Polls say that un-American's and total whack-jobs still hate Trump

I haven’t heard much about “polls” lately...that’s so weird huh?
Polls say that un-American's and total whack-jobs still hate Trump
Nothing has changed...The polls have not shifted since Trump announced his candidacy in 2015....WHY?
Because only lowlife pieces of shit answer/respond to polls and Trump does not and will not govern for pieces of shit.
This is so simple...hahaha
Polls say that un-American's and total whack-jobs still hate Trump
Nothing has changed...The polls have not shifted since Trump announced his candidacy in 2015....WHY?
Because only lowlife pieces of shit answer/respond to polls and Trump does not and will not govern for pieces of shit.
This is so simple...hahaha
No... YOU are simple, if you believe that such talk is not the 2020 equivalent of 2016's "Basket of Deplorables" mistake by Shrillary.

You idiots are just as bad as they are... only in different ways... but there is ONE similarity... neither of you learn from your past mistakes.
Polls say that un-American's and total whack-jobs still hate Trump
Nothing has changed...The polls have not shifted since Trump announced his candidacy in 2015....WHY?
Because only lowlife pieces of shit answer/respond to polls and Trump does not and will not govern for pieces of shit.
This is so simple...hahaha
No... YOU are simple, if you believe that such talk is not the 2020 equivalent of 2016's "Basket of Deplorables" mistake by Shrillary.

You idiots are just as bad as they are... only in different ways... but there is ONE similarity... neither of you learn from your past mistakes.
You’re a funny confused dude...fascinating though...haha
What’s worse the “Basket of Deplorables” mistake by a person with a vagina, the last name Clinton and a billion dollars to spend....OR trotting out an almost dead, barely coherent dude with 47 failed years in government and backed up by an angry fake black super bitter bitch who openly supports the BurnLootMurder animals, lawlessness and free shit for illegal wetbacks?
Could care less what the polls say, and I'm sure Trump feels the same way. Polls are tools to try and control candidates, and Trump isn't one of those candidates.

We finally have a leader that's worried more about the country than polls, and it's about time.
You don't think trump cares about polls and public image? It is literally the only thing he has ever showed care for....
that and greed.

Believe me when I tell you...this is a take no shit administration..they all push their balls around in wheel barrows...something pussies can't stand...this administration loves shitting in the face of our worst and this admin knows full well that it's only our worst that disapprove....the polls probably encourage this admin to just keep the hammer down on the human cockroaches. You can't honestly believe that Trump gives a shit about what DeShawn, Miguel and faggots think of him....do you?

He's actually pro faggot.
I forgive him.
All legitimate positive contributors couldn't be happier with the Trump administrations performance and productivity.
Nothing new here.

So basically anyone who doesn't like Trump is " unamerican " and a wacko?
Your Day on the Dais Is Done

Americans have nothing to be ashamed about the way we have treated Indians, Blacks, and the environment, past or present. Liberals disagree on those three and take the anti-American side on all other issues. They are jealous and bitter weakling misfits and must be shunned, shamed, and slammed into silence.
True americans carry much shame for those murderous and evil acts. Saying we were wrong to slaughter and enslave doesn't make you anti american, it makes you a good human being.


Yes....the MAFA GOPQ crowd needs to keep bowing to the man. He is the Biggest Loser to ever sit in the White House. He doesn't care about the GOPQ. He only cares about himself and how he can fleece his cult. This is from his CPAC speech:

"There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and donaldjtrump.com. So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people."

That's right. He wants you to send him to money....not the RNC. You get the message yet? The Fat Man is not in it to help the GOPQ. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
Bad enough that he made it to 49% a couple of times.

Same old shit....decent, productive people don’t respond to polls...indecent, unproductive weirdos do. THE END.

Yes....the MAFA GOPQ crowd needs to keep bowing to the man. He is the Biggest Loser to ever sit in the White House. He doesn't care about the GOPQ. He only cares about himself and how he can fleece his cult. This is from his CPAC speech:

"There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and donaldjtrump.com. So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people."

That's right. He wants you to send him to money....not the RNC. You get the message yet? The Fat Man is not in it to help the GOPQ. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
Bad enough that he made it to 49% a couple of times.

Same old shit....decent, productive people don’t respond to polls...indecent, unproductive weirdos do. THE END.

You're an idiot.

Yes....the MAFA GOPQ crowd needs to keep bowing to the man. He is the Biggest Loser to ever sit in the White House. He doesn't care about the GOPQ. He only cares about himself and how he can fleece his cult. This is from his CPAC speech:

"There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and donaldjtrump.com. So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people."

That's right. He wants you to send him to money....not the RNC. You get the message yet? The Fat Man is not in it to help the GOPQ. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
Bad enough that he made it to 49% a couple of times.

Same old shit....decent, productive people don’t respond to polls...indecent, unproductive weirdos do. THE END.

You're an idiot.
This is a new spin the "defend trump at all costs" mentality. So...only the unproductive weirdos respond to polls? Since 1936, Gallup polling has given an accurate barometer of the popularity of Presidents. Suddenly with trump, only "indecent, unproductive weirdos" respond to polls.

I have never in my lifetime seen such person worship as we are seeing today. The trump cult is making outlandish claims to defend him...as he threatens the GOPQ with taking over their fund raising. The GOPQ will either revive it's conservative, principled, policy positions or it will die. trump is threatening not only the United States, but the Republican Party.

Yes....the MAFA GOPQ crowd needs to keep bowing to the man. He is the Biggest Loser to ever sit in the White House. He doesn't care about the GOPQ. He only cares about himself and how he can fleece his cult. This is from his CPAC speech:

"There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and donaldjtrump.com. So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people."

That's right. He wants you to send him to money....not the RNC. You get the message yet? The Fat Man is not in it to help the GOPQ. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
Bad enough that he made it to 49% a couple of times.

Same old shit....decent, productive people don’t respond to polls...indecent, unproductive weirdos do. THE END.

You're an idiot.
This is a new spin the "defend trump at all costs" mentality. So...only the unproductive weirdos respond to polls? Since 1936, Gallup polling has given an accurate barometer of the popularity of Presidents. Suddenly with trump, only "indecent, unproductive weirdos" respond to polls.

I have never in my lifetime seen such person worship as we are seeing today. The trump cult is making outlandish claims to defend him...as he threatens the GOPQ with taking over their fund raising. The GOPQ will either revive it's conservative, principled, policy positions or it will die. trump is threatening not only the United States, but the Republican Party.
All you can do at this point is observe. Presumably some will peel away over time, but the party has a real fucking problem here.

And now Trump and the RNC are at each other's throats, holy crap.

Yes....the MAFA GOPQ crowd needs to keep bowing to the man. He is the Biggest Loser to ever sit in the White House. He doesn't care about the GOPQ. He only cares about himself and how he can fleece his cult. This is from his CPAC speech:

"There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and donaldjtrump.com. So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people."

That's right. He wants you to send him to money....not the RNC. You get the message yet? The Fat Man is not in it to help the GOPQ. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
Bad enough that he made it to 49% a couple of times.

Same old shit....decent, productive people don’t respond to polls...indecent, unproductive weirdos do. THE END.

You're an idiot.
This is a new spin the "defend trump at all costs" mentality. So...only the unproductive weirdos respond to polls? Since 1936, Gallup polling has given an accurate barometer of the popularity of Presidents. Suddenly with trump, only "indecent, unproductive weirdos" respond to polls.

I have never in my lifetime seen such person worship as we are seeing today. The trump cult is making outlandish claims to defend him...as he threatens the GOPQ with taking over their fund raising. The GOPQ will either revive it's conservative, principled, policy positions or it will die. trump is threatening not only the United States, but the Republican Party.
All you can do at this point is observe. Presumably some will peel away over time, but the party has a real fucking problem here.

And now Trump and the RNC are at each other's throats, holy crap.
Works for me. Let them go the way of the Whigs.

Yes....the MAFA GOPQ crowd needs to keep bowing to the man. He is the Biggest Loser to ever sit in the White House. He doesn't care about the GOPQ. He only cares about himself and how he can fleece his cult. This is from his CPAC speech:

"There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and donaldjtrump.com. So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people."

That's right. He wants you to send him to money....not the RNC. You get the message yet? The Fat Man is not in it to help the GOPQ. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
Bad enough that he made it to 49% a couple of times.

Same old shit....decent, productive people don’t respond to polls...indecent, unproductive weirdos do. THE END.

You're an idiot.
This is a new spin the "defend trump at all costs" mentality. So...only the unproductive weirdos respond to polls? Since 1936, Gallup polling has given an accurate barometer of the popularity of Presidents. Suddenly with trump, only "indecent, unproductive weirdos" respond to polls.

I have never in my lifetime seen such person worship as we are seeing today. The trump cult is making outlandish claims to defend him...as he threatens the GOPQ with taking over their fund raising. The GOPQ will either revive it's conservative, principled, policy positions or it will die. trump is threatening not only the United States, but the Republican Party.
All you can do at this point is observe. Presumably some will peel away over time, but the party has a real fucking problem here.

And now Trump and the RNC are at each other's throats, holy crap.
Works for me. Let them go the way of the Whigs.
Makes me nervous. Without two fairly equally-competing parties to keep the other in (some level of) check, the dominant party could easily take things too far, and I don't want that either. That was the first fucking thing I thought when Trump won (after I got over the shock): Could he screw things up so badly for his party that the other end of the spectrum would have an open field?

At the same time, holy shit, I'm not making any predictions. I'm not assuming that he's killing the party. At least not yet. We could easily be surprised. Again.
Hey Loser...great job . Starts a thread pointing out how UNPOPULAR Trump is


hahaha...ofcourse he's unpopular with welfare degenerates, weirdos, wetbacks, criminals, pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis.....etc etc....you know, Democrats.

Yes....the MAFA GOPQ crowd needs to keep bowing to the man. He is the Biggest Loser to ever sit in the White House. He doesn't care about the GOPQ. He only cares about himself and how he can fleece his cult. This is from his CPAC speech:

"There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and donaldjtrump.com. So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people."

That's right. He wants you to send him to money....not the RNC. You get the message yet? The Fat Man is not in it to help the GOPQ. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
Bad enough that he made it to 49% a couple of times.

Same old shit....decent, productive people don’t respond to polls...indecent, unproductive weirdos do. THE END.

You're an idiot.
This is a new spin the "defend trump at all costs" mentality. So...only the unproductive weirdos respond to polls? Since 1936, Gallup polling has given an accurate barometer of the popularity of Presidents. Suddenly with trump, only "indecent, unproductive weirdos" respond to polls.

I have never in my lifetime seen such person worship as we are seeing today. The trump cult is making outlandish claims to defend him...as he threatens the GOPQ with taking over their fund raising. The GOPQ will either revive it's conservative, principled, policy positions or it will die. trump is threatening not only the United States, but the Republican Party.

The Republican Party died long ago...the Party of cowards refused to fight for America...they fucked themselves big time.
The Party is Trumps now...Sucks for you Loons

Yes....the MAFA GOPQ crowd needs to keep bowing to the man. He is the Biggest Loser to ever sit in the White House. He doesn't care about the GOPQ. He only cares about himself and how he can fleece his cult. This is from his CPAC speech:

"There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and donaldjtrump.com. So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people."

That's right. He wants you to send him to money....not the RNC. You get the message yet? The Fat Man is not in it to help the GOPQ. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
Bad enough that he made it to 49% a couple of times.

Same old shit....decent, productive people don’t respond to polls...indecent, unproductive weirdos do. THE END.

You're an idiot.
This is a new spin the "defend trump at all costs" mentality. So...only the unproductive weirdos respond to polls? Since 1936, Gallup polling has given an accurate barometer of the popularity of Presidents. Suddenly with trump, only "indecent, unproductive weirdos" respond to polls.

I have never in my lifetime seen such person worship as we are seeing today. The trump cult is making outlandish claims to defend him...as he threatens the GOPQ with taking over their fund raising. The GOPQ will either revive it's conservative, principled, policy positions or it will die. trump is threatening not only the United States, but the Republican Party.
All you can do at this point is observe. Presumably some will peel away over time, but the party has a real fucking problem here.

And now Trump and the RNC are at each other's throats, holy crap.
Well....if the GOP wants to remain the GOP they will kick trump out. All he is doing is enriching himself. He collected all that money to challenge his loss in the election and now he has set up a PAC that will deflect monies that would ordinarily go to the RNC to his personal war chest or pocket...as we may see. And the fools who bow to him will give him their money.

He will, in turn, torture anyone in the Republican Party who does not bow to him and repeat his lies. He is not so gently pushing the GOPQ over the edge.

You either bow to him or you risk being denied cash for your campaign. This is a typical Mafia squeeze.

Yes....the MAFA GOPQ crowd needs to keep bowing to the man. He is the Biggest Loser to ever sit in the White House. He doesn't care about the GOPQ. He only cares about himself and how he can fleece his cult. This is from his CPAC speech:

"There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and donaldjtrump.com. So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people."

That's right. He wants you to send him to money....not the RNC. You get the message yet? The Fat Man is not in it to help the GOPQ. He is in it to enrich himself and his criminal family.
Bad enough that he made it to 49% a couple of times.

Same old shit....decent, productive people don’t respond to polls...indecent, unproductive weirdos do. THE END.

You're an idiot.
This is a new spin the "defend trump at all costs" mentality. So...only the unproductive weirdos respond to polls? Since 1936, Gallup polling has given an accurate barometer of the popularity of Presidents. Suddenly with trump, only "indecent, unproductive weirdos" respond to polls.

I have never in my lifetime seen such person worship as we are seeing today. The trump cult is making outlandish claims to defend him...as he threatens the GOPQ with taking over their fund raising. The GOPQ will either revive it's conservative, principled, policy positions or it will die. trump is threatening not only the United States, but the Republican Party.
All you can do at this point is observe. Presumably some will peel away over time, but the party has a real fucking problem here.

And now Trump and the RNC are at each other's throats, holy crap.
Well....if the GOP wants to remain the GOP they will kick trump out. All he is doing is enriching himself. He collected all that money to challenge his loss in the election and now he has set up a PAC that will deflect monies that would ordinarily go to the RNC to his personal war chest or pocket...as we may see. And the fools who bow to him will give him their money.

He will, in turn, torture anyone in the Republican Party who does not bow to him and repeat his lies. He is not so gently pushing the GOPQ over the edge.

You either bow to him or you risk being denied cash for your campaign. This is a typical Mafia squeeze.

No matter how accurate that may be, these Qult45 idiots won't see it. They are too busy admiring the Orange stretch marks in their assholes after being bent over and taking it the last four years by a opportunist con man.

Qult45 people seem to have an organized fetish going on for pretend.

I'm out.

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