Poll: What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

  • 1. Continue to compete, honoring transgenders.

  • 2. Don't show up at all.

  • 3. When the starting whistle blows, all the women just take a knee.

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Nor should it be used to deny healthcare to transgender people.

Nobody is advocating the denial of healthcare to “transgender” people.

Chemically- or surgically mutilating the body of someone who is mentally ill, in a futile effort to make that person's body conform to his insane delusions, is not healthcare; it is malpractice and medical malfeasance.
So what?

The brains of a schizophrenic are wired different from that of a sane person.

That's how mental illness works.
The brains of pedophiles are wired different from that of a normal person.

But those same "experts" told us that pedophilia is normal and OK, as long they don't act on it.
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Yep.....we tried to warn them.....we tried to explain leftism to them.......they called us names, called us misogynists........

Now they are starting to see what we tried to warn them about....

I cannot support demented men who want to harm women, as careless as they may be. Women were meant to be careless, it's weak, demented men like these transsexuals who are the real problem. Warnings didn't work, maybe we should sty different approach.

As I suggested earlier, we should go along with it, encourage it, and cheer for trannies to a point that only trannies would compete in women sports.

Let them reap what they sow. :auiqs.jpg:

And when all "female" sports end up being trannies only, it will be fucking glorious seeing feminists fume.

We get to see a clownshow in sports and dudes that actually can play sports instead of these pathetic females that perform below the level of 15 year old males. There is no downside.
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No...they should show up and take the knee......use that gesture of the leftists to protest leftist insanity...

Exactly. That actually shows that they oppose this crap. Not showing up could be dismissed as car trouble, or chickening out or not even thought about, really. Some are going to show up. All would have to not show up, for the point to get across.

Let's say you have 8 at the starting line. The whistle blows, if just 4 of them took a knee, there would be questions that the media would have to ask. The crowd would applause and cheer those taking a knee.
The left wing media would bash those taking a knee. Most everyone else would remember how taking a knee was once something the left applauded. Their hypocrisy would be even more exposed.
There's a lot of moderate democrat women who are feeling politically homeless over this issue. They've always supported women's rights. And are not being shunned for opposing men beating women in sports.

The only real downside to this is that women's sports isn't very popular.
Also incidents of men not even bothering to pretend, and just walking into the bathrooms in the sure knowledge that everyone's too worried about being "unwoke" to stop them. It's not like anyone even bothers to demand that those claiming to be "transgender" make any effort to pass as the opposite sex, not any more.

We've seen that in a few “transgender” athletes as well.

I cannot, right now, remember any names or details, but there was a high school boy, pretending to be a girl, competing in track events against girls, and, of course, beating them, who didn't even bother to shave off his scraggly beard and mustache. as he competed.

And a weightlifter competing as a “woman”, far outperforming women in that sport, who was very obviously making no effort at all to hide that he was a man.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

Every sane adult, and in fact, every sane child down to some absurdly young age, knows the difference between boys and girls. “The Party” is telling us to ignore what we clearly know, what we can directly see and observe, in order to believe a set of insane lies. And far too many of us are stupidly obeying this command.
We've seen that in a few “transgender” athletes as well.

I cannot, right now, remember any names or details, but there was a high school boy, pretending to be a girl, competing in track events against girls, and, of course, beating them, who didn't even bother to shave off his scraggly beard and mustache. as he competed.

And a weightlifter competing as a “woman”, far outperforming women in that sport, who was very obviously making no effort at all to hide that he was a man.

Yep...it is starting to increase in the number of incidents of this we are seeing across the country.......we are losing the ability to keep track of the insanity.

It used to be high school and other sports orgs would recruit players from out of their schools or districts to get really talented players........

Now, they will start to tell boys, pretend to be girls and we can win the season...............and you can get that college scholarship....

See where this leads....
It should be a red flag about the madness that you are foolishly supporting, that it cannot be supported without the use of slurs against those who are not part of that madness.

There are those, especially on the left, who claim an actual description of something or someone is a slur.
Like calling a man in a dress a him. Or calling a woman a woman, instead of a "bleeding person." "Woman" is now a slur, to them.
We've seen that in a few “transgender” athletes as well.

I cannot, right now, remember any names or details, but there was a high school boy, pretending to be a girl, competing in track events against girls, and, of course, beating them, who didn't even bother to shave off his scraggly beard and mustache. as he competed.

And a weightlifter competing as a “woman”, far outperforming women in that sport, who was very obviously making no effort at all to hide that he was a man.

Right. Like that Loundon VA case... except he wasn't dressed as a girl and they had pre-arranged to meet in that bathroom, but don't let the facts get in the way.

Most women are sexually assaulted by men they know. Maybe we should all become like the Shakers.

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Still not as silly as the Mormons.

For a cult truly relevant to the madness being discussed, consider the Skoptsy sect from Russia. I'd suggest that you might want to consider joining it, but they're believed to have been extinct since some time in the 1970s, though there've been unconfirmed claims that a few still existed as of the 1990s. Too bad. You probably would have fit in very well with them.
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Yep...it is starting to increase in the number of incidents of this we are seeing across the country.......we are losing the ability to keep track of the insanity.

It used to be high school and other sports orgs would recruit players from out of their schools or districts to get really talented players........

Now, they will start to tell boys, pretend to be girls and we can win the season...............and you can get that college scholarship....

See where this leads....

There is another thing I noticed... How many times you've seen tranny competing against tranny?
Every time there is only one dude who compete against women. It's because they know they have an advantage and they will win.
No...they should show up and take the knee......use that gesture of the leftists to protest leftist insanity...

Except that has the long-term effect of only hurting them, and makes it possible for the leftist trans-weirdos and their cheerleaders to ignore them.

I was never on a swim team, so I can't say for sure. But it is my understanding that for a school to compete in a swim meet with other schools, they are required to have a minimum number of swimmers on their team and present for the meet. If that minimum is not met, the school is disqualified from the meet. If every female member of the team simply refused to show up, the school would be disqualified and Mr. Thomas would not get to swim at all.

Yes, they would probably be kicked off the team subsequently, but that would happen if they took a knee, as well. Unfortunately, there is no way for them to effectively address this problem that is not going to hurt them. This way, however, also hurts the school and Mr. Thomas in ways that can't be just ignored and passed off.

It is also my understanding that the athletic department's funding in each area of sport is affected by fielding a team, participating in meets, and how well the participants perform. So even if the school kicks all those women off the team and replaces them, they are replacing them with less-able swimmers by definition, because if they were not less able they would have been on the team in the first place. So you still have the net effect of hitting the school in the pocketbook, the one thing guaranteed to reverse their attitude of "We're ignoring you because we've decided you aren't important".
Allowing trans gender "women" to compete against other women is completely unfair to women who were born actual women, and is really a bridge too far by those championing these trans gender women. The great irony is those who are calling for "equity" are giving these biologically male athletes an unfair advantage over biological women.
There are those, especially on the left, who claim an actual description of something or someone is a slur.
Like calling a man in a dress a him. Or calling a woman a woman, instead of a "bleeding person." "Woman" is now a slur, to them.

What's really weird is that calling someone like me a woman isn't a slur to me. It's a slur to other people who aren't me. How odd that describing me as what I am is an insult to someone else entirely. Can you imagine if calling me a white person - which doesn't insult me at all, since I am - was considered an insult to black people because you weren't calling them white?
Except that has the long-term effect of only hurting them, and makes it possible for the leftist trans-weirdos and their cheerleaders to ignore them.

This is why I am on the edge on this issue.

Should men allow women to get hurt.

This is a very vindictive and ultimately destructive take. Leftist women have no sense of responsibility or honor. They don't learn from their mistakes, they only feel the pain of them. We have to try and protect them, not to teach them lessons they won't learn. But leftist women think they know it all, they don't want protection, they will keep their course even if it mean their self destruction. If we try to help them, we are the guilty ones. That's why I say, let them feel the pain, more the merrier. Let them suffer so they'll learn that they can't shit the entire country and always expect for males to shoulder the burden.
This is why I am on the edge on this issue.

Should men allow women to get hurt.

This is a very vindictive and ultimately destructive take. Leftist women have no sense of responsibility or honor. They don't learn from their mistakes, they only feel the pain of them. We have to try and protect them, not to teach them lessons they won't learn. But leftist women think they know it all, they don't want protection, they will keep their course even if it mean their self destruction. If we try to help them, we are the guilty ones. That's why I say, let them feel the pain, more the merrier. Let them suffer so they'll learn that they can't shit the entire country and always expect for males to shoulder the burden.

Sometimes, the best way to protect someone is to allow them to suffer the consequences of their actions before they go so far that the consequences are intolerable.
This is why I am on the edge on this issue.

Should men allow women to get hurt.

This is a very vindictive and ultimately destructive take. Leftist women have no sense of responsibility or honor. They don't learn from their mistakes, they only feel the pain of them. We have to try and protect them, not to teach them lessons they won't learn. But leftist women think they know it all, they don't want protection, they will keep their course even if it mean their self destruction. If we try to help them, we are the guilty ones. That's why I say, let them feel the pain, more the merrier. Let them suffer so they'll learn that they can't shit the entire country and always expect for males to shoulder the burden.

Woke folks are like stupid criminals, who never realize that what they did was wrong. They only try to figure out how and why they got caught. And what to do next time to keep from getting caught. Retarded.
No...they should show up and take the knee......use that gesture of the leftists to protest leftist insanity...

They should, but they wont. They're byproduct of leftist education system. They're brainwashed into submission to leftist agenda. If these young women had guts they would have protested at the pool and stood on the block while watching the tranny swim alone, instead of that what did they do? They went along.

This is the best lesson about feminism and leftism they could've learn in leftist education system. White liberal women overwhelmingly vote for these liberal policies that allow this shit. Why not throw it in their face and laugh about it? Oh, find sports books and bet on every competition that has a tranny vs women, make some money while sitting back and eating popcorn. :auiqs.jpg:
Ask your wife if she's OK with some creepy male pervert watching her when she changes clothes, or showers. And ask yourself if you wouldn't feel an obligation to protect your wife from that.

Oh, that's right. You don't have a wife. You're a pathetic incel, who, even at nearly sixty years of age, has never found a woman who would want to marry you. And probably too much of a coward and a weakling/wokeling to protect her if you had one.

Maybe he has a wife. If he does, he's probably a cuck. They love that shit.

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