Poll: What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

  • 1. Continue to compete, honoring transgenders.

  • 2. Don't show up at all.

  • 3. When the starting whistle blows, all the women just take a knee.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Except for the fact that normal men aren't beating women in womens sports. You're OK with punishing normal women.

I'm really sick of being referred to as a "birthing person" rather than a mother or worse, a "bleeding person" so as to avoid the term "woman". I can't be called a woman because it might offend a tiny slice of mentally ill people.

That's great. Great job, 21st century. Great job, liberals. You richly deserve losing the culture. Which you are--losing the culture, that is.
I'm really sick of being referred to as a "birthing person" rather than a mother or worse, a "bleeding person" so as to avoid the term "woman". I can't be called a woman because it might offend a tiny slice of mentally ill people.

That's great. Great job, 21st century. Great job, liberals. You richly deserve losing the culture. Which you are--losing the culture, that is.

I don't think anyone's ever been stupid enough to refer to me as a "birthing person" or a "bleeding person" or even "cisgender" to my face . . . probably because I seem like the sort of person who would throw a fit to make those pronoun tantrums "transgenders" throw look like a friendly greeting.
We all know it's unfair. Transwomen are not women. They're transwomen. <<<Different from actual women.
If they don't show up or show and not participate this will end

Creating accessible places for disabled people is not participating in their delusion. We can see, it is objective that they have physical disabilities.

Transgenderism is a mental issue. There's nothing wrong with the physical body the person inhabits; he or she just does not FEEL like it's the right body. That feeling, despite the healthy body, means transgenderism is a delusion--a mental issue.

Someone suffering under such a burden as feeling male in a female body, or vice versa, does not need us heaping scorn and shame on top of their mental anguish, I'm quite sure. But I state again: we are not required to participate in delusions either. The Left only asks us to do so because it has a sexual component. If it was trendy suddenly for conservatives to "identify" as famous people from history, believe me, we would all be put away.
There are millions of people who believe there is an invisible sky pixie that they worship, that seems mental to me yet they are free to do as such.
Once the women’s record book starts getting dominated by biological men, women’s sports will become a joke. They need to stand up and stop this now, if it isn’t already too late. Before all the women’s scholarships start going to men.

Doesn't that imply that women's sports are a joke now? If the best woman can't compete with even mediocre male athletes, what's the point, really?

Oh, that's right. Title IX Scholarship money.
I voted "don't show up at all"

This craziness will only stop if sportswomen don't put up with the madness.

That's the only way to put an end to it, IMO.

Again, as long as there are bags of Title IX scholarship money for sports no one cares about, they'll show up and they'll like it.

I'm not just a male.

I'm a husband, a brother, an uncle, a cousin, a nephew, a friend, a colleague and many other things, to many wonderful women.

You do not speak for any of them, in surrendering to this insane series of attacks on other women. You have no authority to surrender the interests of these other women, to the whims of depraved sexual perverts.

Trannies aren't bothering you or any of the women who have the misfortune of being in your cult.

That you need fake things to be outraged about just tells me you aren't being outraged about the right things...
Hard science trumps your insane delusions and abject stupidity.

Men are not women, and cannot ever become women. That's science. Not the absurd, degenerate mockery of “science” that your kind clings to, but genuine science, which utterly refutes nearly every claim that your mockery is ever used to support.

Except there have been extensive studies that have shown that the brains of Trans-gender women are wired differently than Cis-gendered men.

From the prestigious Cleveland Clinic.

“The male and female brain have structural differences,” he says. Men and women tend to have different volumes in certain areas of the brain.

“When we look at the transgender brain, we see that the brain resembles the gender that the person identifies as,” Dr. Altinay says. For example, a person who is born with a penis but ends up identifying as a female often actually has some of the structural characteristics of a “female” brain.

And the brain similarities aren’t only structural.

“We’re also finding some functional similarities between the transgender brain and its identified gender,” Dr. Altinay says.

In studies that use MRIs to take images of the brain as people perform tasks, the brain activity of transgender people tends to look like that of the gender they identify with.

You've repeatedly supported the “right of these depraved male perverts to intrude upon women's intimate spaces, such as restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms,. communal showers, and so on.

Well, if they are in public areas, they aren't exactly "intimate", are they? A "communal shower" isn't intimate
I won't lie. They're probably going to suffer for standing up for themselves. The women before them who fought for all the rights and equality they are currently pissing away by going along to get along suffered, many of them far more than these girls will.

Nothing worth having or doing comes easy.

Yeah, it's not fair that they should HAVE to go through that. It wasn't fair that other women had to fight to get the sports teams these girls are allowing to be stolen from them. Life's not fair. But at some point, you have to decide what kind of world you want your children to live in, and whether it's worth fighting for.

Good point. The world I want is one where someone should be treated with dignity no matter their race, gender, or sexual orientation. (Not religion, though... the sooner we dispose of religion in this world, the better).

If there was a guy pretending to be a woman to try to get some of that sweet, sweet, Title IX money, shame on him, but shame on us for letting the Title IX scam go on for as long as it has.

However, I don't think anyone is getting hormone replacement and top and bottom surgery to just scam some Title IX money.
Again, as long as there are bags of Title IX scholarship money for sports no one cares about, they'll show up and they'll like it.

Trannies aren't bothering you or any of the women who have the misfortune of being in your cult.

That you need fake things to be outraged about just tells me you aren't being outraged about the right things...
That isn't true---many incidents of men in dresses sexually attacking young girls and women in bathrooms.
I would love one person--just one--to explain to me why we have to pretend body dysmorphia in transgenderism is normal, even to be celebrated, while body dysmorphia in eating disorders is destructive and even a disease process.

The two things aren't comparable. We know what a healthy weight is for a person, and a 70 lb woman is not healthy.

On the other hand, we do all sorts of surgeries to correct defects in people. Laproscopic surgery to aid in weight loss, blepharoplasty to correct sagging eyelids, corrective surgery to fix cleft palates, etc.

I mean, unless you are a religious nutter and think people should suffer because that's the Will of the Almighty Sky Fairy.

If we treated eating disorders the way we treat transgenderism, we would all have to play along with the 70 lb woman who thinks she's fat. We would have to let her into Weight Watchers and etc. You realize this?

And what's to stop that now? You don't think that Weight Watchers doesn't happily take the money of anorexics?

And don't tell me that eating disorders are dangerous but trans ISN'T. It most certainly is, by all measures. It's a body dysmorphia with all attendant mental and physical side effects and conditions.

It's only dangerous because religious whackadoodles discriminate against trans people.

People have the right to live at 70 lbs or to deny their basic biology, they do. But we do not have to pretend along with them, especially if we can see it's to their detriment.

Or we can do something totally fucking crazy and mind our own business.
That isn't true---many incidents of men in dresses sexually attacking young girls and women in bathrooms.

Right. Like that Loundon VA case... except he wasn't dressed as a girl and they had pre-arranged to meet in that bathroom, but don't let the facts get in the way.

Most women are sexually assaulted by men they know. Maybe we should all become like the Shakers.


Still not as silly as the Mormons.
I've said this many times. Leftist ideology and virtue signaling are a way for them to tell themselves they're good people, without all the effort of having to BE good.

Not at all. Being a good person is easy, even in a bad society.

Trying to change the society takes effort. There were a lot of "Good" Germans in World War II, but they went along with Hitler until the last old man and little boy in the Volksgrenadiers.

It took bravery for white people to march alongside Dr. King.
It took bravery to stand up for women's rights to be more than baby receptacles.

Now, here's the thing. I'm a white, straight, cis-gendered male and this society gives me huge advantages just by virtue of my birth. It would be far easier for me to say, "not my problem" when I see people of color or other sexual orientations being abused.

But society doesn't get better until someone says, "That is wrong!"
IOW to extend your point further, imagine a person with cerebral palsy wanted to compete in the 500 meter dash, not in the Special Olympics, but in a motorized vehicle, and said person demands that we accept the motorized vehicle are his legs. This person wins race after race, which we are supposed to celebrate, because this person demands the vehicle are legs.

They already do that for Golf.

eyond that,. it's a way of pretending to be good, while actually being willfully evil.

It's bizarre how that works, those on the left wrong openly embracing and supporting that which is overtly evil and/or insane. and claiming that there is virtue in so doing. Isaiah 5:20 comes to mind. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

The bible also advocates Genocide, Racism and Slavery, so I don't think it's a reliable source for what constitutes "Good".

So without referencing any religious text, tell me why transgenders are "evil"?
Doctors who profit from these things. Things like fads that younger people are susceptible to. Even children.

I Spent a Year as a Trans Man. Doctors Failed Me at Every Turn.

I can’t wrap my head around all that I’ve done to myself in the last two years, much less the “help” that some health care professionals have done to me.

Two years ago, I was a healthy, beautiful girl heading toward high school graduation. Before long, I turned into an overweight, pre-diabetic nightmare of a transgender man.

I won’t place the full blame on health care providers, because I should have known better. But they sure helped me do a lot of harm to myself—and they made a hefty buck doing it.

Here’s my story..........

Okay, so I read this article, and it kind of sounds like she failed herself.

Clearly, she was a gay woman who resenting being gay, mostly because of the religious assholes around her in her life.

Any successful treatment relies on the patient giving accurate information to the doctor.
As I have said before, a “transgender child” is prima facie proof that some sick fuck of an adult is filling that child's head with this shit. Children just do not turn toward such sick perversion, unless some childfucking piece of shit is steering them in that direction.

Any adult who would do this to a child needs to be permanently removed from free society, preferably put to death.

I was wondering how long it would take you to go full Mormon Sociopath...

I'm pretty sure you don't know any gay people in your life, Bob. If you did, you'd realize most of them figure out at an early age they are gay or trans without any prompting from their parents and often despite active resistance from their parents.
I'm really sick of being referred to as a "birthing person" rather than a mother or worse, a "bleeding person" so as to avoid the term "woman". I can't be called a woman because it might offend a tiny slice of mentally ill people.

That's great. Great job, 21st century. Great job, liberals. You richly deserve losing the culture. Which you are--losing the culture, that is.

Um, not really.

I remember not 18 years ago, when you guys made the same comment during the 2004 election, how George W. Stupid was going to save us all from the EEEEEEVIL Gay marriage, and managed to get elected. ( I won't say "re-elected", because he didn't win the first time, he stole that election.)

But this funny thing happened. Gay people kept being gay and George W. did what Republicans do best, fuck up the economy. Eventually, people gave it some thought, and realized that "I think it's icky" isn't a good enough reason to deny people their basic human rights.

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