
once again MINI 14 is that your age? What do you do each day at the young republicans office?

Hey dumb ass, many union famlies are also govt union famlies and many times a family will have 3/4 members that live at one place so I would say the odds are greater that a family has a union member than what makes up a % of the population, but you can't get that fram a poll can you dimwitt.

The truth is 60% of people contacted said they are against what walker is doing, and it doesn't go along with what you want to believe so it doesn't mean anything.

We all know how the election was won, people were so pissed off about the ecconomy that they checked out of the daily and constant bashing that went on and on from the right. They said who gives a shit, and now they understand why you need to give a shit. When you turn the steering back over to the very same people who dam near destroyed the ecconomy two years before, YOUR ONLY ASKING FOR TROUBLE.

If people think their rights are being trampled on now, you ain't seen nothing yet, as once they destroy the only thing standing in the way of the takeover of this country completly by the far right is the Unions.

Don't you think that the people who own 70% of everything should be held accountable for paying for it?
once again MINI 14 is that your age? What do you do each day at the young republicans office?

Hey dumb ass, many union famlies are also govt union famlies and many times a family will have 3/4 members that live at one place so I would say the odds are greater that a family has a union member than what makes up a % of the population, but you can't get that fram a poll can you dimwitt.

The truth is 60% of people contacted said they are against what walker is doing, and it doesn't go along with what you want to believe so it doesn't mean anything.

We all know how the election was won, people were so pissed off about the ecconomy that they checked out of the daily and constant bashing that went on and on from the right. They said who gives a shit, and now they understand why you need to give a shit. When you turn the steering back over to the very same people who dam near destroyed the ecconomy two years before, YOUR ONLY ASKING FOR TROUBLE.

If people think their rights are being trampled on now, you ain't seen nothing yet, as once they destroy the only thing standing in the way of the takeover of this country completly by the far right is the Unions.

Don't you think that the people who own 70% of everything should be held accountable for paying for it?

We won.

Get over it.
I'll tell you what is unamerican, Comrade. Unamerican is being forced to pay taxes to your federal, state, and local governments and that tax money being used to pay public employees who in turn hand it over to unions in the form of union dues who then use that money to donate to Democratic candidates to help get them elected. We are being forced to fund the political campaigns of Democrats with our tax dollars. That's crooked and corrupt and THAT, comrade, is what is unamerican.

This is a pretty arrogant post.

Who are you to say what these people do with their money?

Actually, you have it backwards. it's pretty arrogant of yo. Who are you to say that these people have to be FORCED to support certain political candidates.

This whole thing is political. It's Democrat politicians caring more about their political donations than the people of the state they were to serve. This is precisely why public unions are wrong. Because they colluded with corrupt politicians to screw the people.

Screw that noise. Nobody is forcing these unions to support any candidate. They are free to chose to support who they want. If there were enough support in the union to support a GOP candidate they would do so. Like the cops. And the firemen.
Again, nobody's rights are being stolen. Public unions are a disgrace and do not allow the taxpayer a place at the table.

Unions spend money to get a dem elected, once elected the dem sits down to negotiate said union members pay.

The tax payer is not asked if they want to pay excessive amounts, they are either taxed, of have thier cost of living increased due to borrowing.

Then if the union doesn't get what they demand, everyone is told how great they are and that they have to come out and support them or you are a corprate man.

Imagine, protesting to fuck yourself over. :cuckoo:
The circle of a taxpayer life.
The truth is when I go to a place to spend my money and I don't have enough to buy what I want, I have to make a choice, either figure out a way to get more money, or i have to do with less.

If you want 100,000 workers than come up with the money to pay them Walker. If not then get used to 30 kids in a class, or waiting in line for tabs for your car or taking your own garbage home from the parks, or forgetting about getting to your kids game because the roads aren't plowed yet, and don't cry when the drunks hit the streets because they don't fear the cops since they won't be there.

There is a price to be paid, and trying to screw the people who do their jobs right, because you don't want to pay them will only come back to bite you in the ass.
Ever thought about raising taxes on those who make so much off the system instead of screwing those who survive off the system?

Why is it always those from middle down that are asked to make the sacrafices as we make it better and better for those at the top. Selsom do you ever see a average person screw over a million rich people but often you see a rich person screw over a million average people, WHY IS THAT?
The truth is when I go to a place to spend my money and I don't have enough to buy what I want, I have to make a choice, either figure out a way to get more money, or i have to do with less.

If you want 100,000 workers than come up with the money to pay them Walker. If not then get used to 30 kids in a class, or waiting in line for tabs for your car or taking your own garbage home from the parks, or forgetting about getting to your kids game because the roads aren't plowed yet, and don't cry when the drunks hit the streets because they don't fear the cops since they won't be there.

There is a price to be paid, and trying to screw the people who do their jobs right, because you don't want to pay them will only come back to bite you in the ass.
Ever thought about raising taxes on those who make so much off the system instead of screwing those who survive off the system?

Why is it always those from middle down that are asked to make the sacrafices as we make it better and better for those at the top. Selsom do you ever see a average person screw over a million rich people but often you see a rich person screw over a million average people, WHY IS THAT?

We won.

Get over it.
Republicans are finding out real quick their radical policy is un-American and calling everyone else that because they are spoiled brats who think they get what they want. Sorry, you don't. We compromise in America, unlike you.

I'll tell you what is unamerican, Comrade. Unamerican is being forced to pay taxes to your federal, state, and local governments and that tax money being used to pay public employees who in turn hand it over to unions in the form of union dues who then use that money to donate to Democratic candidates to help get them elected. We are being forced to fund the political campaigns of Democrats with our tax dollars. That's crooked and corrupt and THAT, comrade, is what is unamerican.

This is a pretty arrogant post.

Who are you to say what these people do with their money?

It's not actually their money thats the issue. It's the taxpayers money. When you think about it the union dues are kickbacks
answer to my question above, why do you see a rich guy screw over a million average people?
two answers: because they can and because we let em.
answer to my question above, why do you see a rich guy screw over a million average people?
two answers: because they can and because we let em.

How does a rich guy screw over a million average people?

Is it because he employees them? Because he uses his money to set up a sustainable business that provides goods and services for those people?

Please. inform me. Because there is not a single rich guy that screws me over. Im wondering why you choose to be a victim and what this alleged crime is?
Republicans are finding out real quick their radical policy is un-American and calling everyone else that because they are spoiled brats who think they get what they want. Sorry, you don't. We compromise in America, unlike you.

I'll tell you what is unamerican, Comrade. Unamerican is being forced to pay taxes to your federal, state, and local governments and that tax money being used to pay public employees who in turn hand it over to unions in the form of union dues who then use that money to donate to Democratic candidates to help get them elected. We are being forced to fund the political campaigns of Democrats with our tax dollars. That's crooked and corrupt and THAT, comrade, is what is unamerican.

This is a pretty arrogant post.

It's a very factual post. Just because it's not what you want to hear doesn't mean it isn't true.

Who are you to say what these people do with their money?

Your question infers they have a choice. In most states they don't. State employees have to join the union whether or not they want to and have to pay the dues to the unions whether or not they want to. There are plenty of union members out there who don't appreciate the fact that their money goes to fund the political campaigns of people they don't like either.

Why do you think the unions are so up and arms over Walker's proposal? They don't give a shit about protecting the benefits and the "rights" of their members. It's because it will give state employees a CHOICE as to whether or not they want union representation and that will hit the unions in the pocket book pretty hard because people will start leaving it of their own free will.
answer to my question above, why do you see a rich guy screw over a million average people?
two answers: because they can and because we let em.

And yet you vote for politicians who screw over 300 million people.
I'll tell you what is unamerican, Comrade. Unamerican is being forced to pay taxes to your federal, state, and local governments and that tax money being used to pay public employees who in turn hand it over to unions in the form of union dues who then use that money to donate to Democratic candidates to help get them elected. We are being forced to fund the political campaigns of Democrats with our tax dollars. That's crooked and corrupt and THAT, comrade, is what is unamerican.

This is a pretty arrogant post.

It's a very factual post. Just because it's not what you want to hear doesn't mean it isn't true.

Who are you to say what these people do with their money?

Your question infers they have a choice. In most states they don't. State employees have to join the union whether or not they want to and have to pay the dues to the unions whether or not they want to. There are plenty of union members out there who don't appreciate the fact that their money goes to fund the political campaigns of people they don't like either.

Why do you think the unions are so up and arms over Walker's proposal? They don't give a shit about protecting the benefits and the "rights" of their members. It's because it will give state employees a CHOICE as to whether or not they want union representation and that will hit the unions in the pocket book pretty hard because people will start leaving it of their own free will.

It's about busting up the unions to hamstring your political opposition.

Like I said nobody is forcing the unions to support one candidate over another.

And furthermore, nobody is forcing those people to take these jobs.
It's about busting up the unions to hamstring your political opposition.

Like I said nobody is forcing the unions to support one candidate over another.

And furthermore, nobody is forcing those people to take these jobs.

We won.

Get over it.

They need to pass the Budget so we can see what's in it.
This is a pretty arrogant post.

Who are you to say what these people do with their money?

Actually, you have it backwards. it's pretty arrogant of yo. Who are you to say that these people have to be FORCED to support certain political candidates.

This whole thing is political. It's Democrat politicians caring more about their political donations than the people of the state they were to serve. This is precisely why public unions are wrong. Because they colluded with corrupt politicians to screw the people.

Screw that noise. Nobody is forcing these unions to support any candidate. They are free to chose to support who they want. If there were enough support in the union to support a GOP candidate they would do so. Like the cops. And the firemen.

9 times out of 10 unions support Democratic candidates, but that irrelevant anyway. You're missing the whole point here.
It's about busting up the unions to hamstring your political opposition.

Like I said nobody is forcing the unions to support one candidate over another.

And furthermore, nobody is forcing those people to take these jobs.

We won.

Get over it.

They need to pass the Budget so we can see what's in it.

Then put the collective bargaining back on the table then it's "red rover, red rover send send 10 Senate Republicans on over."

This can done by tomorrow.
It's about busting up the unions to hamstring your political opposition.

Like I said nobody is forcing the unions to support one candidate over another.

And furthermore, nobody is forcing those people to take these jobs.

You're damn right it's about busting them up and it should be. They're parasites on every taxpaying citizen in the state.

I don't give 20 ounces of rat shit about who the unions decide to support. I don't want my tax dollars going to fund the political campaigns of politicians PERIOD! And as I pointed out in my previous response, the vast majority of the time that money is going to the Democrats, and you know that. And no, the unions members don't have a choice to support whoever they want. They have to go with what the majority decides and they are forced to hand their money over regardless. Unions abandon individualism for collectivism.

You're right. They don't have to take the job, but then extortion shouldn't have to be part of the agreement in order to take the job. What ever happened to freedom of choice?

Stop making excuses for corruption and kickbacks. FDR opposed the public sector unionizing for precisely this reason. It's a conflict of interest and it's shady ethics all the way around.
It's about busting up the unions to hamstring your political opposition.

Like I said nobody is forcing the unions to support one candidate over another.

And furthermore, nobody is forcing those people to take these jobs.

Thats a little naive. The are even trying to take away the secret ballot. Bully tactics to keep dems in power to keep unions in power

What are some of the problems with the Employee Free Choice Act / Card Check?
There are many. They range from taking away employees' rights to a private ballot on whether or not to organize to forcing businesses into binding, government-dictated arbitration settlements.

A group of people, let's say teachers, can hold a town hostage by demanding more pay.

Cops, firemen, road workers can all refuse to stop crime put out fires or fix roads by demanding more pay.

That is not right safe or constitutional. But that is collective bargaining.
This can done by tomorrow.

It could have been done 3 weeks ago, if the Dem Senators hadn't run away and preferred to see people fired before they are compelled to do their jobs.

The decision has been made. The formality of the vote is all that's left, but the outcome has been determined.

The union lost.

Put a ribbon on it, if it makes you feel better.
"when you think about it union dues are kickbacks?"

Comming from someone who knows little about what for or where union dues go to.

The international does the bidding for unions, so they get a part which they use for running the org. and for training people to do their jobs at both the local and national levels. They also do the same thing a company does or an org like BBB or or org for the betterment of business does for their members like trying to influencing congress to their point of view.
They also provide the professionals to assist on barganing, people who know what the laws are and what can and can't be done, just like the corp's have in bargining(lawyers).
Then a good portion go to the dict level where everyone can go and find out what is happening first hand, see what is being done on their behalf and provide them with a place to air their givences they have. Also if you have been fired from your job and the Union has found that it was a just firing you have the right to present to a board and can get the union decision overturned and force them to continue to support your position.
Then a portion goes to your local where the group of companies pay for the cost of local negotiating team's wages and other costs such as their share for rooms to meet in. Locals have meeting every month that any member can come and be heard, and even make a proposal to be acted upon.

Then we have the strike fund, where if you can't come to an agreement and have to vote to strike, there is usually a small pittance to help you through, and depending on conditions of the financial of the locals they may even give you a small amount when off of work.

There are strick rules on what can and can't be used for political use, but that doesn't mean anything to most of you on the right, because you want to believe that somehow all the union money goes to support polliticians, while little does. What union memebers do do is take off work and pound the pavement, along with making calls and whatever else they can do in order to get people who's opinions of what is needed is closer to theirs.

he corp's take money from people without their knowledge by gouging prices and they use much of this money to get the people they want that will do exactly what they want done elected and somehow you think this is OK.

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