Poll: What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

  • 1. Continue to compete, honoring transgenders.

  • 2. Don't show up at all.

  • 3. When the starting whistle blows, all the women just take a knee.

Results are only viewable after voting.
And they should also join this or a similar lawsuit....

Title IX complaint filed against NCAA over Lia Thomas' participation, win in women's swimming​

On Thursday, Concerned Women for America filed a formal complaint with the US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights against the University of Pennsylvania for allowing a biological male who identifies as a woman and goes by the name Lia Thomas to compete on the women’s swim team.

In a letter to Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon, the group stated that the complaint was filed against the school "for its egregious violations of the protections for women on the basis of sex secured a half-century ago in the landmark passage of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972."


Fake women competing against my daughter unquestionably constitutes gender discrimination

Force them into a category all their own.
Only can such a thing be done?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. This matter makes me think of what was said to Kelly during one episode of Saved By The Bell. When she and the other main cast members breathe new life into the Bayside school store, one student who used to work at the place gets mad and says to her, "We'll get you back for this, cheerleader! The next time you say, "Stand up, sit down, fight-fight-fight, we're just going
to sit there and do nothing!"
Looks like some of the women are starting to push back at least a little bit....

Three college swimmers who were beaten by transgender athlete Lia Thomas posed together on a single podium step, fuelling the controversy over her eligibility to compete in elite women's competitions.
I voted "don't show up at all"

This craziness will only stop if sportswomen don't put up with the madness.

That's the only way to put an end to it, IMO.
I've heard it said that there is strength in numbers and so I second this. Natural born females are who make most of the population anyway and so if enough don't participate, how much is left for anyone else to take any interest in?

God bless you always!!!

More likely, over time we will realize the every women's athletic record will be held by a biological male. There aren't enough men pretending to be women to totally replace all women, but there only needs to be a handful to break and set new records. What do we tell our girls then? "Hey, you're pretty good at sports. Just understand that you're ultimately going to be beaten by a boy".

I would take it even further, just for the heck of it.

The only way they can see how ridiculous they are, if you do exactly what they want. Soooo, take couple hundreds, or thousands of manly man, the manlier and rougher, the better, put the lipstick on and walk into SOS, or DMV, or court, and all of them ask to change their sex on their ID and other documents.

Don't ridicule the system, but use the system against them to the point that it doesn't make sense to them anymore. Once you have your documents changed, the real fun starts. Demand to use women restrooms, demand use of "correct" pronouns, demands all women rights for yourself, demand equal pay, government assistance, demand free tampons and razors, challenge divorce courts for sharing time with kids, everything they're doing now multiply to infinity, blow the system they built from inside out.

Even in case of this swimmer, I would do the same. All it takes is to find three better male swimmers, crazy enough, or heroic enough to stand up for women, declare themselves transwomen and compete against him in every race he enters. When he realize he can't win, or qualify for championship, he'll give up.
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We can see what is happening in swimming now.
The pretend woman male is rewriting the record books in NCAA women swimming.

My son was a competitive swimmer in the 2010s. At the high school he swam in, I remember being remarked by the fastest records by the girls, dating back to the 1980s, was slower than what my son averaged. Not his best times. His average.
If my son were to pretend to be a woman, he would have been a national champion. Not even close.
He went state all 4 of his high school years, and placed (in top 3) his junior and senior year. Despite that, he wouldn't have even made the mens collegiate team in all ranked swimming programs.
As a pretend female. He would be national champion.

And that is all that needs to be said about men pretending to be women competing in sports.
It isn’t about pretending. They are what they are and do not deserve to be dehumanized. They just shouldn’t compete with biological women because being a genetic male creates a different physiology.
“Transwomen” are men.

To demand that they be recognized as “women” in any sense is insane. And an attack on genuine women.

No rational concept of “fairness” would ever compel any sane person to play along with this madness.
I am a genuine woman and I am not so fragile as to view transgender people as an attack on my womanhood. Keep your male fragility to yourself.
Don't show up at all

Refuse to compete

I'm really favoring that solution, simply because I think it would put more pressure on the schools than just taking a knee at the competition. Team sports require a certain number of active team members in order to compete, and if they can't field that minimum number, they're out entirely.

I say they wait until the very last minute before their team enters for a competition, then the entire team quits en masse, and leaves their shitty school with just the precious "transwoman" they decided mattered more to them than all their female students. The school doesn't have time to replace them, the selfish little penis-dangling shitbird doesn't get the competition he wanted so much, and the misogynist administrators are left with a huge fallout to deal with.
I would take it even further, just for the heck of it.

The only way they can see how ridiculous they are, if you do exactly what they want. Soooo, take couple hundreds, or thousands of manly man, the manlier and rougher, the better, put the lipstick on and walk into SOS, or DMV, or court, and all of them ask to change their sex on their ID and other documents.

Don't ridicule the system, but use the system against them to the point that it doesn't make sense to them anymore. Once you have your documents changed, the real fun starts. Demand to use women restrooms, demand use of "correct" pronouns, demands all women rights for yourself, demand equal pay, government assistance, demand free tampons and razors, challenge divorce courts for sharing time with kids, everything they're doing now multiply to infinity, blow the system they built from inside out.

Even in case of this swimmer, I would do the same. All it takes is to find three better male swimmers, crazy enough, or heroic enough to stand up for women, declare themselves transwomen and compete against him in every race he enters. When he realize he can't win, or qualify for championship, he'll give up.
Creative idea. I've never heard anything like this. I don't think men would do it, but I like the concept.
I am a genuine woman and I am not so fragile as to view transgender people as an attack on my womanhood. Keep your male fragility to yourself.

I'm not just a male.

I'm a husband, a brother, an uncle, a cousin, a nephew, a friend, a colleague and many other things, to many wonderful women.

You do not speak for any of them, in surrendering to this insane series of attacks on other women. You have no authority to surrender the interests of these other women, to the whims of depraved sexual perverts.


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