Polls say that un-American's and total whack-jobs still hate Trump

All legitimate positive contributors couldn't be happier with the Trump administrations performance and productivity.
Nothing new here.

So basically anyone who doesn't like Trump is " unamerican " and a whacko?

Well, I know how loons love to discuss the 2% and pretend 2% of something represents the majority....BUT, if we generalize using the ACTUAL majority I'd say the answer to your question is an astounding YES!
Who hates Trump?
Government dependent lowlifes
LGBT community & supporters
Illegals and Hispanics of recent illegal descent

*NOTE: By default government employees and union workers have to pretend they hate Trump.

Who hates Trump?
Government dependent lowlifes
LGBT community & supporters
Illegals and Hispanics of recent illegal descent

Simply deplorable thinking.
So Trump said those things. He said he would lock up Hillary, he said that he would defeat ISIS in 30 days. He said those things and his supporters cheered him on.

But leftists made it all up? :cuckoo:

No, no...he did in fact say those things....he said a lot of things.
But nobody cared about those things...the Left just pretend that supporters cared about those things for some crazy reason.

Maybe because they cheered those things when he said them?

I know.......CRAZY!!!!
Would you like me to put up all the "promises" BONOBO made just to get elected?

Go ahead. The word of the day is deflection.

Or you could address the current embarrassing president.

I wonder if trumpies could have a legitimate discussions without melting down and blaming hillary or obama.
"but but but but but obummer" is getting so old.

How do you think we felt the last eight years??????

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Could care less what the polls say, and I'm sure Trump feels the same way. Polls are tools to try and control candidates, and Trump isn't one of those candidates.

We finally have a leader that's worried more about the country than polls, and it's about time.
You don't think trump cares about polls and public image? It is literally the only thing he has ever showed care for....
that and greed.

Believe me when I tell you...this is a take no shit administration..they all push their balls around in wheel barrows...something pussies can't stand...this administration loves shitting in the face of our worst and this admin knows full well that it's only our worst that disapprove....the polls probably encourage this admin to just keep the hammer down on the human cockroaches. You can't honestly believe that Trump gives a shit about what DeShawn, Miguel and faggots think of him....do you?
lowest approval rating..... ever.

hate to burst your little bubble there.

Oh no, not bursting my bubble at all....fuck the retarded polls...we've WON...and we're WINNING! We'll start worrying when the whack-jobs in Fruit York and California start to APPROVE.

You're winning? Trump couldn't even get ACA repealed after the republicans cried and moaned about it for the last decade :boohoo:

If by winning you mean not being able to do anything, please keep winning, we will all be better off.

So Trump said those things. He said he would lock up Hillary, he said that he would defeat ISIS in 30 days. He said those things and his supporters cheered him on.

But leftists made it all up? :cuckoo:

No, no...he did in fact say those things....he said a lot of things.
But nobody cared about those things...the Left just pretend that supporters cared about those things for some crazy reason.

Maybe because they cheered those things when he said them?

I know.......CRAZY!!!!
Would you like me to put up all the "promises" BONOBO made just to get elected?

Go ahead. The word of the day is deflection.

Or you could address the current embarrassing president.

No deflection...I've addressed it over and over.
Bear in mind...assuming your not ghetto welfare queens, criminals, fags or here by illegal means both of you ladies disapprove by geographical default. You're being good little Liberal sheep and following programming perfectly...In other words, you're suppose to feel the way you do.
No, no...he did in fact say those things....he said a lot of things.
But nobody cared about those things...the Left just pretend that supporters cared about those things for some crazy reason.

Maybe because they cheered those things when he said them?

I know.......CRAZY!!!!
Would you like me to put up all the "promises" BONOBO made just to get elected?

Go ahead. The word of the day is deflection.

Or you could address the current embarrassing president.

I wonder if trumpies could have a legitimate discussions without melting down and blaming hillary or obama.
"but but but but but obummer" is getting so old.

How do you think we felt the last eight years??????

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well over the last 8 years we have seen a lot of progress and achievement. Seeing as american success makes you squirm, you've probably been really blue.
Maybe because they cheered those things when he said them?

I know.......CRAZY!!!!
Would you like me to put up all the "promises" BONOBO made just to get elected?

Go ahead. The word of the day is deflection.

Or you could address the current embarrassing president.

I wonder if trumpies could have a legitimate discussions without melting down and blaming hillary or obama.
"but but but but but obummer" is getting so old.

How do you think we felt the last eight years??????

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

well over the last 8 years we have seen a lot of progress and achievement. Seeing as american success makes you squirm, you've probably been really blue.

Would you like me to put up all the "promises" BONOBO made just to get elected?

Go ahead. The word of the day is deflection.

Or you could address the current embarrassing president.

I wonder if trumpies could have a legitimate discussions without melting down and blaming hillary or obama.
"but but but but but obummer" is getting so old.

How do you think we felt the last eight years??????

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

well over the last 8 years we have seen a lot of progress and achievement. Seeing as american success makes you squirm, you've probably been really blue.

trump beat obama's 8 year record before he even won the election. Plus, obama's out trump is in. Let's try to live in the present.
Maybe because they cheered those things when he said them?

I know.......CRAZY!!!!
Would you like me to put up all the "promises" BONOBO made just to get elected?

Go ahead. The word of the day is deflection.

Or you could address the current embarrassing president.

I wonder if trumpies could have a legitimate discussions without melting down and blaming hillary or obama.
"but but but but but obummer" is getting so old.

How do you think we felt the last eight years??????

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

well over the last 8 years we have seen a lot of progress and achievement. Seeing as american success makes you squirm, you've probably been really blue.

WOW....only in Bizarro's Land Of The Loonies
Define success.
Here is what we've seen in this lawless land of free for all.
Violent crime exploding
21 trillion in debt
Unemployment reach record highs
Homelessness at an all time high
Social and racial divide
Weirdos sharing restrooms with 13 year old little girls
Politicians and law enforcement refusing to enforce laws
And herein lies the root problem with Liberal ideology...you whackos honestly believe things have been AWESOME and SUCCESSFUL.
Watching Neil Gorsuch take the oath as the 9th SCOTUS justice. Priority Number 1 accomplished........WINNING :2up:
polls show Americans want a POTUS that doesnt have his head up his ass.
Watching Neil Gorsuch take the oath as the 9th SCOTUS justice. Priority Number 1 accomplished........WINNING :2up:
Hopefully no one you love is ever screwed over by a corporation because Gorsuch will not put citizens over big corporations. Shitty appointment.
No, we cared about normalizing this Nation. To again love, care for, and lift one another up again. We hoped. It was not to be. Trump is just another Neo-Con like Bush, Hillary and Obama. We aren't "winning", we are getting into one more WW and billions will die.

This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who listened to him.

I said the same about Obama, a bunch of lies to get elected. Trump is no better than Obama, Bush or Clinton, the other alternative in the last election showed we had no real choice.
All legitimate positive contributors couldn't be happier with the Trump administrations performance and productivity.
Nothing new here.

So basically anyone who doesn't like Trump is " unamerican " and a whacko?

Well the left claimed that anyone that voted for Trump was uneducated and racist, seems to put all Americans in a box.
Could care less what the polls say, and I'm sure Trump feels the same way. Polls are tools to try and control candidates, and Trump isn't one of those candidates.

We finally have a leader that's worried more about the country than polls, and it's about time.
You don't think trump cares about polls and public image? It is literally the only thing he has ever showed care for....
that and greed.

Don't forget inauguration attendance.
or the twitter-trantrum melt downs when he is "dissed"..... my toddler is better behaved.

Someone needs to take his Twitter account away, he doesn't know how to use it. Your toddler behaves better than you in all likelihood.
No, we cared about normalizing this Nation. To again love, care for, and lift one another up again. We hoped. It was not to be. Trump is just another Neo-Con like Bush, Hillary and Obama. We aren't "winning", we are getting into one more WW and billions will die.

This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who listened to him.

I said the same about Obama, a bunch of lies to get elected. Trump is no better than Obama, Bush or Clinton, the other alternative in the last election showed we had no real choice.
Obama delivered on many of his key campaign promises. Trump is failing to deliver on many of his key promises. It is early in trumps Presidency, but he has a lot of catching up to do on those key promises.
So Trump said those things. He said he would lock up Hillary, he said that he would defeat ISIS in 30 days. He said those things and his supporters cheered him on.

But leftists made it all up? :cuckoo:

No, no...he did in fact say those things....he said a lot of things.
But nobody cared about those things...the Left just pretend that supporters cared about those things for some crazy reason.

Maybe because they cheered those things when he said them?

I know.......CRAZY!!!!
Would you like me to put up all the "promises" BONOBO made just to get elected?

Go ahead. The word of the day is deflection.

Or you could address the current embarrassing president.

I wonder if trumpies could have a legitimate discussions without melting down and blaming hillary or obama.
"but but but but but obummer" is getting so old.
Watching Neil Gorsuch take the oath as the 9th SCOTUS justice. Priority Number 1 accomplished........WINNING :2up:
Hopefully no one you love is ever screwed over by a corporation because Gorsuch will not put citizens over big corporations. Shitty appointment.

with any luck NG will be as moot as the majority Republican Congress has been. All they have done is say "we won". Seems thats far more important than anything else.
So Trump said those things. He said he would lock up Hillary, he said that he would defeat ISIS in 30 days. He said those things and his supporters cheered him on.

But leftists made it all up? :cuckoo:

No, no...he did in fact say those things....he said a lot of things.
But nobody cared about those things...the Left just pretend that supporters cared about those things for some crazy reason.

Maybe because they cheered those things when he said them?

I know.......CRAZY!!!!
Would you like me to put up all the "promises" BONOBO made just to get elected?

Go ahead. The word of the day is deflection.

Or you could address the current embarrassing president.

I wonder if trumpies could have a legitimate discussions without melting down and blaming hillary or obama.
"but but but but but obummer" is getting so old.

That is pretty funny coming from the left. The last eight years the left blamed Bush for everything and they still blame Reagan who left office 28 years ago.

Now we are seeing the same thing coming from the right and the partisan nuts wonder why.
Could care less what the polls say, and I'm sure Trump feels the same way. Polls are tools to try and control candidates, and Trump isn't one of those candidates.

We finally have a leader that's worried more about the country than polls, and it's about time.
You don't think trump cares about polls and public image? It is literally the only thing he has ever showed care for....
that and greed.

Don't forget inauguration attendance.
or the twitter-trantrum melt downs when he is "dissed"..... my toddler is better behaved.

Someone needs to take his Twitter account away, he doesn't know how to use it. Your toddler behaves better than you in all likelihood.
Certainly not. He's a toddler. He cries, whines, throws things, talks back, doesn't take no for an answer, is selfish, can not control himself. However, my toddler has attentive and caring parents. He will out grow those childish habits because we constantly reinforce that they are not acceptable. Moral of the story, my toddler will be done with this behavior in a matter of a year or two- poor donnie is 70 years old still acting like an infant.
No, we cared about normalizing this Nation. To again love, care for, and lift one another up again. We hoped. It was not to be. Trump is just another Neo-Con like Bush, Hillary and Obama. We aren't "winning", we are getting into one more WW and billions will die.

This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who listened to him.

I said the same about Obama, a bunch of lies to get elected. Trump is no better than Obama, Bush or Clinton, the other alternative in the last election showed we had no real choice.
Obama delivered on many of his key campaign promises. Trump is failing to deliver on many of his key promises. It is early in trumps Presidency, but he has a lot of catching up to do on those key promises.

Who knew "fundamentally change America" really meant fundamentally screw America.

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