Poll: What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

  • 1. Continue to compete, honoring transgenders.

  • 2. Don't show up at all.

  • 3. When the starting whistle blows, all the women just take a knee.

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I understand that. But what do they have to lose? If they stand up for themselves, and at least they know why are they standing up, the worse thing that can happen is to be kicked out of the team. The alternative is to not stand up, and be a loser anyways, since they can never compete against bio-man.

Women tend to stick together, and one for another. If one is brave enough, and get "rewarded" for her bravery with being kicked out, the others will follow.

What would happen to them is a lot more than just being kicked off the team. Those with athletic scholarships would lose them; those with other types of scholarships might also lose them for "being bad people" according to the woke rabble. They would certainly be doxxed and vilified across all media and most likely subject to physical threats; their families would probably also be caught in the crossfire. They might find themselves kicked out of school. If they aren't and they manage to graduate, they will likely find their career prospects hampered by the negative publicity.

I don't know who told you "women stick together". As a woman, my experience is that women are just as capable of - in some cases, more capable of - being selfish and backstabbing as men.
No one feels "threatened" and you know it. Calling out the obvious only threatens those who are pretending.
Truth is the treason of lies. No one should be forced to lie and call a man a woman, just because the man wants to be a woman.

That whole "force" thing is a no no, when you're talking about the majority of people. 1% of the country forcing 99% of the country to pretend a man is a woman? Not happening.

Actually, I as a woman feel quite threatened by having my sex appropriated and redefined out of existence by a bunch of men. More to the point, because I'm older and it probably won't have a huge effect on me personally, I am threatened by the effect this will have on my daughter and granddaughters and the world it will make them live in.

If all they wanted was to exist without harassment and to be shown basic compassion as a person, I wouldn't have a problem. As much as dishonest leftist pusbags try to pretend that's all that's at stake here, it's not.
Actually, I as a woman feel quite threatened by having my sex appropriated and redefined out of existence by a bunch of men. More to the point, because I'm older and it probably won't have a huge effect on me personally, I am threatened by the effect this will have on my daughter and granddaughters and the world it will make them live in.

If all they wanted was to exist without harassment and to be shown basic compassion as a person, I wouldn't have a problem. As much as dishonest leftist pusbags try to pretend that's all that's at stake here, it's not.
Transgenderism is an extremely rare human condition. Emphasis on RARE.
It is far more likely this young man is an effeminate gay male. Surrounded by heterosexual hormone filled young males who talk about sex with girls non stop. He would not fit in. It would be difficult to find comradery in such circumstance.
As said in articles about him, he hung around the girls. Fitting in better with them than the males. In a culture that tells him - oh, no problem, just put on a girl bathing suit and PRESTO!!... now you can really fit in! Yay!

It is highly unlikely he is a true transgender. Instead, he is like the vast majority of pretend transgenders - a gay, effeminate male who is more comfortable around women. And thinks he wants to be one. That is NOT transgender.

Oh, MR. Thomas isn't gay. HE'S also not effeminate. By all accounts, HE is actually enjoying the aspect of harassing and making uncomfortable his female teammates at least as much as he's enjoying the "winning". I'm sure HE and HIS supporters are trying to say now that "he fit in much better with the girls" to try to support their nonsensical claims that HE really is a girl, but I don't know anyone who "fits in" with girls by running around in front of them with a naked, erect penis waving around.
It is simple.
Virtue signaling is the new religion. And the left have adopted this religion with equal zeal as any religious fanatic.
Virtue signaling is how they form their moral identity. How they measure their "goodness".
And just like religious zealots, they demonize any and all who dare to speak otherwise.
And even more so, anyone who exposes them. Then they become extremely defensive, and immediately start pointing to you for having the gall to even question their beliefs. The mere mention of a different opinion is sacrilege.

I've said this many times. Leftist ideology and virtue signaling are a way for them to tell themselves they're good people, without all the effort of having to BE good.
I like how Jordan Peterson put it... "what you believe in is not a moral compass, what you do - is"

Someone else also once said, "What you profess is not what you truly believe. What you actually do is." You can talk a good game about your beliefs and principles until your face is blue; but when you're in crisis, when the rubber really hits the road, what you actually DO reveals what you REALLY believe.
It's not "my narrow dichotomy". It's biological science's "narrow dichotomy". And I have no interest in "seeing past" hard science to the fuzzy-headed, illogical imaginings you prefer to it.

"Chromosomes are only part of who we are." Way to deliberately miss the point. Chromosomes are the bedrock of who we are. They are the foundational blocks on which everything else about us is built.

Now, if you can't tell what I'm saying, don't waste my time trying to redefine it to what you WISH I was saying. Men competing against women in sports is only the most visible battleground in this fight at the moment. And what I'm saying is that these men should unequivocally, across the board, in all circumstances NOT be considered women in any way. If what YOU are saying is that you want to avoid addressing that, stop trying to move the goalposts.

I just wonder why you feel such a need to view any disagreement with your preferred Idiot Doctrine to be "demonization". It's almost like you have no argument beyond, "My politics makes me a good person; disagreeing with me makes you BAAAAAAD!"

Call me when you have an argument more persuasive than earning your worthless approval.
Goodness, can you safely get off that pedestal? It’s a long ways down and I’d to listen to your screams in the process. I’m not interested in giving you “approval” nor do I desire any of yours, so we are on the same page there, thank goodness.

“Biological science’s narrow dichotomy”…problem with that is that there is no narrow dichotomy there. If there was we would be the sum and total of our chromosomes and little more. Science has come a long ways since then, recognizing the the role of epigentics for example (that is hard science in case you didn’t know). While chromosomes are the foundation, the structure built upon it, that makes us who we are goes far beyond our chromosomes. That is basic science.

Why is it so important to you that transgender people not be recognized as the gender they identify as, across the board? Do threaten your world order or something? My goal posts are pretty clear and simple. In areas where inborn biological differences matter, such as sports, transgender women should not compete with biological women. Other than that I don’t much care. It has about as much affect on my life as your mewling, which is none.
It is simple.
Virtue signaling is the new religion. And the left have adopted this religion with equal zeal as any religious fanatic.
Virtue signaling is how they form their moral identity. How they measure their "goodness".
And just like religious zealots, they demonize any and all who dare to speak otherwise.
And even more so, anyone who exposes them. Then they become extremely defensive, and immediately start pointing to you for having the gall to even question their beliefs. The mere mention of a different opinion is sacrilege.
Seems to be what you are doing….Transgender people BAD. Demonize those who dare question your moral authority or ask why they are so bad. The responses in this thread kinda shows who is really clamping down on those with a different opinion. You know, like, leave transgender people alone. Let let them live their lives. What effect does have on you other than to solicit moral outrage and a slew of rightwing laws seeking to cancel them and deny them medical treatment.
Goodness, can you safely get off that pedestal? It’s a long ways down and I’d to listen to your screams in the process. I’m not interested in giving you “approval” nor do I desire any of yours, so we are on the same page there, thank goodness.

“Biological science’s narrow dichotomy”…problem with that is that there is no narrow dichotomy there. If there was we would be the sum and total of our chromosomes and little more. Science has come a long ways since then, recognizing the the role of epigentics for example (that is hard science in case you didn’t know). While chromosomes are the foundation, the structure built upon it, that makes us who we are goes far beyond our chromosomes. That is basic science.

Why is it so important to you that transgender people not be recognized as the gender they identify as, across the board? Do threaten your world order or something? My goal posts are pretty clear and simple. In areas where inborn biological differences matter, such as sports, transgender women should not compete with biological women. Other than that I don’t much care. It has about as much affect on my life as your mewling, which is none.

And besides that. The argument over what is science and what isn't science is not the elephant in the room.
The elephant in the room is the left's IGNORING the fact that the vast majority of "transgenders" are NOT transgender at all.
Liberals make no distinction between an effeminate gay man who LIKES to dress up as a woman. and an actual transgender.
And they get very defensive the instant you bring that up.

And BTW - REAL transgenders are more upset about the transfad than anyone.
Seems to be what you are doing….Transgender people BAD. Demonize those who dare question your moral authority or ask why they are so bad. The responses in this thread kinda shows who is really clamping down on those with a different opinion. You know, like, leave transgender people alone. Let let them live their lives. What effect does have on you other than to solicit moral outrage and a slew of rightwing laws seeking to cancel them and deny them medical treatment.
Search this entire forum and find me a single time I EVER said Transgender people are bad.
I say right here in front of everyone, I will literally send you $100 if you find it. No problem.
And it is typical of your own virtue signaling that you inject what you WANT me to say as of I actually said it.
Real transgenderism is RARE. Pretend transgenders outnumber them 200 to 1... at least.
I personably could care less if some dude wants to wear a dress, until they want to force me to play along with their fantasy... and want to influence small children.
REAL transgenders have never done that, and wouldn't do that. They wouldn't wish their condition on anyone.
I would love one person--just one--to explain to me why we have to pretend body dysmorphia in transgenderism is normal, even to be celebrated, while body dysmorphia in eating disorders is destructive and even a disease process.

Well, for starters, they are a bit different. Eating disorders can kill you, far to often. Transgender not so much, though they have a higher rate of suicide and other mental illnesses.

Is it worth trying to discuss seriously? Seems to me we should pay some attention to the medical side of this instead. In the end we are talking about a minuscule percent of our population that are being thrust into prominence in both the left and right-stream media. The attention…”oh the horror!” Or “oh look the first transgender blah blah blah” has blown it all out of proportion to actual numbers.

You have a tiny, long marginalized and despised group of people who just want to be treated like anyone else and that include receiving appropriate medical treatment. It should be families and doctors, not politicians or internet “experts” who determine what the right course of treatment is. The idea of “normalizing” it in our society seems to really upset a lot of people, but I don’t see it as any different than the way we “normalized” cerebral palsy, blindness, deafness, learning disabilities, Downs syndrome in our society. Why is this a bad thing? Why is it we have no issue with a deaf person getting a cochlear implant but feel a transgender person getting hormone therapy crosses a line?

Going back to your original body dismorphia comment: the medically accepted treatment for transgender body dysmorphism ends up reducing suicide rates and possibly rates of concurrent mental illnesses. If that is the case, why reject it and call it “normalizing delusions”?

If we treated eating disorders the way we treat transgenderism, we would all have to play along with the 70 lb woman who thinks she's fat. We would have to let her into Weight Watchers and etc. You realize this?

It is two different illnesses that happen to have a common symptom. Why would you treat them the same?

And don't tell me that eating disorders are dangerous but trans ISN'T. It most certainly is, by all measures. It's a body dysmorphia with all attendant mental and physical side effects and conditions.

I will tell you that, untreated, one is much more dangerous to the individual than the other. And even with treatment relapse is much more common in eating disorders.

The comparison your making is more like two people presenting with a bad bronchial cough. One has pneumonia, the other lung cancer. Different causes, different treatments, different prognosis.

People have the right to live at 70 lbs or to deny their basic biology, they do. But we do not have to pretend along with them, especially if we can see it's to their detriment.
Of course.

But what if marginalizing them, curtailing their access to appropriate treatment, is more detrimental to them?

You are really trying to make false equivalencies here.
And besides that. The argument over what is science and what isn't science is not the elephant in the room.
The elephant in the room is the left's IGNORING the fact that the vast majority of "transgenders" are NOT transgender at all.
Liberals make no distinction between an effeminate gay man who LIKES to dress up as a woman. and an actual transgender.
And they get very defensive the instant you bring that up.

And BTW - REAL transgenders are more upset about the transfad than anyone.
I actually agree with a good part of that, there is a fad element to it being latched onto by both the left and the right. While you focus on the left, you completely ignore what you rightists are doing. You are blowing it out of proportion to the real population and using that to inact laws that deny them access to appropriate medical treatment. Most of those laws are “solutions” in search of a problem. For example, you ma ke it sound as if there is some sort of transgender mill out there medicating and surgically altering hundreds of kids behind their parent’s back. The reality is there is a lengthy process of counseling and testing before a doctor will even consider puberty blockers for example and surgery is almost never done on a miner (unless something like a disorder producing ambiguous genitalia). Even in an adult, the process to get to that point involves jumping through a lot of hoops.

Yet here you are, further marginalizing this tiny minority people by criminalizing their treatment.
What would happen to them is a lot more than just being kicked off the team. Those with athletic scholarships would lose them; those with other types of scholarships might also lose them for "being bad people" according to the woke rabble. They would certainly be doxxed and vilified across all media and most likely subject to physical threats; their families would probably also be caught in the crossfire. They might find themselves kicked out of school. If they aren't and they manage to graduate, they will likely find their career prospects hampered by the negative publicity.

I don't know who told you "women stick together". As a woman, my experience is that women are just as capable of - in some cases, more capable of - being selfish and backstabbing as men.
In other words, they would be treated like Colin Kaepernick and the others who took a knee to protest racial injustice.
Why is it so important to you that transgender people not be recognized as the gender they identify as, across the board? Do threaten your world order or something? My goal posts are pretty clear and simple.

Why is it so important that everyone else be forced to pretend transpeople as the gender they're pretending they are?
Does it threaten their world? Does it change who they think they are, or who they want to be?
If I see a man in a dress and I call him a him, does that change anything?

Maybe it effects his mental health to be called his biological gender in public. But what effect does seeing some man in a dress have on normal peoples mental health? The way it seems, transpeople don't care about the mental health of others. And that everyone should be concerned about the mental health of trans people. Being forced into something does have an effect on peoples mental health. Being forced to lie or pretend has an even bigger effect on their mental health.
I'm so disgusted with women on this issue. They should be out raising hell about this, but the ones who do disagree with it are silent.

It's coming. Most women are very patient. And very compassionate to people with disabilities and mental health issues. But, when they finally say enough is enough, they'll rise up and put an end to all this mess.
Usually things like this are just a fad. This trans thing, for most of them, is just a fad. Thousands of these people got caught up in it before they turned 18. Once coming of age, they're seeing how being trans limits almost every aspect of their lives.
I actually agree with a good part of that, there is a fad element to it being latched onto by both the left and the right. While you focus on the left, you completely ignore what you rightists are doing. You are blowing it out of proportion to the real population and using that to inact laws that deny them access to appropriate medical treatment. Most of those laws are “solutions” in search of a problem. For example, you ma ke it sound as if there is some sort of transgender mill out there medicating and surgically altering hundreds of kids behind their parent’s back. The reality is there is a lengthy process of counseling and testing before a doctor will even consider puberty blockers for example and surgery is almost never done on a miner (unless something like a disorder producing ambiguous genitalia). Even in an adult, the process to get to that point involves jumping through a lot of hoops.

Yet here you are, further marginalizing this tiny minority people by criminalizing their treatment.
Again, pure bullshit.
Again, you are failing to distinguish between real transgenders, and those who are dressing as women because they like it.
I encourage you to watch the many videos of REAL transgenders talking about how they are being diminished and lobbed in with freaks and homosexuals and everyone saying they are the same as them.
I can only imagine the horror of what real trans people go through. The loss of identity, confusion and constant trying to be somebody they aren't. I can also only imagine the frustration of seeing all these faux trans people appropriating their REAL struggle as if they have it to. No different than someone faking cancer for the attention. And then imagine if the whole world accepted the fake cancer people the same as those who actually have fucking cancer.
No less crazy and no less wrong.
Don't show up at all

Refuse to compete
Ideally, but these are COLLEGE women (and high school girls)
The need to be accepted by the liberal, leftist culture there will ensure they will never do a damn thing to oppose it. They will go along to get along
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