POLL: What do you expect from the major media?

What do you expect from the major media?

  • Objective & Comprehensive look at the news. I will draw my own conclusions.

    Votes: 14 63.6%
  • Include opinion & bias, and I'll seek out the sources I agree with.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 8 36.4%

  • Total voters
Journalists should be the natural enemy of people seeking political power. They are the people who are supposed to expose sociopaths, corruption and waste. They are supposed to inform the public of the facts so that all political whores are held accountable.

It is quite clear most of them cover for the DNC no matter how sinister it has become. The rest cover for the RNC, thus ensuring NO ONE IS EVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE except in a few extreme cases.

Journalists should be the natural enemy of people seeking political power. They are the people who are supposed to expose sociopaths, corruption and waste. They are supposed to inform the public of the facts so that all political whores are held accountable.

It is quite clear most of them cover for the DNC no matter how sinister it has become. The rest cover for the RNC, thus ensuring NO ONE IS EVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE except in a few extreme cases.
It's certainly been trending this way for years, but now very little pretense is being made about agendas.

For what it's worth, I can tell you that there is one (1) thing that will set a "journalist" off more than anything else, and it's not even close: Questioning (what they feel is) their professional integrity. They hold that one thing above everything else, and I swear, they take it more seriously than does a doctor or priest. Their honesty and integrity is above reproach, literally. Question that and it's war, regardless of what end of the spectrum you're on.

Well, obviously, Trump has done that in spades. Add to the fact that he's a Republican, and that's it. War. Pure and simple. This is what it looks like.

What I'm curious about is what happens after he's out of office - if the press calms down a bit, or if this new level of bias is permanent.
Journalists should be the natural enemy of people seeking political power. They are the people who are supposed to expose sociopaths, corruption and waste. They are supposed to inform the public of the facts so that all political whores are held accountable.

It is quite clear most of them cover for the DNC no matter how sinister it has become. The rest cover for the RNC, thus ensuring NO ONE IS EVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE except in a few extreme cases.
It's certainly been trending this way for years, but now very little pretense is being made about agendas.

For what it's worth, I can tell you that there is one (1) thing that will set a "journalist" off more than anything else, and it's not even close: Questioning (what they feel is) their professional integrity. They hold that one thing above everything else, and I swear, they take it more seriously than does a doctor or priest. Their honesty and integrity is above reproach, literally. Question that and it's war, regardless of what end of the spectrum you're on.

Well, obviously, Trump has done that in spades. Add to the fact that he's a Republican, and that's it. War. Pure and simple. This is what it looks like.

What I'm curious about is what happens after he's out of office - if the press calms down a bit, or if this new level of bias is permanent.

That's my biggest fear with all the insanity injected by Trump - that it will become the new normal. If that's the case, we are truly on a downhill slide.
As I type this, no one has voted for the second option, yet we all know many feel this way.

Any theories as to why that is?

It'll be interesting to see how many votes it gets.

Your second choice is false narrative.

Here's the thing. If you watch Fox or CNN, 90% of it is the SAME INFORMATION. SO many kids shot in a school shooting, so many Russians indicted today, so many dumb things said by Trump. At least as far as the news portion of their programming. (MSNBC is all opinion programming, so let's leave that to the side

So you are whining about the packaging, and not the product.
^^^ It's always easy to tell when you've struck a nerve, when you've nailed it.

The only nerve that gets hit is when people reject your bullshit, pompous premises.

This is a person who obediently believes and defends whatever the media on his "side" says and does, while at the same time pointing the finger at the other "side". Of course, we see this behavior from both "sides", and none of them will be honest and vote for Option 2 in my little poll. At some level, they know what they are.

We know we aren't phonies.

Here's the thing. I have no use for any of the media. They dumb down the news, they are more interested in selling Corn Flakes than informing the public.

If you want to blame someone for the state of journalism, blame the sponsors. Olbermann, O'Reilly, Beck didn't get pulled off the air because they were bad journalists (they were) or because they didn't get good ratings (they usually dominated their time slots). Nope. They got pulled because corporations didn't want their products associated with them.

That's a lot scarier than any bias you whine about. That our news is subject to what Corporations are willing to let us hear about.

So once again, go stick your silly self-righteousness up your pompous ass.

Speaking of that, the first assignment on my first day of college in my first class (It was Journalism 101, no shit) was to read "All the President's Men". I've always wondered, as I've watched the media decay into advocacy journalism, what negative effects that book & movie may have had on journalism. Reporter as celebrity.

Wait, i'm sorry. Are you trying to say exposing Nixon's corruption wasn't a good thing?

I could argue that "Reporter of celebrity" goes long before then. Let's not forget Walter Winchell's in the 1940's. Or Edward R. Murrow being the guy who brought down Joe McCarthy. Or Cronkite calling the Vietnam War lost after the Tet Offensive.

If you ask the flocks who defend advocacy journalism, my guess is they would say something like "but we need THE TRUTH out there, that's good for the country!"

Um, no, nobody says that. I realize you are too chickenshit to debate anyone who contradicts you. Most people watch the news where they feel comfortable with the style. The bigger problems are the corporate control of the News (The media in this country is controlled by five companies) and the dumbing down of the news.
For what it's worth, I can tell you that there is one (1) thing that will set a "journalist" off more than anything else, and it's not even close: Questioning (what they feel is) their professional integrity. They hold that one thing above everything else, and I swear, they take it more seriously than does a doctor or priest. Their honesty and integrity is above reproach, literally. Question that and it's war, regardless of what end of the spectrum you're on.

So you want reporters who equivocate and pussyfoot their reporting?

Well, obviously, Trump has done that in spades. Add to the fact that he's a Republican, and that's it. War. Pure and simple. This is what it looks like.

Actually, the real thing Trump did was remind us all that Americans are pretty much the dumbest people in the Industrialized world.

I do blame the media for Trump. During the primaries, they gave him lots of free time because he was good for ratings. SHit, why listen to boring ass Jeb Bush talk about immigration reform when Trump will call Mexicans rapists? Probably makes a good argument of why we need an "equal time" doctrine.

During the general, they gave Trump exposure hoping that Americans were smart enough to realize what he was. But... um, they weren't.

The von Papen Republicans voted for him hoping he could be controlled.
I don't think there's been fair and balanced news since before the days of the Town Crier. Even before the our independence from England, publications clearly reported the news with biases of the publishers and reporters. There were unlimited references to the Yellow Press.

Weighing the accuracy of the news is the responsibility of each thinking individual. I watch and read a large variety of news sources every day - this site is one of them. Each source has its own slant on the news and that is to be expected.

I freely admit that my main source of "news" and "commentary" is FoxNews, I also get it from Univision and Telemundo as that is what my wife watches.

With Fox, I know what I'm getting - but it's still up to me to sift the news from opinions. I think the most balanced show on Fox is Fox and Friends and I can see why the president watches them every morning.
That's my biggest fear with all the insanity injected by Trump - that it will become the new normal. If that's the case, we are truly on a downhill slide.
I'd think it's human nature that we continue on a path, so my guess is that this will only continue. When we're allowed to get away with something long enough, well, that becomes the new normal.

So now, "journalism" is nothing more than competing sides, just like everything else has become. The divisions continue to deepen. What concerns me is that, once the press is gone, there's nothing holding this back.

I expect from the media exactly what they've been doing for a very long time, carrying the dimocrat water for them. No less, no more.
I'd think it's human nature that we continue on a path, so my guess is that this will only continue. When we're allowed to get away with something long enough, well, that becomes the new normal.

So now, "journalism" is nothing more than competing sides, just like everything else has become. The divisions continue to deepen. What concerns me is that, once the press is gone, there's nothing holding this back.

Oh,noes, people are going have opinions that aren't Pompous Mac's opinions!!!!
That's my biggest fear with all the insanity injected by Trump - that it will become the new normal. If that's the case, we are truly on a downhill slide.
I'd think it's human nature that we continue on a path, so my guess is that this will only continue. When we're allowed to get away with something long enough, well, that becomes the new normal.

So now, "journalism" is nothing more than competing sides, just like everything else has become. The divisions continue to deepen. What concerns me is that, once the press is gone, there's nothing holding this back.

I still think it's a by-product of our increasingly politicized society. The reason politics and government have become so contentious is because they impact nearly everything. We're using government to decide how we educate our children, how we care for our personal health, who we can marry - there are few areas of life that aren't subject to government intrusion. Most of them, unnecessarily so.

I'm reminded of the line from the Simon and Garfunkel song, El Condor Pasa: "I'd rather be a hammer than a nail ..." It's as though we've accepted the idea that society is all about using government to "hammer" on those we disagree with. The only question is who holds the hammer, and who gets to be the nail.
That's my biggest fear with all the insanity injected by Trump - that it will become the new normal. If that's the case, we are truly on a downhill slide.
I'd think it's human nature that we continue on a path, so my guess is that this will only continue. When we're allowed to get away with something long enough, well, that becomes the new normal.

So now, "journalism" is nothing more than competing sides, just like everything else has become. The divisions continue to deepen. What concerns me is that, once the press is gone, there's nothing holding this back.

I still think it's a by-product of our increasingly politicized society. The reason politics and government have become so contentious is because they impact nearly everything. We're using government to decide how we educate our children, how we care for our personal health, who we can marry - there are few areas of life that aren't subject to government intrusion. Most of them, unnecessarily so.

I'm reminded of the line from the Simon and Garfunkel song, El Condor Pasa: "I'd rather be a hammer than a nail ..." It's as though we've accepted the idea that society is all about using government to "hammer" on those we disagree with. The only question is who holds the hammer, and who gets to be the nail.
Sure, it's essentially a reflection, and this all feeds on itself.

Once the media splinters like this, though, all bets are off. There are no guardrails any more.
Sure, it's essentially a reflection, and this all feeds on itself.

Once the media splinters like this, though, all bets are off. There are no guardrails any more.

To once again, debunk Mac and his pompous crap.

1) The media has always been biased. This isn't a new thing. If anything, the Media is more careful now because they can get sued for getting it wrong. Just ask Dan Rather.

2) 90% of the content on the media is identical. Fox and CNN give out the same news, just different spins on them.

3) The REAL danger is that about 5 companies control 90% of the media- Newscorp, Viacom, Comcast, Disney and Time/Warner

3a) the other danger is that when you have it based on sponsorship, then big corporations have a large say in what gets on the air. Beck, O'Reilley and Olbermann were all taken off the air because sponsors didn't like what they had to say and didn't want their products associated with them.

4) the other problem is that we are dumbing down the news. Used to be newspapers gave a lot of in depth coverage to issues. But newspapers are largely dying and we are left with talking heads on TV saying the same things, 24/7.
Once the media splinters like this, though, all bets are off. There are no guardrails any more.

Maybe there are other 'guardrails'. Maybe Edward R Murrow and Walter Kronkite sold us a bill of goods, and it was a mistake to put so much trust in a third party to begin with.
Once the media splinters like this, though, all bets are off. There are no guardrails any more.
Maybe there are other 'guardrails'. Maybe Edward R Murrow and Walter Kronkite sold us a bill of goods, and it was a mistake to put so much trust in a third party to begin with.
Well, it is, but aren't we conditioned to? I suppose that could change over time, but we do search out (and trust) various "news" sources.
Once the media splinters like this, though, all bets are off. There are no guardrails any more.
Maybe there are other 'guardrails'. Maybe Edward R Murrow and Walter Kronkite sold us a bill of goods, and it was a mistake to put so much trust in a third party to begin with.
Well, it is, but aren't we conditioned to? I suppose that could change over time, but we do search out (and trust) various "news" sources.

Well we have to trust someone. But Joe makes a good point. For the most part, it isn't a matter of not having access to the facts. The truth is "out there", and underneath the spin they are mostly reporting the same stuff. A moderately curious person can get the facts they need to understand most situations.

We have plenty of reliable news, we're just tuning it out in favor of cheerleaders who tell us what we want to hear. But what we want to hear isn't as obvious as it sounds. People want to hear that they are part of a dramatic culture war, that the 'other side' are monsters hell bent on destroy our society. They want to feel special, and in possession of the 'subtle truth'. That's why conspiracy theories are so popular. It's not because people long for the truth - it's because it's fun to know "secrets".

It may be that democracy simply doesn't work. That once it reaches the bread and circuses phase, it's doomed. The real genius of the founders, in my view, was the recognition democracy can only work when government is strictly constrained.
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It may be that democracy simply doesn't work. That once it reaches the bread and circuses phase, it's doomed. The real genius of the founders, in my view, was the recognition democracy can only work when government is strictly constrained.

Democracy? Maybe America should actually TRY that before declaring it a failure. What we are doing now if clearly a failure.

I'd rather not look to guys who thought leeches were cutting edge medical technology on how to run health care.

I'd rather not look to guys who thought a musket was cutting edge weaponry to decide what gun policy should be.

I'd rather not look to guys who shit in chamberpots to run public sanitation.

No, the Founders weren't Gods who shit Marble. they were dudes who didn't want to pay their taxes, and talked a lot of smack about freedom while owning slaves.

We have plenty of reliable news, we're just tuning it out in favor of cheerleaders who tell us what we want to hear. But what we want to hear isn't as obvious as it sounds. People want to hear that they are part of a dramatic culture war, that the 'other side' are monsters hell bent on destroy our society. They want to feel special, and in possession of the 'subtle truth'. That's why conspiracy theories are so popular. It's not because people long for the truth - it's because it's fun to know "secrets".

You might have a bit of a point here. I think it's a matter of packaging. If you are looking at the news as a product, you sell it the same way you sell any other product. How do they sell corn flakes? By showing a family just like yours (or how you would idealize your family) enjoying corn flakes as the best thing ever. So the problem isn't so much that Fox or CNN are creating the packaging, it's the market creates the packaging.

If you wanted dry packaging of your news, there's always the Newshour on PBS. But without the showbiz, marketing angle, you need a public subsidy to keep it on the air. Ironically, the government sponsored news is probably the least biased.
It may be that democracy simply doesn't work. That once it reaches the bread and circuses phase, it's doomed. The real genius of the founders, in my view, was the recognition democracy can only work when government is strictly constrained.

Democracy? Maybe America should actually TRY that before declaring it a failure. What we are doing now if clearly a failure.

I'd rather not look to guys who thought leeches were cutting edge medical technology on how to run health care.

I'd rather not look to guys who thought a musket was cutting edge weaponry to decide what gun policy should be.

I'd rather not look to guys who shit in chamberpots to run public sanitation.

No, the Founders weren't Gods who shit Marble. they were dudes who didn't want to pay their taxes, and talked a lot of smack about freedom while owning slaves.
Very impressive speech! A complete straw-man, of course, but impressive. Did you write it yourself?

No, I never said the Founders were Gods. You're shadow-boxing.

All I said was that they were right regarding unlimited democracy. They realized that sane people wouldn't consent to a government that could do anything to them in the name of majority rule. If there aren't dependable limits on government power, you get what we have now - a democracy that routinely threatens the rights of the minority.
Objective & Comprehensive look at the news. I will draw my own conclusions. is what I expect but it is not what we get, Most of the media is so far left of center that they make Pravda look conservative.

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