Polls say that un-American's and total whack-jobs still hate Trump

Yes....the MAFA GOPQ crowd needs to keep bowing to the man. He is the Biggest Loser to ever sit in the White House. He doesn't care about the GOPQ. He only cares about himself and how he can fleece his cult. This is from his CPAC speech:

"There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and donaldjtrump.com. So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people."

That's right. He wants you to send him to money....not the RNC. You get the message yet? The Fat Man is not in it to help the GOPQ. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
Bad enough that he made it to 49% a couple of times.

Same old shit....decent, productive people don’t respond to polls...indecent, unproductive weirdos do. THE END.

You're an idiot.
This is a new spin the "defend trump at all costs" mentality. So...only the unproductive weirdos respond to polls? Since 1936, Gallup polling has given an accurate barometer of the popularity of Presidents. Suddenly with trump, only "indecent, unproductive weirdos" respond to polls.

I have never in my lifetime seen such person worship as we are seeing today. The trump cult is making outlandish claims to defend him...as he threatens the GOPQ with taking over their fund raising. The GOPQ will either revive it's conservative, principled, policy positions or it will die. trump is threatening not only the United States, but the Republican Party.

The Republican Party died long ago...the Party of cowards refused to fight for America...they fucked themselves big time.
The Party is Trumps now...Sucks for you Loons

Yes....the MAFA GOPQ crowd needs to keep bowing to the man. He is the Biggest Loser to ever sit in the White House. He doesn't care about the GOPQ. He only cares about himself and how he can fleece his cult. This is from his CPAC speech:

"There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and donaldjtrump.com. So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people."

That's right. He wants you to send him to money....not the RNC. You get the message yet? The Fat Man is not in it to help the GOPQ. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
Bad enough that he made it to 49% a couple of times.

Same old shit....decent, productive people don’t respond to polls...indecent, unproductive weirdos do. THE END.

You're an idiot.
This is a new spin the "defend trump at all costs" mentality. So...only the unproductive weirdos respond to polls? Since 1936, Gallup polling has given an accurate barometer of the popularity of Presidents. Suddenly with trump, only "indecent, unproductive weirdos" respond to polls.

I have never in my lifetime seen such person worship as we are seeing today. The trump cult is making outlandish claims to defend him...as he threatens the GOPQ with taking over their fund raising. The GOPQ will either revive it's conservative, principled, policy positions or it will die. trump is threatening not only the United States, but the Republican Party.
All you can do at this point is observe. Presumably some will peel away over time, but the party has a real fucking problem here.

And now Trump and the RNC are at each other's throats, holy crap.
Well....if the GOP wants to remain the GOP they will kick trump out. All he is doing is enriching himself. He collected all that money to challenge his loss in the election and now he has set up a PAC that will deflect monies that would ordinarily go to the RNC to his personal war chest or pocket...as we may see. And the fools who bow to him will give him their money.

He will, in turn, torture anyone in the Republican Party who does not bow to him and repeat his lies. He is not so gently pushing the GOPQ over the edge.

You either bow to him or you risk being denied cash for your campaign. This is a typical Mafia squeeze.

No matter how accurate that may be, these Qult45 idiots won't see it. They are too busy admiring the Orange stretch marks in their assholes after being bent over and taking it the last four years by a opportunist con man.

Qult45 people seem to have an organized fetish going on for pretend.

I'm out.
The "orange stretch marks" was....well.....TMI.....:eusa_sick::eek-52:

Yes....the MAFA GOPQ crowd needs to keep bowing to the man. He is the Biggest Loser to ever sit in the White House. He doesn't care about the GOPQ. He only cares about himself and how he can fleece his cult. This is from his CPAC speech:

"There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and donaldjtrump.com. So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people."

That's right. He wants you to send him to money....not the RNC. You get the message yet? The Fat Man is not in it to help the GOPQ. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
Bad enough that he made it to 49% a couple of times.

Same old shit....decent, productive people don’t respond to polls...indecent, unproductive weirdos do. THE END.

You're an idiot.
This is a new spin the "defend trump at all costs" mentality. So...only the unproductive weirdos respond to polls? Since 1936, Gallup polling has given an accurate barometer of the popularity of Presidents. Suddenly with trump, only "indecent, unproductive weirdos" respond to polls.

I have never in my lifetime seen such person worship as we are seeing today. The trump cult is making outlandish claims to defend him...as he threatens the GOPQ with taking over their fund raising. The GOPQ will either revive it's conservative, principled, policy positions or it will die. trump is threatening not only the United States, but the Republican Party.

The Republican Party died long ago...the Party of cowards refused to fight for America...they fucked themselves big time.
The Party is Trumps now...Sucks for you Loons

Yes....the MAFA GOPQ crowd needs to keep bowing to the man. He is the Biggest Loser to ever sit in the White House. He doesn't care about the GOPQ. He only cares about himself and how he can fleece his cult. This is from his CPAC speech:

"There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and donaldjtrump.com. So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people."

That's right. He wants you to send him to money....not the RNC. You get the message yet? The Fat Man is not in it to help the GOPQ. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
Bad enough that he made it to 49% a couple of times.

Same old shit....decent, productive people don’t respond to polls...indecent, unproductive weirdos do. THE END.

You're an idiot.
This is a new spin the "defend trump at all costs" mentality. So...only the unproductive weirdos respond to polls? Since 1936, Gallup polling has given an accurate barometer of the popularity of Presidents. Suddenly with trump, only "indecent, unproductive weirdos" respond to polls.

I have never in my lifetime seen such person worship as we are seeing today. The trump cult is making outlandish claims to defend him...as he threatens the GOPQ with taking over their fund raising. The GOPQ will either revive it's conservative, principled, policy positions or it will die. trump is threatening not only the United States, but the Republican Party.
All you can do at this point is observe. Presumably some will peel away over time, but the party has a real fucking problem here.

And now Trump and the RNC are at each other's throats, holy crap.
Well....if the GOP wants to remain the GOP they will kick trump out. All he is doing is enriching himself. He collected all that money to challenge his loss in the election and now he has set up a PAC that will deflect monies that would ordinarily go to the RNC to his personal war chest or pocket...as we may see. And the fools who bow to him will give him their money.

He will, in turn, torture anyone in the Republican Party who does not bow to him and repeat his lies. He is not so gently pushing the GOPQ over the edge.

You either bow to him or you risk being denied cash for your campaign. This is a typical Mafia squeeze.

No matter how accurate that may be, these Qult45 idiots won't see it. They are too busy admiring the Orange stretch marks in their assholes after being bent over and taking it the last four years by a opportunist con man.

Qult45 people seem to have an organized fetish going on for pretend.

I'm out.
The "orange stretch marks" was....well.....TMI.....:eusa_sick::eek-52:

I'm a colorful human being. Don't judge me. :04:
Well....if the GOP wants to remain the GOP they will kick trump out. All he is doing is enriching himself. He collected all that money to challenge his loss in the election and now he has set up a PAC that will deflect monies that would ordinarily go to the RNC to his personal war chest or pocket...as we may see. And the fools who bow to him will give him their money.
He will, in turn, torture anyone in the Republican Party who does not bow to him and repeat his lies. He is not so gently pushing the GOPQ over the edge.
You either bow to him or you risk being denied cash for your campaign. This is a typical Mafia squeeze.
A vast majority of the politicians in the party know what's happening and are making their political calculations. The exceptions now are the Boebert/Taylor-Greene types who are pure small-town talk radio rubes.

The impulse is to look down the road and assume that the party will fall into two pieces and lose everywhere, but I'm not buying it yet. Three reasons:
  1. The anti-Trumpsters in the party would either have to vote Dem or some worthless third party, and that's a little tough to imagine. I think it's more likely they'll just angrily fall in line.
  2. 2020 was awesome for turnout for the Democrats, but can they continue it without an orange buffoon to vote against? You can damn well bet that the Trump GOP will turn out, 'cuz they have to save the country from the commies 'n stuff. Liberty.
  3. Elections are about contrasts, and the Democrats are not exactly at their most attractive, either. If they toss up too many easy targets for the GQP, and they appear willing to be so far, then they're just asking for failure. Outside of Biden, they clearly under-performed in 2020.
Great move by the GOP. What better way to win in the future than by driving out moderates and conservatives who aren’t Trump supporters.

Joe McCarthy would be proud of this Republican Party...
Well....if the GOP wants to remain the GOP they will kick trump out. All he is doing is enriching himself. He collected all that money to challenge his loss in the election and now he has set up a PAC that will deflect monies that would ordinarily go to the RNC to his personal war chest or pocket...as we may see. And the fools who bow to him will give him their money.
He will, in turn, torture anyone in the Republican Party who does not bow to him and repeat his lies. He is not so gently pushing the GOPQ over the edge.
You either bow to him or you risk being denied cash for your campaign. This is a typical Mafia squeeze.
A vast majority of the politicians in the party know what's happening and are making their political calculations. The exceptions now are the Boebert/Taylor-Greene types who are pure small-town talk radio rubes.

The impulse is to look down the road and assume that the party will fall into two pieces and lose everywhere, but I'm not buying it yet. Three reasons:
  1. The anti-Trumpsters in the party would either have to vote Dem or some worthless third party, and that's a little tough to imagine. I think it's more likely they'll just angrily fall in line.
  2. 2020 was awesome for turnout for the Democrats, but can they continue it without an orange buffoon to vote against? You can damn well bet that the Trump GOP will turn out, 'cuz they have to save the country from the commies 'n stuff. Liberty.
  3. Elections are about contrasts, and the Democrats are not exactly at their most attractive, either. If they toss up too many easy targets for the GQP, and they appear willing to be so far, then they're just asking for failure. Outside of Biden, they clearly under-performed in 2020.
I have seen it over and over as the years have gone by. It doesn't matter which party, the fact is, power corrupts and tends to make a political party overreach and venture too far to the left or to the right. Perhaps it was not as prevalent with the Fat Man as it was with others before him. His biggest fault was not overreach....he was just totally eaten up with self indulgence and incompetence. Independent voters realized that and voted him out. The true Fat Man cult members will never stand from the bowed knee to see they are worshipping a Con Man.

That said, I am terribly afraid that the Biden administration will commit the deadly and historic sin of "political suicide" by overreaching and interpreting a sold victory as a overwhelming mandate for action. I appreciate Biden's low profile. Voters will not look kindly on any policies that lurch dramatically to the left.
Well....if the GOP wants to remain the GOP they will kick trump out. All he is doing is enriching himself. He collected all that money to challenge his loss in the election and now he has set up a PAC that will deflect monies that would ordinarily go to the RNC to his personal war chest or pocket...as we may see. And the fools who bow to him will give him their money.
He will, in turn, torture anyone in the Republican Party who does not bow to him and repeat his lies. He is not so gently pushing the GOPQ over the edge.
You either bow to him or you risk being denied cash for your campaign. This is a typical Mafia squeeze.
A vast majority of the politicians in the party know what's happening and are making their political calculations. The exceptions now are the Boebert/Taylor-Greene types who are pure small-town talk radio rubes.

The impulse is to look down the road and assume that the party will fall into two pieces and lose everywhere, but I'm not buying it yet. Three reasons:
  1. The anti-Trumpsters in the party would either have to vote Dem or some worthless third party, and that's a little tough to imagine. I think it's more likely they'll just angrily fall in line.
  2. 2020 was awesome for turnout for the Democrats, but can they continue it without an orange buffoon to vote against? You can damn well bet that the Trump GOP will turn out, 'cuz they have to save the country from the commies 'n stuff. Liberty.
  3. Elections are about contrasts, and the Democrats are not exactly at their most attractive, either. If they toss up too many easy targets for the GQP, and they appear willing to be so far, then they're just asking for failure. Outside of Biden, they clearly under-performed in 2020.
I have seen it over and over as the years have gone by. It doesn't matter which party, the fact is, power corrupts and tends to make a political party overreach and venture too far to the left or to the right. Perhaps it was not as prevalent with the Fat Man as it was with others before him. His biggest fault was not overreach....he was just totally eaten up with self indulgence and incompetence. Independent voters realized that and voted him out. The true Fat Man cult members will never stand from the bowed knee to see they are worshipping a Con Man.

That said, I am terribly afraid that the Biden administration will commit the deadly and historic sin of "political suicide" by overreaching and interpreting a sold victory as a overwhelming mandate for action. I appreciate Biden's low profile. Voters will not look kindly on any policies that lurch dramatically to the left.
Agree completely. Both parties take electoral victory as a "mandate", an excuse to immediately try to cram their full agendas down our throat. Then, when they go too far, piss too many Americans off, and are voted out, they can't figure out what they did wrong. So they just blame the other party. This happens over and over and over, like clockwork. Why don't they ever learn? They pay too much attention to their own goddamn hubris. They think they have all the answers.

And yes, it could be said that we dodged a huge bullet with Trump. Imagine a person who could not only find the hot buttons of a crowd and completely con and manipulate them, but who also was intelligent and articulate and crafty enough to pull it off on a larger scale. That's freakin' terrifying. How ironic -- he may have done us a favor in the long run: He was able to be a cautionary tale for the future, but lacked the ability to do too much damage in the present.
All legitimate positive contributors couldn't be happier with the Trump administrations performance and productivity.
Nothing new here.
Hate who?

Oh... yeah... that has-been...

America's Biggest Loser... who cares?... Uncle Sam fired that particular lowlife apprentice... yesterday's news...

All legitimate positive contributors couldn't be happier with the Trump administrations performance and productivity.
Nothing new here.
Hate who?

Oh... yeah... that has-been...

America's Biggest Loser... who cares?... Uncle Sam fired that particular lowlife apprentice... yesterday's news...


"I'll show you mean Orange Man; I'll vote to fuck myself over...I swear, I'll really do it!" - Kondor3

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