Poll: Who's going to win the election?

The way things stand now, who do you think will win the the election?

  • Trump

  • Hillary

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.
Oh come on look at Hillary solutions to the nation problems, for example...well ah...um well there's that one thing...ah...ah...okay never mind she's an idiot with no solutions no wonder Dems are depressed.

I don't know if they are depressed, but it certainly seems they are worried. I can't blame them.

I think the debate was a tie only because Trump didn't capitalize on openings Hillary gave him. However.......the next moderator might not be so favorable to Hillary. They might not be so consumed about who Trump called fat, the birther thing that nobody cares about, his tax returns and so on. The next moderator might actually focus on things that pertain to actually being President.

I think Trump or someone clever came up with a strategy to lay back and let Hillary show all her cards in prep for the final debate. Art of the deal? All Trump had to accomplish in this debate really was destroy the left's narrative that he's not fit, mission accomplished. I'd keep a very close eye on the next debate now that Hillary has shown her hand.
Even truly dumb spin like yours is still spin.

Translation...I HATE that Bluelegend poster, your unhinged okay duly noted.
Well, I do hate stupid people. They are very annoying and you are right up there so far.

So much bottled up hate and anger, attempting to insult some internet poster isn't the answer, why don't you speak to your mother about your problems maybe she can help or join a support group online.
I don't know if they are depressed, but it certainly seems they are worried. I can't blame them.

I think the debate was a tie only because Trump didn't capitalize on openings Hillary gave him. However.......the next moderator might not be so favorable to Hillary. They might not be so consumed about who Trump called fat, the birther thing that nobody cares about, his tax returns and so on. The next moderator might actually focus on things that pertain to actually being President.

I think Trump or someone clever came up with a strategy to lay back and let Hillary show all her cards in prep for the final debate. Art of the deal? All Trump had to accomplish in this debate really was destroy the left's narrative that he's not fit, mission accomplished. I'd keep a very close eye on the next debate now that Hillary has shown her hand.
Even truly dumb spin like yours is still spin.

Translation...I HATE that Bluelegend poster, your unhinged okay duly noted.
Well, I do hate stupid people. They are very annoying and you are right up there so far.

So much bottled up hate and anger, attempting to insult some internet poster isn't the answer, why don't you speak to your mother about your problems maybe she can help or join a support group online.
Those as stupid as you cannot be insulted. It's impossible. You can only be offended, by what you cannot understand or deal with.
The elite is going to win. They'll have their tax breaks still, they'll have cities and states competing to give them handouts, they'll still have a pool of under educated cheap workers, nothing will change. They'll win for sure, who ever gets the most votes and the most electoral college votes.
I don't know if they are depressed, but it certainly seems they are worried. I can't blame them.

I think the debate was a tie only because Trump didn't capitalize on openings Hillary gave him. However.......the next moderator might not be so favorable to Hillary. They might not be so consumed about who Trump called fat, the birther thing that nobody cares about, his tax returns and so on. The next moderator might actually focus on things that pertain to actually being President.

I think Trump or someone clever came up with a strategy to lay back and let Hillary show all her cards in prep for the final debate. Art of the deal? All Trump had to accomplish in this debate really was destroy the left's narrative that he's not fit, mission accomplished. I'd keep a very close eye on the next debate now that Hillary has shown her hand.
Even truly dumb spin like yours is still spin.

Translation...I HATE that Bluelegend poster, your unhinged okay duly noted.
Well, I do hate stupid people. They are very annoying and you are right up there so far.

So much bottled up hate and anger, attempting to insult some internet poster isn't the answer, why don't you speak to your mother about your problems maybe she can help or join a support group online.

Really...insults, angry confrontation, and blatant falsehoods. What have they ever gotten anyone....wait....maybe the GOP nomination?
I think Trump or someone clever came up with a strategy to lay back and let Hillary show all her cards in prep for the final debate. Art of the deal? All Trump had to accomplish in this debate really was destroy the left's narrative that he's not fit, mission accomplished. I'd keep a very close eye on the next debate now that Hillary has shown her hand.
Even truly dumb spin like yours is still spin.

Translation...I HATE that Bluelegend poster, your unhinged okay duly noted.
Well, I do hate stupid people. They are very annoying and you are right up there so far.

So much bottled up hate and anger, attempting to insult some internet poster isn't the answer, why don't you speak to your mother about your problems maybe she can help or join a support group online.
Those as stupid as you cannot be insulted. It's impossible. You can only be offended, by what you cannot understand or deal with.

I see, why don't you lay down on a couch and tell us all about it, begin with your obviously troubled childhood...
I think Trump or someone clever came up with a strategy to lay back and let Hillary show all her cards in prep for the final debate. Art of the deal? All Trump had to accomplish in this debate really was destroy the left's narrative that he's not fit, mission accomplished. I'd keep a very close eye on the next debate now that Hillary has shown her hand.
Even truly dumb spin like yours is still spin.

Translation...I HATE that Bluelegend poster, your unhinged okay duly noted.
Well, I do hate stupid people. They are very annoying and you are right up there so far.

So much bottled up hate and anger, attempting to insult some internet poster isn't the answer, why don't you speak to your mother about your problems maybe she can help or join a support group online.

Really...insults, angry confrontation, and blatant falsehoods. What have they ever gotten anyone....wait....maybe the GOP nomination?

Jeb Bush is that you? lol
Even truly dumb spin like yours is still spin.

Translation...I HATE that Bluelegend poster, your unhinged okay duly noted.
Well, I do hate stupid people. They are very annoying and you are right up there so far.

So much bottled up hate and anger, attempting to insult some internet poster isn't the answer, why don't you speak to your mother about your problems maybe she can help or join a support group online.
Those as stupid as you cannot be insulted. It's impossible. You can only be offended, by what you cannot understand or deal with.

I see, why don't you lay down on a couch and tell us all about it, begin with your obviously troubled childhood...
It was terrible, my daddy could only afford to give me a small $500,000 dollar loan. It took me until age 22 to make my first million, all by myself. I suffered terribly during the wait, required to park my own car at the three star restaurants I ate at nightly. It very was degrading. I was forced to use recreational drugs and call-girls just to survive. It's really too tragic to speak of, I can say no more.
Hillary will win, Trump cant even get republicans to support him

Maybe not, but this is not an election about your favorite person, this is an election to keep the other person out.

I'm voting for Trump, not because I think he is a great pick for the job, but to keep Hil-Liar out. Too much rides on this election especially for those who are strong on the Second Amendment and those who have been negatively affected by illegals in our country. They may hold their nose while voting, but those Republicans are not about to hand Hil-Liar the election either.

Liar? Are you blind? Four reputable newspapers showing that your messiah lied many times more than Hillary.
There are total of 80 newspapers endorsing Hillary compared to Trump I think 8. Don't tell me that they are all lying.

The weekend America's newspapers called Donald Trump a liar

The weekend America's newspapers called Donald Trump a liar
By Brian Stelter September 26, 2016 05:53AM EDT
On the weekend leading up to 2016's first presidential debate, four news organizations came to a similar and sweeping conclusion: Donald Trump lies more often than Hillary Clinton.
In a normal election year this would be extraordinary. On Sunday editors and reporters at the newsrooms used another word: necessary.
The New York Times story — "A Week of Whoppers" — came out first on Saturday. Politico, The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times all followed within hours.
if Women, Hispanics, and Blacks show up and vote Trump loses ... if they don't, he has a chance.
Trump will win. People are sick of Hillary, her scandals, her corruption, her failures.

Corrupt? Let's see. Has Hillary been indicted or sued for any kind of corruptions? Link?
Trump was sued 3,500 times.
He is currently being sued with fraud. currently NY AG are looking for fraud on trump foundation.
Hillary will win, Trump cant even get republicans to support him
I was interested in Hill's speech in NH today. Here's a picture.
Fleischer: Clinton running to Sanders isn't genuine

There probably 100+ people. Last night's Trump rally had 9,000 and left 6,500 outside, according to police.

So, you say Trump can't get Republicans to support him? LMAO

I freeze the frame....... people that are sitting on the right side of the screen. There's about 60 to 80 people there already. Not counting the rest of the crowd. Why do you lie to prove your point? Look at your link again if there are only 100+ in that rally.
Since you lied....... do you have link to prove the 9,000 and 6,500 outside?
Trump will win. People are sick of Hillary, her scandals, her corruption, her failures.

Corrupt? Let's see. Has Hillary been indicted or sued for any kind of corruptions? Link?
Trump was sued 3,500 times.
He is currently being sued with fraud. currently NY AG are looking for fraud on trump foundation.

he was fined 2500 for buying off the Florida AG
Hillary will win, Trump cant even get republicans to support him
Trump does have the Republican base behind him now. The few sore losers are not peeling of the votes like they did anymore.
One out of four GOP women will not vote for him.
Actually, I agree. More Republican female voters will vote for Hillary than democrat female voters. They'll switch floors.The leaders have swapped parties this election.
The women in the general population unfortunately do not follow politics or even have an interest. It's very frustrating to try to have a cohesive conversation with a lady about politics. They are less likely to vote, I would guess.

More women cast ballots in 2012 than men. Jackson is continuously full of shit.

How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center

Obama won women 55 to 44% Hillary will do better than that.

My prediction is Clinton gets over 300 electoral votes. 308 to be exact.

Oh come on look at Hillary solutions to the nation problems, for example...well ah...um well there's that one thing...ah...ah...okay never mind she's an idiot with no solutions no wonder Dems are depressed.

I don't know if they are depressed, but it certainly seems they are worried. I can't blame them.

I think the debate was a tie only because Trump didn't capitalize on openings Hillary gave him. However.......the next moderator might not be so favorable to Hillary. They might not be so consumed about who Trump called fat, the birther thing that nobody cares about, his tax returns and so on. The next moderator might actually focus on things that pertain to actually being President.

I think Trump or someone clever came up with a strategy to lay back and let Hillary show all her cards in prep for the final debate. Art of the deal? All Trump had to accomplish in this debate really was destroy the left's narrative that he's not fit, mission accomplished. I'd keep a very close eye on the next debate now that Hillary has shown her hand.

Yeah, the back hand, the hook, the jab, the haymaker, the upper cut and is now using it to wave bye bye as she pulls away in the polls.
Hillary will win, Trump cant even get republicans to support him

Maybe not, but this is not an election about your favorite person, this is an election to keep the other person out.

I'm voting for Trump, not because I think he is a great pick for the job, but to keep Hil-Liar out. Too much rides on this election especially for those who are strong on the Second Amendment and those who have been negatively affected by illegals in our country. They may hold their nose while voting, but those Republicans are not about to hand Hil-Liar the election either.

Liar? Are you blind? Four reputable newspapers showing that your messiah lied many times more than Hillary.
There are total of 80 newspapers endorsing Hillary compared to Trump I think 8. Don't tell me that they are all lying.

The weekend America's newspapers called Donald Trump a liar

The weekend America's newspapers called Donald Trump a liar
By Brian Stelter September 26, 2016 05:53AM EDT
On the weekend leading up to 2016's first presidential debate, four news organizations came to a similar and sweeping conclusion: Donald Trump lies more often than Hillary Clinton.
In a normal election year this would be extraordinary. On Sunday editors and reporters at the newsrooms used another word: necessary.
The New York Times story — "A Week of Whoppers" — came out first on Saturday. Politico, The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times all followed within hours.

Comrade T not only lies. He lies and doubles down on his insistence that he never lied. And it isn't that he is lying about a reported statement, he lies about statements that can be proven by video.

I have been voting since 1976, and I cannot remember a candidate that is more or a liar and/or as delusional as Comrade T.

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