Poll: What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

  • 1. Continue to compete, honoring transgenders.

  • 2. Don't show up at all.

  • 3. When the starting whistle blows, all the women just take a knee.

Results are only viewable after voting.
It's coming. Most women are very patient. And very compassionate to people with disabilities and mental health issues. But, when they finally say enough is enough, they'll rise up and put an end to all this mess.
Usually things like this are just a fad. This trans thing, for most of them, is just a fad. Thousands of these people got caught up in it before they turned 18. Once coming of age, they're seeing how being trans limits almost every aspect of their lives.

I'll believe it when I see it. The left is so good about silencing their opposition, I will be surprised if women are willing to stand up to the woke mob.
I'll believe it when I see it. The left is so good about silencing their opposition, I will be surprised if women are willing to stand up to the woke mob.

Eventually they will, because eventually they will have to. I don't know how long it will take, or how bad things will have to get for it to happen. History shows us that people will sometimes tolerate being oppressed for a long period of time, but it also shows us that, at some point, they always fight back.

Maybe this current generation is too comfortable and selfish to make the sacrifice. Maybe the next generation will be too comfortable and selfish, or too indoctrinated into "This is the proper way for things to be". But the one thing we can count on is that things will not stay the way they are right now, because they never do. The situation will either get progressively worse, or people will fight back. The only constant in the world is change. If women do not fight back now, then things will get progressively worse for women until the women of that time have no choice but to fight back.
I'll believe it when I see it. The left is so good about silencing their opposition, I will be surprised if women are willing to stand up to the woke mob.

They don't have a voice in the media. Especially CNN, MSNBC and others. So their fights have to in the courts and what little chance they get on social media. It's a tough battle they're facing. But women are diligent and patient.
I wished they'd hurry the F up though.
Well, for starters, they are a bit different. Eating disorders can kill you, far to often. Transgender not so much, though they have a higher rate of suicide and other mental illnesses.

Is it worth trying to discuss seriously? Seems to me we should pay some attention to the medical side of this instead. In the end we are talking about a minuscule percent of our population that are being thrust into prominence in both the left and right-stream media. The attention…”oh the horror!” Or “oh look the first transgender blah blah blah” has blown it all out of proportion to actual numbers.

You have a tiny, long marginalized and despised group of people who just want to be treated like anyone else and that include receiving appropriate medical treatment. It should be families and doctors, not politicians or internet “experts” who determine what the right course of treatment is. The idea of “normalizing” it in our society seems to really upset a lot of people, but I don’t see it as any different than the way we “normalized” cerebral palsy, blindness, deafness, learning disabilities, Downs syndrome in our society. Why is this a bad thing? Why is it we have no issue with a deaf person getting a cochlear implant but feel a transgender person getting hormone therapy crosses a line?

Going back to your original body dismorphia comment: the medically accepted treatment for transgender body dysmorphism ends up reducing suicide rates and possibly rates of concurrent mental illnesses. If that is the case, why reject it and call it “normalizing delusions”?

It is two different illnesses that happen to have a common symptom. Why would you treat them the same?

I will tell you that, untreated, one is much more dangerous to the individual than the other. And even with treatment relapse is much more common in eating disorders.

The comparison your making is more like two people presenting with a bad bronchial cough. One has pneumonia, the other lung cancer. Different causes, different treatments, different prognosis.

Of course.

But what if marginalizing them, curtailing their access to appropriate treatment, is more detrimental to them?

You are really trying to make false equivalencies here.

Is it marginalizing people, refusing to participate in their delusion? You made the comparison to disabilities. I agree, but the disabled just ask me to treat them with basic respect and grant them rights given to the rest of society. Okay, I agree with this. Transgendered "communities" are asking us to accept that they are biologically what they are not, to the point they are depriving the actual people of that gender of THEIR opportunities.

IOW to extend your point further, imagine a person with cerebral palsy wanted to compete in the 500 meter dash, not in the Special Olympics, but in a motorized vehicle, and said person demands that we accept the motorized vehicle are his legs. This person wins race after race, which we are supposed to celebrate, because this person demands the vehicle are legs.

The person can live in the motorized vehicle for the rest of his life, but they're not legs. In short you can live how you like. But I know what I know, and see what I see.
Again, pure bullshit.
Again, you are failing to distinguish between real transgenders, and those who are dressing as women because they like it.
I encourage you to watch the many videos of REAL transgenders talking about how they are being diminished and lobbed in with freaks and homosexuals and everyone saying they are the same as them.
I can only imagine the horror of what real trans people go through. The loss of identity, confusion and constant trying to be somebody they aren't. I can also only imagine the frustration of seeing all these faux trans people appropriating their REAL struggle as if they have it to. No different than someone faking cancer for the attention. And then imagine if the whole world accepted the fake cancer people the same as those who actually have fucking cancer.
No less crazy and no less wrong.

This is body dysmorphia. It's real and it must be agonizing. The question is: what are the best treatments.
Is it marginalizing people, refusing to participate in their delusion? You made the comparison to disabilities. I agree, but the disabled just ask me to treat them with basic respect and grant them rights given to the rest of society. Okay, I agree with this. Transgendered "communities" are asking us to accept that they are biologically what they are not, to the point they are depriving the actual people of that gender of THEIR opportunities.

IOW to extend your point further, imagine a person with cerebral palsy wanted to compete in the 500 meter dash, not in the Special Olympics, but in a motorized vehicle, and said person demands that we accept the motorized vehicle are his legs. This person wins race after race, which we are supposed to celebrate, because this person demands the vehicle are legs.

The person can live in the motorized vehicle for the rest of his life, but they're not legs. In short you can live how you like. But I know what I know, and see what I see.

I have a question: Why should I care about showing consideration for someone who feels no need to show consideration for me?

I've worked with three transgenders (men who wanted to be women). This was back before this whole furor erupted. Two of them wore dresses and makeup to work. One of them had already legally changed his name to a female name prior to getting hired by my company; the other went through the process to legally change his name after he was already employed. The third had gone through the entire surgery regimen, top and bottom both.

I never had a problem addressing them and referring to them by their new names; your legal name is your legal name, however strange I might personally think it is. For the two who still had all the male parts, I never accommodated their "preferred pronouns", but I never made a big deal out of it, because THEY never made a big deal out of it. They didn't throw tantrums and demand that everyone actively acknowledge them as women, and I'm good enough with English usage to simply avoid third-person pronoun usage without making it apparent and thereby getting up their noses about it. They both found ways to avoid using the restroom with other men without imposing on the women. In this way, the employers made it easier for all of us by having a separate, one-person-at-a-time bathroom available. (I don't think it was specifically for these occasions with either of them. I think both times it was due to architectural quirks when the buildings were remodeled. Still, it helped a lot.) All they wanted was to be left alone to live their lives as they chose in peace, and they were considerate enough not to make other people's lives uncomfortable, so we were considerate of them.

The third one, who had undergone all the surgeries, was a whole 'nother kettle of fish. He had completed the surgeries years before coming to work at this company, and also changed his name legally years before, so none of us had ever known him as a man, or had any reason to think about it at all. He is part of the reason I say that transgenders are not people who identify as the opposite sex; they are people who identify as people who identify as the opposite sex. In other words, they identify as transgender. Transgender itself is their gender identity.

This guy could have simply gone forward presenting as a woman. None of his co-workers had any reason to question it, or even think about questioning it. He was an ugly woman, but there's no shortage of those in the world, so . . . But he could not just leave it alone. For completely inexplicable reasons, he just HAD to "come out" about it. It was our third week of training (he and I had been hired at the same time), and the class was playing a "breaking the ice" game called Two Truths and a Lie, where each person anonymously writes down two truths and a lie about themselves, and the rest of the class had to guess which person in class it was about, and which statement was the lie. The whole class is laughing and joking and having a good time . . . until the instructor read out the statement, "I was originally born as the opposite sex." Complete, dead silence. All of a sudden, everyone staring at the floor, because not only could we not possibly make any guesses as to who the person was without potentially insulting someone, but even looking at another person might imply you thought THEY were the person and insult them. We all just sat there awkwardly and uncomfortably for several minutes, until he spoke up and claimed his card and told us ALL about it and how he was "completely female" now, rather defiantly. (This dimwit also thought he had somehow become a woman genetically.)

Let's just say I made no effort to be considerate and accommodating of this fool at all, and had no problem getting right up his nose if I felt it necessary. Seems only fair, since he'd felt the need to get up mine.
I have a question: Why should I care about showing consideration for someone who feels no need to show consideration for me?

I've worked with three transgenders (men who wanted to be women). This was back before this whole furor erupted. Two of them wore dresses and makeup to work. One of them had already legally changed his name to a female name prior to getting hired by my company; the other went through the process to legally change his name after he was already employed. The third had gone through the entire surgery regimen, top and bottom both.

I never had a problem addressing them and referring to them by their new names; your legal name is your legal name, however strange I might personally think it is. For the two who still had all the male parts, I never accommodated their "preferred pronouns", but I never made a big deal out of it, because THEY never made a big deal out of it. They didn't throw tantrums and demand that everyone actively acknowledge them as women, and I'm good enough with English usage to simply avoid third-person pronoun usage without making it apparent and thereby getting up their noses about it. They both found ways to avoid using the restroom with other men without imposing on the women. In this way, the employers made it easier for all of us by having a separate, one-person-at-a-time bathroom available. (I don't think it was specifically for these occasions with either of them. I think both times it was due to architectural quirks when the buildings were remodeled. Still, it helped a lot.) All they wanted was to be left alone to live their lives as they chose in peace, and they were considerate enough not to make other people's lives uncomfortable, so we were considerate of them.

The third one, who had undergone all the surgeries, was a whole 'nother kettle of fish. He had completed the surgeries years before coming to work at this company, and also changed his name legally years before, so none of us had ever known him as a man, or had any reason to think about it at all. He is part of the reason I say that transgenders are not people who identify as the opposite sex; they are people who identify as people who identify as the opposite sex. In other words, they identify as transgender. Transgender itself is their gender identity.

This guy could have simply gone forward presenting as a woman. None of his co-workers had any reason to question it, or even think about questioning it. He was an ugly woman, but there's no shortage of those in the world, so . . . But he could not just leave it alone. For completely inexplicable reasons, he just HAD to "come out" about it. It was our third week of training (he and I had been hired at the same time), and the class was playing a "breaking the ice" game called Two Truths and a Lie, where each person anonymously writes down two truths and a lie about themselves, and the rest of the class had to guess which person in class it was about, and which statement was the lie. The whole class is laughing and joking and having a good time . . . until the instructor read out the statement, "I was originally born as the opposite sex." Complete, dead silence. All of a sudden, everyone staring at the floor, because not only could we not possibly make any guesses as to who the person was without potentially insulting someone, but even looking at another person might imply you thought THEY were the person and insult them. We all just sat there awkwardly and uncomfortably for several minutes, until he spoke up and claimed his card and told us ALL about it and how he was "completely female" now, rather defiantly. (This dimwit also thought he had somehow become a woman genetically.)

Let's just say I made no effort to be considerate and accommodating of this fool at all, and had no problem getting right up his nose if I felt it necessary. Seems only fair, since he'd felt the need to get up mine.

By basic respect and rights, I mean the rights all US citizens have, like holding a job, being able to rent or buy housing and transportation, etc. Even being able to dress how you like (within reason, like cover your parts) and go out into society. Respecting that means not shouting people down the minute they leave the house in whatever they're wearing. Etc.

I agree with you that other niceties depend on the circumstance.
By basic respect and rights, I mean the rights all US citizens have, like holding a job, being able to rent or buy housing and transportation, etc. Even being able to dress how you like (within reason, like cover your parts) and go out into society. Respecting that means not shouting people down the minute they leave the house in whatever they're wearing. Etc.

I agree with you that other niceties depend on the circumstance.

My response remains the same.

Recognizing basic rights has nothing to do with gender identity. If you're qualified and can do the job, that should be the only consideration. Your gender identity should have no more to do with it than my being a woman does, or someone being black or Hispanic does. You're renting or buying a house, gender identity should once again have no more impact on it than my actual sex or my race does. It's irrelevant to the question.

Why would I shout anyone down when they leave their house? I don't care what any of my neighbors wear, as long as they aren't naked. I don't even think of that as showing consideration; it just is of no interest to me. There are far more things in the world that I have to have an opinion about than I want there to be; I treasure those occasions when I don't have to bother having one. Completely ignoring the existence of other human beings who aren't impinging on me isn't really showing them consideration, so much as just focusing on my own concerns.

On the other hand, as far as I can tell, the transgenders currently getting all the press want anything BUT me ignoring their existence.
My response remains the same.

Recognizing basic rights has nothing to do with gender identity. If you're qualified and can do the job, that should be the only consideration. Your gender identity should have no more to do with it than my being a woman does, or someone being black or Hispanic does. You're renting or buying a house, gender identity should once again have no more impact on it than my actual sex or my race does. It's irrelevant to the question.

Why would I shout anyone down when they leave their house? I don't care what any of my neighbors wear, as long as they aren't naked. I don't even think of that as showing consideration; it just is of no interest to me. There are far more things in the world that I have to have an opinion about than I want there to be; I treasure those occasions when I don't have to bother having one. Completely ignoring the existence of other human beings who aren't impinging on me isn't really showing them consideration, so much as just focusing on my own concerns.

On the other hand, as far as I can tell, the transgenders currently getting all the press want anything BUT me ignoring their existence.

Your last sentence: right, and exactly. This is why you "ignoring their existence" whether you agree with them or not is, in fact, a consideration. Trans that put their sexuality in your face, BLM mobs screeching at people just trying to eat dinner, Leftist screeching at people not wearing masks--THAT is inconsiderate. You are considerate by comparison, though you just consider this basic human functioning. Sadly, it's not anymore.
Your last sentence: right, and exactly. This is why you "ignoring their existence" whether you agree with them or not is, in fact, a consideration. Trans that put their sexuality in your face, BLM mobs screeching at people just trying to eat dinner, Leftist screeching at people not wearing masks--THAT is inconsiderate. You are considerate by comparison, though you just consider this basic human functioning. Sadly, it's not anymore.

I just think of it as being considerate to myself, since dealing with other people and having opinions about them and their behavior is a pain in my ass. If someone else derives benefit from my indifference, that's ancillary from my point of view.

There are some people I have to give a certain amount of my attention and effort to: my family, my co-workers, my neighbors on certain occasions. If someone is among those people and appears to be giving some thought to my comfort and convenience, I will do the same. If one of those people is manifestly not concerned at all about my comfort, I make no effort whatsoever to be concerned about theirs. And if someone is a complete stranger and imposing on me by demanding my attention and effort, I am quite happy to give them the same lack of consideration back.
4:33:24 Lia Thomas
4:06.32 Kieran Smith... Almost 30 seconds faster than Lia in the men's category. Lia sucked as a man
I'll believe it when I see it. The left is so good about silencing their opposition, I will be surprised if women are willing to stand up to the woke mob.
The soccer moms who have helped to enable a lot of what we see today over the last few decades wised up a bit about their children getting raped in schools from their political views. So perhaps there is hope.
This is body dysmorphia. It's real and it must be agonizing. The question is: what are the best treatments.
The best treatment is probably living as the other sex, and today surgery reassignment has much more success, including sexual feeling during sex.
REAL transgenders will unlikely experience "trans regret" like the pretend trans do, because this is what they really want.
If I can find it I will link a great video if a trans female telling her story. What was interesting to me, like many REAL transgender females, she was not attracted to gay boys/men. She had sex with females and would fantasize about them being straight men having sex with her. Lucky for her, after surgery she found a hetero man and they are married.
People like her are the real thing. But they are extremely rare. 1 in 30,000 births is the best scientific data.
You are a retard. Not surprised. I already made it clear I do not support transgender women competing against biological women. Now go learn to read or shut up before you reveal any more of your cognitive deficiencies.
You are a brain dead retard. You’re now lying because you got caught supporting this stupidity. Maybe you need a course in elementary reading. Your own posts show you to be a liar. Now STFU you lying POS. Your bullshit doesn’t fly in reality. Period.
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They should handicap trans athlete swimmers, make them wear extra weight.
4:33:24 Lia Thomas
4:06.32 Kieran Smith... Almost 30 seconds faster than Lia in the men's category. Lia sucked as a man
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At the NCAA men's level - he would not even be swimming with that time... maybe in lane 10 at best. Not in a good program. All of the competitive NCAA mens times are less than 4:10. So coming in a full 23 seconds slower than the slowest guy... it would be embarrassing. 23 seconds would be about 40 yards behind. There are plenty of high school swimmers that would beat him.
I've said this many times. Leftist ideology and virtue signaling are a way for them to tell themselves they're good people, without all the effort of having to BE good.

Beyond that,. it's a way of pretending to be good, while actually being willfully evil.

It's bizarre how that works, those on the left wrong openly embracing and supporting that which is overtly evil and/or insane. and claiming that there is virtue in so doing. Isaiah 5:20 comes to mind. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Well, for starters, they are a bit different. Eating disorders can kill you, far to often. Transgender not so much, though they have a higher rate of suicide and other mental illnesses.

The suicide rate among professed “transgenders” is about 40%. Pandering to them, even giving them the quasi-medical Frankensteinery of mutilating their bodies in a futile effort to make their reality conform to their insane delusions, doesn't help. Even after all that “help”, their suicide rate remains the same.

This is a severe mental illness, at least as deadly as any eating disorder. But much worse, by pandering to it as we do, we are allowing it to harm others beside those actually afflicted with this disorder, or those directly associated therewith. Most obviously, by sacrificing the safety, modesty, and privacy of actual women and girls, to pander to these mentally- and morally-defective male freaks, allowing them access to women's restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, and such.

And, of course, by allowing them to cheat in sports, by competing as “women”. In more extreme cases, we have dangerous, violent freaks, such as Fallon Fox and Alana McLaughlin, who have exploited this madness to be allowed as a profession, to violently beat real women up for sport. When you support “transgenderism”, you're supporting that. As a woman, this makes you a traitor to other women.
Maybe it effects his mental health to be called his biological gender in public. But what effect does seeing some man in a dress have on normal peoples mental health? The way it seems, transpeople don't care about the mental health of others. And that everyone should be concerned about the mental health of trans people. Being forced into something does have an effect on peoples mental health. Being forced to lie or pretend has an even bigger effect on their mental health.

An important point, here, I think, is this: “Transpeople”, by definition, already have their mental health severely fucked up. Even if it could be argued credibly that it somehow helps their mental health to pander to their delusions, the fact remains, that no matter how you treat them they will still be fucked up in their heads.

It's futile and foolish to in any way sacrifice the safety and comfort of sane people, or impose any threat to their own mental health, to pander to these fucked-up freaks. All that this can accomplish is to fuck more people up mentally, while doing nothing at all to help those who are already fucked up.

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