Poll: What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

  • 1. Continue to compete, honoring transgenders.

  • 2. Don't show up at all.

  • 3. When the starting whistle blows, all the women just take a knee.

Results are only viewable after voting.
That is actually a good example, and in terms of sports, I agree. There are going to be SOME areas where a transgender woman isn’t going to be able to be the same as a biological woman.

That's because a “transgender woman” •IS NOT• the same as an actual woman.

A “transgender woman” is a man.
I think there is a lot of misconception on this. Kids aren’t treated as transgender just on a whim (that isn’t to say there aren’t fucked up parents just like in anything else). According to doctors who actually treat this, they get very very few cases and extensive counseling is usually the first treatment. So all this overhype isn’t helping any kids at all, but harming kids who might actually benefit from treatment.

As I have said before, a “transgender child” is prima facie proof that some sick fuck of an adult is filling that child's head with this shit. Children just do not turn toward such sick perversion, unless some childfucking piece of shit is steering them in that direction.

Any adult who would do this to a child needs to be permanently removed from free society, preferably put to death.
Which is nonsense, of course. A “transgender woman” is not, in any meaningful sense, actually a woman at all, but a mentally-defective man. And likewise, a “transgender man” is not, in any meaningful sense, actually a man at all, but a mentally-defective woman.

That's hard science. Disregarding objective realty, in order to pander to the insane delusions of those who are fucked-up in their heads, will always produce bad results. Always.

Perhaps advocating such madness gives you a way to feel good about yourself, to see yourself as somehow morally superior to those who do not join you in pandering to this madness, but that, too, is merely a delusion, and at odds with objective reality. The hard truth is that pandering to such madness and evil makes you morally INFERIOR to those over whom you delusionally see yourself as superior.
Don't you know, a man cutting off his penis, or even dressing as a woman, makes him a woman? That's a biological fact!
Don't you know, a man cutting off his penis, or even dressing as a woman, makes him a woman? That's a biological fact!
That's mom and dads fault. If your kid isn't ready for life at 18, the parents waisted at least 4 years of the kids life on BS.
I have a nephew who's 35 and still living at home. With no plans of leaving. My ex, until recently had her 31yr old son still mooching off her.
You might be shocked at how many grandparents are raising their grandkids.
I agree, my point was adulthood, IMO, can't really be determined by age. I you can't live and support yourself you are not mature enough to have a doctor cut off your junk. But, by all means, do it yourself!! Don't expect anyone to identify by the opposite sex though.
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it goes no differently than for everyone else.

Except it doesn't. If you want to be trans, chop your dick off, or remove boobs, regardless if you find it normal or not, that is your decision, and your problem.

But when your decision effect others, then it become other people problem, and by letting you do that, you are rewarded for your decision. That's not a right.
Except it doesn't. If you want to be trans, chop your dick off, or remove boobs, regardless if you find it normal or not, that is your decision, and your problem.

But when your decision effect others, then it become other people problem, and by letting you do that, you are rewarded for your decision. That's not a right.
I am sure a transgendered person is not affecting you at all.
Everybody knows that these chicks with dicks are doing this just to agitate and erode western culture.

We should allow them to go ahead and destroy meaningless sports like women's sports.

I hope they completely STRAPPON FUCK the WNBA and the like. Soccer. ALL of them.

FUCK women's sports so hard that women NEVER support this shit again AND Title IX get's scrap-heaped.
Indeed I very much believe that our arch rival the Chinese are cultivating these societal perversities in our culture in order to tear us apart. And it is working very well. The Chinese are better at propaganda than both us and the Russians put together.
What do you consider “participating in their delusion” to be?

Does creating special wheelchair accessible paths and trails mean you are participating in their “delusion” of being the same as an able bodied person?

Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and deserves the same rights, and that includes transgender people.

Disabled people are asking to be treated the same as any other able bodied person, and to facilitate that we, as a society, make accommodations so they participate as fully and independently as possible, right?

Transgender women want to be treated the same as any other woman. Transgender men want to be treated the same as any other man. It isn’t that different. Including the need for accommodations, for example in athletics where to compete against biological women with a biological male body would be unfair.

That is actually a good example, and in terms of sports, I agree. There are going to be SOME areas where a transgender woman isn’t going to be able to be the same as a biological woman.

Creating accessible places for disabled people is not participating in their delusion. We can see, it is objective that they have physical disabilities.

Transgenderism is a mental issue. There's nothing wrong with the physical body the person inhabits; he or she just does not FEEL like it's the right body. That feeling, despite the healthy body, means transgenderism is a delusion--a mental issue.

Someone suffering under such a burden as feeling male in a female body, or vice versa, does not need us heaping scorn and shame on top of their mental anguish, I'm quite sure. But I state again: we are not required to participate in delusions either. The Left only asks us to do so because it has a sexual component. If it was trendy suddenly for conservatives to "identify" as famous people from history, believe me, we would all be put away.

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