Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
You're a liar, you never called for arresting leftist looters or rioters and virtually none were arrested and of those arrested many more were never charged.

You two clearly supported the leftist insurrectionists. You're fascists and racists
"virtually none were arrested"


Yet again, Kaz can't stop kazzing.

NEW YORK (AP) — Black Lives Matter protests, 2020: Overwhelming force from law enforcement in dozens of cities. Chemical dispersants. Rubber bullets and hand-to-hand combat with largely peaceful crowds and some unruly vandals and looters. More than 14,000 arrests.

Out of how many criminals and rioters? how many are being prosecuted?

Yep, I pointed that out too. Faun ignored that because he's a liar. What would we expect anyway from someone who writes like an eight year old. It's getting tired, which is why I keep leaving him on ignore longer and longer

Yeah, a number with no context has no meaning. YOu might just as well shout the number FIVE, and pretend it's an argument.

Yep. Clearly by "arrested" we meant taken in and actually booked and faced charges. Rounding them up and letting them go isn't actually being "arrested"

You're kazzing again. Had you actually meant "arrested" means "booked and faced charges," all you wouldn't have said, "virtually none were arrested AND of those arrested many more were never charged." The emphasis is mine to highlight your stupidity in trying to claim you meant facing charges when you said, "virtually none were arrested".

You're a liar, you never called for arresting leftist looters or rioters and virtually none were arrested and of those arrested many more were never charged.

You two clearly supported the leftist insurrectionists. You're fascists and racists
"virtually none were arrested"


Yet again, Kaz can't stop kazzing.

NEW YORK (AP) — Black Lives Matter protests, 2020: Overwhelming force from law enforcement in dozens of cities. Chemical dispersants. Rubber bullets and hand-to-hand combat with largely peaceful crowds and some unruly vandals and looters. More than 14,000 arrests.

Out of how many criminals and rioters? how many are being prosecuted?

Yep, I pointed that out too. Faun ignored that because he's a liar. What would we expect anyway from someone who writes like an eight year old. It's getting tired, which is why I keep leaving him on ignore longer and longer

Yeah, a number with no context has no meaning. YOu might just as well shout the number FIVE, and pretend it's an argument.

Yep. Clearly by "arrested" we meant taken in and actually booked and faced charges. Rounding them up and letting them go isn't actually being "arrested"

You're kazzing again. Had you actually meant "arrested" means "booked and faced charges," all you wouldn't have said, "virtually none were arrested AND of those arrested many more were never charged." The emphasis is mine to highlight your stupidity in trying to claim you meant facing charges when you said, "virtually none were arrested".


See, we did save time! Later, Stewie
You're a liar, you never called for arresting leftist looters or rioters and virtually none were arrested and of those arrested many more were never charged.

You two clearly supported the leftist insurrectionists. You're fascists and racists
"virtually none were arrested"


Yet again, Kaz can't stop kazzing.

NEW YORK (AP) — Black Lives Matter protests, 2020: Overwhelming force from law enforcement in dozens of cities. Chemical dispersants. Rubber bullets and hand-to-hand combat with largely peaceful crowds and some unruly vandals and looters. More than 14,000 arrests.

Out of how many criminals and rioters? how many are being prosecuted?

Yep, I pointed that out too. Faun ignored that because he's a liar. What would we expect anyway from someone who writes like an eight year old. It's getting tired, which is why I keep leaving him on ignore longer and longer

Some 14,000 arrested. The forum kazzer falsely claims, "virtually none were arrested"

Again, you were too stupid to read the full quote. The end was how many were charged. They weren't "arrested" for real when they were taken in and released.

So? How many of the 14,000 actually ever spent a day in court? Do you know, kazzer?

Your words, kazzer ... "virtually none were arrested"

Tell me again how 14,000 is "virtually none"


You didn't read the question. You're too busy being an eight year old.

We both know how this is going to end up. Your new record for shortest time off ignore. At some point I'm just going to leave you there
Of course I answered it. You just can't stop kazzing, can ya?
You're a liar, you never called for arresting leftist looters or rioters and virtually none were arrested and of those arrested many more were never charged.

You two clearly supported the leftist insurrectionists. You're fascists and racists
"virtually none were arrested"


Yet again, Kaz can't stop kazzing.

NEW YORK (AP) — Black Lives Matter protests, 2020: Overwhelming force from law enforcement in dozens of cities. Chemical dispersants. Rubber bullets and hand-to-hand combat with largely peaceful crowds and some unruly vandals and looters. More than 14,000 arrests.

Out of how many criminals and rioters? how many are being prosecuted?

Yep, I pointed that out too. Faun ignored that because he's a liar. What would we expect anyway from someone who writes like an eight year old. It's getting tired, which is why I keep leaving him on ignore longer and longer

Yeah, a number with no context has no meaning. YOu might just as well shout the number FIVE, and pretend it's an argument.

Yep. Clearly by "arrested" we meant taken in and actually booked and faced charges. Rounding them up and letting them go isn't actually being "arrested"

You're kazzing again. Had you actually meant "arrested" means "booked and faced charges," all you wouldn't have said, "virtually none were arrested AND of those arrested many more were never charged." The emphasis is mine to highlight your stupidity in trying to claim you meant facing charges when you said, "virtually none were arrested".


See, we did save time! Later, Stewie
Wait, kazzer, before you run...

Tell me again how 14,000 is "virtually none"

Mere 55.2% condemnation rate and slipping lower everyday
That’s not the 80%+ liberals were assured of when they crafted this “poll”
Time for a redo , retraction or cry of racism.
Where the fuck did you learn math?
28/36 = 78% which is damn close to 80%. Its GOP "no" votes over total GOP votes
34.8% other and now 10.2% support. That leaves 55% who condemn. Learn how to add before you go on a rant
Your initial post claimed a 55.2% condemnation rate for Republicans. (all democrats and indys are assumed to oppose it)
What does "other" mean? It could mean anything. It probably means I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat.
The purpose of this thread was to determine how many republicans opposed or supported the 1/6 riot at the capital.
29/38 = 76% of Republicans oppose the 1/6 riot at the capital. Its GOP "no" votes over total GOP votes to show how many repubs opposed the 1/6 riot, which was the initial purpose of this thread. My "witness" is "HappyJoy" who actually wrote the poll questions since we were having a debate on another thread.
In a video, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff stated a blatant lie, showing his true colors as a far left radical who has no business being in the military, let alone running it.
He said: "I try to understand what caused THOUSANDS of people to assault this building (Capitol building)?" Thousands of Trump supporters went to Trump's rally that day, but the people that assaulted the building were NOT part of that group as a matter of fact, the number that literally broke their way in amounted to an estimated 52, while a couple of hundred others just followed them in and were "in video" waved in by the Capitol Police." No "thousands" involved.

I just reject your desire to focus solely on it, and pretend that all the other riots don't count, for whatever bullshit reason.
When the Trump goon riot is the topic, I don't attempt to divert it to other matters.

You have cited no other instances of a cultish devotion to any other politician resulting in an attack upon democracy comparable to the January 6 attack by Trump goons upon Congress.

Honestly confronting that heinous event in no way exonerates any or all who perpetrate unrelated crimes.

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. These facts require immediate action by President Trump."
Kevin McCarthy (R), Minority Leader, said on the House floor

MeCarthy's stating the obvious in no way suggests that all other criminals should be excused.
Do you know what this is? You should. You commit this rhetorical fallacy, appeal to authority, every time you bring in Keven
McCarthy to prop up your dead dishonest "argument" which, as shown, is no argument at all.

If Kevin McCarthy knows Donald Trump planned and produced this abomination on 1/6 at the
Capitol he should produce his evidence instead of flapping his big lips around for political gain.
He's disgusting. Just like yourself! Though no one is more repellent and loathsome than Skinflap.

And if he truly knows Antifa had nothing to do with the Beer Hall Putsch redux, at all, and Kevin
McCarthy knows that too, as he's stated, he should present that evidence too, instead of claiming something as if it's fact, for maximum political gain. But again he has produced zero evidence!
What a big man!

Frankly with the Keystone Cops politicized FBI we have now it looks like their priority is seeing to it
that grandmothers, who somehow were allowed to roam through the rotunda for a brief look around
(when someone at the door was inviting people to come on in, in a case of entrapment, undoubtedly)
are brought to justice instead of Antifa Storm Troopers that were battering cops with bear repellent, poles, crow bars and other implements known to be Antifa favorites,

What a sad travesty of justice under that mumbling zombie president, Joe Biden.
All the levers of power at their disposal and who have they actually prosecuted? Two old ladies in their
late sixties https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/...qanon/65-422510ae-acf1-4527-8723-cb170b5f9041
and the first was charged with "parading" (oooh, frightening) and let go with a tap on the wrist after she was forced to claim she was a white supremacist.

We clearly see the Justice Department trying to manufacture a case against "white devils" out of
whole cloth. Maybe they'd rather invent a crime from the criminals they'd like to see rather
than the people they have and who were sent in to bust heads at the Capitol?
Isn't there a law against extracting false confessions from prisoners?
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Do you know what this is?
Accurately quoting figures is positions where they are qualified to make cogent comments is a decidedly superior approach to reality than blind faith in dogma that rejects what is contrary to it. You can pleasure yourself with the notion that citing anyone who expresses the truth is invalid if you don't like it, of course.

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. These facts require immediate action by President Trump."

Kevin McCarthy (R), Minority Leader, said on the House floor

The existence of Trump goons does negate the citation to one reputable source, however:

Senator Ben Sasse (R)

The mob was fed lies.​

They were provoked by the president and other powerful people."​

Senator Mitch McConnell (R)

Stolen "Landslide!"?

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Do you know what this is? You should. You commit this rhetorical fallacy, appeal to authority, every time you bring in Keven
McCarthy to prop up your dead dishonest "argument" which, as shown, is no argument at all.
If you need to be pissy about Republicans MCCarthy, McConnell, Barr etc. being accurately quoted, here is one patriotic American who is unencumbered by that "authority" taint you need to revile:

Newly obtained video by CBS News shows the brutal beating of D.C. Metropolitan Police officer Michael Fanone during January's Capitol riot.
"All holy hell broke loose. The next thing you know, we were just in a hand-to-hand just battle," Fanone told CBS News' Kris Van Cleave. His body camera captured the moment as he was pulled into the crowd of rioters and attacked.
"I was tortured. I was beaten. I was, you know, struck with a taser numerous times at the base of my skull. And I posed no threat," Fanone said. He was forced to the ground, suffered a mild heart attack and a brain injury. Fearing for his life, he called out, "I have kids."
Last week, 21 House Republicans voted against a bill to award Fanone and fellow officers the highest congressional honor for their heroism. He thinks it was an attempt to not acknowledge the attack itself. Fanone called that "far more repulsive than voting against giving cops a medal."
You can scoff at the police officer and embrace an "authority" that better fits your agenda, of course:

"You know, if you didn't know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th,
you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit."
Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga.
Accurately quoting figures is positions where they are qualified to make cogent comments is a decidedly superior approach to reality than blind faith in dogma that rejects what is contrary to it. You can pleasure yourself with the notion that citing anyone who expresses the truth is invalid if you don't like it, of course.
Do I need to repeat what I said about Kevin McCarthy's absolute statements of certitude when
in fact none of his unqualified statements have been verified by facts?
Well Kevin McCarthy said..... :rolleyes:

That's what makes your appeal to authority a logical fallacy. It's a failure in reasoning
and common sense by putting your partisan wishes over utter evidence and facts.

And it's a child like dependence on quoting people who tell you what you want to hear as opposed to presenting verified fact backed up by thorough investigation such a colossal failure on your part.
Unless you are nine years old you should know better. Are you nine, by the way?
That would explain much of your childishness.

And ironically you would uncritically reject what a party apparatchik like Kevin McCarthy says
in any other circumstance out of hand and without hesitation.
But not now. Not this time. Not when Kev says, in effect, never mind the evidence behind
the curtain. Trust in what I'm telling you, despite an utter lack of evidence.

You should know better but of course this will have little impact on your primitive lizard brain.
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You can scoff at the police officer and embrace an "authority" that better fits your agenda, of course:
Very, very weak sauce. I certainly don't doubt that police were beaten and abused by savage
proto humans bused in and turned loose to create chaos and give Donald Trump a huge black eye.

Your point is a desperate and foolish one. Stick to your "funny" pictures, Champ. Or is it chump?
Or even chimp?
In a video, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff stated a blatant lie, showing his true colors as a far left radical who has no business being in the military, let alone running it.
He said: "I try to understand what caused THOUSANDS of people to assault this building (Capitol building)?" Thousands of Trump supporters went to Trump's rally that day, but the people that assaulted the building were NOT part of that group as a matter of fact, the number that literally broke their way in amounted to an estimated 52, while a couple of hundred others just followed them in and were "in video" waved in by the Capitol Police." No "thousands" involved.
52? Todays count is 539.
Its certainly not thousands, perhaps most were only trespassing.

But i thought the narrative was:
Do I need to repeat what I said about Kevin McCarthy's absolute statements of certitude when
in fact none of his unqualified statements have been verified by facts?
If you need to reject all accounts and corroborative documentation that comport but do not fit your agenda, that is what you will do.

If you need, however, to embrace the Cry Baby Sore Loser's self-serving lie that he won in a "Landslide!" and that there is a vast nationwide conspiracy that included Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorney general, judges, auditors, etc., etc., etc - with no credible evidence or suspects - then that is what you will do.

Apparently, that is what Trump goons believed when they attacked the U.S. Congress.
Do you know what this is?
Accurately quoting figures is positions where they are qualified to make cogent comments is a decidedly superior approach to reality than blind faith in dogma that rejects what is contrary to it. You can pleasure yourself with the notion that citing anyone who expresses the truth is invalid if you don't like it, of course.

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. These facts require immediate action by President Trump."

Kevin McCarthy (R), Minority Leader, said on the House floor


I think that the President is not in charge of capitol security and that there were plenty of people closer to the problem that were responsible for it, and that President Trump calling them up and interrupting them when they supposedly were working to get the situation under control would have been useless at best.

Have you ever been in charge of something, working hard at it, and WANTED a much higher authority, with no background in the field of work you are doing, to come in and start "helping"?

That question was rhetorical. THe answer is, NO, no one who is competent wants that.
Do you know what this is? You should. You commit this rhetorical fallacy, appeal to authority, every time you bring in Keven
McCarthy to prop up your dead dishonest "argument" which, as shown, is no argument at all.
If you need to be pissy about Republicans MCCarthy, McConnell, Barr etc. being accurately quoted, here is one patriotic American who is unencumbered by that "authority" taint you need to revile:

Newly obtained video by CBS News shows the brutal beating of D.C. Metropolitan Police officer Michael Fanone during January's Capitol riot.
"All holy hell broke loose. The next thing you know, we were just in a hand-to-hand just battle," Fanone told CBS News' Kris Van Cleave. His body camera captured the moment as he was pulled into the crowd of rioters and attacked.
"I was tortured. I was beaten. I was, you know, struck with a taser numerous times at the base of my skull. And I posed no threat," Fanone said. He was forced to the ground, suffered a mild heart attack and a brain injury. Fearing for his life, he called out, "I have kids."
Last week, 21 House Republicans voted against a bill to award Fanone and fellow officers the highest congressional honor for their heroism. He thinks it was an attempt to not acknowledge the attack itself. Fanone called that "far more repulsive than voting against giving cops a medal."
You can scoff at the police officer and embrace an "authority" that better fits your agenda, of course:

"You know, if you didn't know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th,
you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit."
Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga.

You seem very worried about the safety of police. That is commendable. I am too.

But, when you don't show similar concerns in the context of the hundreds of other riots over the last 5 years, it is looking like you are just using those injured cops for partisan gain.

Kind of sleazy of you.
I certainly don't doubt that police were beaten and abused by savage
proto humans bused in and turned loose to create chaos and give Donald Trump a huge black eye.
Pathetic. Of the hundreds of Trump goons captured and being prosecuted, how many have been exposed as impersonating Trump goons to discredit the instigator upon whose "Big Lie" they were acting?
Do I need to repeat what I said about Kevin McCarthy's absolute statements of certitude when
in fact none of his unqualified statements have been verified by facts?
If you need to reject all accounts and corroborative documentation that comport but do not fit your agenda, that is what you will do.

If you need, however, to embrace the Cry Baby Sore Loser's self-serving lie that he won in a "Landslide!" and that there is a vast nationwide conspiracy that included Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorney general, judges, auditors, etc., etc., etc - with no credible evidence or suspects - then that is what you will do.

Apparently, that is what Trump goons believed when they attacked the U.S. Congress.

Nothing in this thread requires believing anything Trump says.

The issue of the election is a separate one from the riot. That the election was teh motive for the angry crowd, is true, but no very relevant to discussing their actions, or who did what.

You seem very worried about the safety of police. That is commendable. I am too.
Your attempted diversion fails miserably. I have never supported violence directed at the police anywhere. The Trump goons' violence directed at the police at the Capitol concerns the topic of this thread:

"the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"​

... and not any other incidents, although there is nothing to prevent you initiating such threads where I would be happy to address them.


You seem very worried about the safety of police. That is commendable. I am too.
Your attempted diversion fails miserably. I have never supported violence directed at the police anywhere. The Trump goons' violence directed at the police at the Capitol concerns the topic of this thread:

"the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"​

... and not any other incidents, although there is nothing to prevent you initiating such threads where I would be happy to address them.

Such threads have been discussed extensively on this site for several years.

I don't recall you, or really any lefties, expressing such dramatic and deep concerns for the well being of the police in any of them.

It really looks like you are just using these injured police in a sleazy Appeal to Emotion, to distract from how weak your actual arguments, such as they are, are.

We have been in a period of increasing political unrest and violence for several years now. After years of lefty riots, there was finally a right leaning riot, or so it appears.

That suddenly, you people are soooo concerned about rule of law and upholding the Authority of the American government,

is not credible.

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