Poor Democrats, first Trump got the Union vote now going after the Black vote

Privatizing any of those results in one term.

not necessarily ...Trump an Elite was sold to the Rubes as a 'Blue Collar Billionaire Reformer /Swamp Drainer"....the end of Medicare and SS will be sold as a "Rescue of the Programs"
So you think they're going to "end" Medicare and Social Security?

you think they are not ?
Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare

How the GOP's Social Security plan cuts benefits
CBS News
Top House Republican Unveils Plan To Gut Social Security
[URL='https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=newssearch&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi8-ODv2vPQAhUa24MKHZHJCgUQqQIIOCgAMAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fthinkprogress.org%2Frepublicans-social-security-369dbd5223fe&usg=AFQjCNEH__CVi5KlW1USqsLdnwmrdOmECw&bvm=bv.141320020,d.amc']Republicans launch plan to annihilate Social Security

If you can sell Trump to the rubes as a "Blue Collar Billionaire Reformer of Corruption" you can sell crack cocaine as a remedy for depression and emotional instability ...
Privatizing any of those results in one term.

not necessarily ...Trump an Elite was sold to the Rubes as a 'Blue Collar Billionaire Reformer /Swamp Drainer"....the end of Medicare and SS will be sold as a "Rescue of the Programs"
So you think they're going to "end" Medicare and Social Security?

you think they are not ?
Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare

How the GOP's Social Security plan cuts benefits
CBS News
Top House Republican Unveils Plan To Gut Social Security
Republicans launch plan to annihilate Social Security
Okay, so we've moved from "ending" Medicare and Social Security to "cutting" them to some degree.

Big difference there.

Ryan's Medicare plan is far less draconian than I feared. Medicare | Paul Ryan

The Social Security trial balloons won't fly. There are far too many moderate Republicans who would vote against it, even if it came to a vote.
Ultimately, the extreme left have destroyed the Democrats, they were doing it to Liberals here in Canada for a few years. In general, extremes in any party will ruin it, as extremes in party exclude most of the population and thirst for power.

In the case of the left, they are talking about socialism, political correctness across almost any and every facet of life, trying to turn humans into plastic figurines. It's embarrassing and quite dangerous. It's also been attempted before in human history, never with positive results for human kind or the populations which they reside over.

Let's see if they've learned anything.

Early indications are not promising.

They are too deep into identity politics, and right now to democrats blacks are no longer the identity they cater to. Right now its progressive, college educated whites and the causes supported by such people.
Okay, so we've moved from "ending" Medicare and Social Security to "cutting" them to some degree.

Big difference there.

Ryan's Medicare plan is far less draconian than I feared. Medicare | Paul Ryan

The Social Security trial balloons won't fly. There are far too many moderate Republicans who would vote against it, even if it came to a vote.
wait a minute ...you think they are going to announce "we are going to destroy Social Security" ...No no no...they are going to sell it to you LOL that is the essence of rube ...to take that kind of rhetoric at face value ...the destruction of FDR New Deal is a long held goal ....and they are going to achieve it ...

like I said
If you can sell Trump to the rubes as a "Blue Collar Billionaire Reformer of Corruption" you can sell crack cocaine as a remedy for depression and emotional instability ...
Ultimately, the extreme left have destroyed the Democrats, they were doing it to Liberals here in Canada for a few years. In general, extremes in any party will ruin it, as extremes in party exclude most of the population and thirst for power.

In the case of the left, they are talking about socialism, political correctness across almost any and every facet of life, trying to turn humans into plastic figurines. It's embarrassing and quite dangerous. It's also been attempted before in human history, never with positive results for human kind or the populations which they reside over.

Let's see if they've learned anything.

Early indications are not promising.

Well they have a hierarchy which doesn't want to relinquish power, and why would they really? The fact is though, they are trying to stave off the Bernie Sanders of their party (which I would suggest is a good thing as America does NOT need socialism), but, they also used Warren and Bernie during the election to try and gain the WH. They appealed to SJW's while trying to suggest they were looking out for the little guy, who didn't have a job nor care about some of the ridiculous issues being fought for.

Political parties are no different than any system. It would be comparable to going to work tomorrow and seeing managers and long time employees replaced with new people, you would question the wisdom of it and some would rebel. What is true about politics is true about business, you have to be flexible and adapt to changes in the environment and challenges which people are facing. They don't seem willing to adapt.

Let's be honest, it's not as if Donald Trump was welcomed with open arms by the GOP establishment. Though he certainly was a unique case as he was about as far away from a traditional politician as imaginable, thus his appeal to so many.
My guess is that we're going to be in this period for a while, in which the Dems refuse to accept what has happened - and far more importantly, why it happened. As a result, the Old Guard - those most responsible for this - will be able to maintain power for now.

Full disclosure, I lean Left, I voted against Trump. But I completely agree that the party has lost its way, led down the wrong path by the Regressive Left.

And now those people will just have to watch what they have helped happen. The Supreme Court, the cabinet, and having to defend so many seats in 2018.

They won't admit it, of course. It's all someone else's fault. Those guys, over there.

It's kind of interesting that prior to this election the conventional wisdom was that the Republican party was losing its roots. Interesting to see a center-left person acknowledging that right now its the Democrats that have shifted from their ideological middle.
Okay, so we've moved from "ending" Medicare and Social Security to "cutting" them to some degree.

Big difference there.

Ryan's Medicare plan is far less draconian than I feared. Medicare | Paul Ryan

The Social Security trial balloons won't fly. There are far too many moderate Republicans who would vote against it, even if it came to a vote.
wait a minute ...you think they are going to announce "we are going to destroy Social Security" ...No no no...they are going to sell it to you LOL that is the essence of rube ...to take that kind of rhetoric at face value ...the destruction of FDR New Deal is a long held goal ....and they are going to achieve it ...

like I said
If you can sell Trump to the rubes as a "Blue Collar Billionaire Reformer of Corruption" you can sell crack cocaine as a remedy for depression and emotional instability ...

I had this same kind of conversation with the righties when Obama was President, when their hair was on fire about everything too.

Waste of time.
Okay, so we've moved from "ending" Medicare and Social Security to "cutting" them to some degree.

Big difference there.

Ryan's Medicare plan is far less draconian than I feared. Medicare | Paul Ryan

The Social Security trial balloons won't fly. There are far too many moderate Republicans who would vote against it, even if it came to a vote.
wait a minute ...you think they are going to announce "we are going to destroy Social Security" ...No no no...they are going to sell it to you LOL that is the essence of rube ...to take that kind of rhetoric at face value ...the destruction of FDR New Deal is a long held goal ....and they are going to achieve it ...

like I said
If you can sell Trump to the rubes as a "Blue Collar Billionaire Reformer of Corruption" you can sell crack cocaine as a remedy for depression and emotional instability ...

Since when is crack a remedy for depression? Dude you need to smoke a joint...

This public service announcement brought to you by Dr. Oz

You can thank me later

It's kind of interesting that prior to this election the conventional wisdom was that the Republican party was losing its roots. Interesting to see a center-left person acknowledging that right now its the Democrats that have shifted from their ideological middle.
Well, I've thought about that (yeah, I know, dangerous), and it seems to me that the parties have shifted, but in different ways.

The Dems have essentially followed the Regressive Left over the cliff. There is NO excuse for losing everything from the White House to State Houses. So the party has moved Left, and my theory is that they thought it was the GOP that was going over the cliff and they just ran with it. Yipee!

Conversely, while the Dems have gone straight Left, the GOP has not gone straight Right, it's gone nationalist/populist, which is a different animal, a different paradigm, a different set of rules.

So what we have right now is an asymmetrical battle, and the Dems haven't completely picked up on that yet. And as long as they keep following the Regressive Left, they won't pick up on it.
Last edited:
It's kind of interesting that prior to this election the conventional wisdom was that the Republican party was losing its roots. Interesting to see a center-left person acknowledging that right now its the Democrats that have shifted from their ideological middle.
Well, I've thought about that (yeah, I know, dangerous), and it seems to me that the parties have shifted, but in different ways.

The Dems have essentially followed the Regressive Left over the cliff. There is NO excuse for losing everything from the White House to State Houses. So the party has moved Left, and my theory is that they thought it was the GOP that was going over the cliff and they ran with it.

Conversely, while the Dems have gone straight Left, the GOP has not gone straight Right, it's gone nationalist/populist, which is a different animal, a different paradigm, a different set of rules.

So what we have right now is an asymmetrical battle, and the Dems haven't completely picked up on that yet. And as long as they keep following the Regressive Left, they won't pick up on it.

it will be interesting to see if Trump lets some of his cabinet picks go with deregulation (and I don't mean removal of regulations, I mean making the regulations more clear, more concise, and less than 1000 pages to go over things like how to tie off on a manlift).

He does seem to be "big government" in some ways, but I can hope he can go "small government" in other areas.

That, and I hope when he's done cleaning out some of Obama's more annoying executive orders, he doesn't go on a tear with a bunch of his own.
It's kind of interesting that prior to this election the conventional wisdom was that the Republican party was losing its roots. Interesting to see a center-left person acknowledging that right now its the Democrats that have shifted from their ideological middle.
Well, I've thought about that (yeah, I know, dangerous), and it seems to me that the parties have shifted, but in different ways.

The Dems have essentially followed the Regressive Left over the cliff. There is NO excuse for losing everything from the White House to State Houses. So the party has moved Left, and my theory is that they thought it was the GOP that was going over the cliff and they ran with it.

Conversely, while the Dems have gone straight Left, the GOP has not gone straight Right, it's gone nationalist/populist, which is a different animal, a different paradigm, a different set of rules.

So what we have right now is an asymmetrical battle, and the Dems haven't completely picked up on that yet. And as long as they keep following the Regressive Left, they won't pick up on it.

it will be interesting to see if Trump lets some of his cabinet picks go with deregulation (and I don't mean removal of regulations, I mean making the regulations more clear, more concise, and less than 1000 pages to go over things like how to tie off on a manlift).

He does seem to be "big government" in some ways, but I can hope he can go "small government" in other areas.

That, and I hope when he's done cleaning out some of Obama's more annoying executive orders, he doesn't go on a tear with a bunch of his own.
Well, I'm a big believer (being in financial services) that politicians don't seem to understand the difference between MORE regulation and BETTER regulation, so I hope that they can improve effectiveness and efficiency. The system is so fucking bloated right now, it would just take some honest effort and (horrors!) cooperation.

Regarding his cabinet picks so far, from my political perspective I'm pretty horrified. But I'm always hopeful.
Privatizing any of those results in one term.

not necessarily ...Trump an Elite was sold to the Rubes as a 'Blue Collar Billionaire Reformer /Swamp Drainer"....the end of Medicare and SS will be sold as a "Rescue of the Programs"
So you think they're going to "end" Medicare and Social Security?

you think they are not ?
Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare

How the GOP's Social Security plan cuts benefits
CBS News
Top House Republican Unveils Plan To Gut Social Security
Republicans launch plan to annihilate Social Security
We shall overcome.....you democrats....
It's kind of interesting that prior to this election the conventional wisdom was that the Republican party was losing its roots. Interesting to see a center-left person acknowledging that right now its the Democrats that have shifted from their ideological middle.
Well, I've thought about that (yeah, I know, dangerous), and it seems to me that the parties have shifted, but in different ways.

The Dems have essentially followed the Regressive Left over the cliff. There is NO excuse for losing everything from the White House to State Houses. So the party has moved Left, and my theory is that they thought it was the GOP that was going over the cliff and they ran with it.

Conversely, while the Dems have gone straight Left, the GOP has not gone straight Right, it's gone nationalist/populist, which is a different animal, a different paradigm, a different set of rules.

So what we have right now is an asymmetrical battle, and the Dems haven't completely picked up on that yet. And as long as they keep following the Regressive Left, they won't pick up on it.

it will be interesting to see if Trump lets some of his cabinet picks go with deregulation (and I don't mean removal of regulations, I mean making the regulations more clear, more concise, and less than 1000 pages to go over things like how to tie off on a manlift).

He does seem to be "big government" in some ways, but I can hope he can go "small government" in other areas.

That, and I hope when he's done cleaning out some of Obama's more annoying executive orders, he doesn't go on a tear with a bunch of his own.
Well, I'm a big believer (being in financial services) that politicians don't seem to understand the difference between MORE regulation and BETTER regulation, so I hope that they can improve effectiveness and efficiency. The system is so fucking bloated right now, it would just take some honest effort and (horrors!) cooperation.

Regarding his cabinet picks so far, from my political perspective I'm pretty horrified. But I'm always hopeful.

that politicians don't seem to understand the difference between MORE regulation and BETTER regulation

Yup quality instead of quantity... Maybe we can drill that into the head of the uninformed voters..

It's kind of interesting that prior to this election the conventional wisdom was that the Republican party was losing its roots. Interesting to see a center-left person acknowledging that right now its the Democrats that have shifted from their ideological middle.
Well, I've thought about that (yeah, I know, dangerous), and it seems to me that the parties have shifted, but in different ways.

The Dems have essentially followed the Regressive Left over the cliff. There is NO excuse for losing everything from the White House to State Houses. So the party has moved Left, and my theory is that they thought it was the GOP that was going over the cliff and they ran with it.

Conversely, while the Dems have gone straight Left, the GOP has not gone straight Right, it's gone nationalist/populist, which is a different animal, a different paradigm, a different set of rules.

So what we have right now is an asymmetrical battle, and the Dems haven't completely picked up on that yet. And as long as they keep following the Regressive Left, they won't pick up on it.

it will be interesting to see if Trump lets some of his cabinet picks go with deregulation (and I don't mean removal of regulations, I mean making the regulations more clear, more concise, and less than 1000 pages to go over things like how to tie off on a manlift).

He does seem to be "big government" in some ways, but I can hope he can go "small government" in other areas.

That, and I hope when he's done cleaning out some of Obama's more annoying executive orders, he doesn't go on a tear with a bunch of his own.
Well, I'm a big believer (being in financial services) that politicians don't seem to understand the difference between MORE regulation and BETTER regulation, so I hope that they can improve effectiveness and efficiency. The system is so fucking bloated right now, it would just take some honest effort and (horrors!) cooperation.

Regarding his cabinet picks so far, from my political perspective I'm pretty horrified. But I'm always hopeful.

I noted you are horrified by not driven to batshit insanity, rare for this message board.

To me it's a crap shoot right now, Trump can be horrible, wonderful, useless, or a combination of the three. We won't know until he is sworn in (and 100 days after).

I am, however, curious about what last minute shenanigans Obama is going to pull off, via EO's, last minute regulatory agency regulations, or pardons.
It's kind of interesting that prior to this election the conventional wisdom was that the Republican party was losing its roots. Interesting to see a center-left person acknowledging that right now its the Democrats that have shifted from their ideological middle.
Well, I've thought about that (yeah, I know, dangerous), and it seems to me that the parties have shifted, but in different ways.

The Dems have essentially followed the Regressive Left over the cliff. There is NO excuse for losing everything from the White House to State Houses. So the party has moved Left, and my theory is that they thought it was the GOP that was going over the cliff and they ran with it.

Conversely, while the Dems have gone straight Left, the GOP has not gone straight Right, it's gone nationalist/populist, which is a different animal, a different paradigm, a different set of rules.

So what we have right now is an asymmetrical battle, and the Dems haven't completely picked up on that yet. And as long as they keep following the Regressive Left, they won't pick up on it.

it will be interesting to see if Trump lets some of his cabinet picks go with deregulation (and I don't mean removal of regulations, I mean making the regulations more clear, more concise, and less than 1000 pages to go over things like how to tie off on a manlift).

He does seem to be "big government" in some ways, but I can hope he can go "small government" in other areas.

That, and I hope when he's done cleaning out some of Obama's more annoying executive orders, he doesn't go on a tear with a bunch of his own.
Well, I'm a big believer (being in financial services) that politicians don't seem to understand the difference between MORE regulation and BETTER regulation, so I hope that they can improve effectiveness and efficiency. The system is so fucking bloated right now, it would just take some honest effort and (horrors!) cooperation.

Regarding his cabinet picks so far, from my political perspective I'm pretty horrified. But I'm always hopeful.

that politicians don't seem to understand the difference between MORE regulation and BETTER regulation

Yup quality instead of quantity... Maybe we can drill that into the head of the uninformed voters..


There is also a progressive mindset that you can't involve the regulated in the decision making process, or if you do, they can get ignored as the regulators see fit.

The EPA should be full of engineers, not lawyers and scientists.
Privatizing any of those results in one term.

not necessarily ...Trump an Elite was sold to the Rubes as a 'Blue Collar Billionaire Reformer /Swamp Drainer"....the end of Medicare and SS will be sold as a "Rescue of the Programs"
So you think they're going to "end" Medicare and Social Security?

you think they are not ?
Three Ways Trump, GOP May Cut Social Security, Medicare

How the GOP's Social Security plan cuts benefits
CBS News
Top House Republican Unveils Plan To Gut Social Security
Republicans launch plan to annihilate Social Security
We shall overcome.....you democrats....
sure someday ...

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