Polls look bad for Trump, McSally

Trump is threatening to pressure Governors into forcing kids to go back to school in the middle of a pandemic and his brainwashed lemming morons are arguing about a President from a quarter-century ago and some sex scandal allegations.

Got statistics on kids being affected by the Wuhan Virus?

What is the Wuhan Virus?
Trump is threatening to pressure Governors into forcing kids to go back to school in the middle of a pandemic and his brainwashed lemming morons are arguing about a President from a quarter-century ago and some sex scandal allegations.

Got statistics on kids being affected by the Wuhan Virus?

What is the Wuhan Virus?
The virus that originated in Wuhan China. Have you been hidin' with Biden the last four months?
Trump is threatening to pressure Governors into forcing kids to go back to school in the middle of a pandemic and his brainwashed lemming morons are arguing about a President from a quarter-century ago and some sex scandal allegations.

Got statistics on kids being affected by the Wuhan Virus?

What is the Wuhan Virus?
The virus that originated in Wuhan China. Have you been hidin' with Biden the last four months?

I know about the COVID-19 virus and polling on Biden and trump.

I just like you racists to state that fact.
I know about the COVID-19 virus and polling on Biden and trump.

I just like you racists to state that fact

You only had to ask...it's true, Biden is Hidin' , and yes the Wuhan Virus is a strain of Coronavirus that originated in Wuhan China.

But you did make a mistake...I'm no racist...I hate everyone equally....except you. I hate you most of all. ;)
Hollywood stars, unless they’re fellow wingnuts
Puerto Ricans

Shall I go on?
Yes, you may go on to show one shred of evidence of "hatred", that Trump has ever shown toward any of these (excluding Democrats, who DESERVE to be hated)
Trump is threatening to pressure Governors into forcing kids to go back to school in the middle of a pandemic and his brainwashed lemming morons are arguing about a President from a quarter-century ago and some sex scandal allegations.
And you think that is all there is to it, huh ? Amazing how information-deprived, liberals are.
Who can forget the Alva Johnson allegation, of being “forcibly kissed”, then video of it came out and ....LOL well have a look for yourself....

Looks like she's SMILING. :biggrin:
Come on little trumper, still reusing the Clinton Derangement Syndrome stuff?

Come on, high school is over, you have to be interesting on your own.
No, conservatives didn't get looney because Billy the Rapist was President. There is just no comparison to the mental aberration that is Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Sorry, kissing Democrat ass is not 'interesting' to me but, by all means, you go ahead and slurp and kiss Pelosi's Depends.
Because he wasn’t a rapist, and it was just the politics of personal destruction, ushered in by Rush and Newt.
Who the fuck do you think you’re fooling with this rape shit? Especially when trump has actual accusers willing to repeat their claims under oath and go to trial, unlike frauds like Juanita Broaddrick, who refused to repeat her lies under oath.
President Trump has no credible accusers, BJ had plenty.

As does Joe “Finger Rapist” Biden, but I know you’d like to sweep that one under the rug.
Why wouldn’t Broaddrick go under oath?
Fear for her life. The Clintons have a way of offing any threat.
Yet every one of their enemies are still alive: Ken Starr, Broadderick, Paula Jones, newt Gingrich, rush Limbaugh, Jonah Goldberg’s mother, Rick Santorum, . . .
Come on little trumper, still reusing the Clinton Derangement Syndrome stuff?

Come on, high school is over, you have to be interesting on your own.
No, conservatives didn't get looney because Billy the Rapist was President. There is just no comparison to the mental aberration that is Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Sorry, kissing Democrat ass is not 'interesting' to me but, by all means, you go ahead and slurp and kiss Pelosi's Depends.
Because he wasn’t a rapist, and it was just the politics of personal destruction, ushered in by Rush and Newt.
Who the fuck do you think you’re fooling with this rape shit? Especially when trump has actual accusers willing to repeat their claims under oath and go to trial, unlike frauds like Juanita Broaddrick, who refused to repeat her lies under oath.
President Trump has no credible accusers, BJ had plenty.

As does Joe “Finger Rapist” Biden, but I know you’d like to sweep that one under the rug.
Why wouldn’t Broaddrick go under oath?
Fear for her life. The Clintons have a way of offing any threat.
This is so moronic. Wouldn’t they kill her before she gave a statement under oath, not after? She had the opportunity. She refused because perjury means jail time. She didn’t sign up for that with her GOP cronies.
Like the lady that claims he groped her, but years later made a business deal with him and then tried to sue him?
Less than a year after she claimed she was raped:

Would you like to see the affidavit where she stated, under oath, that Clinton did not rape her? :lol:
You mean like how Blasey Ford testified that Kavanaugh did not rape her? Yet you lefties keep calling him a rapist? Do I know if he raped Juanita or not? No.

The Leslie rape?
How about him exposing himself to Paula Jones? Who knows. But those cases have more validity than the sham ones against Trump.

The point is you people are such hypocrites. You keep repeating these claims of “20 sexual assault accusers” against Trump when there is zero proof, but totally excuse BJ as well as Biden the Finger Rapist.

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