Poll: Who's going to heaven?

Who's going to heaven?

  • Everyone is going to heaven.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Only the worst of the worst don't go to heaven.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • If you avoid doing anything seriously wrong, you're going to heaven.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Only people of my faith/denomination are going to heaven.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only a select few are going to heaven.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • There is no heaven.

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • I don't know who's going to heaven.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I know I'm not getting into heaven.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only me and a few other people are going to heaven.

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
wow. The "answers" in here are terrible. Let me help you.
He that believeth not God hath made Him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of His Son. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life" (1 John 5:10-13).

Those who repent of their sins and accept Jesus as their personal Savior are Heaven bound.

John 3:16New International Version (NIV)
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

It doesn't matter what you THINK. It matters what God said.
Just thought I'd do a canvas to see what people of this forum think.

I'm not sure how to answer the question myself, so I said I don't know who's going to heaven.

How can anyone say for sure (in the poll) if they can not first prove that heaven exists?

People's thought processes amaze me.

For example, I can say with out a doubt in my mind that Australia exists. I would absolutely love to visit Australia some day and it is very much on my bucket list. I have a thousand times more of a chance of making that happen than I probably do of going to some place that can not be PROVEN to exist - like heaven. .. .

But, can I even say for certain that I will EVER actually get to go to Australia?


The answer is NO.

Even if I had a plane ticket in my hands and reservations for a hotel room paid in advance, there would still be a chance that I wouldn't actually make it to the shoreline.
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wow. The "answers" in here are terrible. Let me help you.
He that believeth not God hath made Him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of His Son. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life" (1 John 5:10-13).

Those who repent of their sins and accept Jesus as their personal Savior are Heaven bound.

John 3:16New International Version (NIV)
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

It doesn't matter what you THINK. It matters what God said.
God said nothing. You're quoting your ancient holy book. Men made that up. Men wrote that.

What you wrote exposes you as being brainwashed. I could find 999 other holy books that say god said....
Just thought I'd do a canvas to see what people of this forum think.

I'm not sure how to answer the question myself, so I said I don't know who's going to heaven.

How can anyone say for sure (in the poll) if they can not first prove that heaven exists?

People's thought processes amaze me.

For example, I can say with out a doubt in my mind that Australia exists. I would absolutely love to visit Australia some day and it is very much on my bucket list. I have a thousand times more of a chance of making that happen than I probably do of going to some place that can not be PROVEN to exist - like heaven. .. .

But, can I even say for certain that I will EVER actually get to go to Australia?


The answer is NO.

Even if I had a plane ticket in my hands and reservations for a hotel room paid in advance, there would still be a chance that I wouldn't actually make it to the shoreline.
And Australia exists.

The real believers are the most nuts. When someone tells me god said that's when I know I'm talking to someone who's brainwashed good
Just thought I'd do a canvas to see what people of this forum think.

I'm not sure how to answer the question myself, so I said I don't know who's going to heaven.
I love it there are so few people who say only Christians go to heaven. I think deep down they believe that's true and if pushed they would have to admit jesus said only through him.

People need to wake up and admit if they don't believe what a religion says then why call yourself a member?

But Christianity, like Islam, will pussy foot around what they believe in public but the truth comes out when the priest gets you one on one.

So no one here is a christian. Not a real one because Christ said he was the only way.

Now watch Christians dance around this fact
Heaven is a man-made concept so that people can accept their crap lives now, because in the future, Mr Invisible will reward them and take care of them.
Heaven is a man-made concept so that people can accept their crap lives now, because in the future, Mr Invisible will reward them and take care of them.
One guy I know who I thought was religious said religion is what you use to teach kids right and wrong but I never hear christian parents or kids ever bring up god in their arguments. I see a kid lying and the parent never uses the god card.

Now Muslims may think about god before making every decision because they practice 7 times a day. We only go to church once a week and maybe say our prayers before bedtime.

And the problems with Muslims is they believe whatever they do is ok because it's God's will.

Everyone believes the line for getting into heaven starts behind them. You have to be at least as good as me to go
Just thought I'd do a canvas to see what people of this forum think.

I'm not sure how to answer the question myself, so I said I don't know who's going to heaven.
I love it there are so few people who say only Christians go to heaven. I think deep down they believe that's true and if pushed they would have to admit jesus said only through him.

People need to wake up and admit if they don't believe what a religion says then why call yourself a member?

But Christianity, like Islam, will pussy foot around what they believe in public but the truth comes out when the priest gets you one on one.

So no one here is a christian. Not a real one because Christ said he was the only way.

Now watch Christians dance around this fact
Jesus means 'Jehovah with us', Christ means 'anointed'. There is no reason to 'dance around' anything as it is fairly simple if you can get into your own head to understand what spirit rules you.
Just thought I'd do a canvas to see what people of this forum think.

I'm not sure how to answer the question myself, so I said I don't know who's going to heaven.
I love it there are so few people who say only Christians go to heaven. I think deep down they believe that's true and if pushed they would have to admit jesus said only through him.

People need to wake up and admit if they don't believe what a religion says then why call yourself a member?

But Christianity, like Islam, will pussy foot around what they believe in public but the truth comes out when the priest gets you one on one.

So no one here is a christian. Not a real one because Christ said he was the only way.

Now watch Christians dance around this fact
Jesus means 'Jehovah with us', Christ means 'anointed'. There is no reason to 'dance around' anything as it is fairly simple if you can get into your own head to understand what spirit rules you.
Then how come I don't understand what you mean not do I think your reply is a thoughtful reply to my comments. Please try again. What are you getting at?
Just thought I'd do a canvas to see what people of this forum think.

I'm not sure how to answer the question myself, so I said I don't know who's going to heaven.
I love it there are so few people who say only Christians go to heaven. I think deep down they believe that's true and if pushed they would have to admit jesus said only through him.

People need to wake up and admit if they don't believe what a religion says then why call yourself a member?

But Christianity, like Islam, will pussy foot around what they believe in public but the truth comes out when the priest gets you one on one.

So no one here is a christian. Not a real one because Christ said he was the only way.

Now watch Christians dance around this fact
Jesus means 'Jehovah with us', Christ means 'anointed'. There is no reason to 'dance around' anything as it is fairly simple if you can get into your own head to understand what spirit rules you.
Then how come I don't understand what you mean not do I think your reply is a thoughtful reply to my comments. Please try again. What are you getting at?
You actually gave yourself much of the answer already. Spirits dwell in the mind. Many Christians and Jews even have no clue what that name Jesus Christ means. It is God with us (in us actually). God is a spirit. The wars are in the spirit (that is a place in the mind). The spirits are what rules our emotions and compels us all each and every day. If I treat you with a spirit of hatred will that not anger your spirit? The same goes for if I treat you with a spirit of love and compassion and your spirit recognizes that will it return the same? Or is your heart hardened to a point where it can't? That is why Jesus said to examine yourselves first and that is a tough thing for humans to do honestly even within themselves so there is a spirit within that is there to deal with these issues. It is individual yet universal.
Just thought I'd do a canvas to see what people of this forum think.

I'm not sure how to answer the question myself, so I said I don't know who's going to heaven.
I love it there are so few people who say only Christians go to heaven. I think deep down they believe that's true and if pushed they would have to admit jesus said only through him.

People need to wake up and admit if they don't believe what a religion says then why call yourself a member?

But Christianity, like Islam, will pussy foot around what they believe in public but the truth comes out when the priest gets you one on one.

So no one here is a christian. Not a real one because Christ said he was the only way.

Now watch Christians dance around this fact
Jesus means 'Jehovah with us', Christ means 'anointed'. There is no reason to 'dance around' anything as it is fairly simple if you can get into your own head to understand what spirit rules you.
Then how come I don't understand what you mean not do I think your reply is a thoughtful reply to my comments. Please try again. What are you getting at?
You actually gave yourself much of the answer already. Spirits dwell in the mind. Many Christians and Jews even have no clue what that name Jesus Christ means. It is God with us (in us actually). God is a spirit. The wars are in the spirit (that is a place in the mind). The spirits are what rules our emotions and compels us all each and every day. If I treat you with a spirit of hatred will that not anger your spirit? The same goes for if I treat you with a spirit of love and compassion and your spirit recognizes that will it return the same? Or is your heart hardened to a point where it can't? That is why Jesus said to examine yourselves first and that is a tough thing for humans to do honestly even within themselves so there is a spirit within that is there to deal with these issues. It is individual yet universal.
So good spirits are god and bad spirits are the devil. Got it.
So good spirits are god and bad spirits are the devil. Got it.

Of the two spirits in man.

This is for the man who would bring other to the inner vision, so that he may understand and teach to all the children of light the real nature of men, touching the different varieties of their temperaments with the distinguishing traits thereof, touching their actions throughout their generations, and touching the reason why they are now visited with afflictions and now enjoy periods of well-being.

All that is and ever was comes from a God of knowledge. Before things came into existence He determined the plan of them; and when they fill their appointed roles, it is in accordance with His glorious design that they discharge their functions. Nothing can be changed. In His hand lies the government of all things. God it is that sustains them in their needs.

Now, this God created man to rule the world, and appointed for him two spirits after whose direction he was to walk until the final Inquisition. They are the spirits of truth and perversity.

The origin of truth lies in the Fountain of Light, and that of perversity in the Wellspring of Darkness. All who practice righteousness are under the domination of the Prince of Lights, and walk in ways of light; whereas all who practice perversity are under the domination of the Angel of Darkness, however, even those who practice righteousness are made liable to error. All their sin and their iniquities, all their guilt and their deeds of transgression are the result of his domination; and this, by God's inscrutable design, will continue until the time appointed by Him. Moreover, all men's afflictions and all their moments of tribulation are due to this being's malevolent sway. All of the spirits that attend upon him are bent on causing the sons of light to stumble. Howbeit, the God of Israel and the Angel of His truth are always there to help the sons of light. It is God that created these spirits of light and darkness and made them the basis of every act, the [instigators] of every deed and the direction and the directors of every thought. The one He loves for to all eternity, and is ever pleased with its deeds; but any association with the other He abhors, and He hates all its ways to the end of time.

This is the way those spirits operate in the world. The enlightenment of man's heart, the making straight before him all the ways of righteousness and truth, the implanting in his heart of fear for the judgments of God, of a spirit of humility, of patience, of abundant compassion, of perpetual goodness, of insight, of perception, of that sense of the Divine Power that is based at once on an apprehension of God's works and a reliance on His plenteous mercy, of a spirit of knowledge informing every plan of action, of a zeal for righteous government, of a hallowed mind in a controlled nature, of abounding love for all who follow the truth, of self-respecting purity which abhors all the taint of filth, of a modesty of behaviour coupled with a general prudence and an ability to hide within oneself the secrets of what one knows - these are the things that come to men in this world through communion with the spirit of truth. And the guerdon of all that walk in its ways is health and abundant well-being, with long life and fruition of seed along with eternal blessings and everlasting joy in the life everlasting, and a crown of glory and a robe of honor, amid light perpetual.

But to the spirit of perversity belong greed, remissness in right doing, wickedness and falsehood, pride and presumption, ruthless deception and guile, abundant insolence, shortness of temper and profusion of folly, arrogant passion, abominable acts in a spirit of lewdness, filthy ways in the thralldom of unchastity, a blasphemous tongue, blindness of eyes, dullness of ears, stiffness of neck and hardness of heart, to the end that a man walks entirely in ways of darkness and of evil cunning. The guerdon of all who walk in such ways is multitude of afflictions at the hands of all the angels of destruction, everlasting perdition through the angry wrath of an avenging God, eternal horror and perpetual reproach, the disgrace of final annihilation in the Fire, darkness throughout the vicissitudes of life in every generation, doleful sorrow, bitter misfortune and darkling ruin-ending in extinction without remnant of survival.

It is to these things that all men are born, and it is to these that all the host of them are heirs throughout their generations. It is in these ways that men needs must walk and it is in these two divisions, according as a man inherits something of each, that all human acts are divided throughout all the ages of eternity. For God has appointed these two things to obtain in equal measure until the final age.

Between the two categories He has set an eternal enmity. Deeds of perversity are an abomination to Truth, while all the ways of Truth are an abomination to perversity; and there is a constant jealous rivalry between their two regimes, for they do not march in accord. Howbeit, God in His inscrutable wisdom has appointed a term for existence of perversity, and when the time of Inquisition comes, He will destroy it for ever. Then truth will emerge triumphant for the world, albeit now until the time of the final judgment it go sullying itself in the ways of wickedness owing to the domination of perversity. Then, too, God will purge all the acts of man in the crucible of His Truth, and refine for Himself all the fabric of man, destroying every spirit of perversity from within his flesh and cleansing him by the holy spirit from all the effects of wickedness. Like waters of purification He will sprinkle upon the spirit of truth, to cleanse him of all the abominations of falsehood and of all pollution through the spirit of filth; to the end that, being made upright, men may have understanding of transcendental knowledge and of the lore of the sons of heaven, and that, being made blameless in their ways, they may be endowed with inner vision. For them has God chosen to be the partners of His eternal covenant, and theirs shall be all mortal glory. Perversity shall be no more, and all works of deceit shall be put to shame.

Thus far, the spirits of truth and perversity have been struggling in the heart of man. Men have walked both in wisdom and folly. If a man casts his portion with the truth, he does righteously and hates perversity; if he casts it with perversity, he does wickedly and abominates truth. For God has appointed them in equal measure until the final age, until 'He makes all things new'. He foreknows the effect of their works in every epoch of the world, and He has made men heirs to them that they might know good and evil. But [when the time] of Inquisition [comes], He will determine the fate of every living being in accordance with which of the [two spirits he has chosen to follow].

Manual of Discipline

Just thought I'd do a canvas to see what people of this forum think.

I'm not sure how to answer the question myself, so I said I don't know who's going to heaven.
I love it there are so few people who say only Christians go to heaven. I think deep down they believe that's true and if pushed they would have to admit jesus said only through him.

People need to wake up and admit if they don't believe what a religion says then why call yourself a member?

But Christianity, like Islam, will pussy foot around what they believe in public but the truth comes out when the priest gets you one on one.

So no one here is a christian. Not a real one because Christ said he was the only way.

Now watch Christians dance around this fact
Jesus means 'Jehovah with us', Christ means 'anointed'. There is no reason to 'dance around' anything as it is fairly simple if you can get into your own head to understand what spirit rules you.
Then how come I don't understand what you mean not do I think your reply is a thoughtful reply to my comments. Please try again. What are you getting at?
You actually gave yourself much of the answer already. Spirits dwell in the mind. Many Christians and Jews even have no clue what that name Jesus Christ means. It is God with us (in us actually). God is a spirit. The wars are in the spirit (that is a place in the mind). The spirits are what rules our emotions and compels us all each and every day. If I treat you with a spirit of hatred will that not anger your spirit? The same goes for if I treat you with a spirit of love and compassion and your spirit recognizes that will it return the same? Or is your heart hardened to a point where it can't? That is why Jesus said to examine yourselves first and that is a tough thing for humans to do honestly even within themselves so there is a spirit within that is there to deal with these issues. It is individual yet universal.
So good spirits are god and bad spirits are the devil. Got it.
In the New Testament it is son of perdition vs son of God. One goes down (the beastly portion) one goes up (the heavenly portion). We have a good side to us and a bad side do we not? In those are many aspects.
I think Heaven is just like here, without all the shit we've made for ourselves, as was the original intention.
I think this is a good start. Heaven is a place on earth. It is the fellowship of Creation with its creator, on the earth.

But God's people were idolaters; when Adam and Eve discovered a "forbidden fruit," something they valued more highly than God, they naturally had no access to the tree of life (God). This scenario plays out repeatedly among the Israelites - with Noah, who worshipped God but whose progeny did not, with Abraham and Sarah (and Isaac), who worshipped God but whose progeny did not. And elsewhere.

But finally, after the crucifixion of their Messiah, the things of heaven and the things of earth were once for all united.

The church that Jesus built - his kingdom - is God's kingdom on the earth, that nothing has yet prevailed against. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

The Lord, of course, promises not only a more abundant life (a more in-depth discussion might convince you that Christianity has indeed liberated humankind), but also an eternal life. Is that heaven on another plane? Perhaps, but I seldom dwell on it. The Bible says next to nothing about it.
We have a good side to us and a bad side do we not?

Sure but until a person go all in, one way or the other, they really can't be one way or the other.

Be careful, sitting on the fence too long can get rather painful.
I don't sit on the fence. I do however understand that the Lord does not leave the land barren and all things are in the Lord's time not yours or mine.
wow. The "answers" in here are terrible. Let me help you.
He that believeth not God hath made Him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of His Son. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life" (1 John 5:10-13).

Those who repent of their sins and accept Jesus as their personal Savior are Heaven bound.

John 3:16New International Version (NIV)
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

It doesn't matter what you THINK. It matters what God said.
Who said he said that?
wow. The "answers" in here are terrible. Let me help you.
He that believeth not God hath made Him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of His Son. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life" (1 John 5:10-13).

Those who repent of their sins and accept Jesus as their personal Savior are Heaven bound.

John 3:16New International Version (NIV)
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

It doesn't matter what you THINK. It matters what God said.
Who said he said that?
New Pew research poll shows that 55% of Americans think religion is the answer to our problems. And you would think that number would be lower than the last time they asked but it's actually up. Last time 51% said so.

We aren't a very religious nation anymore. We are more religious than Europe which is why we know religion is used to control and it makes people stupid because more Americans deny global warming and evolution than europeans. That stupidity can be directly associated with religion.
there is an Everlasting, the genome of life exists before a person is born to bring them to life - through Antiquity to the 1st century the path forward was being addressed, that no longer is the case.

from Antiquity the ticket was to accomplish the Triumph of Good vs Evil to receive an invitation and possible employment.

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