're just retarded. I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.
3. We'll see in 2022 and 2024 how Republicans and Trump supporters do. Buckle-up buttercup.
I know what the Trump supporters will do; they will vote for anyone with an R next to their name on the ballot.

Your poll is still useless.
1. Xiden is quite the liar too, as you well know. Just sayin'

2. We don't know what we don't know about who all was involved in the 1/6 riot.

3. Dodge/non-response/willful ignorance. The poll results are clear assuming honest responses. Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot.

4. You are totally free to have any opinion you want about the poll results. This thread was to settle a disagreement "HappyJoy" and I were having on another thread. He seems okay with the poll results. The poll questions were as agreed to, not just mine.
RT is Russia Today, a propaganda tool of Putin/Russians....
OK, I googled it and that's what came up. Funny how google puts up RT and censors RWs. WTF?
OK, here's another link to Tucker.
Dumbfuck, Carlson is just another wackadoo like you. Want proof? His source is revolver.news. Revolver.news is a fake news website. It was just started last year and it conceals who started the site...

Real news agencies don't hide who they are.
There are MANY sites that are covering the potential FBI involvement, not just revolver.
Don't forget that the MSM covers up for the deep state. I'm not saying FBI involvement is proven, just being investigated.

They're ALL sourcing fake news revolver.news, ya fucking moron. :cuckoo:

All you're doing is posting fake news and pretending like it's real news because other non-news outlets are echoing that one fake news site.

You never answered my question... do you even know you’re psychotic?
You can't prove that 100% of revolver is fake news, anymore than you can prove that the MSM's fake news and propaganda is real.
Name-calling means you lose the debate. Thanks for playing.
Of course I can. Here's a real news website...

You can see who owns the site, they don't hide it. You can see it's well established, being around for 23 years...

You can click on any abcnews.go article and it shows who the authors are, with links which show they're journalists.

That's what real news looks like. It doesn't hide from the public. It doesn't conceal who's behind the articles. That's what fake news does. That's what the source you're leaning on does. They've only been around 1 year and they hide who's behind it. They conceal who's site it is...

In the article you fall for, they don't disclose who wrote it...

And you can't find that nonsense on real news.

Of course, I'm explaining this to a moron who actually claimed he's pro-choice after saying he's not pro-choice, so there's that. :eusa_doh:
1. OK, now we're getting somewhere, actual facts to debate. You like ABC news. Fine, I'm glad you didn't put up CNN or MSDNC as real news outlets. The only point I'm bringing up about ABC News is that they do have a bias as documented by the following Harvard Study:

2. From the above chart you can see that FXN is the most "fair and balanced" news outlet. NBC is just below CNN in bias.

3. FXN generally has both parties represented in debates. CNN, MSDNC, and most MSM programs don't have Republican views presented. If I don't hear both sides presented fairly, I'm not watching their propaganda.

4. As I already explained ad nauseum, abortion is legal, therefore it is NOT murder, duh. Yet, as a Catholic, I am morally opposed to abortion. My position isn't really to complicated unless you're a low-IQ democrat.

5. Summarizing, we don't have any set of facts or any set of alternate facts that we can agree on, correct?
To prove a point, we need to clarify how many GOP posters support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6/21".
As opposed to the many of us who supported the 1/6 protest, but NOT the attack on the Capital Building and the threats to Mike Pence and the injuries and deaths and property damage.

Please vote in the poll honestly.
You’re not asking the right question.

my vote….

Not a democrat. Oppose the attack
The right question is?
Something along the lines of, "I'm a GOP voter and I condemn the violence done by my fellow Republicans".

You'll get a 0.0 response rate to that question. A lot of the GOP voters really believe the Trump supporters were just on a Capitol Building tour and doing nothing wrong.
Look at the fucking poll before typing nonsense.
The vote is 16 to 4 of GOP voters opposed to the riot at the capital, not 0.0
Assuming the 4 votes are GOP and not dems.
Read the fucking post you're responding to.

Who committed the acts of violence at the capital?
OK, I re-read it. You said: "You'll get a 0.0 response rate to that question." I showed you that the response was 16-4 (not 0.0)

Prove that "a lot of GOP voters believe "the Trump supporters were just on a Capitol Building tour and doing nothing wrong." (you can't, the poll proves you wrong)

Here is my poll question, and your recommended poll question:
"I'm a GOP voter and I condemn the violence done by my fellow Republicans". (yours)

"I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building" (mine)

Call me illiterate, but I'm not seeing a major difference in those two questions, since the capital riot was obviously by Trump supporters, and FBI instigators.
Yeah shit brains; you didn't post the question I posited. Condemning the violence and explicitly listing the offenders as Trump supporters will get you nowhere with your fellow blobbers. You guys are not living in reality.

As for your illiteracy...you don't see the word "republican" in mine but not yours?
You must be the only idiot in the country who doesn't know as "fact" that the people who rioted at the capital building were Trump supporters, duh.

Proving my point about your illiteracy. Your last line:
"As for your illiteracy...you don't see the word "republican" in mine but not yours?" (look again, yes it is in yours, its assumed in mine)

I win. Give your mom her puter back.
Meanwhile back in reality, I gave you 2 links to folks who still insist it was not Trump supporters.

Oh, I'm 100% sure it was Trump supporters who rioted at the Capitol, did the Tiki Torch white power march in Charlottesville, shot up multiple places across the nation...ran over people in their car, routinely beat the crap out of people at their rallies.

Trump supporters crave violence...always have, always will.

PS: My mother died. Watch your step, boy.
1. Ok, but it was Trump supporters. There may have been a few others, such as FBI or antifa, but of the ~400 rioters obviously most were Trump supporters who were upset about the alleged voter fraud.

2. The tiki torch march was about confederate statues not voter fraud. Lets stick to debating one topic at a time. I'm not sure what got shot up except gang violence in urban plantations, like Chicago?! If antifa doesn't want to get beat up, don't have counter rallies, free speech, diversity, tolerance, and all.

3. Trump violence?!
View attachment 504719

View attachment 504720

4. Sorry about your mother, you sounded younger than that. My only point being that proof-reading posts is a good thing.
Great, let's see your evidence that there were members of the FBI and Antifa there....
The "evidence" is tough to come by being that the FBI doesn't like to admit they spy on Americans, and the MSM covers up for them.
Which means you made it up.

You freaks live in a fantasy world where you accept your hallucinations as real. Do you even know you’re psychotic?
Made what up? How stupid are you? Read the fucking articles, and google it.
You're just a partisan hack that can't face reality.

Why on Earth should I Google your bullshit just because you can't prove it? I already showed revolver.news is a fake news site. Your literally sourcing a known Russian propaganda site (RT) sourcing rightarded news (Fox) sourcing a fake news website (revolver.news) and then getting pissy with me for laughing at your ignorance.

Dumbfuck, Carlson is a moron. Want proof? He claims the FBI was involved because there are "unindicted co-conspirators" listed on the complaint against some Oath Keepers. Carlsson is such an imbecile, it doesn't even occur to him that those are otherwise known as -- informants. Those would be other Oath Keepers striking deals with the FBI to sing like a bird in exchange for reduced or eliminated charges.

You Qultists are out of your fucking minds. There is no tin foil hat conspiracy crazy enough to make you think, 'wait a second?'
So if the FBI "informants" were some of the most radical "conspirators" trying to entrap the goobers, that makes "white supremacists" the biggest threat facing the US? Hardly.
Keep covering up for the deep state moron. The FBI got away with illegally spying on Trump, falsifying evidence, and setting up General Flynn, so setting up a few hicks is no challenge. Yet they fail to investigate Hunter's laptop full of evidence as well as in in-person whistleblower. The Federal government is just a partisan extension of the DNC.
So I'm not giving the FBI a pass yet. If the "informants" were part of the planning, why wasn't the capital building fortified and reinforced? Maybe someone wanted an incident for political gain. We'll see what comes out of the woodwork over time.
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
"So if the FBI "informants"..."

That's as far as I got to see you're lying again.

In reality, you possess zero evidence the informants are FBI.

And again, you posted links to a number of websites carrying this nonsense as though multiple sites carrying the story lends it credibility -- but you ignored the fact that EVERY site you linked referenced the same fake news website, revolover.news, which is an unabashedly fake website; which refuses to disclose who's behind it.

You're fucking crazy, con. :cuckoo:
You don't know how many FBI informants, including "deal cutter rats" not just undercover FBI agents, there were. Given other surveillance capabilities of the government, I can't imagine that the FBI didn't know that the bullhorn guys would herd the crowd over to the capital building. Even if there were zero "informants" the security folks knew that up to 1m Trump supporters would be attending his rally. So why wasn't the Capital Building, that was in-session, protected better? just sayin'

Ummm, neither do you yet you're the one claiming the FBI may have been involved but you have no proof to back that up.

I'm the one pointing out you have no proof.
Saying that the "FBI MAY HAVE BEEN INVOLVED" is NOT claiming that the FBI was involved. Its a suspicion, not an indictment.
So don't get your panties in a bunch over a suspicion. Remember the furor over Trump's Russian Collusion that turned out to be a hoax? Yet Hillary's Steele Dossier written by Russians was somehow overlooked. Mueller had no clue who FusionGPS was?! A partisan hack investigation by any other name. So the FBI can sink or swim on the truth, we'll see.
Jan 6th was Xi and Nancy's Reichstag Fire. To our uneducated Progressive brothers and sistas, the Reichstag Fire was a false flag that brought Hitler to power same way the Stolen election put Xi's puppets in the American White House

"Hitler had been appointed Chancellor of Germany only four weeks previously, on 30 January 1933, when he was invited by President von Hindenburg to lead a coalition government. Hitler's government had urged von Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag and to call elections for 5 March."

On the evening of 27 February 1933—six days before the parliamentary election—fire broke out in the Reichstag chambers.
Reichstag Fire Decree - Wikipedia

"The Reichstag Fire Decree (German: Reichstagsbrandverordnung) is the common name of the Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State (German: Verordnung des Reichspräsidenten zum Schutz von Volk und Staat) issued by German President Paul von Hindenburg on the advice of Chancellor Adolf Hitler on 28 February 1933 in immediate response to the Reichstag fire. The decree nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens. With Nazis in powerful positions in the German government, the decree was used as the legal basis for the imprisonment of anyone considered to be opponents of the Nazis, and to suppress publications not considered "friendly" to the Nazi cause. The decree is considered by historians as one of the key steps in the establishment of a one-party Nazi state in Germany."

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to support democrats

See...your fellow blob supporters think it wasn't Trump supporters who stormed the capitol.

So your poll is useless unless you change it to condemning their fellow Trump supporters....which they never, ever will. When you're weak minded...you have to have a herd mentality because you're too dumb to exist on your own for long.
1. How do you know that the posters being referenced aren't just messing with you? T
There is no way of knowing if they really believe what they post. Trump is the most prolific liar to ever enter the public space. That his supporters would also lie their ass off is a very small jump in logic. Feel free to man up and call them out if you want. We all know you don't have the stones to do it.
2. My poll proves that at least 80% of GOP voters condemn the violence at the capital caused by Trump supporters. Until it can be proven that any other groups were involved. The rioters were herded to the capital by people with bullhorns.
Either you're being willfully aloof or you're just retarded. I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.
3. We'll see in 2022 and 2024 how Republicans and Trump supporters do. Buckle-up buttercup.
I know what the Trump supporters will do; they will vote for anyone with an R next to their name on the ballot.

Your poll is still useless.
1. Xiden is quite the liar too, as you well know. Just sayin'

2. We don't know what we don't know about who all was involved in the 1/6 riot.

3. Dodge/non-response/willful ignorance. The poll results are clear assuming honest responses. Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot.

4. You are totally free to have any opinion you want about the poll results. This thread was to settle a disagreement "HappyJoy" and I were having on another thread. He seems okay with the poll results. The poll questions were as agreed to, not just mine.
RT is Russia Today, a propaganda tool of Putin/Russians....
OK, I googled it and that's what came up. Funny how google puts up RT and censors RWs. WTF?
OK, here's another link to Tucker.
Dumbfuck, Carlson is just another wackadoo like you. Want proof? His source is revolver.news. Revolver.news is a fake news website. It was just started last year and it conceals who started the site...

Real news agencies don't hide who they are.
There are MANY sites that are covering the potential FBI involvement, not just revolver.
Don't forget that the MSM covers up for the deep state. I'm not saying FBI involvement is proven, just being investigated.

They're ALL sourcing fake news revolver.news, ya fucking moron. :cuckoo:

All you're doing is posting fake news and pretending like it's real news because other non-news outlets are echoing that one fake news site.

You never answered my question... do you even know you’re psychotic?
You can't prove that 100% of revolver is fake news, anymore than you can prove that the MSM's fake news and propaganda is real.
Name-calling means you lose the debate. Thanks for playing.
Of course I can. Here's a real news website...

You can see who owns the site, they don't hide it. You can see it's well established, being around for 23 years...

You can click on any abcnews.go article and it shows who the authors are, with links which show they're journalists.

That's what real news looks like. It doesn't hide from the public. It doesn't conceal who's behind the articles. That's what fake news does. That's what the source you're leaning on does. They've only been around 1 year and they hide who's behind it. They conceal who's site it is...

In the article you fall for, they don't disclose who wrote it...

And you can't find that nonsense on real news.

Of course, I'm explaining this to a moron who actually claimed he's pro-choice after saying he's not pro-choice, so there's that. :eusa_doh:
1. OK, now we're getting somewhere, actual facts to debate. You like ABC news. Fine, I'm glad you didn't put up CNN or MSDNC as real news outlets. The only point I'm bringing up about ABC News is that they do have a bias as documented by the following Harvard Study:
View attachment 505133

2. From the above chart you can see that FXN is the most "fair and balanced" news outlet. NBC is just below CNN in bias.

3. FXN generally has both parties represented in debates. CNN, MSDNC, and most MSM programs don't have Republican views presented. If I don't hear both sides presented fairly, I'm not watching their propaganda.

4. As I already explained ad nauseum, abortion is legal, therefore it is NOT murder, duh. Yet, as a Catholic, I am morally opposed to abortion. My position isn't really to complicated unless you're a low-IQ democrat.

5. Summarizing, we don't have any set of facts or any set of alternate facts that we can agree on, correct?
"The only point I'm bringing up about ABC News is that they do have a bias as documented by the following Harvard Study"


I can't believe I actually have to point this out to you ... but apparently, I do ...... ABC isn't in that study. Do you ever post anything based in reality??

"As I already explained ad nauseum, abortion is legal, therefore it is NOT murder"

You just can't stop lying, can ya? YOU called it murder before you said it's not murder...

Abortion is the murder of babies for convenience.

You're literally talking out of both sides of your mouth. When it's convenient for you for abortion to be murder, you call it murder. When that becomes inconvenient for you, you deny it's murder.

"Summarizing, we don't have any set of facts or any set of alternate facts that we can agree on, correct?"

Not if you're going to eschew reality and stick with fake news. I prefer to live in reality. You don't have to, mind you, it's your choice.
Your poll is flawed.

You don't allow for a Democrat to support the attack, yet they're out there.

For a poll to be legitimate, you need to offer the same choices, and same number of choices, for each responding group...
Please show us a democrat who supports the insurrection.
"insurrection" hahahaha
Still waiting...
The way the poll is written it doesn't allow for a Democrat to respond that he supports what happened. They could be out there and, because there's not a suitable answer written into the poll, you'll never know.

Your belief that they don't exist is absolutely meaningless...
Show me one. Prove your assertion.
off topic.
Don't like that line of questioning, huh?

I wouldn't either in your shoes.
it's off topic in Politics forum. Just rules
Sadly for you it isn't. Can you find one?
I’m an Ultra-Conservative Authoritarian and I literally couldn’t support the events at the US Capitol Building any more if I tried. It is one of the greatest American political moments in my lifetime.
It was literally one the STUPIDEST things Trump ever did... hold a massive rally steps from the capitol on THAT DAY. He should have KNOWN, or someone around him, that the corrupts democrats and their human debris within the deep state would EXPLOIT IT.
Democrats had nothing to do with it. This is all on you kids.

Yes, Democrats supported the violence, looting and plunder in cities across America all last summer, not going into the Capital on January 6. True dat
Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot. You know it.
Rioters and insurrectionists are criminals.

Protesters aren't.

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