Poll: What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

What should women do about transdudes in female sports?

  • 1. Continue to compete, honoring transgenders.

  • 2. Don't show up at all.

  • 3. When the starting whistle blows, all the women just take a knee.

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The suicide rate among professed “transgenders” is about 40%. Pandering to them, even giving them the quasi-medical Frankensteinery of mutilating their bodies in a futile effort to make their reality conform to their insane delusions, doesn't help. Even after all that “help”, their suicide rate remains the same.

Apparently treatment significantly helps improve their mental health and suicide risk, why would you deny them treatment?

This is a severe mental illness, at least as deadly as any eating disorder. But much worse, by pandering to it as we do, we are allowing it to harm others beside those actually afflicted with this disorder, or those directly associated therewith. Most obviously, by sacrificing the safety, modesty, and privacy of actual women and girls, to pander to these mentally- and morally-defective male freaks, allowing them access to women's restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, and such.

Eating disorders have some of the highest mortality rates of all psychiatric illnesses (some substance abuse disorders are higher. Would you advocate withholding treatment from them?

And, of course, by allowing them to cheat in sports, by competing as “women”. In more extreme cases, we have dangerous, violent freaks, such as Fallon Fox and Alana McLaughlin, who have exploited this madness to be allowed as a profession, to violently beat real women up for sport. When you support “transgenderism”, you're supporting that. As a woman, this makes you a traitor to other women.
Well, probably the only thing we might agree on here is on having them compete with biological women in sports.
Eating disorders have some of the highest mortality rates of all psychiatric illnesses (some substance abuse disorders are higher. Would you advocate withholding treatment from them?

The “treatment” that you advocate for “transgenders” is the logical equivalent of helping an anorexic to reduce calorie intake, and continue losing weight.

Absolutely, I would advocate withholding “treatment” which only serves to aggravate the condition being treated.
The “treatment” that you advocate for “transgenders” is the logical equivalent of helping an anorexic to reduce calorie intake, and continue losing weight.

Absolutely, I would advocate withholding “treatment” which only serves to aggravate the condition being treated.
There is no logic in your “logical” because you are trying to compare two different disorders and you aren’t doing a good job of it.

Does the treatment reduce depression and suicide risk? Yes.
Does it help them to lead a healthier life down the road? Apparently so. Treatment includes extensive counseling and having a supportive family also improves the odds.

So do you say no treatment, which increases the odds of suicide?

Apparently treatment significantly helps improve their mental health and suicide risk, why would you deny them treatment?

Eating disorders have some of the highest mortality rates of all psychiatric illnesses (some substance abuse disorders are higher. Would you advocate withholding treatment from them?

Well, probably the only thing we might agree on here is on having them compete with biological women in sports.
I have no problem with an adult trying to change their born sex. My personal opinion is that it is futile however, adults should be free to do to their bodies whatever they want. I do, however, draw the line at trying to manipulate children to change their sex. I believe a boy, for instance, that shows feminine tendencies should not be encouraged into being 'transgender.' Any boy that thinks he is a girl should be given mental therapy and his parents & family should be required to receive mental assessments because pre pubescent kids are bombarded with hormones and it is too easy for an adult to manipulate them.
Is it marginalizing people, refusing to participate in their delusion?
What do you consider “participating in their delusion” to be?

Does creating special wheelchair accessible paths and trails mean you are participating in their “delusion” of being the same as an able bodied person?

You made the comparison to disabilities. I agree, but the disabled just ask me to treat them with basic respect and grant them rights given to the rest of society. Okay, I agree with this. Transgendered "communities" are asking us to accept that they are biologically what they are not, to the point they are depriving the actual people of that gender of THEIR opportunities.

Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and deserves the same rights, and that includes transgender people.

Disabled people are asking to be treated the same as any other able bodied person, and to facilitate that we, as a society, make accommodations so they participate as fully and independently as possible, right?

Transgender women want to be treated the same as any other woman. Transgender men want to be treated the same as any other man. It isn’t that different. Including the need for accommodations, for example in athletics where to compete against biological women with a biological male body would be unfair.

IOW to extend your point further, imagine a person with cerebral palsy wanted to compete in the 500 meter dash, not in the Special Olympics, but in a motorized vehicle, and said person demands that we accept the motorized vehicle are his legs. This person wins race after race, which we are supposed to celebrate, because this person demands the vehicle are legs.

The person can live in the motorized vehicle for the rest of his life, but they're not legs. In short you can live how you like. But I know what I know, and see what I see.

That is actually a good example, and in terms of sports, I agree. There are going to be SOME areas where a transgender woman isn’t going to be able to be the same as a biological woman.
Don jr is outta control lol
I have no problem with an adult trying to change their born sex. My personal opinion is that it is futile however, adults should be free to do to their bodies whatever they want. I do, however, draw the line at trying to manipulate children to change their sex. I believe a boy, for instance, that shows feminine tendencies should not be encouraged into being 'transgender.' Any boy that thinks he is a girl should be given mental therapy and his parents & family should be required to receive mental assessments because pre pubescent kids are bombarded with hormones and it is too easy for an adult to manipulate them.
I think there is a lot of misconception on this. Kids aren’t treated as transgender just on a whim (that isn’t to say there aren’t fucked up parents just like in anything else). According to doctors who actually treat this, they get very very few cases and extensive counseling is usually the first treatment. So all this overhype isn’t helping any kids at all, but harming kids who might actually benefit from treatment.
I think there is a lot of misconception on this. Kids aren’t treated as transgender just on a whim (that isn’t to say there aren’t fucked up parents just like in anything else). According to doctors who actually treat this, they get very very few cases and extensive counseling is usually the first treatment. So all this overhype isn’t helping any kids at all, but harming kids who might actually benefit from treatment.
To me, overhype is trying to convince society that a man can actually become a woman. This notion is pushed by LBGTs. It's hard for me to believe that a legitimate doctor would recommend such treatment to a kid. I read a story where a boy's mother (a pediatrician) is encouraging her son to dress as a girl. The divorced father was against it but a court of law told him he could not stop the mother from doing this. When the boy is with his father is is a boy, when he is with his mother he is a girl. IMO, that's about as abusive as it gets. So sad for the kid. I think I posted that the judge, jury, the mother and her lawyer should all be charged with child abuse.
I think there is a lot of misconception on this. Kids aren’t treated as transgender just on a whim (that isn’t to say there aren’t fucked up parents just like in anything else). According to doctors who actually treat this, they get very very few cases and extensive counseling is usually the first treatment. So all this overhype isn’t helping any kids at all, but harming kids who might actually benefit from treatment.

Doctors who profit from these things. Things like fads that younger people are susceptible to. Even children.

I Spent a Year as a Trans Man. Doctors Failed Me at Every Turn.

I can’t wrap my head around all that I’ve done to myself in the last two years, much less the “help” that some health care professionals have done to me.

Two years ago, I was a healthy, beautiful girl heading toward high school graduation. Before long, I turned into an overweight, pre-diabetic nightmare of a transgender man.

I won’t place the full blame on health care providers, because I should have known better. But they sure helped me do a lot of harm to myself—and they made a hefty buck doing it.

Here’s my story..........
To me, overhype is trying to convince society that a man can actually become a woman. This notion is pushed by LBGTs. It's hard for me to believe that a legitimate doctor would recommend such treatment to a kid. I read a story where a boy's mother (a pediatrician) is encouraging her son to dress as a girl. The divorced father was against it but a court of law told him he could not stop the mother from doing this. When the boy is with his father is is a boy, when he is with his mother he is a girl. IMO, that's about as abusive as it gets. So sad for the kid. I think I posted that the judge, jury, the mother and her lawyer should all be charged with child abuse.

When a doctor suggest anything other than "wait til the kid is 18," then he/she isn't a legit doctor. After all, they profit from all this. It's like the breast implant fad, where they were using extremely unsafe implants, just to make a bigger profit.
When a doctor suggest anything other than "wait til the kid is 18," then he/she isn't a legit doctor. After all, they profit from all this. It's like the breast implant fad, where they were using extremely unsafe implants, just to make a bigger profit.
Yes and I would advance that age to at least 21. 18 year olds today are not that mature. A real adult is not living with mom and dad and is capable of supporting themself. Only then, is one mature enough to make such a life changing decision, IMO.
This craziness will only stop if sportswomen don't put up with the madness
It would be nice, but that will never happen. They will all go along. Otherwise they will be branded bigots in their school and their town
Transgender women want to be treated the same as any other woman. Transgender men want to be treated the same as any other man.

Which is nonsense, of course. A “transgender woman” is not, in any meaningful sense, actually a woman at all, but a mentally-defective man. And likewise, a “transgender man” is not, in any meaningful sense, actually a man at all, but a mentally-defective woman.

That's hard science. Disregarding objective realty, in order to pander to the insane delusions of those who are fucked-up in their heads, will always produce bad results. Always.

Perhaps advocating such madness gives you a way to feel good about yourself, to see yourself as somehow morally superior to those who do not join you in pandering to this madness, but that, too, is merely a delusion, and at odds with objective reality. The hard truth is that pandering to such madness and evil makes you morally INFERIOR to those over whom you delusionally see yourself as superior.
Yes and I would advance that age to at least 21. 18 year olds today are not that mature. A real adult is not living with mom and dad and is capable of supporting themself. Only then, is one mature enough to make such a life changing decision, IMO.

That's mom and dads fault. If your kid isn't ready for life at 18, the parents waisted at least 4 years of the kids life on BS.
I have a nephew who's 35 and still living at home. With no plans of leaving. My ex, until recently had her 31yr old son still mooching off her.
You might be shocked at how many grandparents are raising their grandkids.

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