Poll: Who's going to win the election?

The way things stand now, who do you think will win the the election?

  • Trump

  • Hillary

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.
Liar? Are you blind? Four reputable newspapers showing that your messiah lied many times more than Hillary.
There are total of 80 newspapers endorsing Hillary compared to Trump I think 8. Don't tell me that they are all lying.

The weekend America's newspapers called Donald Trump a liar

The weekend America's newspapers called Donald Trump a liar
By Brian Stelter September 26, 2016 05:53AM EDT
On the weekend leading up to 2016's first presidential debate, four news organizations came to a similar and sweeping conclusion: Donald Trump lies more often than Hillary Clinton.
In a normal election year this would be extraordinary. On Sunday editors and reporters at the newsrooms used another word: necessary.
The New York Times story — "A Week of Whoppers" — came out first on Saturday. Politico, The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times all followed within hours.

They both lie just like any other candidate in presidential elections. It's not so much about lying than what the lies were about.

Sorry Charmin, I don't care if Trump is a millionaire or a billionaire. I don't care if or how much he paid in federal income tax. I don't care if he can or can't show his tax returns right now. I don't care how much he gave to charity.

I DO care about a criminal lying to Congress under oath. I DO care about a criminal going through the expense and time to set up a private server so she could erase evidence of her wrongdoings. I DO care about a dunderhead exposing our classified information to our enemies. I do care that those enemies could use that information to blackmail our President after she's in office. I do care about somebody that has proven herself to be incompetent and uncaring about the country.
he was fined 2500 for buying off the Florida AG


Here you go Chief!


Charities are barred by law from supporting political activities. Hicks said Tuesday that the improper foundation check was the result of a series of clerical errors, and that the billionaire businessman had intended to support Bondi with personal funds.

The Trump Foundation on its 2013 tax return then incorrectly reported that the $25,000 was paid not to the pro-Bondi political group, but to a similarly named charity in Kansas that got no Trump money.

The Washington Post first reported last week that Trump's charity paid an IRS penalty of $2,500 earlier this year, following media reports about the impermissible 2013 donation. It was not clear immediately whether the foundation has yet amended its tax returns to correct the reporting error
I am surprised the voting on the question is even close, since this board is dominated by RW Hacks. I guess reality is sinking in.

Sadly, the GOP should have nominated a rock solid candidate this year and should have retaken the WH. But they nominated an Orange Clown. GO FIGURE? o_O
he was fined 2500 for buying off the Florida AG


Here you go Chief!


Charities are barred by law from supporting political activities. Hicks said Tuesday that the improper foundation check was the result of a series of clerical errors, and that the billionaire businessman had intended to support Bondi with personal funds.

The Trump Foundation on its 2013 tax return then incorrectly reported that the $25,000 was paid not to the pro-Bondi political group, but to a similarly named charity in Kansas that got no Trump money.

The Washington Post first reported last week that Trump's charity paid an IRS penalty of $2,500 earlier this year, following media reports about the impermissible 2013 donation. It was not clear immediately whether the foundation has yet amended its tax returns to correct the reporting error

Well thank you; not only for the article, but to let us know how desperate your side is by bringing up an error of where money went, three years ago according to what you posted.

Do you have anything about Trump playing a prank on a high school class mate by cutting his hair, or a DUI from 20 years ago by any chance?
I am surprised the voting on the question is even close, since this board is dominated by RW Hacks. I guess reality is sinking in.

Sadly, the GOP should have nominated a rock solid candidate this year and should have retaken the WH. But they nominated an Orange Clown. GO FIGURE?

Yep. We didn't do as good of a job picking our candidate as you did yours. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Who do you think is going to win?

Hillary will win and not because her plans and vision are any better then Donald's. In the end I feel like Americans will stick with the devil they know over the devil they don't. Whoever wins will be one term and not at all popular and largely ineffective. I do agree with Ray, it will be close, but in the end the DNC fraud machine will pull twitch across the finish line and Bill will be getting blown in the oil office by March 2017.
Thanks to Ray and Tycho for some good comments before the personal attacks and bold assertions took the thread down.
Thanks to Ray and Tycho for some good comments before the personal attacks and bold assertions took the thread down.

Frustration on realizing you nominated a narcissistic idiot makes a person type some delusional posts.
I'm just asking for your gut feeling.

I started saying Trump was going to be our next president after hearing his announcement speech. Some friends laughed and said I was nuts. lol

Knowing I'm not in the habit of being wrong, and seeing where he is now, they now just smile in bewilderment. :)

Well it's really on the rest of us to be honest. I try to spread the word around to people that don't really follow politics to tell them what's going on. In fact today, I believe I just convinced another person to vote for Trump.

I'm a local truck driver and talk with dozens of people every week; some regulars and some are strangers, but I always try to bring up politics when it seems appropriate.

The guy unloading me today said he wasn't sure who he would vote for if we was going to vote at all. Then I explained what it meant to us for the Supreme Court nominations, particularly those of us who cherish gun ownership. He seemed to have no idea what was at stake.

When he was finished, I believe I gave him some inspiration to not only vote, but vote against Hillary. He responded how his son-in-law was an avid gun owner and he might consider buying a gun in the future. He also expressed his disdain for all the foreigners coming here and taking our jobs.
When asked, I simply encourage them to learn about the candidates before voting. I'll offer my opinion when asked.

I've had several people at work ask who I'm voting for. Because I don't think work is a proper place for chat like that, I always cut it short with saying it won't be Hillary.

I've bitten my tongue more than once when someone walked in, while I'm watching the news, and said they hate Hillary.

As much as I'd like to engage them in conversation, I know it wouldn't be appropriate.

By your response it is clear to me that you do not understand what will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected. Please consider the following: The United States of America will come under communist rule. 1st and 2nd amendment rights will be gone. The Clinton's will more than likely realize their dream of seeing Bill appointed as the UN Secretary General therein making them the most powerful couple on earth (their dream from the beginning - a major power grab). The floodgates would be wide open for unvetted refugees including the tens of thousands of FAM (fighting age males - gangs), rapists, murderers from *Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala waiting inside border of Mexico right now. They are not children - wake up! People who stand to threaten Clinton's agenda will increasingly turn up missing or dying in some mysterious way. Every Governor, elected official in high places will be thoroughly investigated for any "skeletons in their closets" (if they haven't been already) with a file made which will be used to blackmail them and keep them silenced. It's what Communists do. The occult societies within America will be empowered more than they are right now. Evil will be openly tolerated while righteousness prosecuted (Communism 101). Christians will become a main target in America - all those who resist the NWO one world interfaith religion - like me - will find themselves under real persecution - unprecedented in US History. Whereas most Christians under the present administration have been vilified and on rare occasion threatened with prosecution for resisting unconstitutional laws (such as baking a cake for a same sex marriage - speaking out against murder - protesting abortion) under a Clinton Administration they will enact and enforce laws to arrest, prosecute and imprison those same Christians. Pastors will become spies for the Clinton Administration (many already have - it's how Communists operate) and they will install their own clergy for good measure (another tactic of Communists). Parents will stand by helplessly as their children are indoctrinated into the communist way with programs implemented to educate children full time outside of the home - they will then be visiting their parents - not living with them - this will eventually lead to the children spying on their own parents and turning them in to authorities (another communist agenda). The middle class will disappear. There will be two classes. The Communist elitists and those enslaved under their system which will be reduced to such abject poverty there will be no means to resist or stop them.

This is life under Communist rule, Tycho. You say that as much as you would like to engage others you do not because it would be "inappropriate." I must ask you, is it appropriate to stand by silently when you know that by doing so you are helping the one who if elected will destroy everything they have ever held dear?

Weigh the matter on the scales of truth and you will find that you cannot remain silent. You must warn people that if this cold-blooded sociopath / pathological liar is ever elected, they will be facing the most dangerous time of their lives.
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I'm just asking for your gut feeling.

I started saying Trump was going to be our next president after hearing his announcement speech. Some friends laughed and said I was nuts. lol

Knowing I'm not in the habit of being wrong, and seeing where he is now, they now just smile in bewilderment. :)

Well it's really on the rest of us to be honest. I try to spread the word around to people that don't really follow politics to tell them what's going on. In fact today, I believe I just convinced another person to vote for Trump.

I'm a local truck driver and talk with dozens of people every week; some regulars and some are strangers, but I always try to bring up politics when it seems appropriate.

The guy unloading me today said he wasn't sure who he would vote for if we was going to vote at all. Then I explained what it meant to us for the Supreme Court nominations, particularly those of us who cherish gun ownership. He seemed to have no idea what was at stake.

When he was finished, I believe I gave him some inspiration to not only vote, but vote against Hillary. He responded how his son-in-law was an avid gun owner and he might consider buying a gun in the future. He also expressed his disdain for all the foreigners coming here and taking our jobs.
When asked, I simply encourage them to learn about the candidates before voting. I'll offer my opinion when asked.

I've had several people at work ask who I'm voting for. Because I don't think work is a proper place for chat like that, I always cut it short with saying it won't be Hillary.

I've bitten my tongue more than once when someone walked in, while I'm watching the news, and said they hate Hillary.

As much as I'd like to engage them in conversation, I know it wouldn't be appropriate.

By your response it is clear to me that you do not understand what will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected. Please consider the following: The United States of America will come under communist rule. 1st and 2nd amendment rights will be gone. The Clinton's will more than likely realize their dream of seeing Bill appointed as the UN Secretary General therein making them the most powerful couple on earth (their dream from the beginning - a major power grab). The floodgates would be wide open for unvetted refugees including the tens of thousands of FAM (fighting age males - gangs), rapists, murderers from *Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala waiting inside border of Mexico right now. They are not children - wake up! People who stand to threaten Clinton's agenda will increasingly turn up missing or dying in some mysterious way. Every Governor, elected official in high places will be thoroughly investigated for any "skeletons in their closets" (if they haven't been already) with a file made which will be used to blackmail them and keep them silenced. It's what Communists do. The occult societies within America will be empowered more than they are right now. Evil will be openly tolerated while righteousness prosecuted (Communism 101). Christians will become a main target in America - all those who resist the NWO one world interfaith religion - like me - will find themselves under real persecution - unprecedented in US History. Whereas most Christians under the present administration have been vilified and on rare occasion threatened with prosecution for resisting unconstitutional laws (such as baking a cake for a same sex marriage - speaking out against murder - protesting abortion) under a Clinton Administration they will enact and enforce laws to arrest those same Christians. Pastors will become spies for the Clinton Administration (many already have - it's how Communists operate) and they will install their own clergy for good measure (another tactic of Communists). Parents will stand by helplessly as their children are indoctrinated into the communist way with programs implemented to educate children full time outside of the home - they will then be visiting their parents - not living with them - this will eventually lead to the children spying on their own parents and turning them in to authorities (another communist agenda). The middle class will disappear. There will be two classes. The Communist elitists and those enslaved under their system which will be reduced to such poverty there will be no means to resist or stop them.

This is life under Communist rule, Tycho. You say that as much as you would like to engage (the undecided) you do not because it would be "inappropriate." I must ask you, is it appropriate to stand by silently when you know that by doing so you are helping the one who if elected will destroy everything they have ever held dear?

Weigh the matter on the scales of truth and you will find that you cannot remain silent. You must warn people that if this cold-blooded sociopath / pathological liar is ever elected, they will be facing the most dangerous time of their lives.

So why, please tell me, if you hate Hillary so much, do you nominate a total lunatic?
Florida is going blue and will keep deeper blue as we get closer to November 8th.

I voted clinton will win. I say probably, but probably wasn't a choice. Too many voters in this country, if this board is representative of the country, are unconcerned about what were in the clinton emails, and the fbi giving her a pass on prosecution, when the facts scream for prosecution. Looks like demorats no longer operate on principles, just how to win. Look at what dnc and the clintons did to Bernie. Too much money behind clinton also. The banks, wall street, and billionaires know well how the clintons can sell themselves for a price.
So far, I believe Trump will not sell out his country.
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I'm just asking for your gut feeling.

I started saying Trump was going to be our next president after hearing his announcement speech. Some friends laughed and said I was nuts. lol

Knowing I'm not in the habit of being wrong, and seeing where he is now, they now just smile in bewilderment. :)

Well it's really on the rest of us to be honest. I try to spread the word around to people that don't really follow politics to tell them what's going on. In fact today, I believe I just convinced another person to vote for Trump.

I'm a local truck driver and talk with dozens of people every week; some regulars and some are strangers, but I always try to bring up politics when it seems appropriate.

The guy unloading me today said he wasn't sure who he would vote for if we was going to vote at all. Then I explained what it meant to us for the Supreme Court nominations, particularly those of us who cherish gun ownership. He seemed to have no idea what was at stake.

When he was finished, I believe I gave him some inspiration to not only vote, but vote against Hillary. He responded how his son-in-law was an avid gun owner and he might consider buying a gun in the future. He also expressed his disdain for all the foreigners coming here and taking our jobs.
When asked, I simply encourage them to learn about the candidates before voting. I'll offer my opinion when asked.

I've had several people at work ask who I'm voting for. Because I don't think work is a proper place for chat like that, I always cut it short with saying it won't be Hillary.

I've bitten my tongue more than once when someone walked in, while I'm watching the news, and said they hate Hillary.

As much as I'd like to engage them in conversation, I know it wouldn't be appropriate.

By your response it is clear to me that you do not understand what will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected. Please consider the following: The United States of America will come under communist rule. 1st and 2nd amendment rights will be gone. The Clinton's will more than likely realize their dream of seeing Bill appointed as the UN Secretary General therein making them the most powerful couple on earth (their dream from the beginning - a major power grab). The floodgates would be wide open for unvetted refugees including the tens of thousands of FAM (fighting age males - gangs), rapists, murderers from *Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala waiting inside border of Mexico right now. They are not children - wake up! People who stand to threaten Clinton's agenda will increasingly turn up missing or dying in some mysterious way. Every Governor, elected official in high places will be thoroughly investigated for any "skeletons in their closets" (if they haven't been already) with a file made which will be used to blackmail them and keep them silenced. It's what Communists do. The occult societies within America will be empowered more than they are right now. Evil will be openly tolerated while righteousness prosecuted (Communism 101). Christians will become a main target in America - all those who resist the NWO one world interfaith religion - like me - will find themselves under real persecution - unprecedented in US History. Whereas most Christians under the present administration have been vilified and on rare occasion threatened with prosecution for resisting unconstitutional laws (such as baking a cake for a same sex marriage - speaking out against murder - protesting abortion) under a Clinton Administration they will enact and enforce laws to arrest those same Christians. Pastors will become spies for the Clinton Administration (many already have - it's how Communists operate) and they will install their own clergy for good measure (another tactic of Communists). Parents will stand by helplessly as their children are indoctrinated into the communist way with programs implemented to educate children full time outside of the home - they will then be visiting their parents - not living with them - this will eventually lead to the children spying on their own parents and turning them in to authorities (another communist agenda). The middle class will disappear. There will be two classes. The Communist elitists and those enslaved under their system which will be reduced to such poverty there will be no means to resist or stop them.

This is life under Communist rule, Tycho. You say that as much as you would like to engage (the undecided) you do not because it would be "inappropriate." I must ask you, is it appropriate to stand by silently when you know that by doing so you are helping the one who if elected will destroy everything they have ever held dear?

Weigh the matter on the scales of truth and you will find that you cannot remain silent. You must warn people that if this cold-blooded sociopath / pathological liar is ever elected, they will be facing the most dangerous time of their lives.

So why, please tell me, if you hate Hillary so much, do you nominate a total lunatic?
I didn't nominate Hillary Clinton. Neither did the American people. The DNC did it even though the numbers show that Sanders won. If the Clinton machine could get away with stealing the nomination from Sanders, what is to stop them from stealing the election from Donald Trump?

The American people know that the real numbers are probably about 18% for Hillary, a small percentage undecided with the overwhelming majority voting for Donald Trump. The media is fixing the numbers / polls. We know this. There is no tie. This race is not close. The stadiums are filled with tens of thousands of supporters for Trump at his rallies, his campaign headquarters have plenty of volunteers and Hillary Clinton? Average 200 or less showing up at her rallies / no one to be found at her campaign headquarters......where are her volunteers, Jim?

What we are witnessing is the biggest media cover up in the history of an American presidential race. They are complicit in this lie and will one day stand before God Almighty to answer for it. So will you.

So why has Trump gone on record stating the race was close? It is obvious to me that he has been threatened and more than likely his family has been threatened too. Trump could have made the case against Hillary the 1st debate but he didn't. Why didn't he? Again, it is obvious to me that he was threatened not to do it. He's in a difficult place. While he is not nor has he ever been on the level of Clinton style corruption - he is on his own so to speak because he isn't a born again Christian living by faith. He's a business man that has lived a life apart from the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Therein he fears for his own life and the lives of those he loves.

It's how the Clinton's have gotten away with stealing elections. Does the media really like the Clinton's or are they in fear for their own lives / lives of their family members? I think that is another matter to be considered. I find it very sad that so many people fear the wicked more than they fear God. If they truly feared the LORD they would not fear anyone else. How great is that freedom - freedom from fear through faith in Jesus Christ? Are you saved, Jim? Do you know where you'd go if you died tonight in your sleep? Are you living in fear?

I'm not. I've spoken the truth and make no apologies for it. Jesus Christ is Lord over my life. Not the Clinton's.
I voted clinton will win. I say probably, but probably wasn't a choice. Too many voters in this country, if this board is representative of the country, are unconcerned about what were in the clinton emails, and the fbi giving her a pass on prosecution, when the facts scream for prosecution. Looks like demorats no longer operate on principles, just how to win. Look at what dnc and the clintons did to Bernie. Too much money behind clinton also. The banks, wall street, and billionaires know well how the clintons can sell themselves for a price.
So far, I believe Trump will not sell out his country.

"sell out the country"....maybe not. Bankrupt it....possibly.
I voted clinton will win. I say probably, but probably wasn't a choice. Too many voters in this country, if this board is representative of the country, are unconcerned about what were in the clinton emails, and the fbi giving her a pass on prosecution, when the facts scream for prosecution. Looks like demorats no longer operate on principles, just how to win. Look at what dnc and the clintons did to Bernie. Too much money behind clinton also. The banks, wall street, and billionaires know well how the clintons can sell themselves for a price.
So far, I believe Trump will not sell out his country.

"sell out the country"....maybe not. Bankrupt it....possibly.

we are already bankrupt, financially, morally, ethically, and educationally. Thanks to years of liberal rule from both parties. Liberalism has destroyed this great country.

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