Poll: Who's going to heaven?

Who's going to heaven?

  • Everyone is going to heaven.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Only the worst of the worst don't go to heaven.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • If you avoid doing anything seriously wrong, you're going to heaven.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Only people of my faith/denomination are going to heaven.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only a select few are going to heaven.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • There is no heaven.

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • I don't know who's going to heaven.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I know I'm not getting into heaven.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only me and a few other people are going to heaven.

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
there is an Everlasting, the genome of life exists before a person is born to bring them to life - through Antiquity to the 1st century the path forward was being addressed, that no longer is the case.

from Antiquity the ticket was to accomplish the Triumph of Good vs Evil to receive an invitation and possible employment.
What the hell are you talking about? Time and space are eternal. Energy flows, things die, the energy goes back out into the planet and eventually that energy will get released back into the Cosmos when our solar system dies out. Eventually our universe will die when new stars stop forming. Eventually they'll be no light in our universe. You, earth, all the other stars and planets and moons and comets and meteors will come together to start another big bang.

Your energy maybe has been eternal to some degree but do you remember before you were born? That's what it'll be like after you die.

Did you suffer much before you were conceived?
What the hell are you talking about? Time and space are eternal. Energy flows, things die, the energy goes back out into the planet and eventually that energy will get released back into the Cosmos when our solar system dies out. Eventually our universe will die when new stars stop forming. Eventually they'll be no light in our universe. You, earth, all the other stars and planets and moons and comets and meteors will come together to start another big bang.

Your energy maybe has been eternal to some degree but do you remember before you were born? That's what it'll be like after you die.

Did you suffer much before you were conceived?

We can't remember all that happened to us when we were eight years old (or even last year); yet, despite not remembering, we were still in existence despite the lapse in memory of it.
I'm a religious person...therefore I don't know who goes to heaven. It amazes me when religious folks think they know who and who doesn't get to go to heaven...because it's not their choice. I believe it's God's decision and not mine.
there is an Everlasting, the genome of life exists before a person is born to bring them to life - through Antiquity to the 1st century the path forward was being addressed, that no longer is the case.

from Antiquity the ticket was to accomplish the Triumph of Good vs Evil to receive an invitation and possible employment.
What the hell are you talking about? Time and space are eternal. Energy flows, things die, the energy goes back out into the planet and eventually that energy will get released back into the Cosmos when our solar system dies out. Eventually our universe will die when new stars stop forming. Eventually they'll be no light in our universe. You, earth, all the other stars and planets and moons and comets and meteors will come together to start another big bang.

Your energy maybe has been eternal to some degree but do you remember before you were born? That's what it'll be like after you die.

Did you suffer much before you were conceived?
but do you remember before you were born? That's what it'll be like after you die.

the genome of life exists before you are born and your sequence exists prior to your germination, a specific memory would not begin till after completion so no the memory eludes remembrance prior to birth.

that would not be the case for when the biology comes to its conclusion. whatever configuration that exist of the Being not biological conceivably has an ability to reconnect to the genome it came from ... would an albatross like AH (hitler) be welcomed - to wreck havoc on the source of life they disdained, no - that's why being acceptable after the biology expires is simply a logical barrier for those attempting to live again, admission to the Everlasting.
What the hell are you talking about? Time and space are eternal. Energy flows, things die, the energy goes back out into the planet and eventually that energy will get released back into the Cosmos when our solar system dies out. Eventually our universe will die when new stars stop forming. Eventually they'll be no light in our universe. You, earth, all the other stars and planets and moons and comets and meteors will come together to start another big bang.

Your energy maybe has been eternal to some degree but do you remember before you were born? That's what it'll be like after you die.

Did you suffer much before you were conceived?

We can't remember all that happened to us when we were eight years old (or even last year); yet, despite not remembering, we were still in existence despite the lapse in memory of it.
You did not exist before you were born. Humans are so arrogant they can't imagine a world without them.

So you invented a heaven where you become gods. You're as fucked up as people who believed in Thor Zeus and pluto
there is an Everlasting, the genome of life exists before a person is born to bring them to life - through Antiquity to the 1st century the path forward was being addressed, that no longer is the case.

from Antiquity the ticket was to accomplish the Triumph of Good vs Evil to receive an invitation and possible employment.
What the hell are you talking about? Time and space are eternal. Energy flows, things die, the energy goes back out into the planet and eventually that energy will get released back into the Cosmos when our solar system dies out. Eventually our universe will die when new stars stop forming. Eventually they'll be no light in our universe. You, earth, all the other stars and planets and moons and comets and meteors will come together to start another big bang.

Your energy maybe has been eternal to some degree but do you remember before you were born? That's what it'll be like after you die.

Did you suffer much before you were conceived?
but do you remember before you were born? That's what it'll be like after you die.

the genome of life exists before you are born and your sequence exists prior to your germination, a specific memory would not begin till after completion so no the memory eludes remembrance prior to birth.

that would not be the case for when the biology comes to its conclusion. whatever configuration that exist of the Being not biological conceivably has an ability to reconnect to the genome it came from ... would an albatross like AH (hitler) be welcomed - to wreck havoc on the source of life they disdained, no - that's why being acceptable after the biology expires is simply a logical barrier for those attempting to live again, admission to the Everlasting.
So you think me you and Hitler were pre destined to be born. 13 billion years ago I existed and was coming for sure?

And he knew Hitler was coming?
there is an Everlasting, the genome of life exists before a person is born to bring them to life - through Antiquity to the 1st century the path forward was being addressed, that no longer is the case.

from Antiquity the ticket was to accomplish the Triumph of Good vs Evil to receive an invitation and possible employment.
What the hell are you talking about? Time and space are eternal. Energy flows, things die, the energy goes back out into the planet and eventually that energy will get released back into the Cosmos when our solar system dies out. Eventually our universe will die when new stars stop forming. Eventually they'll be no light in our universe. You, earth, all the other stars and planets and moons and comets and meteors will come together to start another big bang.

Your energy maybe has been eternal to some degree but do you remember before you were born? That's what it'll be like after you die.

Did you suffer much before you were conceived?
but do you remember before you were born? That's what it'll be like after you die.

the genome of life exists before you are born and your sequence exists prior to your germination, a specific memory would not begin till after completion so no the memory eludes remembrance prior to birth.

that would not be the case for when the biology comes to its conclusion. whatever configuration that exist of the Being not biological conceivably has an ability to reconnect to the genome it came from ... would an albatross like AH (hitler) be welcomed - to wreck havoc on the source of life they disdained, no - that's why being acceptable after the biology expires is simply a logical barrier for those attempting to live again, admission to the Everlasting.
So you think me you and Hitler were pre destined to be born. 13 billion years ago I existed and was coming for sure?

And he knew Hitler was coming?
So you think me you and Hitler were pre destined to be born.

no though the sequence is unique for each individual once set in motion and certainly no one is predestined to live beyond their physiology ... just that for those who make the attempt, certain rules are required for remission.
there is an Everlasting, the genome of life exists before a person is born to bring them to life - through Antiquity to the 1st century the path forward was being addressed, that no longer is the case.

from Antiquity the ticket was to accomplish the Triumph of Good vs Evil to receive an invitation and possible employment.
What the hell are you talking about? Time and space are eternal. Energy flows, things die, the energy goes back out into the planet and eventually that energy will get released back into the Cosmos when our solar system dies out. Eventually our universe will die when new stars stop forming. Eventually they'll be no light in our universe. You, earth, all the other stars and planets and moons and comets and meteors will come together to start another big bang.

Your energy maybe has been eternal to some degree but do you remember before you were born? That's what it'll be like after you die.

Did you suffer much before you were conceived?
but do you remember before you were born? That's what it'll be like after you die.

the genome of life exists before you are born and your sequence exists prior to your germination, a specific memory would not begin till after completion so no the memory eludes remembrance prior to birth.

that would not be the case for when the biology comes to its conclusion. whatever configuration that exist of the Being not biological conceivably has an ability to reconnect to the genome it came from ... would an albatross like AH (hitler) be welcomed - to wreck havoc on the source of life they disdained, no - that's why being acceptable after the biology expires is simply a logical barrier for those attempting to live again, admission to the Everlasting.
So you think me you and Hitler were pre destined to be born. 13 billion years ago I existed and was coming for sure?

And he knew Hitler was coming?
So you think me you and Hitler were pre destined to be born.

no though the sequence is unique for each individual once set in motion and certainly no one is predestined to live beyond their physiology ... just that for those who make the attempt, certain rules are required for remission.
The way you write I imagine wc Fields voice. Ah yes my little chickadee
Heaven is a man-made concept so that people can accept their crap lives now, because in the future, Mr Invisible will reward them and take care of them.

You couldnt be more wrong...as usual.
Fuck, if there's a heaven and a god I am going to heaven....

Why because I've helped people and I am compassionate.

are you sure about that? =)

...when the loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit...whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior.
Bieng justified by his grace, we might become heirs to the hope of eternal life.
(Titus 3 4-7)

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For me, heaven is hard work. I would not enjoy an eternity of not working. Maybe it's because I've had so many long years of marginal employment, praying so hard for a full-time job. In my mind, lack of work is the equivalent of hell.

It would get pretty boring up there just floating around doing nothing.:laugh:
I hope there are trees, plants, mountains and animals. One long celestial camping trip would be ideal.
For me, heaven is hard work. I would not enjoy an eternity of not working. Maybe it's because I've had so many long years of marginal employment, praying so hard for a full-time job. In my mind, lack of work is the equivalent of hell.

It would get pretty boring up there just floating around doing nothing.:laugh:
I hope there are trees, plants, mountains and animals. One long celestial camping trip would be ideal.
One of my favorite things is working on my brothers property. Remember building forts when you were kids? In heaven work would be like that. But no running out of wood or nails.
For me, heaven is hard work. I would not enjoy an eternity of not working. Maybe it's because I've had so many long years of marginal employment, praying so hard for a full-time job. In my mind, lack of work is the equivalent of hell.

It would get pretty boring up there just floating around doing nothing.:laugh:
I hope there are trees, plants, mountains and animals. One long celestial camping trip would be ideal.
One of my favorite things is working on my brothers property. Remember building forts when you were kids? In heaven work would be like that. But no running out of wood or nails.

exactly... fulfilling work. Nails would appear out of nowhere. glowing ones. :lmao:
Matthew 7:7-8
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Luke 11:9-13
9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
10 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
11 If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?
12 Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?
13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

Doctrine and Covenants 88:63
63 Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
The man who invented heaven and hell, he had a name, and that's Jesus.

That's the name of the man.

So then Jesus isn't unconditionally loving. Got it.
He's not. Next question.

You're agreeing that he isn't unconditionally loving?
He loves us, but if we don't love him back, and don't want to be with him, he will respect that choice.

How can he reasonably expect anyone to love him? How does anyone know he ever existed in the first place? How can anyone know that he's God?

Answer: He can't. He gave us brains and the ability to reason, and he left us with jack shit in terms of evidence of his existence and zero evidence that he's God. There is literally no way to know if he's God or if he was a man-made idea plagiarized from a mishmash of paganism and ancient Egyptian mythology. This is the retarded Christian conundrum, it's an endless loop of failures in logic.

You absolutely can tell He is God. He has described the end from the beginning. Mortals can't do that.
So then Jesus isn't unconditionally loving. Got it.
He's not. Next question.

You're agreeing that he isn't unconditionally loving?
He loves us, but if we don't love him back, and don't want to be with him, he will respect that choice.

How can he reasonably expect anyone to love him? How does anyone know he ever existed in the first place? How can anyone know that he's God?

Answer: He can't. He gave us brains and the ability to reason, and he left us with jack shit in terms of evidence of his existence and zero evidence that he's God. There is literally no way to know if he's God or if he was a man-made idea plagiarized from a mishmash of paganism and ancient Egyptian mythology. This is the retarded Christian conundrum, it's an endless loop of failures in logic.

You absolutely can tell He is God. He has described the end from the beginning. Mortals can't do that.
He didn't describe anything. Some men wrote that book.

The end hasn't come yet so how do you know he described it right?
He has b
He's not. Next question.

You're agreeing that he isn't unconditionally loving?
He loves us, but if we don't love him back, and don't want to be with him, he will respect that choice.

How can he reasonably expect anyone to love him? How does anyone know he ever existed in the first place? How can anyone know that he's God?

Answer: He can't. He gave us brains and the ability to reason, and he left us with jack shit in terms of evidence of his existence and zero evidence that he's God. There is literally no way to know if he's God or if he was a man-made idea plagiarized from a mishmash of paganism and ancient Egyptian mythology. This is the retarded Christian conundrum, it's an endless loop of failures in logic.

You absolutely can tell He is God. He has described the end from the beginning. Mortals can't do that.
He didn't describe anything. Some men wrote that book.

The end hasn't come yet so how do you know he described it right?

He began predicting in Genesis, and continued throughout. He told Daniel the exact date that Israel would become a nation again, that it would happen in a day. "Some men" don't have the capacity to do that.

Pagan ruler Cyrus let the Jews go home and build their temple. 150 years earlier, God told Isaiah about the birth of a man named Cyrus and that he would free the Jews and even tell them to go build their temple.
You can't even tell me who will win the Belmont Sat.
God predicted some 10,000 times in the Bible to let you know just who is in control.

Man penned what God inspired. If you and I wrote a book about Benghazi, we would have 2 completely different books. Mine would blame Muslim Obama and yours would blame a video. And yet 40 men, who for the most part didn't even know each other contributed to the book over time that is absolutely cohesive. Man can't do that either.

Here is a good one:
“a wild ass among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. And he shall dwell over against all his brethren” (Genesis 16:12).

^ as we watch the carnage in Britain, looks like God nailed that one didn't he...
Heaven is a man-made concept so that people can accept their crap lives now, because in the future, Mr Invisible will reward them and take care of them.

You couldnt be more wrong...as usual.

How so? You have proof of heaven?

God has never lied to us. The Bible is proof of that. Christ never lied. So why would you assume that they lied about Heaven? Christ was witnessed talking to long dead Moses and never dead Enoch. Where had they come from?
Heaven is real. It is in a dimension not bound by time or gravity. It is about the size of the United States, and will be moved to earth following the millennial reign of Christ. It has a government, it has streets, homes, tables, chairs, a military force, and our horribly scarred brother.
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