POLL: Trump supporters, let's just get this over with.

True or False: Trump supporters know they're being lied to, and just don't care. They're at war.

  • True: Whatever it takes to beat the American Left. I'll put up with pretty much anything.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • False: Those examples you gave were fake news. The election was rigged, and I know it.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • I don't want to answer. I just want to deflect and complain about Mac.

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
At this point, with so much proven election fraud, machine vulnerabilty / malfunctions, and faith in US elections so low, I would almost seriously consider supporting the 'Iraqi 1st Election' format as the official US govt election process:

View attachment 758591

They traveled great distances from everywhere, they stood in long lines for hours if need be, they literally risked their lives to vote as Hussein supporters / terrorists attacked several polling locations kiling people - without discouraging the people.

They presented ID to prove they were citizens and could vote, voted, then dipped their fingers in ink that could not be washed off for days, proving they voted and preventing election fraud.

Then they took to the streets proudly showing they had voted.

They had no problem with showing an ID, the opposition of which in this country is stupid, especially considering we need IDs to buy cigarettes / alcohol, travel, or get library cards / a driver's license.

For all of our ridiculously complicated (on purpose) mandated methods of and electronic systems for voting there is still election fraud, which Iraq eliminated with a bottle of ink.

Vote in person. No 'mail in voting / fingers'. No 'proxy" voting, no dead people voting, no pets voting, no illegals voting, no out-dated voting rosters allowing people to vote more than once..

In a lot of ways, such a simplistic, basic way of voting by a newly liberated people voting in their very 1st election was / is better than the f*ed up, politicaly criminal way our elections have become.

No! Cause racism n stuff!
Benson had previously mailed absentee ballots to everyone on the state’s voting rolls under the pretense of coronavirus “emergency” orders.

I scan-read that reportage offered us by the poster DukeU.
First, it is two years old.

Second, in just a micro-second I saw an egregious error that the reporter was attempting to extrapolate into widespead illegallity.

It wasn't. He didn't report a fact.

He said in one state, the SOS, Benson....mailed out unsolictied ballots to all citizens.
She didn't.
She mailed out unsolicited "applications" to apply for a ballot to all registered voters.

The problem with too many of the MAGA's is that what they believe simply ain't so.
I don't have a side of the aisle, primarily because I know quite well that both sides lie and deflect and bullshit and distort and deny with impunity.

As bad as the Democrats are - and I have disagreements with them on virtually every issue - what has happened to your party is new to this country. And I never, ever thought I would see it here.

I would say that since neither side has the high moral ground when it comes to honesty and integrity, the personality issues ought to take a back seat to the policies and programs that each side is trying to promote. Chief among them IMHO is fiscal responsibility and a less intrusive gov't in the private sector. While neither side is commendable in that regard, I cannot help but think that the democrats are the worse of the 2. Every time I've seen a spending bill it is always the democrats who want to spend more than the GOP does, and their answer to everything is a bigger gov't with more power and influence that promises to solve our problems but never does. Have you seen the estimates that were given for the Green New Deal? And they don't seem to mind bending the Constitution to pursue their political ends, re Roe v Wade.

Then Trump comes along with his populist view and anti-gov't sentiment views that taps into the feelings that so many people have that the country is going to hell in a handbasket. For a long time now, more people believe the country is on the wrong track than not and so they turned against the gov't establishment (which happens to be the democratic party) and voted him into office. And then found out they did indeed get somebody different but also somebody that is unstable IMHO. And as political opponents do, the democrats constantly jumped all over him from day one, sometimes without merit and unverified stories that subsequently turned out to be fiction but seldom were retracted. But some of the negative press was deserved, he said and did a lot of stupid things and I didn't agree with a lot of what he did policy-wise. So now we have the bull in the china shop that some people in the GOP still want to vote for but others that don't. And the party is split as a result. Populism vs conservatism. The problem is that conservatism doesn't get you elected or re-elected in too many places and you find yourself in the minority in both Houses of Congress against the Far Left and their unbelievably ridiculous agenda.

I have no idea where all this is going, in the recent fight over the Speakership, we saw 20 Far right repubs blocking the other 200 repubs from electing McCarthy to be the Speaker. And the dems elected somebody to be their leader in the House that I consider to be a Far Left kook, so it appears their party is moving further Left than back to the middle. And here we are in the middle with a growing debt and rising interest rates that ultimately means the interest payment alone on the debt will soon be the single largest budget item. All I can see is to elect a repub prez that will hold down spending more than a democrat will. I think we're still heading over a financial cliff, but the democrats will get us there faster. LOL, maybe that's a good thing let's get the disaster over with.
Did you tell your airline that their photo ID suppresses passengers?
Riding on a plane isn't a right.
VOting is.
By your logic, we should give every voter a body scan to make sure they aren't doing anything untoward.
Riding on a plane isn't a right.
VOting is.
By your logic, we should give every voter a body scan to make sure they aren't doing anything untoward.
Voting is a PROTECTED right, one that needs to be safeguarded.

Democrats care about power, not the right to vote. They steal votes and give away this right to criminals and thieves who break into our country, disrespecting this nation and our laws, who have not earned that right.

Requiring one to identify themself, to prove they are who they are and that they have that right to vote by showing an ID is a way of protecting that right.

Those who oppose this 'inconvenience' does not truly respect and want to protect this right ... IMHO.
I scan-read that reportage offered us by the poster DukeU.
First, it is two years old.

Yes, for 2 years democrats have been screaming no fraud, when it's been proven otherwise.

Second, in just a micro-second I saw an egregious error that the reporter was attempting to extrapolate into widespead illegallity.

It wasn't. He didn't report a fact.

Take it up with the Michigan Court of Claims.

  • In Michigan, the state Court of Claims ruled that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson violated state law a month before the election by instructing that local election clerks to presume all signatures were valid and to reject only those with “multiple significant and obvious” irregularities. Benson had previously mailed absentee ballots to everyone on the state’s voting rolls under the pretense of coronavirus “emergency” orders.

The problem with too many of the MAGA's is that what they believe simply ain't so.

Again, take it up with the courts.
Voting is a PROTECTED right, one that needs to be safeguarded.

Correct. Which is why the right of the poor to vote should be protected from voter suppression methods like literacy tests, poll taxes or ID requirements.

Democrats care about power, not the right to vote. They steal votes and give away this right to criminals and thieves who break into our country, disrespecting this nation and our laws, who have not earned that right.

And where is your proof this happens in any significant numbers?

Requiring one to identify themself, to prove they are who they are and that they have that right to vote by showing an ID is a way of protecting that right.

Themselves. Basic Grammar School English.
You guys have presented no evidence that undocumented immigrants are voting in any substantial numbers.

  • Millions of Americans Lack ID. 11% of U.S. citizens – or more than 21 million Americans – do not have government-issued photo identification.1
  • Obtaining ID Costs Money. Even if ID is offered for free, voters must incur numerous costs (such as paying for birth certificates) to apply for a government-issued ID.
    • Underlying documents required to obtain ID cost money, a significant expense for lower-income Americans. The combined cost of document fees, travel expenses and waiting time are estimated to range from $75 to $175.2
    • The travel required is often a major burden on people with disabilities, the elderly, or those in rural areas without access to a car or public transportation. In Texas, some people in rural areas must travel approximately 170 miles to reach the nearest ID office.3
  • Voter ID Laws Reduce Voter Turnout. A 2014 GAO study found that strict photo ID laws reduce turnout by 2-3 percentage points,4 which can translate into tens of thousands of votes lost in a single state.5
  • Minority voters disproportionately lack ID. Nationally, up to 25% of African-American citizens of voting age lack government-issued photo ID, compared to only 8% of whites.6
  • States exclude forms of ID in a discriminatory manner. Texas allows concealed weapons permits for voting, but does not accept student ID cards. Until its voter ID law was struck down, North Carolina prohibited public assistance IDs and state employee ID cards, which are disproportionately held by Black voters. And until recently, Wisconsin permitted active duty military ID cards, but prohibited Veterans Affairs ID cards for voting.
  • Voter ID laws are enforced in a discriminatory manner. A Caltech/MIT study found that minority voters are more frequently questioned about ID than are white voters.7
  • Voter ID laws reduce turnout among minority voters. Several studies, including a 2014 GAO study, have found that photo ID laws have a particularly depressive effect on turnout among racial minorities and other vulnerable groups, worsening the participation gap between voters of color and whites.8
  • In-person fraud is vanishingly rare. A recent study found that, since 2000, there were only 31 credible allegations of voter impersonation – the only type of fraud that photo IDs could prevent – during a period of time in which over 1 billion ballots were cast.9
  • Identified instances of “fraud” are honest mistakes. So-called cases of in-person impersonation voter “fraud” are almost always the product of an elections worker or a voter making an honest mistake, and that even these mistakes are extremely infrequent.10
Correct. Which is why the right of the poor to vote should be protected from voter suppression methods like literacy tests, poll taxes or ID requirements.

Abrams spread bullshit about voter suppression in Georgia, too ... amid RECORD VOTING NUMBERS.

There are no poll taxes or literacy tests. Do you have to have a photo ID to drive a car, buy alcohol / Cigarettes? Does anyone call these 'suppression'? Exactly - just stop.

And where is your proof this happens in any significant numbers?

Thank you for proving my point how Democrats / snowflakes used to say voter fraud never happens - now they have been forced to change that to '...not enough to matter / make a difference'. They still flip back and forth.

In this case you fall back into the obvious question that exposes the fact yiu don't give a damn about safeguarding elections:

'It doesn't happen in 'significant' numbers'.
- HOW MUCH election fraud is acceptable to you, fellow snowflakes, & Democrats? According to you, at what point does election fraud become 'significant' enough for you to want to do anything about it?

Where is my proof?
I posted 5 - 6 links listing some of the many convictions of election / voter fraud, to include ine former prominent Democrat who was convicted.

You guys have presented no evidence that undocumented immigrants are voting in any substantial numbers.

AGAIN, you are not denying illegals are voting - you just keep claiming not in 'significant enough' numbers (for you)...

...meanwhile you have Democrat cities ATTEMPTING TO MAKE IT LEGAL FOR ILLEGALS TO VOTE!

Abrams spread bullshit about voter suppression in Georgia, too ... amid RECORD VOTING NUMBERS.

There are no poll taxes or literacy tests. Do you have to have a photo ID to drive a car, buy alcohol / Cigarettes? Does anyone call these 'suppression'? Exactly - just stop.

But here's the thing. kids buy booze with fake ID's all the time. So by your logic, and ID requirement wouldn't stop fraud.

Thank you for proving my point how Democrats / snowflakes used to say voter fraud never happens - now they have been forced to change that to '...not enough to matter / make a difference'. They still flip back and forth.

Distinction without a difference. By that logic, we should never have elections because there is no way you can eliminate all fraud. Do you know how easy it is to get a fake ID.

'It doesn't happen in 'significant' numbers'.
- HOW MUCH election fraud is acceptable to you, fellow snowflakes, & Democrats? According to you, at what point does election fraud become 'significant' enough for you to want to do anything about it?

Uh, actually, the amount we have now is not a big deal.
We now know that, as we have been assuming, the crew at FOX has been lying to its viewers for years about the "rigged election". They knew the accusations were BS, but they promoted and advocated them anyway for ratings and stock prices. Literally.

We know that Steve Bannon is on tape, before the election, telling people that Trump was going to claim victory even if he lost and wasn't going to give an inch. Link below.

We know that MANY Republicans, from state election officials to governors to supreme courts to Trump-appointed judges to the freakin' "Cyber Ninjas", have tossed out the accusations.

Here's my guess, and you can tell me if (or actually, claim that) I'm wrong: I think you know you're being lied to, but you don't care. You're "at war" with the Left, so anything goes.

Please vote and comment.

LOL. You cultists are a hoot.
Nah...most are honest enough...just not liking being boxed in. I think most have a handle on reality, for the most part, at least regarding the Election and Trump. But most see today's issues in exactly the same light as do the Left-wing adherents...as existential subjects that are so important that almost any ethically dubious actions are justified.
Many decry the outright lie...but misrepresenting meanings, or consciously changing words and concepts to forward a cultural narrative..are going to be the norm for a while, I suspect.
After all, we do have our true believers...and trolling the opposition, for many, is what it's all about.

Nuance is not the partisan's friend.

I don't think they DO have a handle on reality. Look at how many of these people still say that Obama was born in Kenya.
Yes, for 2 years democrats have been screaming no fraud, when it's been proven otherwise.

Take it up with the Michigan Court of Claims.

  • In Michigan, the state Court of Claims ruled that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson violated state law a month before the election by instructing that local election clerks to presume all signatures were valid and to reject only those with “multiple significant and obvious” irregularities. Benson had previously mailed absentee ballots to everyone on the state’s voting rolls under the pretense of coronavirus “emergency” orders.

Again, take it up with the courts.
That wasn't your claim.

Furthermore, this is a low IQ bait and switch. This in no way indicates fraud, much less fraud favoring one candidate
We now know that, as we have been assuming, the crew at FOX has been lying to its viewers for years about the "rigged election". They knew the accusations were BS, but they promoted and advocated them anyway for ratings and stock prices. Literally.

We know that Steve Bannon is on tape, before the election, telling people that Trump was going to claim victory even if he lost and wasn't going to give an inch. Link below.

We know that MANY Republicans, from state election officials to governors to supreme courts to Trump-appointed judges to the freakin' "Cyber Ninjas", have tossed out the accusations.

Here's my guess, and you can tell me if (or actually, claim that) I'm wrong: I think you know you're being lied to, but you don't care. You're "at war" with the Left, so anything goes.

Please vote and comment.

You are a hypocrite, Biden lies about everything and you don't care.

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