Poll: What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

  • 1. Continue to compete, honoring transgenders.

  • 2. Don't show up at all.

  • 3. When the starting whistle blows, all the women just take a knee.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Creating accessible places for disabled people is not participating in their delusion. We can see, it is objective that they have physical disabilities.

Transgenderism is a mental issue. There's nothing wrong with the physical body the person inhabits; he or she just does not FEEL like it's the right body. That feeling, despite the healthy body, means transgenderism is a delusion--a mental issue.
The brain IS an organ of the body. Mental illness IS a physical issue just as diabetes is or multiple sclerosis. It is a mistake to seperate mental illness from other types of illness and mental illness too can have effects on other parts of the body, like diabetes.

Someone suffering under such a burden as feeling male in a female body, or vice versa, does not need us heaping scorn and shame on top of their mental anguish, I'm quite sure. But I state again: we are not required to participate in delusions either.
Again, what is “participating in their delusion”? Is it access to appropriate medical care? Is it being allowed to participate in society as under who’s terms?

The Left only asks us to do so because it has a sexual component. If it was trendy suddenly for conservatives to "identify" as famous people from history, believe me, we would all be put away.

It isn’t the left asking, it is the transgender community simply asking to be allowed to participate in society as who they are. The left just picked up the banner.

Going back to disabilities, I remember a time when the current attitude was to teach disabled people to “look” as “normal” as possible, even if it meant physical discomfort, less usable function, less exploration into alternatives that didn’t provide a visable nod to a normal appearance. Those that couldn’t be “normalized” were hidden away or institutionalized. This is no different imo.
The brain IS an organ of the body. Mental illness IS a physical issue just as diabetes is or multiple sclerosis. It is a mistake to seperate mental illness from other types of illness and mental illness too can have effects on other parts of the body, like diabetes.

Again, what is “participating in their delusion”? Is it access to appropriate medical care? Is it being allowed to participate in society as under who’s terms?

I agree that mental illness is a disease that can be miserable; however, since the brain believes the person is one gender when the body is clearly biologically the other, the brain is under a delusion. Same as when the eating disordered person believes he/she is obese when in fact the person is emaciated. As I have previously stated, we don't participate in that delusion. We don't allow those people to sign up for Weight Watchers, etc. But not only do we participate in trans delusions but it's verboten to even speak against it.

I think the participation should be on a sliding scale. I think you and I both agree that biological men in women's sports is unfair. If a biological man, however, wants to live as a woman, then okay. But as another example, why do I have to be called a "bleeding person" because of that?
Doctors who profit from these things. Things like fads that younger people are susceptible to. Even children.

I Spent a Year as a Trans Man. Doctors Failed Me at Every Turn.

I can’t wrap my head around all that I’ve done to myself in the last two years, much less the “help” that some health care professionals have done to me.

Two years ago, I was a healthy, beautiful girl heading toward high school graduation. Before long, I turned into an overweight, pre-diabetic nightmare of a transgender man.

I won’t place the full blame on health care providers, because I should have known better. But they sure helped me do a lot of harm to myself—and they made a hefty buck doing it.

Here’s my story..........
There are always unethical doctors who will take advantage of people and there are likewise people good at scamming doctors or doctor shop until they find one who will do what they want. But that doesn’t mean there is some kind of transgender mill going on, based on a testimonial. Nor should it be used to deny healthcare to transgender people.
I agree that mental illness is a disease that can be miserable; however, since the brain believes the person is one gender when the body is clearly biologically the other, the brain is under a delusion. Same as when the eating disordered person believes he/she is obese when in fact the person is emaciated. As I have previously stated, we don't participate in that delusion. We don't allow those people to sign up for Weight Watchers, etc. But not only do we participate in trans delusions but it's verboten to even speak against it.

But you miss several points - delusion or not, the brain IS part of the body, delusions are symptoms of organic illness somewhere in the brain but the underlying causes can be different in each case.

Untreated eating disorders can kill, so we treat them as medically appropriate, in such a way as to either cure or improve the persons quality of life going forward. It is the same with the body dysmorphia associated with transgenders, only the evidence-based medical treatment for it involves aligning the brains image of itself with the body in a different way.

I think the participation should be on a sliding scale. I think you and I both agree that biological men in women's sports is unfair. If a biological man, however, wants to live as a woman, then okay. But as another example, why do I have to be called a "bleeding person" because of that?
Agree, as with any disability you can’t entirely remake the world, women’s sports being case in point.

Slurs are always unacceptable regardless of who they are directed against :(
But you miss several points - delusion or not, the brain IS part of the body, delusions are symptoms of organic illness somewhere in the brain but the underlying causes can be different in each case.

Untreated eating disorders can kill, so we treat them as medically appropriate, in such a way as to either cure or improve the persons quality of life going forward. It is the same with the body dysmorphia associated with transgenders, only the evidence-based medical treatment for it involves aligning the brains image of itself with the body in a different way.

Agree, as with any disability you can’t entirely remake the world, women’s sports being case in point.

Slurs are always unacceptable regardless of who they are directed against :(

I think we're going to keep going 'round and round but I agree with you on the last point. I debate with people here and often quite vigorously, but I don't endorse condemning people with slurs ESP as pertains to mental-physical illness.
But you miss several points - delusion or not, the brain IS part of the body, delusions are symptoms of organic illness somewhere in the brain but the underlying causes can be different in each case.

Untreated eating disorders can kill, so we treat them as medically appropriate, in such a way as to either cure or improve the persons quality of life going forward. It is the same with the body dysmorphia associated with transgenders, only the evidence-based medical treatment for it involves aligning the brains image of itself with the body in a different way.

Agree, as with any disability you can’t entirely remake the world, women’s sports being case in point.

Slurs are always unacceptable regardless of who they are directed against :(

So you're admitting that trans people are disabled. I agree. They should compete in the disabled competition.
There are always unethical doctors who will take advantage of people and there are likewise people good at scamming doctors or doctor shop until they find one who will do what they want. But that doesn’t mean there is some kind of transgender mill going on, based on a testimonial. Nor should it be used to deny healthcare to transgender people.

Why doesn't it mean that? There are boob job mills, facelift mills. Abortion mills.
That isn't true---many incidents of men in dresses sexually attacking young girls and women in bathrooms.

Also incidents of men not even bothering to pretend, and just walking into the bathrooms in the sure knowledge that everyone's too worried about being "unwoke" to stop them. It's not like anyone even bothers to demand that those claiming to be "transgender" make any effort to pass as the opposite sex, not any more.
Also incidents of men not even bothering to pretend, and just walking into the bathrooms in the sure knowledge that everyone's too worried about being "unwoke" to stop them. It's not like anyone even bothers to demand that those claiming to be "transgender" make any effort to pass as the opposite sex, not any more.
Where does that go on? What I have never understood is why fecal matter deposits are taboo since everyone does it.
This is going to sound little extreme, but the only way to make women stand for themselves is to let men compete in all women's sports. Only when they realize there is no women left in sports they might realize they have an issue.

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Yep.....we tried to warn them.....we tried to explain leftism to them.......they called us names, called us misogynists........

Now they are starting to see what we tried to warn them about....
Form private female leagues that are not subject to political whims or deal with it are the only two options in the current political climate. I have maintained from the beginning that this will put Title IX protections for female student athletes in jeopardy and that is exactly what is happening. Men are going to have an advantage over women in most mainstream sports as a whole so when it goes the other way it is not as big of a deal if you have a girl or two playing boys' golf, or wrestling in the appropriate weight class, on the soccer team, etc. When it goes this way, however, women are going to all be disadvantaged as a whole.

Yep....because now in order to compete, other schools and organizations will need their own "Dude looks like a ladies," to be competitive.......and they won't be women..........

As commissioner Gordon told Batman...

Escalation.......... they have a dude looks like a lady, we need a dude looks like a lady.....

Well, if they are in public areas, they aren't exactly "intimate", are they? A "communal shower" isn't intimate

Ask your wife if she's OK with some creepy male pervert watching her when she changes clothes, or showers. And ask yourself if you wouldn't feel an obligation to protect your wife from that.

Oh, that's right. You don't have a wife. You're a pathetic incel, who, even at nearly sixty years of age, has never found a woman who would want to marry you. And probably too much of a coward and a weakling/wokeling to protect her if you had one.
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