POLL: Who can step in and end this?

Who can step in and put an end to this?

  • 1. Melania

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • 2. Ivanka

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • 3. Junior

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • 4. Eric

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • 5. Jerrod

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • 6. Pence

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • 7. McConnell

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • 8. Other (please expand)

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • 9. I'm afraid to answer, I just want to complain about Mac

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • 10. Deep fried peanut butter & jelly sandwich

    Votes: 7 29.2%

  • Total voters
I wonder what your stance would be had Biden requested investigations into voting irregularities (fraud)?

He wouldn't have. He would have accepted the results and conceded...just like Clinton did when the vote margin was 77,000 votes across three states.
Trump has been telegraphing the whole "rigged" thing for months. His behavior was both predictable and inevitable.
My only surprise is at the number of willing sheep and Republican party officials that are playing along with it.
We assumed that he would make a mockery of the election, as he did with his presidency.

I don't think we've talked much about how the rest of the GOP would act, though. I guess if we had thought more about it, we may have concluded that they're rather save their political necks than do what's best for the country.

Kind of like proceeding with impeachment proceedings during the preliminary phases of a Pandemic?
Sure. I don't have a tribe to protect.

But what Trump is doing is far worse and far more dangerous, and any honest person can admit that.

He hasn't done anything in a legal sense yet. There is no such thing as a president-elect until the EC votes and Congress certifies it. Anything before that is courtesy and if you really expect any courtesy from Trump after how he has been treated for the past 4 years then I have a nice stone bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

And that goes for Trumps supporters as well, why should we concede to people that spent the past 4 years howling about how evil we all are?
You don't have to do anything.

And neither does Trump until Biden is selected by the EC and that is certified by congress.

everything before that is courtesy.
And for the first time, we can't expect common courtesy from a President. What a shame. But not a shock in this particular case.

I think all the other Presidents knew that the incoming President had to have as much access to critical intelligence as quickly as possible, but we can't expect that here. They knew that, in the highly improbable case that he ended up NOT being President, there would be no harm, no foul. ESPECIALLY in this case, where the incoming President is familiar with the basics. But this is a big and critical process, and Trump is being a CHILD. AGAIN.

My goodness. I don't know how this awful, damaged man can be defended, but hopefully soon that won't matter. What an ugly period this has been.

No, with Dems we get lied to softly, and for some reason rubes think that is better. Trump does what he says, and says what he means. You don't get the platitudes and tangible falsehoods that you get from machine politicians.

Your side treats us as the enemy for 4 years and then expect us and him to place nice. Fuck off.
I don't care what he does now, and I don't care what his sheep do. Play the victim, I don't care.

We have a mess to clean up. I don't even feel like gloating.

Half the country is "his sheep", and yet you pretend that we can just be swept under the rug in some SJW circle jerk that will be the Biden administration (or eventually the Harris administration say in 2022).

Biden lied about trying to come together, he will continue to lie about being middle of the road, all the while putting people in place to pay back the SJW twats that think they got him elected.

I fully hope the go full nazi on gun control, that will give the GOP the House and a bigger Senate in 2022.
Great. MAGA.

Another duck out by Mac "stand in the middle in his own mind" 1958.
I don't know what else to say to you. We exist in different realities, and unlike you, I'm not interested in back-and-forth insult fests.
As I write this, here is the situation in America:
  • The President is holed up in the White House, tweeting out the latest claims and conspiracy theories about America's "rigged" election system.
  • The President has not been seen in public since the press conference in which he denied everything, except for a couple of golf outings.
  • The President-Elect is being shut out of critical intelligence briefings and other communications, unlike any other President-Elect has been.
  • The deadly global virus that the President himself admit he downplayed, is exploding and raging through the country faster than ever.
  • Hospital and ICUs are reporting rapidly decreasing space in beds and available services.
  • We have not yet hit the peak of this virus season.
  • Very few Republican elected officials have had the nerve to even congratulate the President-Elect.
  • Trump's legal actions are being regularly tossed out of court.
  • Biden now has 290 electoral votes, making Georgia's recount irrelevant.
  • Our biggest and most dangerous enemies, China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, are observing this with great glee.
  • Our former allies -- our pre-Trump allies -- are congratulating Biden and nervously hoping for some stability from us before it's too late.
So, with that said, who can step in and put an end to this terribly dangerous farce? Please feel free to expand on your answer(s), and you can choose more than one.

I think it needs to be a combination of family and his most loyal servant: Ivanka, Melania, Junior and Pence. All at one time.
So you don't think that the four years of Trump bad - get him out of office - he's illigitimate -the Russians interfered wasn't a terrible and dangerous farce? Please feel free to expand your thoughts to include this as well.

Simply put... Clinton conceded her election and Obama gave him the support for transition...

So your Democrats are bad doesn't play out in real life... This is all Trump...
We assumed that he would make a mockery of the election, as he did with his presidency.

I don't think we've talked much about how the rest of the GOP would act, though. I guess if we had thought more about it, we may have concluded that they're rather save their political necks than do what's best for the country.
What exactly is "best for the nation"? Electing corrupt Joe Biden who is favored and in bed with China and
Russia? And who is subject to blackmail by both those nations?

Is that best for us? I don't think so.
What exactly is "best for the nation"? Electing corrupt Joe Biden who is favored and in bed with China and
Russia? And who is subject to blackmail by both those nations? Is that best for us? I don't think so.
You're making assumptions and accusations that you can't prove.

Maybe a good first step would be for each end of our spectrum to spend less energy on making assumptions and accusations that they can't prove, and more energy on working together for what's "best for the nation". There will be some who lack the emotional capacity to do that. They just won't be a part of progress.
As I write this, here is the situation in America:
  • The President is holed up in the White House, tweeting out the latest claims and conspiracy theories about America's "rigged" election system.
  • The President has not been seen in public since the press conference in which he denied everything, except for a couple of golf outings.
  • The President-Elect is being shut out of critical intelligence briefings and other communications, unlike any other President-Elect has been.
  • The deadly global virus that the President himself admit he downplayed, is exploding and raging through the country faster than ever.
  • Hospital and ICUs are reporting rapidly decreasing space in beds and available services.
  • We have not yet hit the peak of this virus season.
  • Very few Republican elected officials have had the nerve to even congratulate the President-Elect.
  • Trump's legal actions are being regularly tossed out of court.
  • Biden now has 290 electoral votes, making Georgia's recount irrelevant.
  • Our biggest and most dangerous enemies, China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, are observing this with great glee.
  • Our former allies -- our pre-Trump allies -- are congratulating Biden and nervously hoping for some stability from us before it's too late.
So, with that said, who can step in and put an end to this terribly dangerous farce? Please feel free to expand on your answer(s), and you can choose more than one.

I think it needs to be a combination of family and his most loyal servant: Ivanka, Melania, Junior and Pence. All at one time.
Who can step in and end this?
The same person who “stepped in” to stop Democrats from protesting/contesting Trumps presidency over the last four years.
You're making assumptions and accusations that you can't prove.
C'mon man! Joe Biden is now clearly the ‘Beijing-endorsed candidate’ of the CCP | Sky News Australia

Biden has been a long time backer of China. Russia speaks warmly of Biden and socialist democrats.
Do you think you fool anyone? These aren't "assumptions". These are facts known to all.

Maybe a good first step would be for each end of our spectrum to spend less energy on making assumptions and accusations that they can't prove, and more energy on working together for what's "best for the nation". There will be some who lack the emotional capacity to do that. They just won't be a part of progress.
Maybe it would be better if some would stop denying the truth so their partisan biases could step forward and dominate weak minds.
You're making assumptions and accusations that you can't prove.
C'mon man! Joe Biden is now clearly the ‘Beijing-endorsed candidate’ of the CCP | Sky News Australia

Biden has been a long time backer of China. Russia speaks warmly of Biden and socialist democrats.
Do you think you fool anyone?

Maybe a good first step would be for each end of our spectrum to spend less energy on making assumptions and accusations that they can't prove, and more energy on working together for what's "best for the nation". There will be some who lack the emotional capacity to do that. They just won't be a part of progress.
Maybe it would be better if some would stop denying the truth fo their partisan biases could step forward
and assume power.
You're going to believe what you're going to believe.
Supreme court here we come---------------and I think it is going to be Thomas who leads the rebellion against Roberts and the (OTHER) Dems.

Roberts has been compromised for those that don't know----the libs have the dirt on him and his visits to Epstein.

Please present actual evidence... You are basically saying that Thomas will ignore his duties... Trump legal team has yet to present any evidence of massive voter fraud in multiple states which will change the result of the election.
No, I am saying Thomas will do his duties if he can past Roberts who will run cover for the dems
Supreme court here we come---------------and I think it is going to be Thomas who leads the rebellion against Roberts and the (OTHER) Dems.

Roberts has been compromised for those that don't know----the libs have the dirt on him and his visits to Epstein.

Won't even see it. Don't know why you are hanging all your hopes on it.
It won't make it that far.

It's going---dominion election system is uncertified and known to allow and encourage FRAUD and other vote flipping. The election is invalid....and Thomas has already been making some interesting comments. You don't think he is still upset with the way that biden and the other dems treated him in the confirmation hearings do you? Cause man if he is ----5 supremes are going to overrule the other 4.
What are they going to rule on?
Did I not explain it clearly to you. the reason why Trump is concentrating on GA right now is that GEORGIA requires ballots to be kept---ergo they are being hand counted against the computer numbers ( a computer system known to commit fraud)---and a computer system in approximately 30 states and PR including all of the swing states. A computer system that isn't CERTIFIeD as per GA, PENN and other of the states own election laws--------once the hand count numbers come back and if significantly off which is likely given this system------then all swing states using this system will be invalidated whether they kept their ballots for recounts or not. The computer has already been snagged flipping thousands of votes in one small county this election cycle----this means that hundreds of counties that it was used in could produce enough fraudulent votes easily in the millions.

And you're missing the point. Courts do not decide elections. The voters do. 2000 was a rare exception because of a few hundred contested votes in one state. Not almost a half a million clear votes for the other candidate across a half dozen states. Before it would even go to the SC, one of these poo flung lawsuits would have to be taken in and actually issued a decision on by a judge. Then that decision is appealed. After the appeal depending on the circumstances, THEN it can be taken to the SC... and they decide to hear it or not. None of these lawsuits so far has gotten any traction. Except for a few minor victories which had nothing to do with fraud, they've been tossed. So far, all you have here are conspiracy theories. You had a 6000 vote USER error (not software) in one Michigan county. It was caught and corrected..quickly. Trump got all the votes that were coming to him. The rest has just been alt-right nonsense. No..credible..evidence that this software caused any vote tabulation errors.
Hun, you are ignoring what the hold is right now---------its the recount numbers in GEORGIA and other places. Once the tallies come back----this becomes not a state case (if the presidential election is even considered a state case) of election fraud but federal if the hand count does not closely match the Dominion voter system. And remember pumpkin---------------the dems and Clintons dominion DEFENSE to their machines flipping votes for Trump to BIDEN is that the operator simply did not update their system the morning of the vote----------do you realize how many people wouldn't have updated the systems given that this system is used in what thousands of counties at numberous precincts by largely temporary workers?

BTW, it didn't take the Supreme Court long to get involved in the bush/gore case did it.

That election was decided by 500 votes. And in his BS opinion, Scalia clearly stated that Bush v Gore could not be used as a precedent.

Which vote---the ones before of after the Pregnant chads gave birth to new voters as each recount seem to "find" new votes for Gore? Not that it matters because your tallies does not have anything to do with my comment.
As I write this, here is the situation in America:
  • The President is holed up in the White House, tweeting out the latest claims and conspiracy theories about America's "rigged" election system.
  • The President has not been seen in public since the press conference in which he denied everything, except for a couple of golf outings.
  • The President-Elect is being shut out of critical intelligence briefings and other communications, unlike any other President-Elect has been.
  • The deadly global virus that the President himself admit he downplayed, is exploding and raging through the country faster than ever.
  • Hospital and ICUs are reporting rapidly decreasing space in beds and available services.
  • We have not yet hit the peak of this virus season.
  • Very few Republican elected officials have had the nerve to even congratulate the President-Elect.
  • Trump's legal actions are being regularly tossed out of court.
  • Biden now has 290 electoral votes, making Georgia's recount irrelevant.
  • Our biggest and most dangerous enemies, China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, are observing this with great glee.
  • Our former allies -- our pre-Trump allies -- are congratulating Biden and nervously hoping for some stability from us before it's too late.
So, with that said, who can step in and put an end to this terribly dangerous farce? Please feel free to expand on your answer(s), and you can choose more than one.

I think it needs to be a combination of family and his most loyal servant: Ivanka, Melania, Junior and Pence. All at one time.
View attachment 415590
It italy looks like a boot, China can be the chicken.
What exactly is "best for the nation"? Electing corrupt Joe Biden who is favored and in bed with China and
Russia? And who is subject to blackmail by both those nations? Is that best for us? I don't think so.
You're making assumptions and accusations that you can't prove.

Maybe a good first step would be for each end of our spectrum to spend less energy on making assumptions and accusations that they can't prove, and more energy on working together for what's "best for the nation". There will be some who lack the emotional capacity to do that. They just won't be a part of progress.
That is right----ignore the criminal behavior of Biden---never mind the facts or the money trail. Or his bragging of his crimes...
What exactly is "best for the nation"? Electing corrupt Joe Biden who is favored and in bed with China and
Russia? And who is subject to blackmail by both those nations? Is that best for us? I don't think so.
You're making assumptions and accusations that you can't prove.

Maybe a good first step would be for each end of our spectrum to spend less energy on making assumptions and accusations that they can't prove, and more energy on working together for what's "best for the nation". There will be some who lack the emotional capacity to do that. They just won't be a part of progress.
That is right----ignore the criminal behavior of Biden---never mind the facts or the money trail. Or his bragging of his crimes...
If he committed a crime, prove it. Then he can be punished accordingly.

Until then, this is just more talk radio noise.
What exactly is "best for the nation"? Electing corrupt Joe Biden who is favored and in bed with China and
Russia? And who is subject to blackmail by both those nations? Is that best for us? I don't think so.
You're making assumptions and accusations that you can't prove.

Maybe a good first step would be for each end of our spectrum to spend less energy on making assumptions and accusations that they can't prove, and more energy on working together for what's "best for the nation". There will be some who lack the emotional capacity to do that. They just won't be a part of progress.
That is right----ignore the criminal behavior of Biden---never mind the facts or the money trail. Or his bragging of his crimes...
If he committed a crime, prove it. Then he can be punished accordingly.

Until then, this is just more talk radio noise.
You keep pretending like you thugs accept proof.
What exactly is "best for the nation"? Electing corrupt Joe Biden who is favored and in bed with China and
Russia? And who is subject to blackmail by both those nations? Is that best for us? I don't think so.
You're making assumptions and accusations that you can't prove.

Maybe a good first step would be for each end of our spectrum to spend less energy on making assumptions and accusations that they can't prove, and more energy on working together for what's "best for the nation". There will be some who lack the emotional capacity to do that. They just won't be a part of progress.
That is right----ignore the criminal behavior of Biden---never mind the facts or the money trail. Or his bragging of his crimes...
If he committed a crime, prove it. Then he can be punished accordingly.

Until then, this is just more talk radio noise.
You keep pretending like you thugs accept proof.
No, not me, the courts.

Prove it. Back up your words. Let's go.
What exactly is "best for the nation"? Electing corrupt Joe Biden who is favored and in bed with China and
Russia? And who is subject to blackmail by both those nations? Is that best for us? I don't think so.
You're making assumptions and accusations that you can't prove.

Maybe a good first step would be for each end of our spectrum to spend less energy on making assumptions and accusations that they can't prove, and more energy on working together for what's "best for the nation". There will be some who lack the emotional capacity to do that. They just won't be a part of progress.
That is right----ignore the criminal behavior of Biden---never mind the facts or the money trail. Or his bragging of his crimes...
If he committed a crime, prove it. Then he can be punished accordingly.

Until then, this is just more talk radio noise.
You keep pretending like you thugs accept proof.
No, not me, the courts.

Prove it. Back up your words. Let's go.
Classic dembabblery.

progressive shill ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.
What exactly is "best for the nation"? Electing corrupt Joe Biden who is favored and in bed with China and
Russia? And who is subject to blackmail by both those nations? Is that best for us? I don't think so.
You're making assumptions and accusations that you can't prove.

Maybe a good first step would be for each end of our spectrum to spend less energy on making assumptions and accusations that they can't prove, and more energy on working together for what's "best for the nation". There will be some who lack the emotional capacity to do that. They just won't be a part of progress.
That is right----ignore the criminal behavior of Biden---never mind the facts or the money trail. Or his bragging of his crimes...
If he committed a crime, prove it. Then he can be punished accordingly.

Until then, this is just more talk radio noise.
You keep pretending like you thugs accept proof.
No, not me, the courts.

Prove it. Back up your words. Let's go.
Classic dembabblery.

progressive shill ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.
Waiting on the indictments.

Do you have an estimate on that date?
What exactly is "best for the nation"? Electing corrupt Joe Biden who is favored and in bed with China and
Russia? And who is subject to blackmail by both those nations? Is that best for us? I don't think so.
You're making assumptions and accusations that you can't prove.

Maybe a good first step would be for each end of our spectrum to spend less energy on making assumptions and accusations that they can't prove, and more energy on working together for what's "best for the nation". There will be some who lack the emotional capacity to do that. They just won't be a part of progress.
That is right----ignore the criminal behavior of Biden---never mind the facts or the money trail. Or his bragging of his crimes...
If he committed a crime, prove it. Then he can be punished accordingly.

Until then, this is just more talk radio noise.
You keep pretending like you thugs accept proof.
No, not me, the courts.

Prove it. Back up your words. Let's go.
Classic dembabblery.

progressive shill ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.
Waiting on the indictments.

Do you have an estimate on that date?
Hang on traitor, let me meet with Trump and I'll call your stupid ass back.
What exactly is "best for the nation"? Electing corrupt Joe Biden who is favored and in bed with China and
Russia? And who is subject to blackmail by both those nations? Is that best for us? I don't think so.
You're making assumptions and accusations that you can't prove.

Maybe a good first step would be for each end of our spectrum to spend less energy on making assumptions and accusations that they can't prove, and more energy on working together for what's "best for the nation". There will be some who lack the emotional capacity to do that. They just won't be a part of progress.
That is right----ignore the criminal behavior of Biden---never mind the facts or the money trail. Or his bragging of his crimes...
If he committed a crime, prove it. Then he can be punished accordingly.

Until then, this is just more talk radio noise.
You keep pretending like you thugs accept proof.
No, not me, the courts.

Prove it. Back up your words. Let's go.
Classic dembabblery.

progressive shill ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.
Waiting on the indictments.

Do you have an estimate on that date?
Hang on traitor, let me meet with Trump and I'll call your stupid ass back.


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