Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
Pathetic. Of the hundreds of Trump goons captured and being prosecuted, how many have been exposed as impersonating Trump goons to discredit the instigator upon whose "Big Lie" they were acting?
Good question. You tell me...how many?

So far I'm aware of only one 68 year old Indiana grandmother who was charged with "parading" (my God! the fiends) for being in the rotunda briefly, after being let in
by some Capitol cop which I'm very certain is entrapment by the federal government.
But by all means let's ignore all that!

And on top of the that the woman says she was forced to sign a document which identifies her
as a white supremacist, which also stinks like a dead fish left out in the sun.

So let me know when you reveal how many Trump goons impersonating Trump goons
:rolleyes: get exposed. Sounds riveting.
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Such threads have been discussed extensively on this site for several years.

I don't recall you, or really any lefties, expressing such dramatic and deep concerns for the well being of the police in any of them.

It really looks like you are just using these injured police in a sleazy Appeal to Emotion, to distract from how weak your actual arguments, such as they are, are.

We have been in a period of increasing political unrest and violence for several years now. After years of lefty riots, there was finally a right leaning riot, or so it appears.

That suddenly, you people are soooo concerned about rule of law and upholding the Authority of the American government,

is not credible.
The entire 60 man police emergency response team in Portland, Oregon resigned recently because
they were sitting ducks for rioters in Portland, who acted very much like the Capitol rioters btw,
and were risking health and life every day because the city administrators refused to back them up.

And what did we hear from the left for over a year about all this? Nothing at all!

Such threads have been discussed extensively on this site for several years.
In that case, there is no reason for you to attempt to divert this thread that concerns

"the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"​

Pathetic. Of the hundreds of Trump goons captured and being prosecuted, how many have been exposed as impersonating Trump goons to discredit the instigator upon whose "Big Lie" they were acting?
Good question. You tell me...how many?

So far I'm aware of only one 68 year old Indiana grandmother who was charged with "parading" (my God! the fiends) for being in the rotunda briefly, after being let in
by some Capitol cop which I'm very certain is entrapment by the federal government.
But by all means let's ignore all that!

And on top of the that the woman says she was forced to sign a document which identifies her
as a white supremacist, which also stinks like a dead fish left out in the sun.

So let me know when you reveal how many Trump goons impersonating Trump goons
:rolleyes: get exposed. Sounds riveting.
Minimize the gravity of a violent attack by Trump goons against the United States Congress that was instigated by his baseless "Big Lie"

Screen Shot 2021-06-27 at 12.43.15 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-06-27 at 12.44.33 PM.png
if that is what your abject devotion to the Cry Baby Sore Loser compels you to do.

The eminent trials of Trump goons and a Congressional commission may provide you with cogent information based upon reality.
Such threads have been discussed extensively on this site for several years.

I don't recall you, or really any lefties, expressing such dramatic and deep concerns for the well being of the police in any of them.

It really looks like you are just using these injured police in a sleazy Appeal to Emotion, to distract from how weak your actual arguments, such as they are, are.

We have been in a period of increasing political unrest and violence for several years now. After years of lefty riots, there was finally a right leaning riot, or so it appears.

That suddenly, you people are soooo concerned about rule of law and upholding the Authority of the American government,

is not credible.
The entire 60 man police emergency response team in Portland, Oregon resigned recently because
they were sitting ducks for rioters in Portland, who acted very much like the Capitol rioters btw,
and were risking health and life every day because the city administrators refused to back them up.

And what did we hear from the left for over a year about all this? Nothing at all!

It does not make a lot of sense. They wage a War on Cops for years, they support widespread riots for years, and then expect us to be ashamed because they claim to care more for cops than we do?

Such threads have been discussed extensively on this site for several years.
In that case, there is no reason for you to attempt to divert this thread that concerns

"the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"​

My point, which you cut, stands. YOu libs had a lot of chances to express this concern for the well being of cops then, and you didn't.

That makes a reasonable person think that you are just using them now, for sleazy drama points, in the one riot that you can pin on the RIght, as opposed to the hundreds that your side did.
Pathetic. Of the hundreds of Trump goons captured and being prosecuted, how many have been exposed as impersonating Trump goons to discredit the instigator upon whose "Big Lie" they were acting?
Good question. You tell me...how many?

So far I'm aware of only one 68 year old Indiana grandmother who was charged with "parading" (my God! the fiends) for being in the rotunda briefly, after being let in
by some Capitol cop which I'm very certain is entrapment by the federal government.
But by all means let's ignore all that!

And on top of the that the woman says she was forced to sign a document which identifies her
as a white supremacist, which also stinks like a dead fish left out in the sun.

So let me know when you reveal how many Trump goons impersonating Trump goons
:rolleyes: get exposed. Sounds riveting.
Minimize the gravity of a violent attack by Trump goons against the United States Congress that was instigated by his baseless "Big Lie"

if that is what your abject devotion to the Cry Baby Sore Loser compels you to do.

The eminent trials of Trump goons and a Congressional commission may provide you with cogent information based upon reality.
I ask for evidence of "Trump goons" attacking the Capitol and you just give me more of the
same simply substituting Bill Barr's opinion for Kevin McCarthy's.
Maybe you don't actually know what evidence is? In any case you prove yourself to be a useless
appendage (like a dog born with an extra leg) in this discussion.

Fuck off, you posturing loser. You are tiresome and unnecessary, like a wart on one's buttocks.
Yes..an ugly nuisance that benefits no one.
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BlindBoo They are hiding him because he posted several times before murdering ashli that he wanted to kill Trump supporters....
Pathetic. Of the hundreds of Trump goons captured and being prosecuted, how many have been exposed as impersonating Trump goons to discredit the instigator upon whose "Big Lie" they were acting?
Good question. You tell me...how many?

So far I'm aware of only one 68 year old Indiana grandmother who was charged with "parading" (my God! the fiends) for being in the rotunda briefly, after being let in
by some Capitol cop which I'm very certain is entrapment by the federal government.
But by all means let's ignore all that!

And on top of the that the woman says she was forced to sign a document which identifies her
as a white supremacist, which also stinks like a dead fish left out in the sun.

So let me know when you reveal how many Trump goons impersonating Trump goons
:rolleyes: get exposed. Sounds riveting.
Minimize the gravity of a violent attack by Trump goons against the United States Congress that was instigated by his baseless "Big Lie"

if that is what your abject devotion to the Cry Baby Sore Loser compels you to do.

The eminent trials of Trump goons and a Congressional commission may provide you with cogent information based upon reality.
I ask for evidence of "Trump goons" attacking the Capitol and you just give me more of the
same simply substituting Bill Barr's opinion for Kevin McCarthy's.
Maybe you don't actually know what evidence is? In any case you prove yourself to be a useless
appendage (like a dog born with an extra leg) in this discussion.

Fuck off, you posturing loser. You are tiresome and unnecessary, like a wart on one's buttocks.

More and more you see liberals that reveal they don't even grasp the idea of a supporting argument.
I certainly don't doubt that police were beaten and abused by savage
proto humans bused in and turned loose to create chaos and give Donald Trump a huge black eye.
Pathetic. Of the hundreds of Trump goons captured and being prosecuted, how many have been exposed as impersonating Trump goons to discredit the instigator upon whose "Big Lie" they were acting?
Big Lie? What big lie? You mean the one the democrats and left made up that they can't show any evidence of no matter how many times asked?

I had to look up what a "goon" looks like. Turns out they look like this:

Screen Shot 2021-07-01 at 10.02.58 AM.png

If that is a Trump goon, I'll take it as a compliment. Better hope these goons don't come looking for you.

So I went back looking for what a Leftard goon looked like and my browser returned THIS:


Insurrection is defined by the goal of the actors.
Trying to alter the results of an election through physical disruption of the democratic process is an insurrection.

Please tell us, oh TDS-suffering, irrational hate-driven, Marxist Socialist talking points parroter, how unarmed, selfie-taking trespassers were going to alter the 2020 election?

Now compare that incident to the Democrat/foreign-supported domestic terrorists whose violent 'insurrection' caused the President and his family to be rushed to the WH bunker while agents from the FBI, DHS, & Secret Service along with the Capitol and Local Police were forced to engage and push back the violent terrorists, resulting in 14 Secret Service members being injured, the DC mayor ordering new security fencing be installed, the clearing of the park by police IOT put up that fencing, and another Debunked LIE / 'Conspiracy Theory' about Trump having something to d with the clearing of the park.

In the end, this is just another one of MANY incidents in which Democrats accuse others of doing what they have already done and of being who they are.
The only clear misconduct is the anonymous murderer who the libbies pretend does not exist
Insurrection is defined by the goal of the actors.
Trying to alter the results of an election through physical disruption of the democratic process is an insurrection.

Please tell us, oh TDS-suffering, irrational hate-driven, Marxist Socialist talking points parroter, how unarmed, selfie-taking trespassers were going to alter the 2020 election?

Now compare that incident to the Democrat/foreign-supported domestic terrorists whose violent 'insurrection' caused the President and his family to be rushed to the WH bunker while agents from the FBI, DHS, & Secret Service along with the Capitol and Local Police were forced to engage and push back the violent terrorists, resulting in 14 Secret Service members being injured, the DC mayor ordering new security fencing be installed, the clearing of the park by police IOT put up that fencing, and another Debunked LIE / 'Conspiracy Theory' about Trump having something to d with the clearing of the park.

In the end, this is just another one of MANY incidents in which Democrats accuse others of doing what they have already done and of being who they are.
the reason Trump went to hide in his bunker last summer and setup barriers around whitehouse is that he wanted to shoot protesters, even the peaceful ones

Somebody said so. In his book. So that makes all the unverified allegations facts, right?

Somebody said something scurrilous about Trump so that's all the verification needed.

Somebody put something in my head therefore it's real enough for me.

Leftist fact checking..................
kyzr OP -- I am neither a GOP dog-shitter nor a Dem.

I do not support the trespassing that occurred at the Capitol. At the same time, it has become a propagandist wet dream for the Dems and they are MILKING THE FUCKING SHIT out of it for political gain. Most people were over it on 1/7.

But, if any of you who are not over it, don't worry. It will be in your home town soon. Help is on the way:


A few hyperbolic clutches should help the healing process.

Insurrection is defined by the goal of the actors.
Trying to alter the results of an election through physical disruption of the democratic process is an insurrection.

Please tell us, oh TDS-suffering, irrational hate-driven, Marxist Socialist talking points parroter, how unarmed, selfie-taking trespassers were going to alter the 2020 election?

Now compare that incident to the Democrat/foreign-supported domestic terrorists whose violent 'insurrection' caused the President and his family to be rushed to the WH bunker while agents from the FBI, DHS, & Secret Service along with the Capitol and Local Police were forced to engage and push back the violent terrorists, resulting in 14 Secret Service members being injured, the DC mayor ordering new security fencing be installed, the clearing of the park by police IOT put up that fencing, and another Debunked LIE / 'Conspiracy Theory' about Trump having something to d with the clearing of the park.

In the end, this is just another one of MANY incidents in which Democrats accuse others of doing what they have already done and of being who they are.
the reason Trump went to hide in his bunker last summer and setup barriers around whitehouse is that he wanted to shoot protesters, even the peaceful ones



Here, clutch these big-ass pearls:


I am only here to help.
Insurrection is defined by the goal of the actors.
Trying to alter the results of an election through physical disruption of the democratic process is an insurrection.

Please tell us, oh TDS-suffering, irrational hate-driven, Marxist Socialist talking points parroter, how unarmed, selfie-taking trespassers were going to alter the 2020 election?

Now compare that incident to the Democrat/foreign-supported domestic terrorists whose violent 'insurrection' caused the President and his family to be rushed to the WH bunker while agents from the FBI, DHS, & Secret Service along with the Capitol and Local Police were forced to engage and push back the violent terrorists, resulting in 14 Secret Service members being injured, the DC mayor ordering new security fencing be installed, the clearing of the park by police IOT put up that fencing, and another Debunked LIE / 'Conspiracy Theory' about Trump having something to d with the clearing of the park.

In the end, this is just another one of MANY incidents in which Democrats accuse others of doing what they have already done and of being who they are.
the reason Trump went to hide in his bunker last summer and setup barriers around whitehouse is that he wanted to shoot protesters, even the peaceful ones


The vast majority of republicans have voted to condemn the 1/6 rioters.

Your talk of "soft" is just you lying. Like the liberal you are.

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