Poll: What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

  • 1. Continue to compete, honoring transgenders.

  • 2. Don't show up at all.

  • 3. When the starting whistle blows, all the women just take a knee.

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No, they're men. I'm not shocked to know that you're too ignorant to know something so basic that kindergartners can grasp it.

Every single cell in their bodies has 23 pairs of XY chromosomes. Until you can change that, they're men. Emotions, belief, tantrums over pronouns, none of that changes those chromosomes. Neither does makeup, longer hair, or dresses. And they can take estrogen until they fall over dead from old age, but that won't change those chromosomes, either.
I’m shocked (well not really) that you can’t see beyond your narrow dichotomy which recognizes only men or women.

Chromosomes are only one part of who we are. Now if you are saying biological men should not compete against biological women, stop whining. I agree. I just wonder why you feel such a need to demonize transgender people in the process.
Says someone who cannot figure out the difference between men and women.

Most people who objectively qualify as “retards” are capable of understanding that distinction, yet you cannot. So even a genuine retard is smarter than you are.
Honey, I realize the difference between men and women. Unlike you though, I don’t feel threatened by those who don’t fit in either category.
Everybody knows that transgender women are genetically male. That issue is as solid as science can be. The question is why American women will not complain about their daughters being denied their place in athletic history because they have to compete against a genetic man. Something is wrong and skewed and upside down in the feminist movement or the feminist movement was nothing but a shill for homosexual lesbians in the first place.
I'm sure he is so proud of beating women :mad-61:

It's disgraceful that everyone allows men to destroy women like that.

What they are is what they are and as of yet I have never heard of any significant or sustaiNed group of people who believed they were unicorns or Christ or etc. But there has been a small and continuous group who for what ever reason, feel placed in the wrong body, from childhood. And this is not new but crosses centuries and cultures. So do you just discount them? Dehumanize them? Or except them as a third “gender” as many ancient cultures did? What is the big deal here?
Well, the question is "are they women".

How do you feel about it?

As a genuine woman, do you consider a trans-woman to be a woman?
Hate to break it to you but we ain’t anything special to tbe right beyond being baby receptacles.
It's not that bad.

Really, it's not like that.

Maybe your experience differs, I don't know.

I used to say it was mostly those on the left making babies and discarding them, but now I know better. Righties do it too. They just don't talk about it as much.
Smart reasonable women are reluctant to take a stand because they see that the media will never support them and there will be no outrage stories about the issue. Female athletes can't complain because they will be thrown off the team and if they complain about that there are ways to investigate every hour of their lives and embarrass them in public. The fix is in.

I understand that. But what do they have to lose? If they stand up for themselves, and at least they know why are they standing up, the worse thing that can happen is to be kicked out of the team. The alternative is to not stand up, and be a loser anyways, since they can never compete against bio-man.

Women tend to stick together, and one for another. If one is brave enough, and get "rewarded" for her bravery with being kicked out, the others will follow.
Taking a knee is respectful disagreement. Why did you not support it when Kaepernick did it?

The people you are referring to…they are not “it’s”.

I did support Kaepernick when he did it. Because I knew what he was doing it for. In protest of bad cops. It was only after he and BLM made it a racial issue, did I stop supporting him and BLM. (and BLM's violence)
It isn’t about pretending. They are what they are and do not deserve to be dehumanized. They just shouldn’t compete with biological women because being a genetic male creates a different physiology.

It's what they want to be. Not what they actually are. Which is the same exact thing as pretending. And they want others to pretend with them. The whole pronoun or misgender thing was never going to fly, because you can't force people to pretend.

I'm glad you disagree with their competing against women.
Honey, I realize the difference between men and women. Unlike you though, I don’t feel threatened by those who don’t fit in either category.

No one feels "threatened" and you know it. Calling out the obvious only threatens those who are pretending.
Truth is the treason of lies. No one should be forced to lie and call a man a woman, just because the man wants to be a woman.

That whole "force" thing is a no no, when you're talking about the majority of people. 1% of the country forcing 99% of the country to pretend a man is a woman? Not happening.
It isn’t about pretending. They are what they are and do not deserve to be dehumanized. They just shouldn’t compete with biological women because being a genetic male creates a different physiology.
Transgenderism is an extremely rare human condition. Emphasis on RARE.
It is far more likely this young man is an effeminate gay male. Surrounded by heterosexual hormone filled young males who talk about sex with girls non stop. He would not fit in. It would be difficult to find comradery in such circumstance.
As said in articles about him, he hung around the girls. Fitting in better with them than the males. In a culture that tells him - oh, no problem, just put on a girl bathing suit and PRESTO!!... now you can really fit in! Yay!

It is highly unlikely he is a true transgender. Instead, he is like the vast majority of pretend transgenders - a gay, effeminate male who is more comfortable around women. And thinks he wants to be one. That is NOT transgender.
1. They should be very civil toward Ms. T.

a. They should appreciate the mental pain that she must be experiencing in her life.

2. They should quietly but firmly refuse to compete against Ms. T.
I’m shocked (well not really) that you can’t see beyond your narrow dichotomy which recognizes only men or women.

Chromosomes are only one part of who we are. Now if you are saying biological men should not compete against biological women, stop whining. I agree. I just wonder why you feel such a need to demonize transgender people in the process.

I would love one person--just one--to explain to me why we have to pretend body dysmorphia in transgenderism is normal, even to be celebrated, while body dysmorphia in eating disorders is destructive and even a disease process.

If we treated eating disorders the way we treat transgenderism, we would all have to play along with the 70 lb woman who thinks she's fat. We would have to let her into Weight Watchers and etc. You realize this?

And don't tell me that eating disorders are dangerous but trans ISN'T. It most certainly is, by all measures. It's a body dysmorphia with all attendant mental and physical side effects and conditions.

People have the right to live at 70 lbs or to deny their basic biology, they do. But we do not have to pretend along with them, especially if we can see it's to their detriment.
I would love one person--just one--to explain to me why we have to pretend body dysmorphia in transgenderism is normal, even to be celebrated, while body dysmorphia in eating disorders is destructive and even a disease process.

If we treated eating disorders the way we treat transgenderism, we would all have to play along with the 70 lb woman who thinks she's fat. We would have to let her into Weight Watchers and etc. You realize this?

And don't tell me that eating disorders are dangerous but trans ISN'T. It most certainly is, by all measures. It's a body dysmorphia with all attendant mental and physical side effects and conditions.

People have the right to live at 70 lbs or to deny their basic biology, they do. But we do not have to pretend along with them, especially if we can see it's to their detriment.
Decent analogy, but the vast-vast majority of "transgenders" are not transgender. They are pretending. PERIOD.
An effeminate gay male who has absolutely no desire to get rid of his penis, but likes to dress like a girl is NOT transgender.
A straight male who gets a hard on looking in the mirror in his girlfriends panties, and sees that not only can he go out dressed like a girl in public - but be celebrated for it, and so gets his rocks off everyday parading around in oversexed outfits - is NOT transgender.
The left's insatiable appetite for virtue signaling is creating a whole population of teens commiting suicide and attempting to commit suicide. They are mind fucked by their parents and society and have a warped sense of self, cursing them into an existence of devastating confusion and mental turmoil.
I’m shocked (well not really) that you can’t see beyond your narrow dichotomy which recognizes only men or women.

Chromosomes are only one part of who we are. Now if you are saying biological men should not compete against biological women, stop whining. I agree. I just wonder why you feel such a need to demonize transgender people in the process.

It's not "my narrow dichotomy". It's biological science's "narrow dichotomy". And I have no interest in "seeing past" hard science to the fuzzy-headed, illogical imaginings you prefer to it.

"Chromosomes are only part of who we are." Way to deliberately miss the point. Chromosomes are the bedrock of who we are. They are the foundational blocks on which everything else about us is built.

Now, if you can't tell what I'm saying, don't waste my time trying to redefine it to what you WISH I was saying. Men competing against women in sports is only the most visible battleground in this fight at the moment. And what I'm saying is that these men should unequivocally, across the board, in all circumstances NOT be considered women in any way. If what YOU are saying is that you want to avoid addressing that, stop trying to move the goalposts.

I just wonder why you feel such a need to view any disagreement with your preferred Idiot Doctrine to be "demonization". It's almost like you have no argument beyond, "My politics makes me a good person; disagreeing with me makes you BAAAAAAD!"

Call me when you have an argument more persuasive than earning your worthless approval.
It's not "my narrow dichotomy". It's biological science's "narrow dichotomy". And I have no interest in "seeing past" hard science to the fuzzy-headed, illogical imaginings you prefer to it.

"Chromosomes are only part of who we are." Way to deliberately miss the point. Chromosomes are the bedrock of who we are. They are the foundational blocks on which everything else about us is built.

Now, if you can't tell what I'm saying, don't waste my time trying to redefine it to what you WISH I was saying. Men competing against women in sports is only the most visible battleground in this fight at the moment. And what I'm saying is that these men should unequivocally, across the board, in all circumstances NOT be considered women in any way. If what YOU are saying is that you want to avoid addressing that, stop trying to move the goalposts.

I just wonder why you feel such a need to view any disagreement with your preferred Idiot Doctrine to be "demonization". It's almost like you have no argument beyond, "My politics makes me a good person; disagreeing with me makes you BAAAAAAD!"

Call me when you have an argument more persuasive than earning your worthless approval.
It is simple.
Virtue signaling is the new religion. And the left have adopted this religion with equal zeal as any religious fanatic.
Virtue signaling is how they form their moral identity. How they measure their "goodness".
And just like religious zealots, they demonize any and all who dare to speak otherwise.
And even more so, anyone who exposes them. Then they become extremely defensive, and immediately start pointing to you for having the gall to even question their beliefs. The mere mention of a different opinion is sacrilege.

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