Polls say that un-American's and total whack-jobs still hate Trump

A self described Broke Loser shouting at the internets about how only unproductive people hate Trump.

A self described Broke Loser shouting at the internets about how only unproductive people hate Trump.


Boy you really got me there...there is just no way my username could be facetious in nature.
You should know you have an amazing ability....you're able to swiftly run a google search and desperately find a meme applicable to a post on an internet forum...13 year old social networking attention whores the world over would be proud of you. You've done well bud.
Everyone loves a failure who fooled just enough people to become president. You gotta give him that, he bamboozled the right wing conservative Americans. His one accomplishment was fooling the fools, does that really count?

Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures

"I, too, grew up in Trump country (rural West Texas), and I, too, have family members and lifelong friends who voted for President Trump. Some are racists or misogynists or one-issue voters, but many are simply unwilling to think critically. Do I hate them? Never. Do I expect them to own up to the harm they’ve done our country? Absolutely. They are the ones who taught me that we reap what we sow." Karen Collier, Austin, Tex.

"What makes Nicholas Kristof think that Trump supporters can be recruited by the Democratic Party? Can you recruit people who continue to support a president whose legislation if passed would threaten their very existence? Can you recruit people who still believe that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States? Can you recruit people who cannot be persuaded by rational argument and scientific evidence? Can you recruit people who take the most preposterous lies of the right-wing news media as gospel truth? I am afraid that many if not most Trump supporters will stick with the president until the pain he will inflict upon them can no longer be tolerated." David Arthur, Brooklyn


Everyone loves a failure who fooled just enough people to become president. You gotta give him that, he bamboozled the right wing conservative Americans. His one accomplishment was fooling the fools, does that really count?

Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures

"I, too, grew up in Trump country (rural West Texas), and I, too, have family members and lifelong friends who voted for President Trump. Some are racists or misogynists or one-issue voters, but many are simply unwilling to think critically. Do I hate them? Never. Do I expect them to own up to the harm they’ve done our country? Absolutely. They are the ones who taught me that we reap what we sow." Karen Collier, Austin, Tex.

"What makes Nicholas Kristof think that Trump supporters can be recruited by the Democratic Party? Can you recruit people who continue to support a president whose legislation if passed would threaten their very existence? Can you recruit people who still believe that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States? Can you recruit people who cannot be persuaded by rational argument and scientific evidence? Can you recruit people who take the most preposterous lies of the right-wing news media as gospel truth? I am afraid that many if not most Trump supporters will stick with the president until the pain he will inflict upon them can no longer be tolerated." David Arthur, Brooklyn



There's a social realignment that's happening before your eyes...you know, the one that has you paranoid...that's what Trump supporters "bought" and it's what Trump has delivered on. You loons can try to make his presidency about other shit but that's it in a nutshell.
He's brought prideful real American's who lost faith in government back together...there's a restoration taking place and real American's are becoming likeminded again. America is becoming American again and you whackos, illegals and government dependent folks are pissing yourselves...hahaha.
I don't blame you...if I was all fucked up and twisted I'd be pissing myself as well.
All legitimate positive contributors couldn't be happier with the Trump administrations performance and productivity.
Nothing new here.

You got distracted by the shiny shit he waved in front of you. He showed that he, like Hillary is just another Neo-Con. Prepare for war and I hope you don't have kids who will have to fight it.
All legitimate positive contributors couldn't be happier with the Trump administrations performance and productivity.
Nothing new here.

So, you wanted him to take longer than his advertised 30 days to defeat ISIS?

Seems weird.
All legitimate positive contributors couldn't be happier with the Trump administrations performance and productivity.
Nothing new here.

So, you wanted him to take longer than his advertised 30 days to defeat ISIS?

Seems weird.

Like I said....NO ONE who supports the Trump admin voted for him based on a timeline related to defeating ISIS...That's all made up weirdo shit from the Left.
We cared more about a timeline related to him sending illegals packing, scaring the shit out of other illegals thinking of invading and making the illegitimates here feel like the piece of shits they really are. He's delivering on what matters and we're all still WINNING!
All legitimate positive contributors couldn't be happier with the Trump administrations performance and productivity.
Nothing new here.

So, you wanted him to take longer than his advertised 30 days to defeat ISIS?

Seems weird.

Like I said....NO ONE who supports the Trump admin voted for him based on a timeline related to defeating ISIS...That's all made up weirdo shit from the Left.
We cared more about a timeline related to him sending illegals packing, scaring the shit out of other illegals thinking of invading and making the illegitimates here feel like the piece of shits they really are. He's delivering on what matters and we're all still WINNING!

The hell you say. He still said ISIS would be defeated in 30 days. Now, you don't care.
Aren't you worried that he hasn't locked Hillary up yet? His supporters seemed so keen on that.
All legitimate positive contributors couldn't be happier with the Trump administrations performance and productivity.
Nothing new here.

Seems the ones unhappy are:

Liberal politicians who see their careers going down the tubes

Indoctrinated youth who are unable to think for themselves.

College professors who fear their indoctrination process will be challenged.

Idiots who believe they are victims and think the world owes them something.

Those whose only paid jobs have been destroying cities over things they can't even explain.

Muslims who felt they were making great headway in their 'civilized jihad.'

Illegal alien drug cartels, human traffickers and others who have gotten used to taking America's open borders for granted.

Hostile countries who have been accustomed to a president who gives them money instead of focusing on America's national security.

All lovers of socialism, communism or Marxism.
No, we cared about normalizing this Nation. To again love, care for, and lift one another up again. We hoped. It was not to be. Trump is just another Neo-Con like Bush, Hillary and Obama. We aren't "winning", we are getting into one more WW and billions will die.
No, we cared about normalizing this Nation. To again love, care for, and lift one another up again. We hoped. It was not to be. Trump is just another Neo-Con like Bush, Hillary and Obama. We aren't "winning", we are getting into one more WW and billions will die.

This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who listened to him.
All legitimate positive contributors couldn't be happier with the Trump administrations performance and productivity.
Nothing new here.

So, you wanted him to take longer than his advertised 30 days to defeat ISIS?

Seems weird.

Like I said....NO ONE who supports the Trump admin voted for him based on a timeline related to defeating ISIS...That's all made up weirdo shit from the Left.
We cared more about a timeline related to him sending illegals packing, scaring the shit out of other illegals thinking of invading and making the illegitimates here feel like the piece of shits they really are. He's delivering on what matters and we're all still WINNING!

The hell you say. He still said ISIS would be defeated in 30 days. Now, you don't care.

Aren't you worried that he hasn't locked Hillary up yet? His supporters seemed so keen on that.

Nope, no one ever cared about timelines related to Hillary or ISIS...All just whack-job shit fabricated by the loons.
Just wanted Trump to shit in the face of illegals, weirdos and our resident filth.
Could care less what the polls say, and I'm sure Trump feels the same way. Polls are tools to try and control candidates, and Trump isn't one of those candidates.

We finally have a leader that's worried more about the country than polls, and it's about time.

Except when the polls are in his favor. Then he'll tweet the poll results.

He doesn't like polls because they're often are against him. This is the same man that went on and on about crowd size at his inauguration.
All legitimate positive contributors couldn't be happier with the Trump administrations performance and productivity.
Nothing new here.

So basically anyone who doesn't like Trump is " unamerican " and a whacko?

Well, I know how loons love to discuss the 2% and pretend 2% of something represents the majority....BUT, if we generalize using the ACTUAL majority I'd say the answer to your question is an astounding YES!
Who hates Trump?
Government dependent lowlifes
LGBT community & supporters
Illegals and Hispanics of recent illegal descent

*NOTE: By default government employees and union workers have to pretend they hate Trump.
Could care less what the polls say, and I'm sure Trump feels the same way. Polls are tools to try and control candidates, and Trump isn't one of those candidates.

We finally have a leader that's worried more about the country than polls, and it's about time.

Except when the polls are in his favor. Then he'll tweet the poll results.

He doesn't like polls because they're often are against him. This is the same man that went on and on about crowd size at his inauguration.

I bet he loves the polls...the last time "the polls" suggested that he was a piece of shit he won POTUS!

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