Poll: What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

  • 1. Continue to compete, honoring transgenders.

  • 2. Don't show up at all.

  • 3. When the starting whistle blows, all the women just take a knee.

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I don't give a shit about women's sports so if they disappear, win win, and the right people get the blame for it.

I want these leftist cocksuckers to hang themselves with this bullshit, fantasy-land appeasement nonsense. All women will be pissed....at the right people.
Not even women's beach vollyball?

The question I have is, why women don't stand up for themselves?

Or take it bit further, if women are unable to stand for themselves, how are they able to make other important decisions in life, or to run the country, perhaps?

So, either they say NO, by boycotting every event that allows it, or let them be beaten in every sport, every competition, every job they are trying to enroll in.
Smart reasonable women are reluctant to take a stand because they see that the media will never support them and there will be no outrage stories about the issue. Female athletes can't complain because they will be thrown off the team and if they complain about that there are ways to investigate every hour of their lives and embarrass them in public. The fix is in.
I’m not just a female.

I’m a wife, sister, daughter, cousin, friend, colleague, supporter, and a wild creature to men and women. And I’m not threatened by transgender women.

I speak for myself. You speak for yourself. However you lack the X chromosome…so don’t speak for us.

I am not surrendering any “women’s interests” as I clearly stated where the boundaries lie. You confuse a refusal to support your hatred of transgender people with “surrendering” a woman’s interests.

Again, don’t pretend to speak for women. We can speak for ourselves…whether pro or anti, without your tainted support.

I don't lack the double-X chromosome . . . so don't presume to speak for us. You speak for yourself, and only yourself. You are not women, and I've had enough of your preening. You confuse a refusal to quietly accept your political agenda with "hatred", and your own refusal to protect the interests of other women with "being more caring". Really, you're just selfish.

What's your next "My opinion is the only valid one" dodge when you're faced with another woman?
Hate to break it to you but we ain’t anything special to tbe right beyond being baby receptacles.

Hate to break it to you, but we ain't anything special to the left beyond being useful idiots. You don't get to vilify anyone else for not caring enough about women when you're willing to sell out every woman who isn't you for your own "wokeness".
I am a genuine woman and I am not so fragile as to view transgender people as an attack on my womanhood. Keep your male fragility to yourself.
Since you aren't having to compete against HIM you have no skin in the game. There's no "male fragility" here. Standing up for actual women is now a sign of "fragility"?
It isn’t “my” degrading view…it is the view you project upon me If I take a stand for my autonomy. Either way it is largely irrelevant. I am a woman. Transgender women are not a threat to me nor do I view them as perverts. However, because sports are divided by gender due to innate biological differences, I do not think they should compete with biological women.

You know, it is possible to support that without degrading or dehumanizing transgender women.

No one's "projecting" anything on you. We're reading your posts. You, on the other hand, are stating opinions for other people which haven't actually been expressed.

But what can we expect from someone who actually said, "Isn't everything a delusion?" in front of other people and didn't immediately die of embarrassment?
I’m not just a female.

I’m a wife, sister, daughter, cousin, friend, colleague, supporter, and a wild creature to men and women. And I’m not threatened by transgender women.

I speak for myself. You speak for yourself. However you lack the X chromosome…so don’t speak for us.

I am not surrendering any “women’s interests” as I clearly stated where the boundaries lie. You confuse a refusal to support your hatred of transgender people with “surrendering” a woman’s interests.

Again, don’t pretend to speak for women. We can speak for ourselves…whether pro or anti, without your tainted support.
I will speak for my wife, daughters, nieces, and all the girls I have had the privilege to coach over the last several years. When those women speak out, "women" like you call them bigots and transphobes. You don't speak for any of them with your hatred of women who want to compete against other women and not mentally disturbed men. You don't support those normal women. You demonize and vilify them to try to make yourself feel superior.
They aren’t men. They just aren’t biological women.

No, they're men. I'm not shocked to know that you're too ignorant to know something so basic that kindergartners can grasp it.

Every single cell in their bodies has 23 pairs of XY chromosomes. Until you can change that, they're men. Emotions, belief, tantrums over pronouns, none of that changes those chromosomes. Neither does makeup, longer hair, or dresses. And they can take estrogen until they fall over dead from old age, but that won't change those chromosomes, either.
Smart reasonable women are reluctant to take a stand because they see that the media will never support them and there will be no outrage stories about the issue. Female athletes can't complain because they will be thrown off the team and if they complain about that there are ways to investigate every hour of their lives and embarrass them in public. The fix is in.

I know it's easy for me to say this, but they need to take a look at what the suffragettes went through to gain the right to vote, and ask themselves if they'd have been okay with those women saying, "Nah, it's too hard."

I'd fight this battle if I could, but my fight was to push for Title IX to be enforced in the first place. Now it's their time, and they're going to have to either fight to keep it, or create a world where their daughters and granddaughters have to refight my battle.
Well yes perhaps, but the thing is, these weird people along with the Left are very stubborn, if you know what I mean.

Taking a knee will mean nothing for them, they will continue with the same shit as if nothing has happened.

On the other hand, if nobody shows up.....well.....they will be playing with themselves only.:04:

Actually, if they time it right, them not showing up means the selfish asshole doesn't get to compete.
This sheds some light on how the real girls feel about trans genders competing against them

WATCH: Female Swimmer Speaks Out Over Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas: “We Are All Very Disappointed And Frustrated”​

The women in sports are going to have to do something about the men competing with them. As long as there are women putting up with it, it’s going to happen. A million men can protest it but it won’t mean anything to the left because men have “male fragility” “white fragility” etc etc. You might “mansplain” or be part of “rape culture” or you have “toxic masculinity”. Like Tom MacDonald put it…

This is at least the second time, that in this manner, you have tried to project the degrading view you have on women on those of us who very much disagree with it.
It isn’t “my” degrading view…it is the view you project upon me If I take a stand for my autonomy.
It isn’t “my” degrading view…it is the view you project upon me If I take a stand for my autonomy.

That's bullshit, and you know it.

I have never held nor expressed any such belief about women.

You have. Repeatedly. Trying to project it on me does not change the actual source of that degrading opinion of women.

Reminds me, a bit, of the stereotype of a “self-hating Jew”. But a woman rather than a Jew.
I will speak for my wife, daughters, nieces, and all the girls I have had the privilege to coach over the last several years. When those women speak out, "women" like you call them bigots and transphobes. You don't speak for any of them with your hatred of women who want to compete against other women and not mentally disturbed men. You don't support those normal women. You demonize and vilify them to try to make yourself feel superior.
You are a retard. Not surprised. I already made it clear I do not support transgender women competing against biological women. Now go learn to read or shut up before you reveal any more of your cognitive deficiencies.

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