Poor Democrat

I'm sure it won't be flattering to Trump, but I hope there is nothing impeachable. Be glad when the MSM gets their reality check and can move on to bitching about normal stuff.
I'm sure it won't be flattering to Trump, but I hope there is nothing impeachable. Be glad when the MSM gets their reality check and can move on to bitching about normal stuff.

Just another attempt to exonerate Clinton and Obama for dealing with Russia and giving them an Official Invitation to interfere in the 2016 Elections, and disrupt our Democracy via the way they used, paid for, and propagated The Dirty Russian Dossier. The Dirty Dossier was THE CENTRAL PLANK in THE DNC's CAMPAIGN against Trump in The Election, and After The Election it was the Lynch Pin of The Obama Administration's Failed COUP against President Trump.

Mueller will make ZERO mention of The Dirty Dossier, how it was sourced, who paid for it, how the chain of possession originated in Russia, and how it was used to file false affidavits in FISA to launch an Espionage and Smear Campaign against The President of The United States.

There will also be ZERO mention of Seth Rich, no sworn statements from Assange or Kim.com that Seth Rich was given the emails by Pakistani hackers who betrayed Clinton, The DNC and Podesta to make a quick buck, after they finished their working hacking in to Congressional Files to get dirt for Clinton and Obama on their political enemies.

Seth Rich died for his country and should be revered as an American Martyr.

Russian Collusion FAILED MISERABLY, so Mueller to cover his own ass, and to justify spending enough money to pay for the National Defense of several small nations, is just shotgun blasting all his victims with the charges of "lying".

Mueller, if he wanted to PROVE RUSSIAN COLLUSION beyond a shadow of a doubt, only has to spend one day investigating The Clinton Campaign and Barak Obama.

But he is never going to do that, because his role is the same as Comey's, cover for Obama and Clinton and sweep their crimes, and treachery under the rug.
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