Poll: What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

  • 1. Continue to compete, honoring transgenders.

  • 2. Don't show up at all.

  • 3. When the starting whistle blows, all the women just take a knee.

Results are only viewable after voting.
I'm really favoring that solution, simply because I think it would put more pressure on the schools than just taking a knee at the competition. Team sports require a certain number of active team members in order to compete, and if they can't field that minimum number, they're out entirely.

I say they wait until the very last minute before their team enters for a competition, then the entire team quits en masse, and leaves their shitty school with just the precious "transwoman" they decided mattered more to them than all their female students. The school doesn't have time to replace them, the selfish little penis-dangling shitbird doesn't get the competition he wanted so much, and the misogynist administrators are left with a huge fallout to deal with.
We're being "othered" by the Left. Women don't count anymore; we aren't actual people to the Left. This is so weird.
What they are is mentally- and morally-defective men, pretending to be women, and in so doing, making demands that are harmful to the interests of actual women.
We disagree.

Hard science trumps your insane delusions and abject stupidity.

Men are not women, and cannot ever become women. That's science. Not the absurd, degenerate mockery of “science” that your kind clings to, but genuine science, which utterly refutes nearly every claim that your mockery is ever used to support.
It isn’t about pretending. They are what they are and do not deserve to be dehumanized. They just shouldn’t compete with biological women because being a genetic male creates a different physiology.
What they are is insane. If they claimed to be fuzzies, or Jesus Christ, or claimed Joe Biden was their secret lover, could they insist everyone agree to cooperate with their delusions and pretend to believe it and do whatever the delusion assumed, like worship him as Jesus Christ, or treat him like a fuzzy unicorn?

The problem of delusions is so well-known in psychiatry that I am amazed any of this got started. I suppose it was some of the more celebrity characters doing it that somehow validated it, like that Olympic swimmer that pretends to be a woman, got on a magazine cover and so on ---- Bruce Jenner, that's the name. He lately decided to run for governor of California during the recall: still has a desperate craving for attention, which seems to be a common characteristic.
I'm not just a male.
I’m not just a female.

I'm a husband, a brother, an uncle, a cousin, a nephew, a friend, a colleague and many other things, to many wonderful women.
I’m a wife, sister, daughter, cousin, friend, colleague, supporter, and a wild creature to men and women. And I’m not threatened by transgender women.

You do not speak for any of them, in surrendering to this insane series of attacks on other women. You have no authority to surrender the interests of these other women, to the whims of depraved sexual perverts.

I speak for myself. You speak for yourself. However you lack the X chromosome…so don’t speak for us.

I am not surrendering any “women’s interests” as I clearly stated where the boundaries lie. You confuse a refusal to support your hatred of transgender people with “surrendering” a woman’s interests.

Again, don’t pretend to speak for women. We can speak for ourselves…whether pro or anti, without your tainted support.

We shouldn't even have to ask that question. Why are young girls and women and genetic female athletes threatened and forced to remain silent or be ostracized by the sports industry and the media and our own politicians if they speak out about the injustice of having to compete against genetic males?
Hey if Lea can’t get pregnant I say let’s have a good time baby
Hate to break it to you but we ain’t anything special to tbe right beyond being baby receptacles.
It seems to me such a weird thing to have happened, since so many women ARE leftists. And then we are all deleted by the Left as a whole category: there are no women, just, what ---- women-ish, I guess. I would not have thought men would win the battle of the sexes simply by pretending to be women! That one was outside my imagination.
I speak for myself. You speak for yourself. However you lack the X chromosome…so don’t speak for us.

If you understood genuine science on the subject, and not your absurd LIbtARd mockery of “science”, you would know that men do, in fact have an X chromosome.

I am not surrendering any “women’s interests” as I clearly stated where the boundaries lie. You confuse a refusal to support your hatred of transgender people with “surrendering” a woman’s interests.

You've repeatedly supported the “right of these depraved male perverts to intrude upon women's intimate spaces, such as restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms,. communal showers, and so on.

Being an immoral slut, perhaps you have no problem dressing undressing, showring, or whatever in front of strange men, but most women would very much disagree with you on this point.

Most women consider their safety, privacy, and modesty to be pretty important interests; and you do not speak for them in being so willing to surrender it yourself.

What you call “hatred of transgender people” is nothing more than objective recognition of the hard science involved, as well as how pandering to such freaks is harmful to the interests of genuine women. If any position is hateful, here it is your position that would allow women to be harmed, in order to pander to this sick agenda.
Creative idea. I've never heard anything like this. I don't think men would do it, but I like the concept.

Isn't that what they're doing for decades, destroying system from within itself?

I run this by my wife, and she said that's insane. But when I asked her, how far would she go to protect our two daughters, you said "whatever it takes".

Keep in mind, there is nothing they can do to prevent us from doing exactly that. System they build to "protect" LGBTQ is the same system that can be used against them. Every attempt to discriminate, will make them hypocrites and look bad.

Hate to break it to you but we ain’t anything special to tbe [sic] right beyond being baby receptacles.

This is at least the second time, that in this manner, you have tried to project the degrading view you have on women on those of us who very much disagree with it.

No surprise, As it is this same degraded view of women that shows when you support pandering to depraved make perverts who want to pretend to be women, to the harm of actual women.
What they are is insane. If they claimed to be fuzzies, or Jesus Christ, or claimed Joe Biden was their secret lover, could they insist everyone agree to cooperate with their delusions and pretend to believe it and do whatever the delusion assumed, like worship him as Jesus Christ, or treat him like a fuzzy unicorn?

What they are is what they are and as of yet I have never heard of any significant or sustaiNed group of people who believed they were unicorns or Christ or etc. But there has been a small and continuous group who for what ever reason, feel placed in the wrong body, from childhood. And this is not new but crosses centuries and cultures. So do you just discount them? Dehumanize them? Or except them as a third “gender” as many ancient cultures did? What is the big deal here?

The problem of delusions is so well-known in psychiatry that I am amazed any of this got started. I suppose it was some of the more celebrity characters doing it that somehow validated it, like that Olympic swimmer that pretends to be a woman, got on a magazine cover and so on ---- Bruce Jenner, that's the name. He lately decided to run for governor of California during the recall: still has a desperate craving for attention, which seems to be a common characteristic.
Isn’t everything a delusion to someone? If it harms no one, least of all you, why fuss?
The deal is that the democrat party is in charge and democrats support the transgender movement. The second thing is that the media supports the democrat party and as such there will be no stories critical of genetic males competing against genetic females. Any female athlete who dares complain in public will see their olympic dreams crushed and any thoughts of a professional career in teaching or competing in professional sports permanently derailed. The media has powerful investigative sources and if a woman becomes a big enough annoyance they will research every moment of her life and make it public if it's ugly enough. Nobody wants that so nobody talks.
I oppose it among high level competition because it allows doctors and athletes to manipulate hormone levels. When I grew up I worked hard to build strength and endurance through hard work, the right food, and enough sleep. I met many women athletes who did the same. I think it would be as unfair to them as it was for me to compete against guys using hgh to build their strength up.

Ask the NCAA to ban them for high level competition.
It's the NCAA and other athletic functionaries that make it possible for males to use their natural advantages
and physical superiority to cheat female athletes to begin with.
It is the most unlevel of playing fields.
And it's tragic how a handful of cowardly administrators and gutless quislings cheat our women
out of hard earned honors and accomplishments all to knuckle under to trans scum whose corrupt ideology
makes a mockery of sport and fair play.
What they are is what they are and as of yet I have never heard of any significant or sustaiNed group of people who believed they were unicorns or Christ or etc. But there has been a small and continuous group who for what ever reason, feel placed in the wrong body, from childhood. And this is not new but crosses centuries and cultures. So do you just discount them? Dehumanize them? Or except them as a third “gender” as many ancient cultures did? What is the big deal here?

Isn’t everything a delusion to someone? If it harms no one, least of all you, why fuss?
Delusions are not harmless: stalkers are 100% delusional. As for people who feel they are the wrong sex, I think all that is just prostitution. Some males do it, that's all. They find it more profitable to dress up as women while they are prostituting themselves. This is quite well known, after all. As for other delusions, stalkers are very common. Schizophrenics who think they are Christ or Napoleon used to be very common and now we have lots of crazies who decide to do it with a knife or gun ----- there are fashions in madness. Fuzzies seem to be the newest fashion, along with homicidal mania.

I think it's a terrible mistake to cooperate with insane delusions. For one thing, it's encouraging fraud. For another, it's a horrific imposition on sane people to require that they pretend to believe this stuff and deal with ersatz pronouns and all the rest. I would never, never cooperate with any of this. I'll call it what sex I determine it is, and that's that. No one has the right to impose his or her craziness onto me.
This is at least the second time, that in this manner, you have tried to project the degrading view you have on women on those of us who very much disagree with it.

No surprise, As it is this same degraded view of women that shows when you support pandering to depraved make perverts who want to pretend to be women, to the harm of actual women.
It isn’t “my” degrading view…it is the view you project upon me If I take a stand for my autonomy. Either way it is largely irrelevant. I am a woman. Transgender women are not a threat to me nor do I view them as perverts. However, because sports are divided by gender due to innate biological differences, I do not think they should compete with biological women.

You know, it is possible to support that without degrading or dehumanizing transgender women.
It seems to me such a weird thing to have happened, since so many women ARE leftists. And then we are all deleted by the Left as a whole category: there are no women, just, what ---- women-ish, I guess. I would not have thought men would win the battle of the sexes simply by pretending to be women! That one was outside my imagination.
See…I don’t see myself as canceled.
The deal is that the democrat party is in charge and democrats support the transgender movement. The second thing is that the media supports the democrat party and as such there will be no stories critical of genetic males competing against genetic females. Any female athlete who dares complain in public will see their olympic dreams crushed and any thoughts of a professional career in teaching or competing in professional sports permanently derailed. The media has powerful investigative sources and if a woman becomes a big enough annoyance they will research every moment of her life and make it public if it's ugly enough. Nobody wants that so nobody talks.

The question I have is, why women don't stand up for themselves?

Or take it bit further, if women are unable to stand for themselves, how are they able to make other important decisions in life, or to run the country, perhaps?

So, either they say NO, by boycotting every event that allows it, or let them be beaten in every sport, every competition, every job they are trying to enroll in.

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