Polls Showing Third of Blacks Support Trump May Herald Huge Political Upheavals Ahead


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Polls Showing Third of Blacks Support Trump May Herald Huge Political Upheavals Ahead
Polls Showing Third of Blacks Support Trump May Herald Huge Political Upheavals Ahead

......three recent national polls may signal big changes ahead in America’s political balance of power. Rasmussen Reports announced Nov. 22 that 34 percent of blacks in the latest survey said they now support President Donald Trump. Shortly thereafter, Emerson Polling said it found that 34.5 percent of blacks back the president.

Since only 8 percent of black voters supported Trump in the 2016 election, such a shift in the Democratic Party’s most loyal constituency quickly sparked glee among conservative commentators and derisive outrage among liberals. Typical of the latter was CNN analyst Ana Navarro’s quip that the pollsters must have only interviewed prominent black Trump supporters Kanye West; his wife, Kim Kardashian; former Wisconsin Sheriff David Clarke; and YouTube stars Diamond and Silk.

But then the latest Marist poll showed 33.5 percent of “non-whites,” including both blacks and Hispanics, were in favor of the president. In fact, growing support among blacks for Trump is not a new thing. When Kanye West met with Trump in the Oval Office in 2018 and proclaimed his enthusiasm for the president, Hoover Institution professor Victor Davis Hanson described the potential for a shift in black electoral allegiance: “Even 20 percent African American support for Trump would all but dismantle Democratic Party presidential hopes for 2020. … A small drop in African American turnout or anything less than the usual 85 percent to 90 percent supermajority for a Democratic presidential candidate on Election Day can prove fata

ME: This is all good news for America. Blacks have been on the Democrat plantation and held down in poverty by Democrats for long enough.
Maybe they're getting tired of Democrats saying they're too stupid to know how to get an ID every time there's an attempt to curb voter fraud.
Democrats worse enemy is the internet ,, they can control the education system but cant control who they search for .. they have shut down many consertives but can’t stop us all.
There is no such thing happening.
You wouldn't know because you don't hang out with successful black people. You're still stuck on the plantation shining shoes

Of course not. That's why I helped build 3 organizations and retired in my early 50's while you're a loser that repeats dumb shit.
There is no such thing happening.
Yea boy there is...…………………..

Alveda King is the Trump girl #1
Berniece and MLK III don't seem to agree.
So they voted for losers like you...……………

Alveda is welcome at my home anytime, she has restored my faith in humanity

Enjoy your foodstamps
Alveda validates your racism. That's why you like her.

I'll listen to direct descendants who have MLK's DNA and not his brothers child.

What did MLK's brother ever do?


The only stamps is use, I put on envelopes. So your use of food stamps is none of my business.
American Patriot spks about Public School teachers teaching PRETEEN students to DISTRUST Republicans, as well as his mistrust for shady politicians, including Barack Obama.

Why I voted for #DonaldTrump after 12 years of not voting" #WalkAway #Blexit


https://theblogsource.com/contact-us/f/diamond-and-silk-black-voter-support-for-trump-surging 6

President Donald Trump’s support among black voters continues to grow amidst record low unemployment rates, a strong economy, and legislation targeting the advancement of black American small businesses (Zogby Analytics Survey). With a 30 percent approval rating among black voters, Trump is on the verge of delivering a red tsunami on November 3rd 2020 when he is reelected for his second term.

Decades of failed legislation enforced by Democrats has left black Americans displaced and in broken communities, saturated with crime and high murder rates, with families ravaged by poverty and prison. Unlike the previous Democrat administrations, President Trump did not forget about black Americans. His criminal justice reform has had an immediate impact, turning back the clock on Democrat legislation that contributed to the mass incarceration of millions of black Americans.

In addition, President Trump has championed legislation that is opening opportunity zones for minority businesses, and removed Democrat boundaries that limited school choice for the children of black mothers. Fake news pundits are deceptively quoting a Washington Post-Ipsos poll to further divide black voters with statistics that focuses on racism, while distracting them from the fact that President Trump’s administration is in the forefront of tackling the major issues affecting black Americans.

Mean while, three separate polls (Emerson, Rasmussen, and Marist) all show Donald Trump with a 30 percent or higher approval rating among black voters. Black American voters are “woke” and President Donald J. Trump is paving the way to tackle the issues that Democrats have used for decades to keep black Americans dependent on hand outs and false promises.

trump support among blacks is 10 percent.

Alveda King is MLK's brothers daughter. MLK's children do not agree with their cousin. If King was such a staunch republican conservatives would be talking to his direct descendants. They use Alveda for her last name hoping to derail black opposition to conservative racism. That is a fact and you not liking it doesn't matter.

" Do we need a national holiday from King family members damaging the legacy of MLK?

Reading some of the quotes from King’s family recently about President Trump has been exhausting.

It has become clear over the decades following Dr. King’s assassination that news media and various other entities will attempt to exploit the King family name in order to advance agendas that are antithetical to Dr. King’s life work – a life dedicated to and given for liberation and justice for all.

Unfortunately, the Trump era has produced an endless litany of opportunities for a select few to trade the legacy of Black liberation struggles for photo opps and self-hating soundbites.

And no, we’re definitely not talking about Bernice King."

Disrespectful: We just can't take MLK's family stumping for Trump anymore
There is no such thing happening.

How would you know?

Because I am black and actually talk to other black people. I also utilize black discussion forums. A black trump supporter gets killed in those forums and you don't find many of them. I am a member of a majority black forum with over 300,000 members, 2.9 million discussions and 54 million messages. I have seen maybe 100 posts that are in support of trump. That's how I know.
There is no such thing happening.

How would you know?

Because I am black and actually talk to other black people. I also utilize black discussion forums. A black trump supporter gets killed in those forums and you don't find many of them. I am a member of a majority black forum with over 300,000 members, 2.9 million discussions and 54 million messages. I have seen maybe 100 posts that are in support of trump. That's how I know.

Being black doesn't make you an authority on how the rest of black America is voting anymore than me being white makes me an expert on white voting habits.
It has a lot to do with regions. If you dont live there you just dont know.

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