Poor Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Democrats are running scared from everything these days.

Democrats are probably going to keep the Senate.

But here's the fun thing.

They have been focused on state elections as well. And they will probably pick up in that area.

Buh bye Brownback and Walker.

She been an embarrassment for quite some time. The best thing the DNC can do is hand this woman her hat.

I agree, to an extent. I don't think she's done a good job.

In terms of her being an "embarrassment", I don't think that's the issue though.

It is a part of issue. I would say here biggest issue is she comes across very shrill and unlikeable.
She puts the "UGH" in ugly.
Democrats are running scared from everything these days.

Democrats are probably going to keep the Senate.

But here's the fun thing.

They have been focused on state elections as well. And they will probably pick up in that area.

Buh bye Brownback and Walker.

You mean cart busloads of illegals into those states?
Democrats are running scared from everything these days.

Democrats are probably going to keep the Senate.

But here's the fun thing.

They have been focused on state elections as well. And they will probably pick up in that area.

Buh bye Brownback and Walker.

You mean cart busloads of illegals into those states?

Say what?

You have anything credible that this sort of thing has happened?

I mean other than the Daily Caller, FOX, World News Daily, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity..well right wing propaganda in general..

Thanks in advance.
Democrats are running scared from everything these days.

Democrats are probably going to keep the Senate.

But here's the fun thing.

They have been focused on state elections as well. And they will probably pick up in that area.

Buh bye Brownback and Walker.

You mean cart busloads of illegals into those states?

Say what?

You have anything credible that this sort of thing has happened?

I mean other than the Daily Caller, FOX, World News Daily, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity..well right wing propaganda in general..

Thanks in advance.
Do you expect me to believe that Democrats aren't stuffing the ballot box?
The very same party that is being led by a guy that only pays attention to laws he likes?

It's kind of nice seeing them eat one of their own for a change

not to worry, there's another Debbie Downer just waiting in the wings of that party
It's kind of nice seeing them eat one of their own for a change

not to worry, there's another Debbie Downer just waiting in the wings of that party
Besides, she hasn't been around long enough. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi say pretty much the same thing. They just know how to say it without pissing off their own party.
Wow, that sure showed me... :lol:

What is it that you guys get out of posts like this?

To everyone else reading it, it reads as "I have no response, so I'll make some weak personal attack".

Who are you trying to fool?

She is representative of your party and she is so skilled at being a bold faced liar for the cause it's become clear she is representative of your party.

This was not the transparency Obama was all hopey/changey for....oops
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I was a little surprised that she got the gig in the first place. She's quick and very good at the standard dishonest spin, deflection, distortion and outright lies that both parties hold in such high regard, but she's always seemed a little too abrasive to me.

Meh. Just another bullshitting politician, dime a dozen.

I read the entire article. There is one actual quote by John Morgan, who shoots himself in the foot on a regular basis, that can't be sourced. Everything else in the article is attributed to unnamed sources.

Typical RNC hit piece, I guess the are peeing in their pants in fear of DWS.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Can be sure of one thing: If her cogent and intelligent and wise views can not convince a conservative/Republican to vote liberal/Democrat, her ravishing beauty surely will.
I think liberals know how much the current behavior of conservatives is helping them.

There was no excuse for losing to such a vulnerable incumbent President, and there is no excuse not to make significant gains in the sixth year of an unpopular President's term.

What will happen, though, is if the GOP doesn't take the Senate they'll think they weren't hardcore Tea Party enough. Oy.

The Dems have to be loving this.

The dems are scum, so they probably are. Anything that demeans and weakens our country, they love it.
Bottom line is- How much did she shake down for the party? If the $$ is high she's fine,.....other wise, buh-bye.

Money's not the whole story, but it's a big part of it. Donations to the DNC have been going up every year, but I don't what that means relative to anything else.

Money = 95% - other shit =5%

If she raises a lot of cash- she's golden, regardless of her numerous gaffes, lies, and miscues. CA$H is King.

PS- Prebius is judged the same way- MONEY TALK$, Bull$hit walk$...

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