Pompeo reminds the world that the United States and Israel are above the law.

bullshit, Obama sent troops into IRAQ with out an agreement with the Iraqs government.

Obama didnt need no agreement.

Damn right he did and he didn't need an agreement. He had to. ISIS was making moves on Erbil. It was a line in the sand not drawn by Obama! To his credit he limited the amount of US combat troops he put in harms way, at least in the battle against ISIS in Iraq.

So the Iraqis didn't ask for our help in Baghdad? They said "We can handle it. We don't need your stinking air support! "?

you dont make no sense what so ever Bush jr left it up to the next guy. obama didn't have to pull out any troops.

GWB was force to negotiate the SOFA signed in 2008 before he left office. In that agreement the USA agreed to withdraw all our troops before 2012. That's what he left the "next guy". Clean up that monumental strategic blunder.
Obama obviously didn't consider it an impediment to leaving US troops in Iraq since he negotiated with the Pentagon for about a year about how many troops we would leave there before deciding to let the country burn in order to enhance his chances for a second term. His own words at the time were that he was pulling out because Iraq didn't need us anymore, which he knew was a lie. Obama may have had a nice smile, but he was a cold blooded, cynical politician who had no problem causing hundreds of thousands of people to be killed and millions to become homeless refugees in order to advance his career.

In reality, the reason Obama's negotiations (with Iraq, not the Pentagon ) failed was because of the same reason Bushes failed.

what failure?

Jesus you guys act like Bush jr. needed Iraq's approval to invade there country,

Damn right he did and he didn't need an agreement. He had to. ISIS was making moves on Erbil. It was a line in the sand not drawn by Obama! To his credit he limited the amount of US combat troops he put in harms way, at least in the battle against ISIS in Iraq.

So the Iraqis didn't ask for our help in Baghdad? They said "We can handle it. We don't need your stinking air support! "?

you dont make no sense what so ever Bush jr left it up to the next guy. obama didn't have to pull out any troops.

GWB was force to negotiate the SOFA signed in 2008 before he left office. In that agreement the USA agreed to withdraw all our troops before 2012. That's what he left the "next guy". Clean up that monumental strategic blunder.
Obama obviously didn't consider it an impediment to leaving US troops in Iraq since he negotiated with the Pentagon for about a year about how many troops we would leave there before deciding to let the country burn in order to enhance his chances for a second term. His own words at the time were that he was pulling out because Iraq didn't need us anymore, which he knew was a lie. Obama may have had a nice smile, but he was a cold blooded, cynical politician who had no problem causing hundreds of thousands of people to be killed and millions to become homeless refugees in order to advance his career.

In reality, the reason Obama's negotiations (with Iraq, not the Pentagon ) failed was because of the same reason Bushes failed.
You are still trying to excuse the monstrous thing he did. Obama negotiated with the Pentagon for over a year. The Pentagon argued that we had to keep 30,000 troops there, about the same as we had in Korea, but Obama kept arguing that that was too many, and eventually decided that if he kept any troops there, it would be bad for his reelection campaign.

We know he could have kept troops there regardless of the SOFA because when he wanted to send troops back later the Iraqis refused but finally agreed because they needed our help. They wanted our air power but no US troops, but Obama refused and demanded that in addition to the troops stationed in Iraq, the Iraqi government would have to make reforms in the military and in the government or we wouldn't help them. In 2011, Iraq was heavily dependent on US deliveries of military hardware and US expertise in developing their oil. They would have had no choice but to allow us to stay. The argument about the SOFA is a lie his supporters made up as the bodies began to accumulate in Iraq because of his cynical political move of sacrificing millions of people to enhance his chances of being elected. If the SOFA had been the problem he would have said so at the time, but he never mentioned it until Iraq began to burn.

As Commander in Chief the President gives orders to the Pentagon. He does not negotiate with them. Iraq held all the cards. Obama stated nearly the exact same reasons for us leaving Iraq at the end of 2011 as GWB proclaimed in 2008 as he was being bombarded with shoes! The problem wasn't just President Bushes exit strategy in the SOFA, it was the invasion and occupation that caused most of the damage and set up the next battle in the Iraq Civil War.
I read the end of The Bible and People like THE OP, Lose, and Lose very badly.
The Score ends up being like

Them 0

God To Infinity
Damn right he did and he didn't need an agreement. He had to. ISIS was making moves on Erbil. It was a line in the sand not drawn by Obama! To his credit he limited the amount of US combat troops he put in harms way, at least in the battle against ISIS in Iraq.

So the Iraqis didn't ask for our help in Baghdad? They said "We can handle it. We don't need your stinking air support! "?

you dont make no sense what so ever Bush jr left it up to the next guy. obama didn't have to pull out any troops.

GWB was force to negotiate the SOFA signed in 2008 before he left office. In that agreement the USA agreed to withdraw all our troops before 2012. That's what he left the "next guy". Clean up that monumental strategic blunder.
Obama obviously didn't consider it an impediment to leaving US troops in Iraq since he negotiated with the Pentagon for about a year about how many troops we would leave there before deciding to let the country burn in order to enhance his chances for a second term. His own words at the time were that he was pulling out because Iraq didn't need us anymore, which he knew was a lie. Obama may have had a nice smile, but he was a cold blooded, cynical politician who had no problem causing hundreds of thousands of people to be killed and millions to become homeless refugees in order to advance his career.

In reality, the reason Obama's negotiations (with Iraq, not the Pentagon ) failed was because of the same reason Bushes failed.

what failure?

Jesus you guys act like Bush jr. needed Iraq's approval to invade there country,


Bush asked the UN to certify the US led Occupation after everything started going south. That certification was ending in 2009. That's what forced Bush to negotiate the SOFA with the provisional government in the first place. Rather than allowing our troops to be subject to the Islamic laws of Iraq, Bush opted for a timeline for withdrawal.
you dont make no sense what so ever Bush jr left it up to the next guy. obama didn't have to pull out any troops.

GWB was force to negotiate the SOFA signed in 2008 before he left office. In that agreement the USA agreed to withdraw all our troops before 2012. That's what he left the "next guy". Clean up that monumental strategic blunder.
Obama obviously didn't consider it an impediment to leaving US troops in Iraq since he negotiated with the Pentagon for about a year about how many troops we would leave there before deciding to let the country burn in order to enhance his chances for a second term. His own words at the time were that he was pulling out because Iraq didn't need us anymore, which he knew was a lie. Obama may have had a nice smile, but he was a cold blooded, cynical politician who had no problem causing hundreds of thousands of people to be killed and millions to become homeless refugees in order to advance his career.

In reality, the reason Obama's negotiations (with Iraq, not the Pentagon ) failed was because of the same reason Bushes failed.
You are still trying to excuse the monstrous thing he did. Obama negotiated with the Pentagon for over a year. The Pentagon argued that we had to keep 30,000 troops there, about the same as we had in Korea, but Obama kept arguing that that was too many, and eventually decided that if he kept any troops there, it would be bad for his reelection campaign.

We know he could have kept troops there regardless of the SOFA because when he wanted to send troops back later the Iraqis refused but finally agreed because they needed our help. They wanted our air power but no US troops, but Obama refused and demanded that in addition to the troops stationed in Iraq, the Iraqi government would have to make reforms in the military and in the government or we wouldn't help them. In 2011, Iraq was heavily dependent on US deliveries of military hardware and US expertise in developing their oil. They would have had no choice but to allow us to stay. The argument about the SOFA is a lie his supporters made up as the bodies began to accumulate in Iraq because of his cynical political move of sacrificing millions of people to enhance his chances of being elected. If the SOFA had been the problem he would have said so at the time, but he never mentioned it until Iraq began to burn.

As Commander in Chief the President gives orders to the Pentagon. He does not negotiate with them. Iraq held all the cards. Obama stated nearly the exact same reasons for us leaving Iraq at the end of 2011 as GWB proclaimed in 2008 as he was being bombarded with shoes! The problem wasn't just President Bushes exit strategy in the SOFA, it was the invasion and occupation that caused most of the damage and set up the next battle in the Iraq Civil War.
More bullshit. Iraq was peaceful when Obama took over so there was no next battle, but Obama's decision to pull out our troops and end all support for the Sunni militias that were keeping al Qaeda and other terrorist groups under control set up the disaster that followed and he ended the support and pressure on the Shi'ite government to include the Kurds and Sunni in the military and government. The Pentagon told Obama the country would go up in flames if he pulled our troops out, and he left Iraq with no support for the items and issues that had made it peaceful as if he wanted to see it go up in flames so he could try to make the point we shouldn't have gone in there.

Everything Obama touched in the ME he made worse, and the only country that was not happy to see him go was Iran. The problem was that while Obama mastered looking like a president, he was only an ambitious, immoral politician and not a political leader.
you dont make no sense what so ever Bush jr left it up to the next guy. obama didn't have to pull out any troops.

GWB was force to negotiate the SOFA signed in 2008 before he left office. In that agreement the USA agreed to withdraw all our troops before 2012. That's what he left the "next guy". Clean up that monumental strategic blunder.
Obama obviously didn't consider it an impediment to leaving US troops in Iraq since he negotiated with the Pentagon for about a year about how many troops we would leave there before deciding to let the country burn in order to enhance his chances for a second term. His own words at the time were that he was pulling out because Iraq didn't need us anymore, which he knew was a lie. Obama may have had a nice smile, but he was a cold blooded, cynical politician who had no problem causing hundreds of thousands of people to be killed and millions to become homeless refugees in order to advance his career.

In reality, the reason Obama's negotiations (with Iraq, not the Pentagon ) failed was because of the same reason Bushes failed.

what failure?

Jesus you guys act like Bush jr. needed Iraq's approval to invade there country,


Bush asked the UN to certify the US led Occupation after everything started going south. That certification was ending in 2009. That's what forced Bush to negotiate the SOFA with the provisional government in the first place. Rather than allowing our troops to be subject to the Islamic laws of Iraq, Bush opted for a timeline for withdrawal.

We don't need the UN approval, you really can't handle that fact can you?
GWB was force to negotiate the SOFA signed in 2008 before he left office. In that agreement the USA agreed to withdraw all our troops before 2012. That's what he left the "next guy". Clean up that monumental strategic blunder.
Obama obviously didn't consider it an impediment to leaving US troops in Iraq since he negotiated with the Pentagon for about a year about how many troops we would leave there before deciding to let the country burn in order to enhance his chances for a second term. His own words at the time were that he was pulling out because Iraq didn't need us anymore, which he knew was a lie. Obama may have had a nice smile, but he was a cold blooded, cynical politician who had no problem causing hundreds of thousands of people to be killed and millions to become homeless refugees in order to advance his career.

In reality, the reason Obama's negotiations (with Iraq, not the Pentagon ) failed was because of the same reason Bushes failed.

what failure?

Jesus you guys act like Bush jr. needed Iraq's approval to invade there country,


Bush asked the UN to certify the US led Occupation after everything started going south. That certification was ending in 2009. That's what forced Bush to negotiate the SOFA with the provisional government in the first place. Rather than allowing our troops to be subject to the Islamic laws of Iraq, Bush opted for a timeline for withdrawal.

We don't need the UN approval, you really can't handle that fact can you?

To defend the USA you are correct, the President needs no approval from the UN. President Bush went to the UN for help with the disastrous occupation. The Iraqis kept asking the UN to revoke the USA Occupation Authority. The UN finally did and that Authority was ending in 2009. That's why GWB had to negotiate with the Government of Iraq for that SOFA he announced at the end of his term.
Iraq was peaceful when Obama took over so there was no next battle

Because we still had combat troops in the field when President Bush left office.

Obama's decision to pull out our troops and end all support for the Sunni militias

It was Bushes exit strategy, made in 2008. Also, it was the Iraqi Government(Shiite led) that began persecuting the Sunnis well after our troops left. Iraq was at peace when we left in 2011. Imo, mostly because they wanted us to leave so they could resume killing each other. And they did.
Obama obviously didn't consider it an impediment to leaving US troops in Iraq since he negotiated with the Pentagon for about a year about how many troops we would leave there before deciding to let the country burn in order to enhance his chances for a second term. His own words at the time were that he was pulling out because Iraq didn't need us anymore, which he knew was a lie. Obama may have had a nice smile, but he was a cold blooded, cynical politician who had no problem causing hundreds of thousands of people to be killed and millions to become homeless refugees in order to advance his career.

In reality, the reason Obama's negotiations (with Iraq, not the Pentagon ) failed was because of the same reason Bushes failed.

what failure?

Jesus you guys act like Bush jr. needed Iraq's approval to invade there country,


Bush asked the UN to certify the US led Occupation after everything started going south. That certification was ending in 2009. That's what forced Bush to negotiate the SOFA with the provisional government in the first place. Rather than allowing our troops to be subject to the Islamic laws of Iraq, Bush opted for a timeline for withdrawal.

We don't need the UN approval, you really can't handle that fact can you?

To defend the USA you are correct, the President needs no approval from the UN. President Bush went to the UN for help with the disastrous occupation. The Iraqis kept asking the UN to revoke the USA Occupation Authority. The UN finally did and that Authority was ending in 2009. That's why GWB had to negotiate with the Government of Iraq for that SOFA he announced at the end of his term.
More bullshit. Maliki wanted a residual force to remain, and the SoFA allowed him to offer it if he believed the state was unstable, but Obama demanded the parliament, which was controlled by Iran, ask us to stay despite the fact the Iraqi law did not require it. UN authorization was not needed for the US troops to stay.

"In the event of any external or internal threat or aggression against Iraq that would violate its sovereignty, political independence, or territorial integrity, waters, airspace, its democratic system or its elected institutions, and upon request by the Government of Iraq, the Parties shall immediately initiate strategic deliberations and, as may be mutually agreed, the United States shall take appropriate measures, including diplomatic, economic, or military measures, or any other measure, to deter such a threat."


This means Obama could have taken the Pentagon's advice that is he left the country would go up in flames instead of effectively sentencing millions of people to death or homelessness. The Iraqi government wanted the US to stay, the Iraqi military wanted the US to stay and the US military wanted the US to stay. The only parties that wanted the US to leave were Iran and Obama.
Iraq was peaceful when Obama took over so there was no next battle

Because we still had combat troops in the field when President Bush left office.

Obama's decision to pull out our troops and end all support for the Sunni militias

It was Bushes exit strategy, made in 2008. Also, it was the Iraqi Government(Shiite led) that began persecuting the Sunnis well after our troops left. Iraq was at peace when we left in 2011. Imo, mostly because they wanted us to leave so they could resume killing each other. And they did.
Nonsense, the Iraqi government, Maliki, wanted us to stay and the Iraqi military wanted us to stay and the SoFA allowed the PM, Maliki to keep US troops there.

"In the event of any external or internal threat or aggression against Iraq that would violate its sovereignty, political independence, or territorial integrity, waters, airspace, its democratic system or its elected institutions, and upon request by the Government of Iraq, the Parties shall immediately initiate strategic deliberations and, as may be mutually agreed, the United States shall take appropriate measures, including diplomatic, economic, or military measures, or any other measure, to deter such a threat."


As you have noted it was only the presence of US troops that prevented the humanitarian disaster that followed our withdrawal and that is exactly what the Pentagon told Obama, but clearly Obama didn't give a shit about anything but being reelected.
UN authorization was not needed for the US troops to stay.

If that were true why on earth did President Bush negotiate with Maliki on the SOFA throughout 2008 in the first place? Why did Maliki and Bush put in a withdrawal timeline if they both wanted the US occupation to continue?
UN authorization was not needed for the US troops to stay.

If that were true why on earth did President Bush negotiate with Maliki on the SOFA throughout 2008 in the first place? Why did Maliki and Bush put in a withdrawal timeline if they both wanted the US occupation to continue?
Because there was no occupation. At the time the SoFA was signed, US troops in Iraq were playing the same role as US troops in Korea, simply supporting the Iraqi government and keeping the terrorists from threatening the stability of Iraq. What we call the SoFA was and executive agreement consisting of two agreements that defined the status of US forces in Iraq and gave the PM the power to keep them there if he deemed they were needed. Effectively, it defined the fact that Iraq was in control and the US was merely an ally helping Iraq defend itself against aggressions internal or external. Under the terms laid out in the agreements, the Maliki government and the Iraqi military wanted a residual force to remain to assist Iraq in various ways to maintain the peace but Iran wanted the US out so it could try to absorb Iraq and Obama wanted the US out so he could say he kept his promise in the 2012 election.
In an effort to threaten everyone into not investigating US or Israeli war crimes in the International Criminal Court, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says anyone involved in such probes will lose their visa and may be sanctioned.

The Washington war hawk said that action had to be taken because any investigation into alleged war crimes and torture committed by the United States would be a threat to US rule of law. Visas will be pulled or denied for anyone who has been involved in or even requested an ICC investigation of “any US personnel.

The ICC is currently mulling over a request to investigate possible war crimes committed by the US in Afghanistan in the course of the nearly 20-year conflict which has left over 100,000 Afghans dead. The international court prosecutor’s office says it has “reasonable basis” to believe that “war crimes and crimes against humanity” were, and continue to be, committed by foreign government forces in Afghanistan.

Pompeo openly stated that the action was intended to get the court to drop the potential investigation, and that Washington was ready to further increase the pressure if they don’t do as he says.

We are prepared to take additional steps, including economic sanctions, if the ICC does not change course,” he said.
'Change your course!': Pompeo threatens ICC over US war crimes probe

Here are some more links for the Russia Derangement Syndrome crowd whose masters tell them RT is bad.

US bars entry to International Criminal Court investigators

US to deny visas for ICC members investigating alleged war crimes

You do realize that God curses those that curse Israel and blesses those that bless Israel, correct?

You should also realize that when Christ returns to Earth he will bathe in the blood of all those who oppose Israel and oppose God, and who will be worshipping The Antichrist and have taken his mark.

Complete and utter destruction will be rained down upon the heads of all Nations who oppose God and Israel in the End Times. The destruction will be so complete that the Blood will run 4 feet deep like a river.

And then comes Eternal Hell for those whom he has destroyed.

Christ will rule from Jerusalem after he has destroyed Evil from the Earth. Pray and repent that you will not be numbered with such people.

Nothing you say or so is going to stop that or remove Israel from the face of the Earth.

In an effort to threaten everyone into not investigating US or Israeli war crimes in the International Criminal Court, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says anyone involved in such probes will lose their visa and may be sanctioned.

The Washington war hawk said that action had to be taken because any investigation into alleged war crimes and torture committed by the United States would be a threat to US rule of law. Visas will be pulled or denied for anyone who has been involved in or even requested an ICC investigation of “any US personnel.

The ICC is currently mulling over a request to investigate possible war crimes committed by the US in Afghanistan in the course of the nearly 20-year conflict which has left over 100,000 Afghans dead. The international court prosecutor’s office says it has “reasonable basis” to believe that “war crimes and crimes against humanity” were, and continue to be, committed by foreign government forces in Afghanistan.

Pompeo openly stated that the action was intended to get the court to drop the potential investigation, and that Washington was ready to further increase the pressure if they don’t do as he says.

We are prepared to take additional steps, including economic sanctions, if the ICC does not change course,” he said.
'Change your course!': Pompeo threatens ICC over US war crimes probe

Here are some more links for the Russia Derangement Syndrome crowd whose masters tell them RT is bad.

US bars entry to International Criminal Court investigators

US to deny visas for ICC members investigating alleged war crimes

Of course the other factor besides control ^^^^
disinformation.and misinformation.
Totalitarianism--western style.
You used to need a standing army to come in and control a population, now you have that box in the corner and no one knows they are being controlled.
Pompeo reminds the world that the United States and Israel are above the law.

Overnight Israeli air forces conducted unprovoked attacks on Aleppo because they can and know that there is no one to stop them.

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