POLL: Trump supporters, let's just get this over with.

True or False: Trump supporters know they're being lied to, and just don't care. They're at war.

  • True: Whatever it takes to beat the American Left. I'll put up with pretty much anything.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • False: Those examples you gave were fake news. The election was rigged, and I know it.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • I don't want to answer. I just want to deflect and complain about Mac.

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
Valid photo ID and up to date voter registration screens for: illegals, the non-living, no home address

Don't need a national photos ID, just an accurate one
I guess you don't want to answer.

Also, you probably don't know that he was referring to a website that was tracking fraud when he said that.

But, of course, you're at war, so lying doesn't matter. Illustrating my point for me, absolutely perfectly.
Answer what, your poll?
I didn't bother to watch your little video either.

This will be a shock to you being a progbot & constantly told what to do or feel, but I don't base my beliefs on what Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson or any other talking head has to say.
The reason I say the election was stolen is because it was so obvious when Joe was getting blown out & they had to come out & do it blatantly. Normal cheating wasn't enough.

From trafficking fake ballots & stuffing boxes,
inflating voter rolls,
a total lack of transparency,
insurmountable election night leads being shut down only to drag on for days,
18/19 bellwether counties going huge for DT,
watching votes totals switch from DT to the diaper dude on news screens,
late night dumps of ballots after all were supposedly collected,
every single anomaly going the Dems favor,
machines switching votes,
machines connected to the internet,
illegal changes to state election laws,
Joe won less than 500 counties total but somehow got 12 million more total votes & more black votes than Obama
the diaper dude couldn't draw flies to his rallies
vote harvesting in nursing homes, empty lots, post offices, commercial buildings, etc...

They couldn't even make the numbers look legit because they had to cheat so much.
That election was absolutely stolen & I'm sorry if you aren't bright enough to see that obvious fact on your own.

It's funny you think we are at "war" with you all.
Even you deep thinkers will know if we decide we have no choice but to actually go to war to stop your insane wokester BS. You'll be trembling in your safe spaces, chanting your pronouns.
Hopefully it doesn't come to that

Nah...most are honest enough...just not liking being boxed in. I think most have a handle on reality, for the most part, at least regarding the Election and Trump. But most see today's issues in exactly the same light as do the Left-wing adherents...as existential subjects that are so important that almost any ethically dubious actions are justified.
Many decry the outright lie...but misrepresenting meanings, or consciously changing words and concepts to forward a cultural narrative..are going to be the norm for a while, I suspect.
After all, we do have our true believers...and trolling the opposition, for many, is what it's all about.

Nuance is not the partisan's friend.
There’s really no nuance in supporting the big lie. There’s no equivalency either.
The right fucked up in the biggest way since the civil war. There’s no coming back from this. The best they can hope for is some new lost cause narrative.
Valid photo ID and up to date voter registration screens for: illegals, the non-living, no home address

Don't need a national photos ID, just an accurate one
Which state didn’t certify their votes due uncertainty with their voter rolls?
We now know that, as we have been assuming, the crew at FOX has been lying to its viewers for years about the "rigged election". They knew the accusations were BS, but they promoted and advocated them anyway for ratings and stock prices. Literally.

We know that Steve Bannon is on tape, before the election, telling people that Trump was going to claim victory even if he lost and wasn't going to give an inch. Link below.

We know that MANY Republicans, from state election officials to governors to supreme courts to Trump-appointed judges to the freakin' "Cyber Ninjas", have tossed out the accusations.

Here's my guess, and you can tell me if (or actually, claim that) I'm wrong: I think you know you're being lied to, but you don't care. You're "at war" with the Left, so anything goes.

Please vote and comment.

I don’t see the option for you being a hack and worthless.
We now know that, as we have been assuming, the crew at FOX has been lying to its viewers for years about the "rigged election". They knew the accusations were BS, but they promoted and advocated them anyway for ratings and stock prices. Literally.

We know that Steve Bannon is on tape, before the election, telling people that Trump was going to claim victory even if he lost and wasn't going to give an inch. Link below.

We know that MANY Republicans, from state election officials to governors to supreme courts to Trump-appointed judges to the freakin' "Cyber Ninjas", have tossed out the accusations.

Here's my guess, and you can tell me if (or actually, claim that) I'm wrong: I think you know you're being lied to, but you don't care. You're "at war" with the Left, so anything goes.

Please vote and comment.

I thought your were talking about Democrats in the 2016 election!!
This is morphing into a super scandal.
I can't wait for the trial !
Its goin to be better than the Super bowl.

Everything ties together now and this scandal is going to bring the whole fuckin house down.
We now know:

1) There was no election fraud and behind the scenes people at Fox admitted there was no fraud and "Trump is lying"
2) Idiot republicans only watch Fox news because they need the lies, and they need to be lied too. When they are told the truth, they stop watching and move on to even more extreme and fucked up, non credible news sources (Newsmax, facebook, russian bots). And these trash have the nerve to call CNN fake news. What a joke !
3) Fox is Fake News and can never be called credible ever again, they lost that right with this big scandal exposing their need, and preference, to lie to maintain viewers. Viewership is more important than factually accurate news at Fox.
4) The GOP are the biggest joke in modern politics, they have no beliefs or policy just Bullshit lies and Insurrections.

This super scandal has brought down Fox News and Trump's Big Lie at the same damn time !!!
They incited an issurection at the Capitol, what'd they think was going to happen.
How do you explain why your wonderful liberal media was so wrong for so long about things like the Steele Dossier?

What about the many other false stories about Trump pushed by your liberal media?

Perhaps conservatives would listen more to the liberal media if they just stopped lying so much. Before Trump was elected I used to listen to both CNN and MSNBC as well as Fox News. Now I rarely listen to CNN unless it is about international news and never watch MSNBC.

Now I am not saying Fox News is perfect but overall they were right about Trump more often than CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post or The New York Times.
We now know that, as we have been assuming, the crew at FOX has been lying to its viewers for years about the "rigged election". They knew the accusations were BS, but they promoted and advocated them anyway for ratings and stock prices. Literally.

We know that Steve Bannon is on tape, before the election, telling people that Trump was going to claim victory even if he lost and wasn't going to give an inch. Link below.

We know that MANY Republicans, from state election officials to governors to supreme courts to Trump-appointed judges to the freakin' "Cyber Ninjas", have tossed out the accusations.

Here's my guess, and you can tell me if (or actually, claim that) I'm wrong: I think you know you're being lied to, but you don't care. You're "at war" with the Left, so anything goes.

Please vote and comment.

First, I do not believe that Trump is any dirtier or unscrupulous than the Left is. His attitudes, character, and personality are deplorable, as are many on the Left, and here's the thing: he's only one man and can do only so much damage, even with a GOP House and a GOP Senate. Which would most likely be a narrow majority at best, and he's not going to be able to do the same kind of damage that a democrat would under like circumstances. We all saw it, the democrats came within 2 votes of abolishing the filibuster and doing whatever the hell they wanted, and that scares the hell out of me. And anyone who isn't scared of that happening is a fool. Divided gov't these days is the absolute best possible outcome IMHO of any election. While they might not get much done, they won't be able to do as much damage either.

Second, it is my honest opinion that the job Trump did in his 4 years was not half bad. I think he did better than Biden is doing, that is for sure. Certainly I did not like many of his decisions, but nothing he did was really transformative or damaging, and nothing he would do if re-elected would be any different. Even his own party will not allow him to do some of the things he wants done, let alone the democrats. Much of the success that Biden had dealing with COVID was due to the groundwork that Trump did, just as much of the increase in inflation was done under Trump also. BUT - let us not forget that the democrats under Trump wanted way more spending than he did, and they would've spent way more under Biden if Manchin and Sinema had not derailed the BBB Bill.

I think you know you're being lied to, but you don't care. Do you think that your side of the aisle is lying to you too? Do you care? I think they are and I think many on the Left don't care cuz they are at war with the Right. I don't see any difference here, pointing the finger at the Right is hypocritical IMHO.

But maybe the biggest reason why I will vote for the GOP nominee no matter who it is, is because I do not want a democrat president to appoint 1 or more Supreme Court justices and return that Court to the progressive liberal view that the Constitution can and should mean whatever we thing it should. I won't put up with anything, and I do not believe the GOPers in Congress will either, some will go along with Trump but enough others will not and I think that is and would be the majority of them. I can't say the same for the congressional democrats standing up to the Far Left; only 2 of them did the last time. Next time we might be so lucky.
That's exactly it. A few of them are legitimately nuts, but most of them are just lying at this point. They got so invested in the bullshit that they won't back out of it now even though they know it's all bullshit.
Looking at the (entirely predictable) responses here, I do think that's it. At least for most of them.

And look at how many of the responses are deflections with all the claims that their media is constantly making.

"It's okay that my media lies to me, because they say you're evil demonic commies, and I believe them". What?

The world has seen this before, I do know that.
Looking at the (entirely predictable) responses here, I do think that's it. At least for most of them.

And look at how many of the responses are deflections with all the claims that their media is constantly making.

"It's okay that my media lies to me, because they say you're evil demonic commies, and I believe them". What?

The world has seen this before, I do know that.

Mac, you're so full of shit it's oozing out your ears.

There's no media anywhere that complains about evil demonic commies, you're just being another fucked up leftard mudslinger.

Our media PROTECTS commies, it doesn't disparage them. Even a lying leftard such as yourself should be able to acknowledge that.
Do you think that your side of the aisle is lying to you too?
I don't have a side of the aisle, primarily because I know quite well that both sides lie and deflect and bullshit and distort and deny with impunity.

As bad as the Democrats are - and I have disagreements with them on virtually every issue - what has happened to your party is new to this country. And I never, ever thought I would see it here.
I don't have a side of the aisle, primarily because I know quite well that both sides lie and deflect and bullshit and distort and deny with impunity.

As bad as the Democrats are - and I have disagreements with them on virtually every issue - what has happened to your party is new to this country. And I never, ever thought I would see it here.
What a load of horseshit. ^^^

This is Mac regurgitating leftard talking points.


a) he's too stupid to know it, or
b) he agrees with them

Which is it?
We now know that, as we have been assuming, the crew at FOX has been lying to its viewers for years about the "rigged election". They knew the accusations were BS, but they promoted and advocated them anyway for ratings and stock prices. Literally.

We know that Steve Bannon is on tape, before the election, telling people that Trump was going to claim victory even if he lost and wasn't going to give an inch. Link below.

We know that MANY Republicans, from state election officials to governors to supreme courts to Trump-appointed judges to the freakin' "Cyber Ninjas", have tossed out the accusations.

Here's my guess, and you can tell me if (or actually, claim that) I'm wrong: I think you know you're being lied to, but you don't care. You're "at war" with the Left, so anything goes.

Please vote and comment.

You should have a fourth option in your poll……

o…… I posted this poll to regain some sort of relevance on this forum.
I'm so irrelevant that you guys constantly try to convince me how irrelevant I am.

We’re here to have a back and forth with those of different opinions. It’s not that anyone is enamored with you as a poster, more like your half decent at trolling.
I have to say, either possibly, the election was stolen, or it was not, would not surprise me in the least.

In a country where Bloggo sold Obama's seat to the highest bidder, something that democrats even admit having happened, or where democrats tried to buy the nomination for selected candidates within their own party in Pennsylvania and Colorado, which was admitted within their own party, fraud is more a way of life in politics than conspiracy.

And in a country where the populace seems to be getting more stupid by the minute with any ability to think critically, in a country where the media and academia is run by the DNC machine to churn out voters who will vote for the same people that just destroyed their economy and freedoms, to think the vote was legit is also a possibility.

Really, I grow tired of the whole thing.

You do know that tRump pardoned Bloggo don't you?
But maybe the biggest reason why I will vote for the GOP nominee no matter who it is, is because I do not want a democrat president to appoint 1 or more Supreme Court justices and return that Court to the progressive liberal view that the Constitution can and should mean whatever we thing it should. I won't put up with anything, and I do not believe the GOPers in Congress will either, some will go along with Trump but enough others will not and I think that is and would be the majority of them. I can't say the same for the congressional democrats standing up to the Far Left; only 2 of them did the last time. Next time we might be so lucky

The last time the Supreme Court had a Liberal majority was in June of 1969.

Conservatives have owned the supreme court justice majority with a conservative Chief Justice for 54 YEARS....it was a conservative majority supreme court and chief justice that determined Roe v Wade....

If you've been disappointed with the supreme court make up and decisions all these decades,
maybe you should be pushing for a liberal majority and chief justice!?! :D

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