Polls look bad for Trump, McSally

" Modeling Behavioral Tactics Of The Devious "

* Supposing Calculated Tiktok Payback *

Latest Virginia:
Suppose republicans answering the polls are not telling the truth about for whom they are voting .

" Anticipating Dictates By Bureaucratic Screwballs "

* National Mask Mandate Violates US Tenth Amendment*

With the huge mandate Biden will get these are doable, soon.
Public health insurance option - Wikipedia or Single-payer healthcare - Wikipedia ?

In 2010, the World Health Organization's member countries adopted universal healthcare as a goal;[7] this goal was also adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.[8]

On June 19, 2010, Lieberman introduced a bill called "Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010",[108] which he co-wrote with Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Thomas Carper (D-DE). If signed into law, this controversial bill, which the American media dubbed the "Kill switch bill", would grant the President emergency powers over the Internet.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald called Lieberman's actions "one of the most pernicious acts by a U.S. Senator in quite some time," and accused Lieberman of "emulat[ing] Chinese dictators" by "abusing his position as Homeland Security Chairman to thuggishly dictate to private companies which websites they should and should not host – and, more important, what you can and cannot read on the Internet."[111]

* Destroying Us Competitive Edge And Industry *

Does the 28% tax rate on corporations have anything to do with Trump On China Versus Beijing Biden And A History Of Devaluing Economic Policies ?

* We Are Politicians Here To Pander Government As The Answer To All Your Tyranny By Majority Fantasies *

A common framework for interpreting populism is known as the ideational approach: this defines populism as an ideology which presents "the people" as a morally good force and contrasts them against "the elite", who are portrayed as corrupt and self-serving.

According to the ideational approach, populism is often combined with other ideologies, such as nationalism, liberalism, or socialism.

Some economists have used the term in reference to governments which engage in substantial public spending financed by foreign loans, resulting in hyperinflation and emergency measures. In popular discourse—where the term has often been used pejoratively—it has sometimes been used synonymously with demagogy, to describe politicians who present overly simplistic answers to complex questions in a highly emotional manner, or with opportunism, to characterise politicians who seek to please voters without rational consideration as to the best course of action.

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" Propaganda Artisans Seeking Bandwagon Voters "

* Not Thrilled With You And Yours Either *

Getting worse and worse for the Mango Mussolini.
The democrats continue to pursue an idea that voters vote for personality and continue to fabricate an excuse to detract from policies of the democratic party as the actual reason they stay away .

Democrats have typically held an edge in the U.S. population, with an average of 47% of Americans aligning with the Democratic Party and 43% with the Republican Party since Gallup began routinely measuring party leaning in 1991.

Party affiliation is a strong predictor of people's voting preferences. Democrats' current six-point advantage in combined party identification and leaning is larger than it was in 2016, when Trump was elected, as well as in 2004 when George W. Bush was reelected with a popular vote majority. It is similar to what it was on Election Day in 2008 and 2012 when Obama won both elections. However, in the 1992, 1996 and 2000 presidential election years, when Democrats won the popular vote if not the Electoral College vote, Democrats had larger advantages in party affiliation than they do now.
Latest Virginia:

Polls lie-----this was proven very clearly in the last presidential election. Trump is going to win hun, the math says so. Dems can't win without massive black support---and they don't have it this year. Blacks are not enthused with Biden and hell many have decided that they like Trump better.
The are polls out there that do look good for Trump.... I'm sure this top poster gives them a good leaving alone when he/she finds them.

" Good Stay Home "

* Low Opinions All Around "

Here’s a poll of international investors.
Everywhere are articles of " How does the world see america ? " , where are the " How does america see the world ? " articles ?

Here is one opinion , fuck the over populated free loading shit holes and especially fuck the european cultural suicide artists !

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Trump made three of the last years prosper by deferring the cost to the future. Companies got a huge tax break and they lowered prices some. You got a small tax break and had more to spend. Of course, this created a huge deficit that will have to be paid back. Not by the companies, of course, you. Taxes go to build roads and community things. With the tax breaks, our infrastructure will suffer. We also will have a huge increase in health care from all cuts on pollution standards and coronavirus mishandling.

Trump made three of the last years prosper by deferring the cost to the future. Companies got a huge tax break and they lowered prices some. You got a small tax break and had more to spend. Of course, this created a huge deficit that will have to be paid back. Not by the companies, of course, you. Taxes go to build roads and community things. With the tax breaks, our infrastructure will suffer. We also will have a huge increase in health care from all cuts on pollution standards and coronavirus mishandling.

Obammy spent more in his first term so what? Taxes with Diaper Joe will go for welfare job creation since the dregs caant be expected to actually go out and find work. Tax breaks help those of us who work for a living, and tax breaks for the companies help them create growth jobs not government funded slug work. Move to Germany libber.

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