Poor poor liberal gun grabbers.

Rights are only secured by individuals. Government aspire to control people only by defending their rights are they in possession of them.
simply appealing to ignorance of the law?

States have rights secured by our Tenth Amendment.

Where does it say in the Tenth Amendment the word "rights"? It doesn't. It says powers. There's not such thing as states's rights.
A right may also be a power.
"Only well regulated militias under the banner of the United States..."

Please feel free to show where it says "only" or "under the banner of the United States". You have yet to do that.
Rights are only secured by individuals. Government aspire to control people only by defending their rights are they in possession of them.
simply appealing to ignorance of the law?

States have rights secured by our Tenth Amendment.

Where does it say in the Tenth Amendment the word "rights"? It doesn't. It says powers. There's not such thing as states's rights.
A right may also be a power.

It may be, but in this case it isn't.

A right is something assumed to exist. A power is something given or taken by someone.

States don't have rights. Simple as.
"Only well regulated militias under the banner of the United States..."

Please feel free to show where it says "only" or "under the banner of the United States". You have yet to do that.

Article 1 Section 8 actually.

I'm assuming by "under the banner" means that they can be called up to federal service and can be armed by the feds too.
Our federal Constitution specifically applies to the Militia of the United States.

It applies to "the militia", not necessarily "the militia of the United States" as you have put it. There is one militia, Presser made this clear, which is in different parts (ie States) and controlled by the States unless in federal service.
Article 1 Section 8 actually.

I'm assuming by "under the banner" means that they can be called up to federal service and can be armed by the feds too.

Exert of above
"...and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States...",

Apparently there are militias that are not part of those employed in the service of the United States.
Militia Define Militia at Dictionary.com

a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called outperiodically for drill but serving full time only in emergencies.
a body of citizen soldiers as distinguished from professional soldiers.
all able-bodied males considered by law eligible for military service.
a body of citizens organized in a paramilitary group and typicallyregarding themselves as defenders of individual rights against thepresumed interference of the federal government.
Give up on Daniel Palos, he doesn't actually know what the meaning of his argument is, he only repeats it over and over. Several of us have already debunked this moron yet like a good lefty, he won't ever stop the bullshit. Time to stop feeding this troll.
Let's get back to how the left has been getting their gun grabbing asses handed to them recently.

For example, I was just at the Central Florida Gun and Knife show yesterday. They have a couple of large tables set up for doing background checks on people buying guns. In recent years they had to add an additional table to handle the load. Both of those tables were full of people filling out forms and waiting while their backgrounds are checked.

The left loves to tell us how we are being slowly bred out. That all of is on the right are aging and will die off. Here's the butthurt for those idiots; the majority of people buying guns and sitting at that table were young.

Poor poor liberal gun grabbers.
Rights are only secured by individuals. Government aspire to control people only by defending their rights are they in possession of them.
simply appealing to ignorance of the law?

States have rights secured by our Tenth Amendment.

Where does it say in the Tenth Amendment the word "rights"? It doesn't. It says powers. There's not such thing as states's rights.
A right may also be a power.

It may be, but in this case it isn't.

A right is something assumed to exist. A power is something given or taken by someone.

States don't have rights. Simple as.
Yes, in this case it is a right to security via well regulated militias.
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Our federal Constitution specifically applies to the Militia of the United States.

It applies to "the militia", not necessarily "the militia of the United States" as you have put it. There is one militia, Presser made this clear, which is in different parts (ie States) and controlled by the States unless in federal service.
Yes, our federal Constitution must apply to the Militia of the United States; State Constitutions are supreme for State Militias.
Give up on Daniel Palos, he doesn't actually know what the meaning of his argument is, he only repeats it over and over. Several of us have already debunked this moron yet like a good lefty, he won't ever stop the bullshit. Time to stop feeding this troll.
Simply claiming that without actual rational proof, is a fallacy, simply because I say so.
Let's get back to how the left has been getting their gun grabbing asses handed to them recently.

For example, I was just at the Central Florida Gun and Knife show yesterday. They have a couple of large tables set up for doing background checks on people buying guns. In recent years they had to add an additional table to handle the load. Both of those tables were full of people filling out forms and waiting while their backgrounds are checked.

The left loves to tell us how we are being slowly bred out. That all of is on the right are aging and will die off. Here's the butthurt for those idiots; the majority of people buying guns and sitting at that table were young.

Poor poor liberal gun grabbers.
Dude, some on the left believe we merely need Persons to draft first for any general warfare programs the right can come up with.
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Sovereign rights are powers to check limited government.

The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government.

Franklin D. Roosevelt
There is no appeal to ignorance of our Commerce Clause.

How was there a claim of appeal to ignorance of our commerce clause?

DanielTrollus is well known for his idiocy on this subject around the net. He has been banned on several forums for this ponderous stupidity. the best thing to do is to treat him like a pimple. RESIST the urge to pop it because it only spreads the infection. Ignore it and it will dry up and go away
I honestly think it is a bot. It can't comprehend a question but it picks up on certain words and spits out the same rhetorical remarks.

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