Poll: U.S.A. Poses Greatest Threat To Peace...

There's that tough guy talk that gets us in trouble "Don't F.... with us" If America had been minding it's own business all the years since the end of WW2 we wouldn't have had a 9-11.

9/11 was a radical islamic jihad, we did not cause it. Radical imams caused it by preaching hate of everything not islamic.

We did not cause it. How can you say this? How many other countries have had a 9-11 or Islamic attack. Only those that allied with us. bush said it was because they hate our freedoms. He may even believe this, not being very bright, but we've been interferring in the middle east for decades, playing one country against another, getting rid of one regime and installing another. That's why they hate us. We're tied globally with China now thanks to big business and trade policies. Would you tolerate chinese airplanes flying overhead and maybe dropping a few bombs now and then because they don't like our policies and they have a lot invested here after all so they think they have the right to interfere here?
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That goes for Democrat voters too. In the end, they play on the same team. Most of em are Big Government Interventionist Communists/Progressives.

That goes for Republican and Neo Conservatives too. In the end they play on the same team. Most of them are Authoritarian Government Imperialists, Fascists and Reactionaries.

See how easy that is.
Obamas lack of backbone and his fickleness on the international scene encourage people to kick the bully when he is down. He has singlehandedly caused the greatest loss of international respect for America of any president in history. No respect, no fear, no need to hold their tongues. The Snowden revelations and the range of illegal or at least ill advised wiretaps on so many world leaders only invites world disdain. Ain't hard to invent hundreds of conspiracy theories when the us can't keep its intelligence in its pants.
I agree with the poll. The US just needs to learn to mind its own business and stop interfering.
I think the lesson the world learned post-9/11 is, "Don't fuck with the United States".

There's that tough guy talk that gets us in trouble "Don't F.... with us" If America had been minding it's own business all the years since the end of WW2 we wouldn't have had a 9-11.
Climb back into yo momma's lap little boy.

You remind Me of the kind of pussy who tells his kids that when the bully's come pushing you around, you should just sit and take it and then run home where it is safe.

In case you fucking missed it, we too have the right to be in this world and WE have the right to look after our interests. If that gets in the way of other countries, too fucking bad.
as 2013 ends a global poll finds that the country seen as representing the greatest threat to peace today is ... the United States.

Hardly a shock.
Take a look at the list of wars and military actions since 1945 and see which country has been involved in most of them, either invading, removing governments or interfering in some other way; bombing civilians in Indonesia and drone strikes in Pakistan comes to mind.
You murder your way through the world but wonder why so many people dislike you.

Russia did quite well in the Soviet era but America is easily the top of the list.
China has done shit all by the standards of that pair.

anti-American sentiment

Why is history always seen as anti American?
If you don't want history to be anti American, stop killing people.
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9/11 was a radical islamic jihad, we did not cause it. Radical imams caused it by preaching hate of everything not islamic.

We did not cause it. How can you say this? How many other countries have had a 9-11 or Islamic attack. Only those that allied with us. bush said it was because they hate our freedoms. He may even believe this, not being very bright, but we've been interferring in the middle east for decades, playing one country against another, getting rid of one regime and installing another. That's why they hate us. We're tied globally with China now thanks to big business and trade policies. Would you tolerate chinese airplanes flying overhead and maybe dropping a few bombs now and then because they don't like our policies and they have a lot invested here after all so they think they have the right to interfere here?

it appears as if most of the world has experienced these sorts of attacks.

List of Islamic terrorist attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There's that tough guy talk that gets us in trouble "Don't F.... with us" If America had been minding it's own business all the years since the end of WW2 we wouldn't have had a 9-11.

9/11 was a radical islamic jihad, we did not cause it. Radical imams caused it by preaching hate of everything not islamic.

One has to ask why someone would attack America.
Did they get up one morning and think, the shops are closed to, I'll attack a random country instead.

Of course not, 9/11, regardless of who was involved, was a direct result of American interference in the middle east.
Had it been an attack against purely military targets instead of civilians, I would have been perfectly happy with it.
The American military and government are legitimate targets as they started the wars and/or supported so many military actions against civilians.
American foreign policy is the cause of all attacks against America.
The better (and legitimate) targets would have been the White house and Pentagon along with a military base or two, maybe an aircraft carrier in port..
The attackers went for showmanship - an error.
9/11 was a radical islamic jihad, we did not cause it. Radical imams caused it by preaching hate of everything not islamic.

We did not cause it. How can you say this? How many other countries have had a 9-11 or Islamic attack. Only those that allied with us. bush said it was because they hate our freedoms. He may even believe this, not being very bright, but we've been interferring in the middle east for decades, playing one country against another, getting rid of one regime and installing another. That's why they hate us. We're tied globally with China now thanks to big business and trade policies. Would you tolerate chinese airplanes flying overhead and maybe dropping a few bombs now and then because they don't like our policies and they have a lot invested here after all so they think they have the right to interfere here?

They also attacked Spain, Bali, England, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and Israel-----were those all done to get even with the USA?

You, and many others, just do not understand radical islam. They would be preaching death to the non-believers if the US had never stepped foot into the mid east.

Its a religious war with them-----------war against everyone who is not a muslim.

Until the world comes to that realization, the blood will continue to flow.

Putin has declared that radical muslims will be removed from Russia, What has Obama said?
Not news actually. Been the case ever since WWII.

"A neuropsychologist contends that the greatest threat to world peace comes from those nations which have the most depriving environments for their children and which are most repressive of sexual affection and female sexuality."
From "The Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists", November 1975

Article: Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence

"These figures again raise the question of the special relationship between sexuality and violence. In addition to our rape statistics, there is other evidence that points to preference for sexual violence over sexual pleasure in the United States. This is reflected in our acceptance of sexually explicit films that involve violence and rape, and our rejection of sexually explicit films for pleasure only (pornography). Neighborhood movie theaters show such sexually violent films as Straw Dogs, Clockwork Orange, and The Klansman, while banning films which portray sexual pleasure (Deep Throat, The Devil in Miss Jones). Attempts to close down massage parlors are another example of our anti-pleasure attitudes. Apparently, sex with pleasure is immoral and unacceptable, but sex with violence and pain is moral and acceptable."

I think the lesson the world learned post-9/11 is, "Don't fuck with the United States".

The lesson learned post-9/11 is, don't give up your Freedom & Liberty for the sake of 'Security.' The Terrorists have won to a certain extent. Post-9/11 has been a sad nightmare for American Citizens. How much of their rights have they allowed their Government to seize since 9/11? The Terrorists didn't give is the Patriot Act and NDAA. Our Government gave us those awful decrees.

Indeed. I've said this a thousand times this year - "This is NOT the country I grew up in".

Absolutely not.
The US is the greatest threat to peace, but more so when a GOPer is in the White House.

Just how deeply bogged down in wars in Syria and Iran would we be by now if MCain or Romney had won?
OP- True, under chickenhawk ugly American Pubs....

Only we spend so gd much on ''defense'', basically as much as the rest of the world. But under Dems, we've lowered that poll number- it takes time, and Dems have to protect themselves from Pub charges of being soft on national security...The gigantic Pub propaganda machine has proven againits power tocow the entire US media into bs wars and hysteria...

Actually, most American Wars have been started by Democrats. Your belief is just a myth. In reality, Progressives dominate both Political Parties. And Progressives have been staunch Interventionists historically...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYLftg-tIlE]John Stossel - Progressives And War - YouTube[/ame]
Obamas lack of backbone and his fickleness on the international scene encourage people to kick the bully when he is down. He has singlehandedly caused the greatest loss of international respect for America of any president in history. No respect, no fear, no need to hold their tongues. The Snowden revelations and the range of illegal or at least ill advised wiretaps on so many world leaders only invites world disdain. Ain't hard to invent hundreds of conspiracy theories when the us can't keep its intelligence in its pants.

The US lost all respect, and our enemies lost all fear, once they saw how mismanaged the Iraq War was.

You have identified the symptoms, but the diagnosis is way off. You have to go back further in time, by a few years, and blame a different President. Bush lost our respect, and our enemies have little fear of us, starting at 2005 and onward, once it was clear that the Iraq War was an ill-planned and managed war and occupation.

The GOP did lose Congress during the failed Iraq War, and the GOP hasn't won the White House back since Bush left, in disgrace. They deserved those losses.

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