Poll: Which political party is primarily causing GRIDLOCK in Washington?

Which political party is primarily causing GRIDLOCK in Washington?

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Over 300 Congressional bills have been passed, most all with bi-partisan support, and sent over to the Senate and what does the Senate do? Nothing, they sit on them and will not allow them to come up for a vote. And you ask which party causes the gridlock? Wow. Dumbasses vote Democrat and there is no shortage of dumbasses that also vote Republican but the gridlock in DC is 100% Democrat. Democrats rely on Low and No information, naive and gullible "voters".
I say Republicans! The Boehner/McConnell Republicans have made that clear since President Obama was elected.

All you have to do is look at how President Clinton worked WITH Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress during the 1995 shut down, compared to president Obama who simply chooses to demonize Republicans for not simply taking his approach WITHOUT compromise. The left may gloat and say who won the presidential re-election, but this country really lost when you look at the headway that was made in the 90s when you have a leader in the White House and not a dictator. Just look who was able to create a strong growing economy by working across the aisle. You certainly will not find either under the Obama Administration.
Better yet Republicans made it real easy for Clinton to work with them. They had the votes!!
Over 300 Congressional bills have been passed, most all with bi-partisan support, and sent over to the Senate and what does the Senate do? Nothing, they sit on them and will not allow them to come up for a vote. And you ask which party causes the gridlock? Wow. Dumbasses vote Democrat and there is no shortage of dumbasses that also vote Republican but the gridlock in DC is 100% Democrat. Democrats rely on Low and No information, naive and gullible "voters".

Yeah, Harry Reid is by far the worst Senate Leader in history. He's a corrupt old douchebag.
Interesting that the poll is showing equal support for "Democrats", "Republicans" and "Both".
At least a third of us are honest.
The poll is showing that 2/3 of USMB members are dumber than owl shit. Not surprised...
I say Republicans! The Boehner/McConnell Republicans have made that clear since President Obama was elected.

It's objectively true and irrefutable it's Republicans. But that's only because there's a Democrat President. If it were a Republican President, it'd be the Democrats causing obstruction. Of course that's how it's supposed to work so not really a thing.
I say Republicans! The Boehner/McConnell Republicans have made that clear since President Obama was elected.

It's objectively true and irrefutable it's Republicans. But that's only because there's a Democrat President. If it were a Republican President, it'd be the Democrats causing obstruction. Of course that's how it's supposed to work so not really a thing.

I don't recall Democrats obstructing Bush like Republicans are obstructing Obama. Bush got his wars and funding.
I say Republicans! The Boehner/McConnell Republicans have made that clear since President Obama was elected.

It's objectively true and irrefutable it's Republicans. But that's only because there's a Democrat President. If it were a Republican President, it'd be the Democrats causing obstruction. Of course that's how it's supposed to work so not really a thing.

I don't recall Democrats obstructing Bush like Republicans are obstructing Obama. Bush got his wars and funding.

Easy to get wars when you lie about the threat.
how about the party that is supposed to lead actually steps up and does something good for the American people?
The problem is compromises are not being made.

There is no doubt that regardless of the outcome of the midterms, there is not going to be any significant new legislation. Unless one side gets total control of government in 2016 as the Democrats had in 2008, there will be little change. The system is broken and it's not going to get fixed because neither side wants it fixed.

I think the problem lies with the American people. They are conflicted. They want and depend on what big government provides, social security, medicare, unemployment, disability, public schools, consumer regulations, protection from terrorism, and an inequitable tax system which under funds the government. They also, want an efficient, less costly, less intrusive government, two goals that are mutually exclusive. Congress simply mirrors the American people.

Good points. But i'm ok with no more significant new legislation. We already have enough Laws. It's time to scale back Government intrusion in our lives. It's out of control. Americans should fully embrace 'Do-Nothing' Congresses at this point.
A do nothing congress means the executive branch will make the decisions through executive orders that congress should be making. When congress must approve a budget and they assume the do nothing attitude, political pressures force them to make some half ass temporary decision which again leaves the decisions to the executive branch.

On almost ever issue there are points of agreement between the two sides and there is room to compromise but neither party is willing to do so. I think it all boils down to the fact that the American people want all the goodies that government is providing but they don't want to pay the price.

Americans need to stop thinking Government has to always be 'Doing Something.' They have to let go of that mind-set. There are only few things we need Congress to do. It's gotten completely out of control at this point. Send em home, and only require them to meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions. The less often they meet, they less damage they can do. We need far less Government intrusion in our lives.
What you're asking for isn't going to happen. It's like asking a 5 year-old to give up their sucker because it's bad for their teeth. In reality people want cuts in government that will not effect them or what they care about. The fact is you can't make a significant cut in government spending without effecting a lot of people which will create a big backlash.

It's brainwashing conditioning. Americans have been conditioned to believe Government has to always be 'Doing Something.' Even if that something is wrong. But in reality, we need Government doing less. It's just too big and intrusive. For example, i think it's great when they go away on Recess. Because i know they can't do any damage when they're away. But most Americans actually get upset when they go on long Recesses.

It's all conditioning. I'm glad Reid hasn't acted on those 300 or so bills. We don't need em. The Country's still standing and rolling along without em. They weren't necessary. And that pretty much sums up most of the things our Congress does. A whole lot of costly unnecessary meddling. So i'll go on hoping for more gridlock. But i know i'm in the minority on that thinking.
As we have seen from the past, when congress does nothing and government shuts down, political pressures mount, and congress reaches a compromise which continues governmental functions and costs are higher.

Since congress answers to the people, they will attempt to give the people what they want which is promises of a smaller more efficient government and at same time providing costly functions which they also want.
Good points. But i'm ok with no more significant new legislation. We already have enough Laws. It's time to scale back Government intrusion in our lives. It's out of control. Americans should fully embrace 'Do-Nothing' Congresses at this point.
A do nothing congress means the executive branch will make the decisions through executive orders that congress should be making. When congress must approve a budget and they assume the do nothing attitude, political pressures force them to make some half ass temporary decision which again leaves the decisions to the executive branch.

On almost ever issue there are points of agreement between the two sides and there is room to compromise but neither party is willing to do so. I think it all boils down to the fact that the American people want all the goodies that government is providing but they don't want to pay the price.

Americans need to stop thinking Government has to always be 'Doing Something.' They have to let go of that mind-set. There are only few things we need Congress to do. It's gotten completely out of control at this point. Send em home, and only require them to meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions. The less often they meet, they less damage they can do. We need far less Government intrusion in our lives.
What you're asking for isn't going to happen. It's like asking a 5 year-old to give up their sucker because it's bad for their teeth. In reality people want cuts in government that will not effect them or what they care about. The fact is you can't make a significant cut in government spending without effecting a lot of people which will create a big backlash.

It's brainwashing conditioning. Americans have been conditioned to believe Government has to always be 'Doing Something.' Even if that something is wrong. But in reality, we need Government doing less. It's just too big and intrusive. For example, i think it's great when they go away on Recess. Because i know they can't do any damage when they're away. But most Americans actually get upset when they go on long Recesses.

It's all conditioning. I'm glad Reid hasn't acted on those 300 or so bills. We don't need em. The Country's still standing and rolling along without em. They weren't necessary. And that pretty much sums up most of the things our Congress does. A whole lot of costly unnecessary meddling. So i'll go on hoping for more gridlock. But i know i'm in the minority on that thinking.
As we have seen from the past, when congress does nothing and government shuts down, political pressures mount, and congress reaches a compromise which continues governmental functions and costs are higher.

Since congress answers to the people, they will attempt to give the people what they want which is promises of a smaller more efficient government and at same time providing costly functions which they also want.

Good points. Government doesn't always have to be 'Doing Something.' Those 300 or so bills Reid won't vote on, are completely unnecessary bills. The Country's rolling along fine without em. It's time to cut way back on the unnecessary meddling. Just send em home, and require them to meet only very sparingly. It's about damage control now.
Both Parties cause gridlock. But gridlock isn't a bad thing. The less Government does, the better off we are. They already pass too many Laws and interfere too much in Citizens' lives. They should only meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions. The more they meet, the more damage they do.

So less Government is the logical way forward. That's how Americans need to begin approaching Government intervention in their lives.

'Less government' is no more the answer than is 'lower taxes' the answer.

The answers are 'fair and simple taxes' and 'appropriate government'.

True Story! :thup:
Read Kant, Locke, and Jefferson.

Then get back to Me to see if you learned anything.

multiple budget bills have passed the House to only sit in the Senate and not get voted on
plus obama has to lie and lie and lie about them, then pretend he's trying to reach across the aisle.

so the country suffers, just like the leftist want.

what's funny about $17 trillion in debt?

do you think it happened by accident?

Absolutely not...

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

"Grover Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)
how many decades old is that quote?

once you grasp how fucking dumb that was, go back to 08 and see what the debt was then and what it is now, then own it.
A do nothing congress means the executive branch will make the decisions through executive orders that congress should be making. When congress must approve a budget and they assume the do nothing attitude, political pressures force them to make some half ass temporary decision which again leaves the decisions to the executive branch.

On almost ever issue there are points of agreement between the two sides and there is room to compromise but neither party is willing to do so. I think it all boils down to the fact that the American people want all the goodies that government is providing but they don't want to pay the price.

Americans need to stop thinking Government has to always be 'Doing Something.' They have to let go of that mind-set. There are only few things we need Congress to do. It's gotten completely out of control at this point. Send em home, and only require them to meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions. The less often they meet, they less damage they can do. We need far less Government intrusion in our lives.
What you're asking for isn't going to happen. It's like asking a 5 year-old to give up their sucker because it's bad for their teeth. In reality people want cuts in government that will not effect them or what they care about. The fact is you can't make a significant cut in government spending without effecting a lot of people which will create a big backlash.

It's brainwashing conditioning. Americans have been conditioned to believe Government has to always be 'Doing Something.' Even if that something is wrong. But in reality, we need Government doing less. It's just too big and intrusive. For example, i think it's great when they go away on Recess. Because i know they can't do any damage when they're away. But most Americans actually get upset when they go on long Recesses.

It's all conditioning. I'm glad Reid hasn't acted on those 300 or so bills. We don't need em. The Country's still standing and rolling along without em. They weren't necessary. And that pretty much sums up most of the things our Congress does. A whole lot of costly unnecessary meddling. So i'll go on hoping for more gridlock. But i know i'm in the minority on that thinking.
As we have seen from the past, when congress does nothing and government shuts down, political pressures mount, and congress reaches a compromise which continues governmental functions and costs are higher.

Since congress answers to the people, they will attempt to give the people what they want which is promises of a smaller more efficient government and at same time providing costly functions which they also want.

Good points. Government doesn't always have to be 'Doing Something.' Those 300 or so bills Reid won't vote on, are completely unnecessary bills. The Country's rolling along fine without em. It's time to cut way back on the unnecessary meddling. Just send em home, and require them to meet only very sparingly. It's about damage control now.
I looked through the bills. Most of them were never written to be implemented. Some of them are just blatant political statements, something to use in campaign speeches.
Americans need to stop thinking Government has to always be 'Doing Something.' They have to let go of that mind-set. There are only few things we need Congress to do. It's gotten completely out of control at this point. Send em home, and only require them to meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions. The less often they meet, they less damage they can do. We need far less Government intrusion in our lives.
What you're asking for isn't going to happen. It's like asking a 5 year-old to give up their sucker because it's bad for their teeth. In reality people want cuts in government that will not effect them or what they care about. The fact is you can't make a significant cut in government spending without effecting a lot of people which will create a big backlash.

It's brainwashing conditioning. Americans have been conditioned to believe Government has to always be 'Doing Something.' Even if that something is wrong. But in reality, we need Government doing less. It's just too big and intrusive. For example, i think it's great when they go away on Recess. Because i know they can't do any damage when they're away. But most Americans actually get upset when they go on long Recesses.

It's all conditioning. I'm glad Reid hasn't acted on those 300 or so bills. We don't need em. The Country's still standing and rolling along without em. They weren't necessary. And that pretty much sums up most of the things our Congress does. A whole lot of costly unnecessary meddling. So i'll go on hoping for more gridlock. But i know i'm in the minority on that thinking.
As we have seen from the past, when congress does nothing and government shuts down, political pressures mount, and congress reaches a compromise which continues governmental functions and costs are higher.

Since congress answers to the people, they will attempt to give the people what they want which is promises of a smaller more efficient government and at same time providing costly functions which they also want.

Good points. Government doesn't always have to be 'Doing Something.' Those 300 or so bills Reid won't vote on, are completely unnecessary bills. The Country's rolling along fine without em. It's time to cut way back on the unnecessary meddling. Just send em home, and require them to meet only very sparingly. It's about damage control now.
I looked through the bills. Most of them were never written to be implemented. Some of them are just blatant political statements, something to use in campaign speeches.

True. Unnecessary meddling. The Country's doing just fine without these 300 or so bills. They were a huge waste of time & money. 'Doing Something' doesn't necessarily mean that 'something' is good. Sometimes 'Doing Nothing' is the right way to go. In fact, i would say it's the right way to go most of the time.
Of the hundreds of bills passed in a bi-partisan manner in the House, only 19 were allowed to come up for a vote in the Senate.

Guess who decides which bills are even allowed to be debated by the full Senate. Dingy Harry Reid.

Excuse me but isn't he a Democrat?
I looked through the bills. Most of them were never written to be implemented. Some of them are just blatant political statements, something to use in campaign speeches.

True. Unnecessary meddling. The Country's doing just fine without these 300 or so bills. They were a huge waste of time & money. 'Doing Something' doesn't necessarily mean that 'something' is good. Sometimes 'Doing Nothing' is the right way to go. In fact, i would say it's the right way to go most of the time.

Well, some of those "unnecessary bills" were required by the Constitution! They are called budgets.

We have not had a budget for years. In spite of the Housing passing many of them, they never get to a vote because of The Senate's Majority Leader who happens to be a Democrat!!!!! :bang3:
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I looked through the bills. Most of them were never written to be implemented. Some of them are just blatant political statements, something to use in campaign speeches.

True. Unnecessary meddling. The Country's doing just fine without these 300 or so bills. They were a huge waste of time & money. 'Doing Something' doesn't necessarily mean that 'something' is good. Sometimes 'Doing Nothing' is the right way to go. In fact, i would say it's the right way to go most of the time.

Well, some of those "unnecessary bills" were required by the Constitution! They are called budgets.

We have not had a budget for years. In spite of the Housing passing many of them, they never get to a vote because of The Senate's Majority Leader who happens to be a Democrat!!!!! :bang3:

Oh, I agree on the Budget. Reid has been shameful on that. That's why i say he's by far the worst Senate Leader in history. He's a corrupt old douchebag.
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